Cops Crash Pool Party...

Smh being black in this world is truly something else, always got to go through some ****
Smh being black in this world is truly something else, always got to go through some ****
Blacks are treated pretty good in Western Society, it's just past ideologies and prejudices in this country won't die. Not to mention the rise of the drug/gang culture stigmatizing us even more to the public eye.
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Blacks are treated pretty good in Western Society, it's just past ideologies and prejudices in this country won't die. Not to mention the rise of the drug/gang culture stigmatizing us even more to the public eye.
If you're black you can be legally killed by a police officer or vigilante at any time, even on camera, then be villified in death via the national media.  How can you possibly argue that blacks are 'treated pretty good?' 
Blacks are treated pretty good in Western Society, it's just past ideologies and prejudices in this country won't die. Not to mention the rise of the drug/gang culture stigmatizing us even more to the public eye.

When, exactly, were blacks not stigmatized? Like when in history was there racial equality everywhere and white parents were going "I sure hope she marries a black guy..." and then NWA came along and ****** it up for everybody?

And the "eye witness accounts" from those two parents are so beyond exaggerated and contrived it's ridiculous. Sounds like something out of the Real Real World...
A Facebook page for the McKinney police union, showing Casebolt as a vice president, was pulled down on Sunday, and the private self-defense school where he taught has scrubbed his profile from its site.[COLOR=#red][/COLOR]

 grown *** people acting like and trying to fight kids

:smh:  grown *** people acting like and trying to fight kids

Brah that's one the biggest problems in America. Once a black teen hits puberty (or even right before that) he is veiwed as an adult and some sort of criminal in training.

Hell even Reagan publicly pushed that idea.
and people are still saying "why run if your're not doing anything wrong" when cops are doing barrel rolls and pointing guns at children.
and people are still saying "why run if your're not doing anything wrong" when cops are doing barrel rolls and pointing guns at children.
exactly.. he was Walker texas ranger, golden eye 007 and call of duty out there. He came out there and was not playing.
notice how as soon as he pulled the strap out the two other cops ran over... was it to chill him out or to get it popping?
Peep how both teens run to the aid of the girl and once the punk cop pulls out his gun both retreat but only one of them bolts completely off.

the other one just eased up and casually stepped to the side... simple move but saved himself from getting man handled. I am willing to be that the other dude just stopped running completely once he realized the other two cops were on him or they told him stop and somehow they still ruffed him up :smh:

and them other kids sitting on the ground are definitely better than me as a teen and I didnt get in no trouble...but no way I would have stayed there just sitting down once those other two cops left me.

Especially if I aint do nothing wrong. As an Adult I know i would stay put but as a teen... my pride would have won that day.
Blacks are treated pretty good in Western Society, it's just past ideologies and prejudices in this country won't die. Not to mention the rise of the drug/gang culture stigmatizing us even more to the public eye.

I'd find a better choice of words then "treated pretty good" :lol:

It's like saying we get gettin shot with a .9 instead of a .45
I'm disgusted at even watching the video and that pig was waiting to do that weak *** barrel roll.
Smh being black in this world is truly something else, always got to go through some ****
Blacks are treated pretty good in Western Society, it's just past ideologies and prejudices in this country won't die. Not to mention the rise of the drug/gang culture stigmatizing us even more to the public eye.
black people are not treated "pretty good" at all in western society. less than equal is not good enough

past ideologies and prejudices are at the nature of it all - it's a big thing, so quantifying it with "just" is really robbing it of the relevance it till holds in the world we live in today

sure drug/gang culture is a problem for some young men and women of color, but it's something that's being used as an weapon and/or excuse to further stigmatize & persecute a lot more people than are deserving of that kind of stigma

it's not necessary to play the devil's advocate. he has enough workers on his side
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