Cops Crash Pool Party...

I just watched the vid this morning and seeing this in the very beginning had me WEAK. You would have thought he was dodging rockets and grenades out there when there was literally no reason to do this.

Seeing how he treated those kids was hard to watch though
notice how as soon as he pulled the strap out the two other cops ran over... was it to chill him out or to get it popping?
Definitely to chill him out. But the reasoning behind it is ambiguous; I don't think it was because they felt he had gone too far, but because the boy recording was in plain sight. If they thought no one was watching....
I'm just glad its on the internet for the world to see. Racism is still a huge issue and handling it should be a priority. We can't keep bull******** with these other fufu agendas. This is problem #1.
im really offended by those who say something to the effect of "well, you gotta listen to cops. they tell you to move, you just gotta move"

when things are wrong you have to stand up for yourself. it's a disservice to the many people in the past who have refused to just go along with the program. whether it's texas, nyc or any little town on the middle of nowhere, the treatment people of color receive from the legal system (police, courts, etc) is all less than worthy of the word justice. why, it actually makes some of us more cynical folks think it's actually planned and systemic.

you know police departments way back in the way were really set up as organizations to capture run away slaves, right? these police departments nowadays are nothing, but an extension of the racialized values inherent in law enforcement. to tell a person to just listen to cops because they tell you to jump is not only incredibly cowardly, but also immoral
When, exactly, were blacks not stigmatized? Like when in history was there racial equality everywhere and white parents were going "I sure hope she marries a black guy..." and then NWA came along and ****** it up for everybody?

And the "eye witness accounts" from those two parents are so beyond exaggerated and contrived it's ridiculous. Sounds like something out of the Real Real World...

Well I don't believe people weren't scared of black people before Rap, not in a violent manner anyways. Rap and drugs ****** up our image whether you want to believe that or not.
im really offended by those who say something to the effect of "well, you gotta listen to cops. they tell you to move, you just gotta move"

when things are wrong you have to stand up for yourself. it's a disservice to the many people in the past who have refused to just go along with the program. whether it's texas, nyc or any little town on the middle of nowhere, the treatment people of color receive from the legal system (police, courts, etc) is all less than worthy of the word justice. why, it actually makes some of us more cynical folks think it's actually planned and systemic.

you know police departments way back in the way were really set up as organizations to capture run away slaves, right? these police departments nowadays are nothing, but an extension of the racialized values inherent in law enforcement. to tell a person to just listen to cops because they tell you to jump is not only incredibly cowardly, but also immoral

Bruh I agree more then 100%


We have to pick our battle field.

We been losin on the resistance stance, the picket lines, and the boycott lines.

I'm all about goin to war, but wars are won with battles.

Obeying or disobeying an officers command could prove a battle lost or a war won.
That view count in 1 day
when people seen the Texas ranger halo call of duty barrell roll they knew this video was going to be serious.. im suprised nonne has made a vine with speciial effects to the barrell roll yet
If you're black you can be legally killed by a police officer or vigilante at any time, even on camera, then be villified in death via the national media.  How can you possibly argue that blacks are 'treated pretty good?' 
You do have to worry about what actions you take in front certain cops in this country, I meant to point out the rest of the countries in western society such as Western Europe, Canada, Nordic countries.... I'm not denying that we get treated bad by certain cops over here.
the only courtry i give cops respect is russia. they will beat the breaks off of you.. run faster than a speeding car and beat you down.. all without a gun
Well I don't believe people weren't scared of black people before Rap, not in a violent manner anyways. Rap and drugs ****** up our image whether you want to believe that or not.
You and whomever repped you, please research before posting on this topic and any other topic of a similar nature. I dont know if it was intentional or not, but you almost tapdanced this thread into a full blown sws recital.
black people are not treated "pretty good" at all in western society. less than equal is not good enough

past ideologies and prejudices are at the nature of it all - it's a big thing, so quantifying it with "just" is really robbing it of the relevance it till holds in the world we live in today

sure drug/gang culture is a problem for some young men and women of color, but it's something that's being used as an weapon and/or excuse to further stigmatize & persecute a lot more people than are deserving of that kind of stigma

it's not necessary to play the devil's advocate. he has enough workers on his side

I agree, "pretty good" is not good enough. I'll say we are treated "good" in most of Western Society except over here, in the US where people hold on to their long-believed racists notions and there is also a crowd that are scared of blacks because of Rap/gangs. I'm not defending them or giving them an excuse, it's just how it is.
Hell is a race-baiter? I see a lot of white folks like using this anytime they get called out on ********
"Our image" is ****** up because after slavery ended a campaign began to demonize black people in the US, and never ended.
im really offended by those who say something to the effect of "well, you gotta listen to cops. they tell you to move, you just gotta move"

when things are wrong you have to stand up for yourself. it's a disservice to the many people in the past who have refused to just go along with the program. whether it's texas, nyc or any little town on the middle of nowhere, the treatment people of color receive from the legal system (police, courts, etc) is all less than worthy of the word justice. why, it actually makes some of us more cynical folks think it's actually planned and systemic.

No man, in this day and age, if a cop tells you to move or go, you MOVE OR GO. :lol:

Ya'll be thinking of perfect world scenarios, nah man it dont work like that.
No man, in this day and age, if a cop tells you to move or go, you MOVE OR GO. :lol:

Ya'll be thinking of perfect world scenarios, nah man it dont work like that.

Yes very true. When you see cops get the hell away. I don't care if you're not doing anything wrong. Dont continue busnuess as usual while a **** storm is commencing behind you.

Cops right or wrong, just get away. That's not a fight you'll win either way

The cops were 100% wrong in this situation, but did they really see all that and think the pool party was still a go? :lol:
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when you see cops.. you run faster than the one guy that runs away from explosions on GTA
Unlikely. In fact, more likely we'll see a GoFundMe in his name pop up and be donated 10s or 100s of thousands of dollars
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