Cops Crash Pool Party...

i mean what he did was wrong but they werent invited, this was a gated community, some of them had to literally jump over a fence/gate, which is why at one point the girl says, i dont know where i am and i am waiting for someone to pick me up to the officer.. but lets say it wasnt, they still were on private property and in someone's backyard+pool, they were told to leave and got argumentative, then 911 had to be called

and then the officer had them all just put apart from those who lived there and those who didnt, if you see there are periods throughout the video where black children are on the other side of the street alot of them, also crossing the street and filming, these children who were handcuffed did not follow the officer's orders

drawing his pistol was not wrong of him he was alone and 2 kids were behind him, one visibly dropping his things and squaring up, he put it in his holster when he believed to be safe when 2 other officers came to his aid

the only issue i see was the arresting of the young girl, that was excessive
White Settlement Texas???
that's worse than this neighborhoods in Houston called 'Plantation Homes'.
White Settlement is OD.  I got fam that live in Sienna Plantation, when I first heard the name i was like 
Honestly thought this was a joke after watching the first 10 seconds when that cop just did a roll for no damn reason and started running mad fast lol. Then I realized it wasn't a joke...
I used to try to look for the good that the police do instead of focusing on the negative. I feel ashamed for that now.

The entire law enforcement system is flawed beyond repair.

The sound of the girl crying while that piece of garbage is holding her down breaks my heart
he really has been waiting his entire career to unleash that weak *** barrell roll ..even the girl filming was like "what the hell?"
i mean what he did was wrong but they werent invited, this was a gated community, some of them had to literally jump over a fence/gate, which is why at one point the girl says, i dont know where i am and i am waiting for someone to pick me up to the officer.. but lets say it wasnt, they still were on private property and in someone's backyard+pool, they were told to leave and got argumentative, then 911 had to be called

and then the officer had them all just put apart from those who lived there and those who didnt, if you see there are periods throughout the video where black children are on the other side of the street alot of them, also crossing the street and filming, these children who were handcuffed did not follow the officer's orders

drawing his pistol was not wrong of him he was alone and 2 kids were behind him, one visibly dropping his things and squaring up, he put it in his holster when he believed to be safe when 2 other officers came to his aid

the only issue i see was the arresting of the young girl, that was excessive

Most had guess passes. Where are you coming with the garbage comments you have? The cops assumed every non white was UNINVITED and that one cop just started running at people who were running away from the fight. The police report stated there was a SINGLE fight occuring. The cops seemed to roll into that neighborhood with a message. Most of the confrontations seemed unprovoked.

I've called 911 for various things before and they want a detailed statement of what is happening, where you are at etc.. Here it seems like the cops ran in with no other memo than "blacks running loose".

Terrible stuff. Dude should be instantly fired for drawing his weapon in an instance where it seemed crowded, yet relatively normal.
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Yall overreacting like a mug mug.

The whole scene was a mess.

The kids that got handcuffed where the kids who attempted to flee off a command to sit the **** down.

We gonna ignore the other kids obeying orders not being cuffed?

The pistol draw was questionable.

Are we positive it was his pistole n not the taser?

Save this outrage for the real problems.

You sound foolish. This video is an example of what the real problem is. Which is police brutality on black people. We know damn well if that girl was Becky he wouldn't have wrestled her to the ground like that. Then he still got in the kids face who were sitting down, not doing anything. There's plenty examples of white folks partying acting crazy and you never see police act like this. Seems like every time black people are somewhere "they're not supposed to be" police arrive ready for a war.
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Yall overreacting like a mug mug.

The whole scene was a mess.

The kids that got handcuffed where the kids who attempted to flee off a command to sit the **** down.

We gonna ignore the other kids obeying orders not being cuffed?

The pistol draw was questionable.

Are we positive it was his pistole n not the taser?

Save this outrage for the real problems.

You sound foolish. This video is an example of what the real problem is. Which is police brutality on black people. We know damn well if that girl was Becky he wouldn't have wrestled her to the ground like that. Then he still got in the kids face who were sitting down, not doing anything. There's plenty examples of white folks partying acting crazy and you never see police act like this. Seems like every time black people are somewhere "they're not supposed to be" police arrive ready for a war.

You're wasting your time. You're replying to a dude who uses the word "darkie" to describe black folks.

There's no point in engaging an asshat like this.
Stuff like this makes me sad and frustrated at the way our world is. None of those kids looked like they were any real threat to do anything. Granted, I wasn't there and I don't know any of them personally, but c'mon, that was so over the top.

I'm curious to know why there were so many parents around and why they weren't doing anything to help calm the situation. Props to the other cop in the beginning though. He seemed to know what he was doing and was doing actual police work rather than just yelling at everyone and running his mouth as a sign of authority.

As a white guy, I'm tired of these situations in which race continues to be an issue. It's 2015 and people are STILL elitist and racist. I'll never understand why racism is ever allowed within somebody's moral framework.
These racist *** cops just getting bold now. This punk wrestling a lil girl on the ground. Had all the black kids sitting on the ground while the white kids just walked by.

Look like something from the 1950's.
I tell people this daily, but they don't want to believe me till **** like this happens :smh:

call me what you want, I don't hang out in areas highly populated by white folks

this too. there's mad areas in Texas that you CANNOT GO TO if you're black. On some Emmitt Till ****. This shouldnt be the case in 2015. :smh:

Man, I have an uncle who was talking to some dude from Northern Texas. Some of the things he told him go on out there were just insane. The racist country boys straight chasing blacks out of town :smh:
That ***** did a flip lol we see he takes his job too serious

We need not be surprised by this **** anymore
i mean what he did was wrong but they werent invited, this was a gated community, some of them had to literally jump over a fence/gate, which is why at one point the girl says, i dont know where i am and i am waiting for someone to pick me up to the officer.. but lets say it wasnt, they still were on private property and in someone's backyard+pool, they were told to leave and got argumentative, then 911 had to be called

and then the officer had them all just put apart from those who lived there and those who didnt, if you see there are periods throughout the video where black children are on the other side of the street alot of them, also crossing the street and filming, these children who were handcuffed did not follow the officer's orders

drawing his pistol was not wrong of him he was alone and 2 kids were behind him, one visibly dropping his things and squaring up, he put it in his holster when he believed to be safe when 2 other officers came to his aid

the only issue i see was the arresting of the young girl, that was excessive

Bro I live literally right across the street from Craig Ranch, **** ain't no gated community.

There are a ton pools in the subdivisions around this area. People in the neighborhood just got butthurt there was too much color at their neighborhood pool and the cop overreacted.

I'm building a house around here but as soon as my kid starts school we going to Austin.

Collin County is the most red county in all of Texas
Bro I live literally right across the street from Craig Ranch, **** ain't no gated community.

There are a ton pools in the subdivisions around this area. People in the neighborhood just got butthurt there was too much color at their neighborhood pool and the cop overreacted.

I'm building a house around here but as soon as my kid starts school we going to Austin.

Collin County is the most red county in all of Texas

it's a gated community..

"...possibly trespassing at Craig Ranch north, private residential community"

but i mean, the whole too many people of color thing works out too, even when there are black kids on the other side of the street not being handcuffed

come on
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