Dallas Cowboys @ New York Giants ...NYG-35...Dal-14...LOL LOL LOL

im not sold on anyone in the NFL ... too bad we probably have too many losses to make the playoffs ... the league as a whole starting with that @*!*% rogerGOoDell, is just down this year
Originally Posted by SoleOnEyez

Is there still an argument as to who is better, Portis or Barber?

when your QB is not throwing the ball over 5yrds and the D is packing 8 in the box you cant compare!
Originally Posted by areyouin729

lol some of the fans blaming Jason Garrett

last year he was a young Vince Lombardi
yeah i was ripping into him since he took over ... wished he was let go last season
Originally Posted by LiL Stevie728

Looks like Barber's been listening to the talk of how he won't last if he played his old style. I don't see him run as aggressively anymore, where he would try to break every tackle.

Yea ive noticed that....might as well start felix if barber isnt going to destroy defenders like last year
Originally Posted by 2wenty thre3

the cowboys D can't tackle for %%*@
Originally Posted by OLD SCHOOL

How this game is only a 2 touchdown game is beyond me
Eli likes to keep the games close, for the excitement... and then he can lead the 2-minute drill and be a hero.

Giants up 21 -- Eli: "Damn, if this keeps up they'll pull me out and put Carr in again like in Seattle...oops, fumble. Sorry guys.
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