Confirmed: Doernbecher Jordan III to release 7/20/13 - NO BUYING SELLING TRADING

Nike cancels the orders from cheaters, then cheaters pickup the restock.


Pretty much... lol

I can't believe they actually started to cancel orders. I thought they were blowing smoke at best.

It's only a matter of time until someone codes around the new system and the figure out a way around Nikes attempts at leveling the playing field.

It's just becoming ridiculous to purchase shoes.

Your gonna need a bot to buy an RSVP from these sites that sell RSVP slots soon. They sell out so fast now because everyone knows that's the only way your getting an RSVP nowadays.

this whole DB3 release was nonsense. So they cancel orders, then what?

That doesn't even level the playing field because we're still not gonna ever see those pairs.

hey guys,

So if i was able to cop a pair, would i still be able to get another pair on the restock? Does the 1 per person thing apply?
I see 2 things happening from this.....
1)NDC releasing limited hyped shoes at a random day and time after release (could be days or weeks later).
2)Nike forfeiting NDC releases on limited hyped releases and just spreading the NDC stock amongst niketowns.

Niketowns are so crooked. i prefer if they started dropping shoes at a random day of the week and time. totally throw these bot systems off :smokin :smokin :smokin
You know its getting outta control when like Joey said, "soon you are going to need a bot to purchase a bot that helps you get the shoes". I've been around for a lil bit and have seen some ridiculous stuff but this takes the cake.
Nike likely already donated the money and it didn't depend on the shoes selling.

I really think some people are exaggerating the cost to cancel these orders. One senior person, couple interns can get this all done in day. A drop in the bucket for Nike. It may even take less if they automated their reporting to pull key variables from all sales that helps them identify bot users.

Nike wants a loyal consumer base. If people continually miss out on "hot" releases they'll turn away from the brand. I'm not saying that will happen to people like us on NT, but it can happen with the masses. Makin sure a "hot" release gets into the hands of 12 year old kid could make that kid into a loyal Nike customer for the rest of his life. That's more important than these fly by night resellers that love to post screenshots on social media websites.

Of course this is all conjecture on my part.
If someone is caught and gets their IP banned.....I don't think it would bother them lol getting a new IP is easy.

Reselling shoes is actually a job for some people, that's how bad it is these days.
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You know its getting outta control when like Joey said, "soon you are going to need a bot to purchase a bot that helps you get the shoes". I've been around for a lil bit and have seen some ridiculous stuff but this takes the cake.
RSVPs are being over hauled soon. 

Doernbecher gonna get their money regardless of canceled orders. It's not like Nike cut a check Monday morning. The "man hours" lost are at a minimum. I'm pretty sure UPS never picked up canceled orders and merely scanned them to show they were intercepted. 
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i highly doubt they would ip ban you. 

They just intercepted probably hundreds, if not thousands of packages for not only DB 3, but for Mint LeBron's too.

You think they won't ban ip's to prevent them having to go through the releases all over again, using all that time/money?

Think again.
Nike likely already donated the money and it didn't depend on the shoes selling.

I really think some people are exaggerating the cost to cancel these orders. One senior person, couple interns can get this all done in day. A drop in the bucket for Nike. It may even take less if they automated their reporting to pull key variables from all sales that helps them identify bot users.

Nike wants a loyal consumer base. If people continually miss out on "hot" releases they'll turn away from the brand. I'm not saying that will happen to people like us on NT, but it can happen with the masses. Makin sure a "hot" release gets into the hands of 12 year old kid could make that kid into a loyal Nike customer for the rest of his life. That's more important than these fly by night resellers that love to post screenshots on social media websites.

Of course this is all conjecture on my part.
He can deny it all he wants.

4wrestling is a troll god reseller. He's trying to rationalize having his pairs possibly not arriving.

Like Nike doesn't know how to run a business.
If someone is caught and gets their IP banned.....I don't think it would bother them lol getting a new IP is easy.

Reselling shoes is actually a job for some people, that's how bad it is these days.

Believe it or not, I would say probably 75% of the kids out there with bots don't know how to change their IP address.
Nike been fine with just retro sales. Nike was still profitable during the venator freeze. Lighting IVs were hyped in that day and age, and still, consumers were able to buy without any hoops.

To think Nike will lose ANY money by flooding the market is laughable.

Nike generates hype by putting out shoes people can't obtain.  You flood the market, demand will eventually go down, Nike loses money in the long run.  It's simple economics.
People want what they can't have. If Nike mass produced all of their products then what would make them different than the next company?
People want what they can't have. If Nike mass produced all of their products then what would make them different than the next company?
Nike had no issue selling pre-social media.

People are going to always buy shoes. People will always want Nike. Their silhouettes are already preferred by the masses. They have all the popular athletes and they have MJ. Shoes always sold just took time. 

Toros hit 400k, SOLD OUT.

Breds hit 600k, SOLD OUT, numerous times.

The hype is artificial. People can't have what they want because Nike doesn't produce enough. 1999 Niketalk was all about success. 2013, it's all about botcess.

Social Media ruined society and buying sneakers.
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Nike wants a loyal consumer base. If people continually miss out on "hot" releases they'll turn away from the brand. I'm not saying that will happen to people like us on NT, but it can happen with the masses. Makin sure a "hot" release gets into the hands of 12 year old kid could make that kid into a loyal Nike customer for the rest of his life. That's more important than these fly by night resellers that love to post screenshots on social media websites.
 Bots are Nike fault... TLO, Limited releases... Nobody would use bots if we could get hot releases easily... Bots are there for a good reason.
Nike likely already donated the money and it didn't depend on the shoes selling.

I really think some people are exaggerating the cost to cancel these orders. One senior person, couple interns can get this all done in day. A drop in the bucket for Nike. It may even take less if they automated their reporting to pull key variables from all sales that helps them identify bot users.

Nike wants a loyal consumer base. If people continually miss out on "hot" releases they'll turn away from the brand. I'm not saying that will happen to people like us on NT, but it can happen with the masses. Makin sure a "hot" release gets into the hands of 12 year old kid could make that kid into a loyal Nike customer for the rest of his life. That's more important than these fly by night resellers that love to post screenshots on social media websites.

Of course this is all conjecture on my part.
And these 12 year olds have a better sense of adapting to new ways of getting shoes than some of the 30+ year olds that keep complaining about how they wish things would go back to how they were back in the day.
i highly doubt they would ip ban you. 
Whats up Marc?! 10.5 is not a popular size around you huh! 
And these 12 year olds have a better sense of adapting to new ways of getting shoes than some of the 30+ year olds that keep complaining about how they wish things would go back to how they were back in the day.
its probably because most of these 30 year olds have jobs + families and dont have time that these 12 year olds do.. 
hey guys,

So if i was able to cop a pair, would i still be able to get another pair on the restock? Does the 1 per person thing apply?
Yes it does don't press your luck.  On the galaxy rookie release I was able to catch a 14, and again, got a different sz 12 for my boy, then bam.. order cancelled... and when I called they told me limit one per household....and had no sympathy for me....didn't even give me a promo coupon...
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