Congress clears historic health care bill...

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

 But hard work exists in alot of facets in life not just the guy who graduated a law or medical school. IMO, as a former Navy guy, I would love to see more military personnel be paid more for their services but will that happen? Probably not...
Its because of supply and demand. Its a whole lot easier to sign up for the Navy then it is to become a doctor.

Not trying to take anything away from your profession, but thats the fact.

Originally Posted by kix4kix

32 million more are covered, we will learn how to pay for it later.
Trust, we will be paying HUGE for this for a VERY long time.

The cost will be huge and I honestly doubt 32 million more americans will actually recieve health insurance. 

It will cost significantly less for people to just pay the fine instead of buying health insurance. Because this bill doesn't do enough to lower the cost of skyrocketing premiums, the cost of insurance will continue to increase drastically and may cause many small business employers to drop the coverage of their employees all together and choose to pay the fine.

The bill sounds ok on paper, but when you think about its effect in reality, you cant help but think that this is extremely bad for millions of americans. This bill neglects cost and because of this will probably fail. 

I would not be surprised if 20 years from now the percentage of uninsured americans actually increases.
Originally Posted by chozin87

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

I support hard work on all facets...I have 2 relations in my family who are both neurosurgeons so I understand hard work should be applauded and rewarded. But hard work exists in alot of facets in life not just the guy who graduated a law or medical school. IMO, as a former Navy guy, I would love to see more military personnel be paid more for their services but will that happen? Probably not...

I will never hate on someone's hard work, but I don't respect how some of ya'll seem salty that the hard working single mother with a 2 or 3 kids (example) who works 2 jobs to make ends meet can't have the same kinda health care that should be given to hard working citizens of this country....

Take aside the financial aspect of it, everyone should be entitled to health care in this country...I look at both sides of this situation.
If you are in America there is a 99% chance you are free to live the life you choose.
Why should people who choose to do more for themselves and society have to pay for people who choose do less for themselves and society?  

If it's the insurance industry vs the government...God bless us all because I'm sure the insurance industry will just buy the government out for things to work out in their favor.

In a perfect world that would make sense. But this is America...things are FAR from being perfect obviously. Secondly, people do choose things in life..but explain that to a kid growing up in the projects without a father in his life and not a real supporting cast of people steering him on the right track to make a difference in this society...

Ya see we all grow up, and realize our successes and mistakes as we get older but not every situation is a one size fit all type of situation where we ALL have the same standards in life. If somebody gets pregnant at an early age for example, and has to drop out of it their fault? Yes...but does that mean they can't be productive members of society and try and raise a kid and work themselves through school and hold down a job? Absolutely not...

I'm not expecting a rich $250,000 or higher salary individual to hand over the keys to a brand new Porsche to a school janitor (example) but we should all have our rights to health long as we all are productive in some manner in society....

In retrospect, it's ironic how united America was when 9-11 hit. Everyone was grieving for our fellow man in this country whose lives and family's lives were in despair. But we talk about a proposed health care bill that can potentially help alot of people who need it..and all of a sudden we forget our good ol' fashioned American "help our fellow man out" traditions.
To AirUpThere23 and JaysRcrack


I just wonder if any of yall who oppose were ever in someone's shoes who were denied healthcare because of pre-existing conditions or couldn't afford to have a major procedure performed on them would still feel the same way. What if it was one of your relatives?

Don't even give me that "they chose to be unhealthy" crap or they chose to not work as hard as I am since I'm in med school. It's not that cut and dry. I think most of the beef should be with the grimey insurance companies for this mess, not the government. And let's not act like jobs in the field of medicine won't still be heavily sought after because of this. A lot of yall sounding like Latrell Sprewell whining about money when you'll still be living quite comfortably if you are in the higher tax brackets either way. From all the videos and ananlysis I've seen on the bill the MAJOR change this is gonna make is requiring everyone to have insurance and being taxed if you choose not to if you are "wealthy". Premiums won't be going up significantly if you already have coverage to begin with. And I don't see the problem, wouldn't everyone WANT to have some kind ofinsurance? Or you think you'll be wealthy enough to pay for a major procedure out of pocket?

I can understand how everyone wants to keep all their money for themselves and all but hell that's the repercussions of being wealthy in this country, like it or not there's nothing we can do about it.
Originally Posted by AirJapan707

Wow I'm surprised so many people in here are for this bill. Maybe it's the age demographic. But this bill is terrible.

I think its just the simple fact that something had to be done.
Republicans were waving all this fear mongering/conservatism BS but yet they had nothing to bring to table..
almost suggesting we let a couple of people die and live insufferably until the "economy" magically pulls back up
or the wealthy could afford higher tax rates. (We all know that time will never come)
I'm not as agreeable with this bill because it doesn't attack the problems within
today's health-care system directly (cost, insurance policies..etc...)
as someone else said its just the expansion of a costly corrupt system....
but Health > Currency.

That's atleast until the movie Repoman comes to life.

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

This is not reform. This is just expanded coverage of a system that is expensive.

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

those who pay for your own insurance....get ready for your premiums to go up.

Originally Posted by kix4kix

32 million more are covered, we will learn how pay for it later.

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

 But hard work exists in alot of facets in life not just the guy who graduated a law or medical school. IMO, as a former Navy guy, I would love to see more military personnel be paid more for their services but will that happen? Probably not...
Its because of supply and demand. Its a whole lot easier to sign up for the Navy then it is to become a doctor.

Not trying to take anything away from your profession, but thats the fact.

Originally Posted by kix4kix

32 million more are covered, we will learn how to pay for it later.
Trust, we will be paying HUGE for this for a VERY long time.

But what does that have to do with hard work? There are plenty of doctors...there are plenty of military we need more? Absolutely! They are both hard working and are vital citizens in this country. But who puts their lives on the line? Who is away from their loved ones at any given point in time for any amount of time? I'm not steering away from the point I was trying to make...but just because it's easier to sign a paper to go into the military doesn't mean it's easy all the way through it.
Originally Posted by chozin87

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

I support hard work on all facets...I have 2 relations in my family who are both neurosurgeons so I understand hard work should be applauded and rewarded. But hard work exists in alot of facets in life not just the guy who graduated a law or medical school. IMO, as a former Navy guy, I would love to see more military personnel be paid more for their services but will that happen? Probably not...

I will never hate on someone's hard work, but I don't respect how some of ya'll seem salty that the hard working single mother with a 2 or 3 kids (example) who works 2 jobs to make ends meet can't have the same kinda health care that should be given to hard working citizens of this country....

Take aside the financial aspect of it, everyone should be entitled to health care in this country...I look at both sides of this situation.
If you are in America there is a 99% chance you are free to live the life you choose.
Why should people who choose to do more for themselves and society have to pay for people who choose do less for themselves and society?  

If it's the insurance industry vs the government...God bless us all because I'm sure the insurance industry will just buy the government out for things to work out in their favor.

SMH at you thinking that anyone who doesnt prosper in this country equates to choosing to do less for themselves.
That sounds ignorant as hell.

Thats just as bad as believing that everyone with money got there through hard work.
Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

 But hard work exists in alot of facets in life not just the guy who graduated a law or medical school. IMO, as a former Navy guy, I would love to see more military personnel be paid more for their services but will that happen? Probably not...
Its because of supply and demand. Its a whole lot easier to sign up for the Navy then it is to become a doctor.

Not trying to take anything away from your profession, but thats the fact.

Originally Posted by kix4kix

32 million more are covered, we will learn how to pay for it later.
Trust, we will be paying HUGE for this for a VERY long time.

But what does that have to do with hard work? There are plenty of doctors...there are plenty of military we need more? Absolutely! They are both hard working and are vital citizens in this country. But who puts their lives on the line? Who is away from their loved ones at any given point in time for any amount of time? I'm not steering away from the point I was trying to make...but just because it's easier to sign a paper to go into the military doesn't mean it's easy all the way through it.

I dont want this to sound like im disrespecting the military, cause I support our troops and the things they do but...Its alot easier to get Bubba from Alabama and throw him down on a battle field with a gun then it is to take Bubba from Alabama and make him a doctor who can repair your leg that just got blown off.

I know both doctors and troops do hard work, but its the same reasons that construction workers dont get paid alot. Yeah, the physical work they do is harder than a doctors, but alot more people can be construction workers than doctors.
Im interested to know how many current doctors got into that profession because of money.
Ive spoken to a few friends from high school who are currently in med school and the first thing they say is that they didnt get into that field to become rich.
It's very clear by this thread the people that don't believe in helping people. This goes to the fiber of peoples nature right now. Not only that but if you make MONEY and know how to hustle your skill you can always make more. Seriously. Not only that but success and money AND status in this country is one of the most fleeting things ever. You can be making money one day...lose your job and be one those people without healthcare the next.

For those doctors who go to school...yall will be okay.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

 But hard work exists in alot of facets in life not just the guy who graduated a law or medical school. IMO, as a former Navy guy, I would love to see more military personnel be paid more for their services but will that happen? Probably not...
Its because of supply and demand. Its a whole lot easier to sign up for the Navy then it is to become a doctor.

Not trying to take anything away from your profession, but thats the fact.

Originally Posted by kix4kix

32 million more are covered, we will learn how to pay for it later.
Trust, we will be paying HUGE for this for a VERY long time.

But what does that have to do with hard work? There are plenty of doctors...there are plenty of military we need more? Absolutely! They are both hard working and are vital citizens in this country. But who puts their lives on the line? Who is away from their loved ones at any given point in time for any amount of time? I'm not steering away from the point I was trying to make...but just because it's easier to sign a paper to go into the military doesn't mean it's easy all the way through it.

I dont want this to sound like im disrespecting the military, cause I support our troops and the things they do but...Its alot easier to get Bubba from Alabama and throw him down on a battle field with a gun then it is to take Bubba from Alabama and make him a doctor who can repair your leg that just got blown off.

I know both doctors and troops do hard work, but its the same reasons that construction workers dont get paid alot. Yeah, the physical work they do is harder than a doctors, but alot more people can be construction workers than doctors.

I'm not debating intelligence of a qualified potential doctor to a guy with a dim witted IQ to hold a gun. But in actuality, you take ASVAB tests to join the service fall below a certain mark and you will not go in anyway. There's a reason, aside from patriotism that people join the service...most are looking for better opportunity. But again, I'm emphasizing hard work......and this all relates to health care for people...not who is qualified to make the most money...

...and for the record, military members do get our health care taken care of obviously. But I'm in favor of everyone getting their share of this plan especially if these people pay  honest taxes..
Originally Posted by JaysRcrak

I will not lose any sleep over the rich having to pay more taxes. That's the tradeoff for being rich. When you make more money you pay more taxes.
It is similar to the celebrity that has fame and fortune but in return has no privacy.
It's not a secret. They all know this. On flip side the rich get many, many more tax breaks than the middle and lower class. Is it fair that they make more money and get more taxes breaks? It is the nature of the system. THIS IS AMERICA. That is the price of capitalism.
If you don't want to pay more taxes don't be rich OR move out of the country.
Stop all of this complaining and whining.

Sure, it is hard work to become a doctor. Sure they had to go to school half of their lives to obtain the knowledge to be able to properly care for their patients.
Yes they have racked up hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans that have to be repaid. And for that, YES they deserve to be paid the way the are paid.
But the fact of the matter is that THEY CHOSE that lifestyle. THEY CHOSE THEIR PROFESSION. Nobody twisted their arms and made them become doctors.
I'm sure there are some doctors in the world that through some experience in their life chose to be a doctor because they wanted to make the world a better place.
But let's be real. Alot of people become doctors for the money and prestige.
And if you wanna make those exorbitant amounts of money, you gotta pay.

Seriously NT. Let's not be naive.

This health care reform is obviously going to help alot of people. That's what it's all about.
At the same time, there is no way that you can satisfy everybody.
Some people will like the chances and some won't.

If we do nothing premiums will go up anyway.
Those same rich people are going to pay more one way or another. Whether it's by rising premiums or higher taxes.
Why not pay more AND in the process help the rest of the nation?

Look at it this way:
You are a hard working American, and as a result you have joined the upper-class. You are a model citizen.
You always pay your insurance bill on time. Then one day you discover that your 7 year old child has a rare form of cancer.
Your insurance company deploys their watchdogs and they find a discrepancy on your application, and they drop you.
Now you are stuck with an outrageous medical bill. That medical bill bankrupts you.
All of your hard work gone. Everything you worked so hard for vanishes because the greedy insurance companies don't want to pay.
Even though you have paid thousands and thousands in premiums over the years, which seem to keep doubling every couple of years.
Many succesful people have become homeless in scenarios just like this.

How is that fair? You worked hard but still end up poor.
These kind of practices cannot continue.

Blow me. 

Number 1: $250k a year is not rich homie.  $250k a year is middle class.

Number 2:  I agree that I should pay more taxes if I make more money, but we should all pay the same PERCENTAGE of what we make.  What is this BS that you make more money so you pay more taxes AND we apply a higher percentage.

Let's see how you dorks feel the day you work your +%$ off and steal bread from the deli that is downstairs from you that comes at 3am and sits in your building doorway until the guy comes to open the deli (just so you can freaking eat because all of your money is going to tuition), then work 18 hour days for 8 years to get where you are.  Also let's remember that you dug for change in your couch so you could get on the subway to go on job interviews.  Then also remember that you are paying back apprix $150k in loans necessary to attend law school. 
Your statement is dumb and ininformed.  You have no idea what you are even talking about.  You want to tax people with these trust fund want to tax actors, sports stars that make tens of millions a year, fine.  You want to tax the dudes that make $251k -$1m a year more because they make that much?  please.
Originally Posted by HOVKid

Originally Posted by JaysRcrak

I will not lose any sleep over the rich having to pay more taxes. That's the tradeoff for being rich. When you make more money you pay more taxes.
It is similar to the celebrity that has fame and fortune but in return has no privacy.
It's not a secret. They all know this. On flip side the rich get many, many more tax breaks than the middle and lower class. Is it fair that they make more money and get more taxes breaks? It is the nature of the system. THIS IS AMERICA. That is the price of capitalism.
If you don't want to pay more taxes don't be rich OR move out of the country.
Stop all of this complaining and whining.

Sure, it is hard work to become a doctor. Sure they had to go to school half of their lives to obtain the knowledge to be able to properly care for their patients.
Yes they have racked up hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans that have to be repaid. And for that, YES they deserve to be paid the way the are paid.
But the fact of the matter is that THEY CHOSE that lifestyle. THEY CHOSE THEIR PROFESSION. Nobody twisted their arms and made them become doctors.
I'm sure there are some doctors in the world that through some experience in their life chose to be a doctor because they wanted to make the world a better place.
But let's be real. Alot of people become doctors for the money and prestige.
And if you wanna make those exorbitant amounts of money, you gotta pay.

Seriously NT. Let's not be naive.

This health care reform is obviously going to help alot of people. That's what it's all about.
At the same time, there is no way that you can satisfy everybody.
Some people will like the chances and some won't.

If we do nothing premiums will go up anyway.
Those same rich people are going to pay more one way or another. Whether it's by rising premiums or higher taxes.
Why not pay more AND in the process help the rest of the nation?

Look at it this way:
You are a hard working American, and as a result you have joined the upper-class. You are a model citizen.
You always pay your insurance bill on time. Then one day you discover that your 7 year old child has a rare form of cancer.
Your insurance company deploys their watchdogs and they find a discrepancy on your application, and they drop you.
Now you are stuck with an outrageous medical bill. That medical bill bankrupts you.
All of your hard work gone. Everything you worked so hard for vanishes because the greedy insurance companies don't want to pay.
Even though you have paid thousands and thousands in premiums over the years, which seem to keep doubling every couple of years.
Many succesful people have become homeless in scenarios just like this.

How is that fair? You worked hard but still end up poor.
These kind of practices cannot continue.

Blow me. 

Number 1: $250k a year is not rich homie.  $250k a year is middle class.

Number 2:  I agree that I should pay more taxes if I make more money, but we should all pay the same PERCENTAGE of what we make.  What is this BS that you make more money so you pay more taxes AND we apply a higher percentage.

Let's see how you dorks feel the day you work your +%$ off and steal bread from the deli that is downstairs from you that comes at 3am and sits in your building doorway until the guy comes to open the deli (just so you can freaking eat because all of your money is going to tuition), then work 18 hour days for 8 years to get where you are.  Also let's remember that you dug for change in your couch so you could get on the subway to go on job interviews.  Then also remember that you are paying back apprix $150k in loans necessary to attend law school. 
Your statement is dumb and ininformed.  You have no idea what you are even talking about.  You want to tax people with these trust fund want to tax actors, sports stars that make tens of millions a year, fine.  You want to tax the dudes that make $251k -$1m a year more because they make that much?  please.
Originally Posted by UTVOL23

To quote Winston Churchill- “If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain.
JaysRcrak wrote:
I will not lose any sleep over the rich having to pay more taxes. That's the tradeoff for being rich. When you make more money you pay more taxes.

I don't agree, but considering how much of our $ goes to funding Israel without our knowledge, I think people really shouldn't mind helping cover some less fortunate and some lazy neighbors
I'm already being penalized enough with all these mortgage defaults.  I pay my mortgage.  Where my handout? 

You got dudes living in houses that can't pay the mortgage so my freaking money has to go to help them?  Lick my you know what.  Let them get studio apartments and go month to month.

I pay my freaking mortgage like an idiot every month and no-one gives me %%$@.  I want so benefits for all the money I give to taxes.  How about Obama gets a bill passed where the govt gives you a free two months of mortgage or something if you are in good standing and are HELPFUL to the economy, instea dof a drain on it.

I HATE this tax the rich crap.  Yeah, tax the rich....those that make over $1m a year are rich.  I got two kids, a house, college to save for...leave me alone and let me live.  My %%$ is barely getting by (saving for my kids' college and all else I have to do to be a responsible person) and I make well over $250k a year.

Suck my *@@!!!!!!
Probably one of the most CORRUPT bills ever to pass.  219-212?  What a joke!

178 Republicans plus 34 Democrats opposed it.  This bill wouldn't have pass if Pelosi/Obama didn't behind closed doors promised certain Democratic Congressmen to turn their backs and vote yes just so they can getting specific funding to their districts.  

Our government is just one big MAFIA!
The speaker also tried to sweeten the deal for some progressive members of her caucus partly by adding additional subsidies and a major student loan reform measure to the compromise plan.

I am definitely putting a ton of my investment dollars towards pharmaceutical companies considering these special interest groups are the ones writing this BILL!
Shares of most of the major pharmaceutical makers rose in early trading Monday, the day after the U.S. House of Representatives passed an historic but controversial bill to expand health insurance coverage to almost all Americans.

Several index components traded up almost 1%, including Bristol-Myers Squibb /quotes/comstock/13*!bmy/quotes/nls/bmy(BMY26.55,+0.54,+2.08%), Merck & Co. /quotes/comstock/13*!mrk/quotes/nls/mrk(MRK38.76,+0.70,+1.84%), Pfizer Inc. /quotes/comstock/13*!pfe/quotes/nls/pfe(PFE17.24,+0.33,+1.95%), King Pharmaceuticals /quotes/comstock/13*!kg/quotes/nls/kg(KG12.25,+0.03,+0.25%), and Forest Laboratories, /quotes/comstock/13*!frx/quotes/nls/frx(FRX31.61,+0.55,+1.77%) amid speculation that increased healthcare will lead to more customers and profits.

The NYSE Arca Pharmaceutical Index /quotes/comstock/10t!drg.x(DRG312.27,+2.87,+0.93%) and the NYSE Arca Biotechnology Index /quotes/comstock/10t!btk.x(BTK1,233,+11.88,+0.97%) were both marginally higher at 310.46 and 1223.22, respectively.
But let's be real. Alot of people become doctors for the money and prestige.
that's just wrong.....that may have been the case 20-30 yrs ago..these days...not so much

most young docs these days...really DO have that desire for medicine.
Originally Posted by HOVKid

I'm already being penalized enough with all these mortgage defaults.  I pay my mortgage.  Where my handout? 

You got dudes living in houses that can't pay the mortgage so my freaking money has to go to help them?  Lick my you know what.  Let them get studio apartments and go month to month.

I pay my freaking mortgage like an idiot every month and no-one gives me %%$@.  I want so benefits for all the money I give to taxes.  How about Obama gets a bill passed where the govt gives you a free two months of mortgage or something if you are in good standing and are HELPFUL to the economy, instea dof a drain on it.

I HATE this tax the rich crap.  Yeah, tax the rich....those that make over $1m a year are rich.  I got two kids, a house, college to save for...leave me alone and let me live.  My %%$ is barely getting by (saving for my kids' college and all else I have to do to be a responsible person) and I make well over $250k a year.

Suck my *@@!!!!!!

Not thats its any of my business, but your family has multiple luxury vehicles and you have constantly mentioned your wife purchasing high end designer shoes. Who knows what else you drop money on.

That said, Im sure youre a hard working person and you deserve all the luxuries you get, but dont come here and act like your salary is "just getting you by".
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by HOVKid

Originally Posted by JaysRcrak

I will not lose any sleep over the rich having to pay more taxes. That's the tradeoff for being rich. When you make more money you pay more taxes.
It is similar to the celebrity that has fame and fortune but in return has no privacy.
It's not a secret. They all know this. On flip side the rich get many, many more tax breaks than the middle and lower class. Is it fair that they make more money and get more taxes breaks? It is the nature of the system. THIS IS AMERICA. That is the price of capitalism.
If you don't want to pay more taxes don't be rich OR move out of the country.
Stop all of this complaining and whining.

Sure, it is hard work to become a doctor. Sure they had to go to school half of their lives to obtain the knowledge to be able to properly care for their patients.
Yes they have racked up hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans that have to be repaid. And for that, YES they deserve to be paid the way the are paid.
But the fact of the matter is that THEY CHOSE that lifestyle. THEY CHOSE THEIR PROFESSION. Nobody twisted their arms and made them become doctors.
I'm sure there are some doctors in the world that through some experience in their life chose to be a doctor because they wanted to make the world a better place.
But let's be real. Alot of people become doctors for the money and prestige.
And if you wanna make those exorbitant amounts of money, you gotta pay.

Seriously NT. Let's not be naive.

This health care reform is obviously going to help alot of people. That's what it's all about.
At the same time, there is no way that you can satisfy everybody.
Some people will like the chances and some won't.

If we do nothing premiums will go up anyway.
Those same rich people are going to pay more one way or another. Whether it's by rising premiums or higher taxes.
Why not pay more AND in the process help the rest of the nation?

Look at it this way:
You are a hard working American, and as a result you have joined the upper-class. You are a model citizen.
You always pay your insurance bill on time. Then one day you discover that your 7 year old child has a rare form of cancer.
Your insurance company deploys their watchdogs and they find a discrepancy on your application, and they drop you.
Now you are stuck with an outrageous medical bill. That medical bill bankrupts you.
All of your hard work gone. Everything you worked so hard for vanishes because the greedy insurance companies don't want to pay.
Even though you have paid thousands and thousands in premiums over the years, which seem to keep doubling every couple of years.
Many succesful people have become homeless in scenarios just like this.

How is that fair? You worked hard but still end up poor.
These kind of practices cannot continue.

Blow me. 

Number 1: $250k a year is not rich homie.  $250k a year is middle class.

Number 2:  I agree that I should pay more taxes if I make more money, but we should all pay the same PERCENTAGE of what we make.  What is this BS that you make more money so you pay more taxes AND we apply a higher percentage.

Let's see how you dorks feel the day you work your +%$ off and steal bread from the deli that is downstairs from you that comes at 3am and sits in your building doorway until the guy comes to open the deli (just so you can freaking eat because all of your money is going to tuition), then work 18 hour days for 8 years to get where you are.  Also let's remember that you dug for change in your couch so you could get on the subway to go on job interviews.  Then also remember that you are paying back apprix $150k in loans necessary to attend law school. 
Your statement is dumb and ininformed.  You have no idea what you are even talking about.  You want to tax people with these trust fund want to tax actors, sports stars that make tens of millions a year, fine.  You want to tax the dudes that make $251k -$1m a year more because they make that much?  please.
Congratulations on your achievements man well done.  But your outlook is selfish (probably for good reason though).  The whole point of making the rich pay more taxes is to have a better America.  It seems a lot of people in these high up positions have the same outlook.  "I was poor and I worked really hard to make all this money I don't owe it to anyone.  All these poor people need to do what I did and stop being lazy."  But the truth is it is not possible for everyone to go to law school and make that much money.  The rich can make small life style changes and drop their ego and help out the country.  If we don't do something the enormous federal debt and our trade deficit will cripple the country by the time us millennials have kids.
Originally Posted by HOVKid

Let's see how you dorks feel the day you work your +%$ off and steal bread from the deli that is downstairs from you that comes at 3am and sits in your building doorway until the guy comes to open the deli (just so you can freaking eat because all of your money is going to tuition), then work 18 hour days for 8 years to get where you are.  Also let's remember that you dug for change in your couch so you could get on the subway to go on job interviews.  Then also remember that you are paying back apprix $150k in loans necessary to attend law school. 
You just described the everyday life of a single mother who works 2 jobs. Although she makes no where close to 250k a year and probably will never make that much. Hell not even 50k a year. I commend you and every other person who has worked that hard to get where they're at, but don't act like successful people are the only ones who works hard. You are much more successful ( money wise) than a huge portion of this country... i am sure that you are no longer struggling even with the high taxes you pay. Once again I commend you on your success and hard work to get where you are. 
Again...I reiterate...when 9-11 occurred everyone believed in American patriotism and the strength and unity of our soon as a health care reform plan gets mentioned to help American citizens.....those ideals are nowhere to be found...ironic isn't it?
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