"Days of Future Past" - New X-Men Movie Release Date (First Class Sequel)

And let's make this clear, by saying "dark" we aren't talking about a depressing film with over the top drama, it's just another word for realistic (both real world and comic book).
Iron man works better than xmen because it doesn't require the r rated material like xmen does to be accurate.
The blade films were trash B. I just confronted thee, brethren.

Blade 3 maybe but Blade 1&2 were good movies.
Blade 1 > Blade 2

Like...I get why people keep hyping up Blade 2, cuz GDT is that dude and it had such a better mythology and villain than the first one. And the cgi was a lot better. But I loved the hell outta Blade 1. And GDT didn't know how to capture what made the first one hype. Blade was a blaxploitation movie. Shaft ... Sweet Sweetback ... Blacula. Blade was the baddest ************ in film and he was black as the ace of spades. And every quotable and action scene and moment in that movie felt like Jules from Pulp Fiction with a samurai sword, puttin it on everyone.

Blade 2? That was a good vampire action movie. But that coulda been any ol vampirehunter as the lead. Van Helsing, Underworld...whatever.

Not the og Blade, though. :nthat:
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Blade Trinity >>>> Blade 1 or 2.

Once I saw they gave Blade Reynolds and Biel as partners, giving them all this unnecessary shine like Blade even needed partners I said I hope they die or they don't make another Blade movie with them in it.
Just curious, does Blink have "line-of-sight" teleportation like Nightcrawler or no?

I saw it for a third time. Finally figured out why I didn't rate it an 8. Two words. Jennifer Lawrence. I like the idea of portraying a young Raven developing into Mystique, but I hate the way she delivers her lines. I don't know if it's her cadence or whatever you want to call it, but I cringe at her delivery. When she says "don't you like me this way, baby," and "I know what I have to do," is just didn't sound natural. Aside from that I guess I'm just not a fan of Mystique because I couldn't wait for her solo scenes to be over. Luckily the scenes were short and the pacing was great, but I still felt underwhelmed.

Also, it didn't give me that "oh ****" moment. I can see why the Pietro scene was well received by the audience, but IMO, it really wasn't as good as the Nightcrawler intro in X2. But like I mentioned before, this could just be that good action set pieces are a dime a dozen now, while back in '03 it wasn't as common.And really, I was disappointed with the "past" Sentinels. They looked frail and I still couldn't get past the fact that they looked like a Dyson vacuum. May seem silly, and it would make sense that they would be frail (hence the upgrade to the Mark X), but they still looked bad. On the flip side, even though they were too powerful, I loved the future sentinels.

Thinking back, the real selling point to me for the film is Logan and Charles. It was fascinating to see the role reversal. In 2 1/2 films, Logan had always been the lost soul and Professor X would always have to reel him in. This time it was the opposite and it was really convincing. Also, I never really realized how diabolical Magneto was, but dude is just a master manipulator.

So yeah, good film, a solid 7/10 and probably the best comic book film since the Avengers.

As for this Blade discussion, Blade > Blade II > Blade: Trinity
Blade 3 had him wearing bright red under armor and had a fart joke said every time Reynolds was on the screen. Garbage :smh:
Who gives a .... how the past sentinels looked?

They were prototypes.

The future sentinels would have me ....ing my pants, if I saw one for real.

Their heads open up to shoot a death ray.

I would have offed myself, if I was in that battle.

Rather that than dying by a robot's face.
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Blade 2 is probably a better made film, with cooler designs, but there's a lot of movies like Blade 2. There's nothing like Blade 1.

Blade Trinity >>>> Blade 1 or 2.

Don't do this.

No no, SM2 is greatness cuz of one train scene, and MOS is dirt, and all the other stuff I've had to read about lately. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Blade 3 is the best in the series, easy. Love that joint. :nthat:
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