Dallas Cowboys @ New York Giants ...NYG-35...Dal-14...LOL LOL LOL

driving him into the ground? that was a text book tackle... bollinger shoulda told the ref it was alright, just so he could get his *#% off the field
One of the worst QB hit/late hit calls I've ever seen. This is football, that's Brooks Bollinger not Brooke Burke.
can anyone explain that flag?

how come you can't use your full body wieght to tackle someone?
Ok I don't even feel that bad about this game. We have QB's that are playing against us so we ain't even in that bad of a position all thingsconsidered.
It aint got nothin to do with the refs feelin sorry for Dallas... They'll call that *$$% anywhere in any situation... It's ridiculous.
Why is Barber trying to dance around people all the time now? Run his #*# over...
Looks like Barber's been listening to the talk of how he won't last if he played his old style. I don't see him run as aggressively anymore, wherehe would try to break every tackle.
my man brooks came in two games too late ... wait till romo comes back and starts sucking it up ... QB controversy in the making
so...if bollinger started or played earlier

goodness wade, wassup w/ the brad johnson lovefest
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