Congress clears historic health care bill...

These insurance companies have piles and piles of money saved up and when someone who has been paying them for years need some help they turn their back. The bill should have dismantled the whole industry and made it more of a fund you pay into and so when you need money to pay medical bills you get it without any stupid loopholes or other shady $*$! to keep people from getting their fair share.
Now, I don't know much about all of this, so I'm not going to preach about why its bad, but why do all of these democrats defend this bill by saying, "you people are so misinformed" or "those rich folks who are going to be getting taxed more didn't earn their money, it was inherited." Sure, they might have been fortunate enough to have inherited it, but their families worked hard enough so that future generations would have the money.

It really isn't fair, take HOVkid for example. Dude busted his butt in college, works crazy hours and now he's going to get taxed a grip of money since he makes good money. Not cool at all. As for me, I had to take a semester of schooling off so that I could work and save, so yeah, I'm not part of the group who's family has money, I'm just hoping that one day my hard work in school will pay off and I will be making good money, but definitely don't want to be taxed a large amount.

So to those people claiming that we are "misinformed," please, shed some light.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I just want to know how they plan on paying for it.
...then I'll make my mind up.
They are going to pay for it by taxing you and your children. Your kids will probably pay the highest and most taxes in history. Im 25 and preparing to send large sums of the money to the government for the rest of my life.

What I dont get about the whole health care thing is this...Why couldn't they let the citizens of the United States vote on health care instead of leaving it all up to the politicians? Why couldn't they treat it like an election or primaries or something and have people vote on it? That makes more sense to me.
Originally Posted by SdotCAR619

It really isn't fair, take HOVkid for example. Dude busted his butt in college, works crazy hours and now he's going to get taxed a grip of money since he makes good money. Not cool at all. As for me, I had to take a semester of schooling off so that I could work and save, so yeah, I'm not part of the group who's family has money, I'm just hoping that one day my hard work in school will pay off and I will be making good money, but definitely don't want to be taxed a large amount.


HovKid may be a hard worker. Pretty cool dude too for the most part.
The fact still remains is that people in his tax bracket only pay a grip on taxes for what they make over a certain amount.

I doubt that the extra money he pays on taxes will mean hed have to give up his multiple luxury vehicles or his nice, big, fancy house.

You cant really talk about fair when you look at the excess of material things that some people have. Thats just ludicrous.
Everyone needs to stop blaiming this on the congressman. If the health insurance industry was more responsible and took care of it's customers this legislation would never have happened.
Originally Posted by DubA169

but this is the real reason.... it's welfare. they don't wana help the poor. they don't want to help the sick. they don't want to pay for. you

the funniest part is these people have the balls to say they believe in the teachings of christ.


I don't agree with what the people in that video did.. at all. But Christ said, if you don't work, you don't eat. I don't think welfare exactly follows that. You can help people without paying for everything for them.

I have no trust in the government when it comes to running healthcare. They haven't exactly proved they can run anything else correctly..

I agree doctors should be rewarded for their hard work. I agree they should be paid since the medical field is so vital in this country. However, I do feel this health care reform plan will go to people who can and could really use it...

Not everyone grows up with a nice house, nice car, and a white picket fence. I realize there will always be lazy bums who never even attempt to do anything positive for themselves and take advantage of this proposed plan. But I am glad that all legitimate tax payers, rich, middle-class, and poor, have an opportunity with everything in can't please everyone so why bother? Someone's always going to be mad...
Originally Posted by chozin87

2. The whole Robin Hood mentality is wrong. Poor people choose to be poor and rich people choose to be rich by their thoughts and actions. Successful people don't blame their circumstances for their failure, they make the best of them. If even one person from similar circumstances to you has made it out, you had the same ability. Taking from people who have earned more to give to people with less is criminal. Of course, people without money will love more free handouts because they don't want to dedicate themselves to changing their futures.

5. People are going to disagree with me, but ANYBODY who wants to can make a fortune in America. Anybody can getting paid by taking the simplest ideas and taking ACTION where other people would make excuses and complain. If you aren't where you want to be in life, IT IS YOUR FAULT.
Why take away the pay from the people who work DAMN HARD. 99% of thepopulation has no FRIGGING idea how much these people WORK and WORK toget there. Not only are they in the top percent of 1% of intellectualcapability, they are incredibly specialized and trained to do what NOONE can do. There MUST be a way to reward those who devote their LIVESto helping others. You may combat this with, well they run upunnecessary tests, they're greedy, they need to make THAT much? HELLthe F YES!. Tell me you're going to spend 11+ years of your live AFTERundergrad to become a neurosurgeon, run up a debt of close to 300k,work ~70 hours a week for nearly the rest of your life and devote THATlife to continued education, rigorous testing, and stress. You don'thave a damn clue dude. Taking pay away from the people on the FRONTLINES does not solve anything. I don't want to hear that crap aboutbeing compared to other countries and "way back when" either. THere isa reason we have the best damn doctors. Financial incentive or not,you're affect the only people in this world who ultimately have achance be called to look at you on that cold hard examining table.

This is from a "democrat" and black male himself...

I swear NT thinks making money is a bad thing. Reward those who deserve it.
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by What up

Originally Posted by Prince Of Shoes HEAD

Originally Posted by dyzzle

this sucks for doctors and future doctors.

more work, less pay.
what doctors wont even make 6 figures now?

i honestly believe that being a doctor shouldn't make that much money, i mean you SAVE  life because its a right thing to do not because the money. American doctors are greedy as hell, thats why we are the only powerful country without a health plan yet. All these doctors around the world is making NOTHING compare to the U.S. doctors. Back in the days Doctors are one of the lower working class.

Why do you say doctor's will make less?  I admit to knowing very little about the reform and close to nothing as to how it'll affect a health care professional's future salary.  It's something I have a vested interest in so hopefully someone can kick some knowledge my way.
Just thinking out loud: a lot of rich and powerful people stand to lose a lot and usually they don't let that happen. 
F-ing FALSE.

Why take away the pay from the people who work DAMN HARD. 99% of the population has no FRIGGING idea how much these people WORK and WORK to get there. Not only are they in the top percent of 1% of intellectual capability, they are incredibly specialized and trained to do what NO ONE can do. There MUST be a way to reward those who devote their LIVES to helping others. You may combat this with, well they run up unnecessary tests, they're greedy, they need to make THAT much? HELL the F YES!. Tell me you're going to spend 11+ years of your live AFTER undergrad to become a neurosurgeon, run up a debt of close to 300k, work ~70 hours a week for nearly the rest of your life and devote THAT life to continued education, rigorous testing, and stress. You don't have a damn clue dude. Taking pay away from the people on the FRONT LINES does not solve anything. I don't want to hear that crap about being compared to other countries and "way back when" either. THere is a reason we have the best damn doctors. Financial incentive or not, you're affect the only people in this world who ultimately have a chance be called to look at you on that cold hard examining table.

This is from a "democrat" and black male himself...

I swear NT thinks making money is a bad thing. Reward those who deserve it.
Thank you at least someone appreciates how hard we work. I dont want to get started about how much of a trek it is. Also doctors dont make what they used. The good ole days of making bank in medicine are gone! OK so fine we dont do poorly but we also arent wealthy at least not from medicine. I think it is deserved for putting most everything on hold in your own life until you are in your mid 30's.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I just want to know how they plan on paying for it.
...then I'll make my mind up.
They are going to pay for it by taxing you and your children. Your kids will probably pay the highest and most taxes in history. Im 25 and preparing to send large sums of the money to the government for the rest of my life.

What I dont get about the whole health care thing is this...Why couldn't they let the citizens of the United States vote on health care instead of leaving it all up to the politicians? Why couldn't they treat it like an election or primaries or something and have people vote on it? That makes more sense to me.

It would make more sense, but they don't even let us elect Presidents, much less landmark legislation.
doctors aren't the only hardworking people in this country. Have any of you heard of the working poor? Well these are people who get up everyday and go to work just like doctors but the hitch is they make maybe 10% what a doctor makes.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I just want to know how they plan on paying for it.
...then I'll make my mind up.
They are going to pay for it by taxing you and your children. Your kids will probably pay the highest and most taxes in history. Im 25 and preparing to send large sums of the money to the government for the rest of my life.

What I dont get about the whole health care thing is this...Why couldn't they let the citizens of the United States vote on health care instead of leaving it all up to the politicians? Why couldn't they treat it like an election or primaries or something and have people vote on it? That makes more sense to me.

It would make more sense, but they don't even let us elect Presidents, much less landmark legislation.

   You picked a side on health care they day you voted for the politicians you want in the House and the Senate to represent you.
It basically comes down to this.

Who do you honestly trust more. The US government which definitely has it's faults, or, the insurance industry who's out to solely make a profit.

Give me health care reform all day, everyday.
Wow I'm surprised so many people in here are for this bill. Maybe it's the age demographic. But this bill is terrible.
I will not lose any sleep over the rich having to pay more taxes. That's the tradeoff for being rich. When you make more money you pay more taxes.
It is similar to the celebrity that has fame and fortune but in return has no privacy.
It's not a secret. They all know this. On flip side the rich get many, many more tax breaks than the middle and lower class. Is it fair that they make more money and get more taxes breaks? It is the nature of the system. THIS IS AMERICA. That is the price of capitalism.
If you don't want to pay more taxes don't be rich OR move out of the country.
Stop all of this complaining and whining.

Sure, it is hard work to become a doctor. Sure they had to go to school half of their lives to obtain the knowledge to be able to properly care for their patients.
Yes they have racked up hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans that have to be repaid. And for that, YES they deserve to be paid the way the are paid.
But the fact of the matter is that THEY CHOSE that lifestyle. THEY CHOSE THEIR PROFESSION. Nobody twisted their arms and made them become doctors.
I'm sure there are some doctors in the world that through some experience in their life chose to be a doctor because they wanted to make the world a better place.
But let's be real. Alot of people become doctors for the money and prestige.
And if you wanna make those exorbitant amounts of money, you gotta pay.

Seriously NT. Let's not be naive.

This health care reform is obviously going to help alot of people. That's what it's all about.
At the same time, there is no way that you can satisfy everybody.
Some people will like the chances and some won't.

If we do nothing premiums will go up anyway.
Those same rich people are going to pay more one way or another. Whether it's by rising premiums or higher taxes.
Why not pay more AND in the process help the rest of the nation?

Look at it this way:
You are a hard working American, and as a result you have joined the upper-class. You are a model citizen.
You always pay your insurance bill on time. Then one day you discover that your 7 year old child has a rare form of cancer.
Your insurance company deploys their watchdogs and they find a discrepancy on your application, and they drop you.
Now you are stuck with an outrageous medical bill. That medical bill bankrupts you.
All of your hard work gone. Everything you worked so hard for vanishes because the greedy insurance companies don't want to pay.
Even though you have paid thousands and thousands in premiums over the years, which seem to keep doubling every couple of years.
Many succesful people have become homeless in scenarios just like this.

How is that fair? You worked hard but still end up poor.
These kind of practices cannot continue.
I support hard work on all facets...I have 2 relations in my family who are both neurosurgeons so I understand hard work should be applauded and rewarded. But hard work exists in alot of facets in life not just the guy who graduated a law or medical school. IMO, as a former Navy guy, I would love to see more military personnel be paid more for their services but will that happen? Probably not...

I will never hate on someone's hard work, but I don't respect how some of ya'll seem salty that the hard working single mother with a 2 or 3 kids (example) who works 2 jobs to make ends meet can't have the same kinda health care that should be given to hard working citizens of this country....

Take aside the financial aspect of it, everyone should be entitled to health care in this country...I look at both sides of this situation.
It's evident that the compassion for American's fellow man have diminished completely. It's to the point that people who can afford health care don't care at all about people who cant. It just goes to show how selfish some people can be. If we can provide for people who need it the most at the expense of paying a little bit more, then do it; but it seems that our humane and ethical nature have gone out the door. The only sensible thing to do if you care about people is to give a helping hand...
Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

I support hard work on all facets...I have 2 relations in my family who are both neurosurgeons so I understand hard work should be applauded and rewarded. But hard work exists in alot of facets in life not just the guy who graduated a law or medical school. IMO, as a former Navy guy, I would love to see more military personnel be paid more for their services but will that happen? Probably not...

I will never hate on someone's hard work, but I don't respect how some of ya'll seem salty that the hard working single mother with a 2 or 3 kids (example) who works 2 jobs to make ends meet can't have the same kinda health care that should be given to hard working citizens of this country....

Take aside the financial aspect of it, everyone should be entitled to health care in this country...I look at both sides of this situation.
If you are in America there is a 99% chance you are free to live the life you choose.
Why should people who choose to do more for themselves and society have to pay for people who choose do less for themselves and society?  

If it's the insurance industry vs the government...God bless us all because I'm sure the insurance industry will just buy the government out for things to work out in their favor.
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I just want to know how they plan on paying for it.
...then I'll make my mind up.
They are going to pay for it by taxing you and your children. Your kids will probably pay the highest and most taxes in history. Im 25 and preparing to send large sums of the money to the government for the rest of my life.

What I dont get about the whole health care thing is this...Why couldn't they let the citizens of the United States vote on health care instead of leaving it all up to the politicians? Why couldn't they treat it like an election or primaries or something and have people vote on it? That makes more sense to me.

It would make more sense, but they don't even let us elect Presidents, much less landmark legislation.

   You picked a side on health care they day you voted for the politicians you want in the House and the Senate to represent you.
And I guess that goes back to the system at hand being messed up. I mean, say I wanted Universal Health Care, but didnt agree on any other of the stances of Democratic candidate. I probably wouldnt vote for the Democrat because I apposed most of his views except for one. There has to be a better way for citizens to voice their opinion on such important matters except for one Senator representing a huge number of people from an area.

I dont like how it has to be republican or democrat. I dont like how they feel like they must fight between each other and one side feels they need to win. They dont need to be competing with each other, they need to be working together to better the country.
Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

 But hard work exists in alot of facets in life not just the guy who graduated a law or medical school. IMO, as a former Navy guy, I would love to see more military personnel be paid more for their services but will that happen? Probably not...
Its because of supply and demand. Its a whole lot easier to sign up for the Navy then it is to become a doctor.

Not trying to take anything away from your profession, but thats the fact.

Originally Posted by kix4kix

32 million more are covered, we will learn how to pay for it later.
Trust, we will be paying HUGE for this for a VERY long time.
I find it interesting that in a society which was educated by a free system (a governmental one @ that) is so opposed to this health care bill. I know we are broke, and can't pay for it, but when has that stopped us from going to war? Or bailing out private institutions.
Originally Posted by JaysRcrak

Look at it this way:
You are a hard working American, and as a result you have joined the upper-class. You are a model citizen.
You always pay your insurance bill on time. Then one day you discover that your 7 year old child has a rare form of cancer.
Your insurance company deploys their watchdogs and they find a discrepancy on your application, and they drop you.
Now you are stuck with an outrageous medical bill. That medical bill bankrupts you.
All of your hard work gone. Everything you worked so hard for vanishes because the greedy insurance companies don't want to pay.
Even though you have paid thousands and thousands in premiums over the years, which seem to keep doubling every couple of years.
Many succesful people have become homeless in scenarios just like this.

How is that fair? You worked hard but still end up poor.
These kind of practices cannot continue.
I completely agree with this.

To quote Winston Churchill- “If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain.
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