"Days of Future Past" - New X-Men Movie Release Date (First Class Sequel)



Just saw this movie. I'm usually critical as **** about superhero movies but sonnnnnnnn

Soooo many things done right.
1. They managed to reboot the continuity after the ****show that was X-men 3, and they did it believably.

2. They reconciled Magneto's nature in the comics (a guy who is a villain one year and a hero the next) so well. They showed Erik in the future literally giving his life, and Erik in the past potentially making **** worse. Beautiful, and it leaves room for Magneto in future movies to go both ways.

3. There were JUST ENOUGH X-Men where it didn't become a cast party of some sort. I know this takes place in the future but I didn't want heaps upon heaps of lame X-men crowding the spotlight. A varied selection of survivors with different powers (because let's face it; many X-men have similar powers)

4. They gave Halley Berry like 3 lines. Good. ***** can't act for ****.


6.  The 70s swag everyone had

7. Like I said before, they were able to reboot the continuity, and this means that we get to see Jean and Scott, who are two lynchpin X-men, in future movies.

8. Jennifer Lawrence

9. Although I didn't give a **** about the Wolverine spinoffs besides the first one, they managed to give his character some closure and curved all of his pain.

10. James Mcavoy and Michael Fassbender

I PROMISE they could make an entire trilogy of Magneto spinoffs staring Michael Fassbender and they would rake in hundreds of millions
9/10 would enjoy again
First Class was pretty much Magneto Origins.
After X3 was released the studio stated that a standalone Magneto sequel was contingent on X-Men Origins' success. I think that Magneto and Charles both had planned spinoffs but they were folded into First Class.

We still need a Mags spinoff tho
I'll pass on that. I iz tired of Magneto. Give us someone else.
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I'll pass on that. I iz tired of Magneto. Give us someone else.
Fassbender Magneto, Blink, and Quick are one of the few things this franchise got right. A Magneto spinoff would be day 1 release for me.

First Class was pretty much Magneto Origins.
Actually X-Men Origins: Magneto was a seperate title in development. It eventually got cut. This was made instead
sooo people were expecting First class to be a complete reboot despite the fact that there was a Wolverine franchise based off the previous continuity running simultaneously?
Singer better get with a design team and give the xmen their comic suits in Apocalypse but 80's style. Lots of vibrant colors, Mohawk Storm and brown/yellow wolverine.
Just curious, does Blink have "line-of-sight" teleportation like Nightcrawler or no?
At least in the movie she never created them out of frame or into another room she wasn't in. Didn't look like she could throw em crazy distance.

Jennifer Lawrence. ... I hate the way she delivers her lines. I don't know if it's her cadence or whatever you want to call it, but I cringe at her delivery. When she says "don't you like me this way, baby," and "I know what I have to do," is just didn't sound natural.
Yup. There weren't any big cringe 'mutant and proud' moments. And they set up her spy and fight scenes in some pretty cool ways...def a lot better than in First Class. But for that seductress, assassin/spy role...I just imagine someone else like a Eva Green woulda fit that new role better.

And really, I was disappointed with the "past" Sentinels. They looked frail and I still couldn't get past the fact that they looked like a Dyson vacuum. May seem silly, and it would make sense that they would be frail (hence the upgrade to the Mark X), but they still looked bad.
Yeah...I know it's nitpicking, but they looked like bad Doctor Who villains. Like, if you're not gonna use the old comic design, you gotta come with something better. Just make em look like The Iron Giant and call it a day. :lol: They looked like lamps with arms. And that fan in the chest? No need to make them fly, if that's what it's gonna look like. It's w/e. The past Sentinels didn't really mean anything to the movie other than symbolically.

Also, it didn't give me that "oh ****" moment. I can see why the Pietro scene was well received by the audience, but IMO, it really wasn't as good as the Nightcrawler intro in X2. But like I mentioned before, this could just be that good action set pieces are a dime a dozen now, while back in '03 it wasn't as common.
I think if this whole movie woulda been about the OG cast, then that last scene when everyone was dying, coulda been the 'oh ****' moment. When Magneto dragged Mystique by the bullet in her leg was pretty good too.
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One of my friends pointed out that there really isn't any context given to how long Wolverine is kept underwater.. What if it's years and Mystique is actually sent by Apocalypse to retrieve him?
Just curious, does Blink have "line-of-sight" teleportation like Nightcrawler or no?

Nope. She can transport to the moon. And no she doesnt have to see a place to be able to get there.

One of my friends pointed out that there really isn't any context given to how long Wolverine is kept underwater.. What if it's years and Mystique is actually sent by Apocalypse to retrieve him?

I forgot to touch on this. Wolverine is supposed to be able to drown. Both Daken and Sabretooth have almost killed him this way.
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One of my friends pointed out that there really isn't any context given to how long Wolverine is kept underwater.. What if it's years and Mystique is actually sent by Apocalypse to retrieve him?

That would actually change my opinion about that scene if true...but then why would she look exactly like Stryker from the White House lawn?
One of my friends pointed out that there really isn't any context given to how long Wolverine is kept underwater.. What if it's years and Mystique is actually sent by Apocalypse to retrieve him?

That would actually change my opinion about that scene if true...but then why would she look exactly like Stryker from the White House lawn?
:lol: man i have no idea thinking about this **** too much hurts my head.. Maybe that's the last time she saw him and the most recent image she has to go by. I really don't have a clue though lol

The sense it's giving is that Wolverine is going to some how be working for/with Mystique and it only way that makes since is if Apocalypse is playing capo.. feels like they'll be horseman or something imo
One of my friends pointed out that there really isn't any context given to how long Wolverine is kept underwater.. What if it's years and Mystique is actually sent by Apocalypse to retrieve him?

I forgot to touch on this. Wolverine is supposed to be able to drown. Both Daken and Sabretooth have almost killed him this way.


:smh: ******* on my dreams

The sentinel's skin crawling makes my skin crawl.

I wonder how apocalypse is going to look.

Dude looked like a jelly bean in the cartoon.

One of my friends pointed out that there really isn't any context given to how long Wolverine is kept underwater.. What if it's years and Mystique is actually sent by Apocalypse to retrieve him?
That would actually change my opinion about that scene if true...but then why would she look exactly like Stryker from the White House lawn?
man i have no idea thinking about this **** too much hurts my head.. Maybe that's the last time she saw him and the most recent image she has to go by. I really don't have a clue though lol
The sense it's giving is that Wolverine is going to some how be working for/with Mystique and it only way that makes since is if Apocalypse is playing capo.. feels like they'll be horseman or something imo
Working with or for mystique then becoming a teacher for Professor X's school for the gifted in the present?  makes ZERO sense.

Would've made a cool story, but the ending shows Wolvie's back with the Happy X-Men Super friends. 
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One of my friends pointed out that there really isn't any context given to how long Wolverine is kept underwater.. What if it's years and Mystique is actually sent by Apocalypse to retrieve him?

I don't buy that.

Why would it be years? That's the water in front of the Washington Momunment wasn't it? No way a body is down there for 10+ years, it's shallow. It wouldn't take more than a couple days to see him down there, if that. It's clear *** water. :lol:

The theory of what you are saying is awesome tho, I like it, but I just don't see how that would make any sense. And I mean, why wouldn't Charles and Beast go looking for him down there???????

But wait........is that why he was so surprised to wake up, when and how he did? Is that why Charles asks him when was the last time you remember talking with me?

Naw, can't be. No, that can't be it, they were searching that same/next day clearin thru the rubble and what not. Right? :\ :lol:
One of my friends pointed out that there really isn't any context given to how long Wolverine is kept underwater.. What if it's years and Mystique is actually sent by Apocalypse to retrieve him?

I don't buy that.

Why would it be years? That's the water in front of the Washington Momunment wasn't it? No way a body is down there for 10+ years, it's shallow. It wouldn't take more than a couple days to see him down there, if that. It's clear *** water. :lol:

The theory of what you are saying is awesome tho, I like it, but I just don't see how that would make any sense. And I mean, why wouldn't Charles and Beast go looking for him down there???????

But wait........is that why he was so surprised to wake up, when and how he did? Is that why Charles asks him when was the last time you remember talking with me?

Naw, can't be. No, that can't be it, they were searching that same/next day clearin thru the rubble and what not. Right? :\ :lol:
Y'all acting like I was betting money on this being the plot of the next flick :lol:

I have no idea man lmao this was literally an instant reaction I had after watching it.. I just left the theater like 90 minutes ago

don't y'all dare crush my dreams with logic :lol:
Not at all man, it's a great theory, I'm just tryin to absorb it. :lol:

Honest, really nice find. We'll see if anyone makes any sort of statement about it as more people see it and start to search out each scene more in depth.
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