Dallas Cowboys @ New York Giants ...NYG-35...Dal-14...LOL LOL LOL

No, it aint hurting my feelings...just wanted you 2 at least attempt 2 rebut my perfectly valid point in an effort 2 prove you wasn't a completeclown/hater hybrid. But you gave me all the answer I needed. Kthxbye.
Originally Posted by HighRep87

smh @ all the haters


Man, no one is hating on the Cowboys. If the Cowboys were 0-8, you dudes would still be saying they're of the best in the league.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by HighRep87

smh @ all the haters


Man, no one is hating on the Cowboys. If the Cowboys were 0-8, you dudes would still be saying they're of the best in the league.
that is just horrible .. cmon now
MBIII, grasping at straws trying to get at NY fans.

A Cowboys fan questioning the loyalty of New York fans?!


@Some of you people actually being hurt.

Man, I hope we beat the Cowboys. You better believe y'all got a whole lot of .gifs and screen caps coming.
You dudes hyped about playing us with Brad Johnson back there? LOL.

I'll gladly take this loss on the chin. That Bucs win was the important one. You dudes just better pray you don't lose this game....

Cowboys by 10 just so you dudes got something to quote.....
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

MBIII, grasping at straws trying to get at NY fans.

A Cowboys fan questioning the loyalty of New York fans?!


@Some of you people actually being hurt.

Man, I hope we beat the Cowboys. You better believe y'all got a whole lot of .gifs and screen caps coming.

just stating facts...yall didnt jump on that yankee bandwagon???...just look at the attendance before they started going on that world series run...went fromaverging 25,000 to 40,000+...dont be mad tho'...even tho' yall like to think yall are the best fans in the world, yall aint immune to bandwaggoners..a@!+% load of bandwaggoners...
Originally Posted by MBIII

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

MBIII, grasping at straws trying to get at NY fans.

A Cowboys fan questioning the loyalty of New York fans?!


@Some of you people actually being hurt.

Man, I hope we beat the Cowboys. You better believe y'all got a whole lot of .gifs and screen caps coming.

just stating facts...yall didnt jump on that yankee bandwagon???...just look at the attendance before they started going on that world series run...went from averging 25,000 to 40,000+...dont be mad tho'...even tho' yall like to think yall are the best fans in the world, yall aint immune to bandwaggoners..a @!+% load of bandwaggoners...
once again, irrelevant point

the Giant sell out every game so why the hell are you using the Yankees?!?! it's a different freakin sport

stick to football or let's use the Mavericks...did they sell out every game before they starting winning...NOPE
Originally Posted by areyouin729

Originally Posted by MBIII

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

MBIII, grasping at straws trying to get at NY fans.

A Cowboys fan questioning the loyalty of New York fans?!


@Some of you people actually being hurt.

Man, I hope we beat the Cowboys. You better believe y'all got a whole lot of .gifs and screen caps coming.

just stating facts...yall didnt jump on that yankee bandwagon???...just look at the attendance before they started going on that world series run...went from averging 25,000 to 40,000+...dont be mad tho'...even tho' yall like to think yall are the best fans in the world, yall aint immune to bandwaggoners..a @!+% load of bandwaggoners...
once again, irrelevant point

the Giant sell out every game so why the hell are you using the Yankees?!?! it's a different freakin sport

stick to football or let's use the Mavericks...did they sell out every game before they starting winning...NOPE

im not the one claiming we got the most loyal fans in sports either...
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

MBIII, grasping at straws trying to get at NY fans.

A Cowboys fan questioning the loyalty of New York fans?!


@Some of you people actually being hurt.

Man, I hope we beat the Cowboys. You better believe y'all got a whole lot of .gifs and screen caps coming.

I don't like to agree w/you at all during football season but you're right.

BTW I'm a Cowboys fan from NYC not just a $$#*+%% bandwagon fan either so $$#*+%% sue me. I was barely $$#*+%% 7 when I started watching them in 94 andI'm still a loyal fan to this day. So if you think that because I don't live in Texas that doesn't make me a true Cowboys fan that's okbecause only an idiot would think that way. I'm a Yankee, Knick, Devils and Cowboys fan from NYC go figure.
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

So tell me this, how do the Knicks manage to be top 10 in attendance eons after the Ewing era?

no...you tell me this...why did yall only start supporting the yankees after they started winning again???...LOL...
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by allen3xis

This post is just absurd.
This got ugly really, really quick.
It's not even Friday yet.

I just glanced through the last couple of pages and

I know the odds are stacked against us this Sunday, but I'm hoping we can pull out the W.
Originally Posted by MBIII

Originally Posted by true 3 blue

So tell me this, how do the Knicks manage to be top 10 in attendance eons after the Ewing era?

no...you tell me this...why did yall only start supporting the yankees after they started winning again???...LOL...

just proved my pt further
It only got ugly cuz certain folk who aint got $#!+ 2 do with the thread wanted 2 come up in here poppin all that reggaeton...you know, the same way it happensin Cowboys threads EVERY WEEK (before sumbody tosses out the NFC East thing)
Man, Marley, go on head sumwhere actin like you aint finna jump in and piss sumbody off by noon tomorrow
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Son dodged a simple question. Im done with this thread, see you fools on gameday.

why you dodgin' what i posted???...
Originally Posted by areyouin729

Originally Posted by MBIII

Originally Posted by true 3 blue

So tell me this, how do the Knicks manage to be top 10 in attendance eons after the Ewing era?

no...you tell me this...why did yall only start supporting the yankees after they started winning again???...LOL...

just proved my pt further

this guy
...dont your team got a game this weekend???...dude in here more than on his own teams thread....quit trying to make an e-name for yourself...youllnever be FRESH or S4L so give it up guy...

[table][tr][td]Re: Dallas Cowboys @ New York Giants 11/2/08...4pm[/td] [td]Reply[/td] [td]10/30/08[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Re: OFFICIAL 2010 370z pics[/td] [td]Reply[/td] [td]10/30/08[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Re: Dallas Cowboys @ New York Giants 11/2/08...4pm[/td] [td]Reply[/td] [td]10/30/08[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Re: Dallas Cowboys @ New York Giants 11/2/08...4pm[/td] [td]Reply[/td] [td]10/30/08[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Re: Dallas Cowboys @ New York Giants 11/2/08...4pm[/td] [td]Reply[/td] [td]10/30/08[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Re: Dallas Cowboys @ New York Giants 11/2/08...4pm[/td] [td]Reply[/td] [td]10/30/08[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Re: NT Detectives - Case File 00001 - As of October 30, 2008, Case Pending[/td] [td]Reply[/td] [td]10/30/08[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Re: Dallas Cowboys @ New York Giants 11/2/08...4pm[/td] [td]Reply[/td] [td]10/30/08[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Re: Dallas Cowboys @ New York Giants 11/2/08...4pm[/td] [td]Reply[/td] [td]10/30/08[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Re: Dallas Cowboys @ New York Giants 11/2/08...4pm[/td] [td]Reply[/td] [td]10/30/08[/td] [/tr][/table]

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