Confident or Creepy vol when is enough

Karma's a cool concept. It's really just about maintaining balance. There's so much ***** out there that if one person doesn't want you, it really shouldn't be the end of the world. You shouldn't need to be throwing hail mary's on 2nd and long in 4 down territory, nah mean.

This dude and his football references

Karma's a cool concept. It's really just about maintaining balance. There's so much ***** out there that if one person doesn't want you, it really shouldn't be the end of the world. You shouldn't need to be throwing hail mary's on 2nd and long in 4 down territory, nah mean.

This dude and his football references

Sometimes you gotta go up to the line of scrimmage and call an audible.
Guys listen up. There is no such thing as a friendship zone. Whenever a girl tell you she want to be friends or your cool she wants you, it's up to you to get it

I hear that time and time again but I always get the yambs and this is how

What you do is when she try to say hey we can be friends, your cool or the friendship zone you ignore her! Put her on 2nd string bench... Girls hate being backups, they hate being ignored, they nor thinking they are important. When she calls ignore the call don't answer. She probably will. Keep calling next days or text. On like the 3rd day text her and sorry I been busy with a lot of stuff this and that. When I have time I'll call you. Now don't call her for awhile once again. She probably will text or call you again. You probably will hear her talk the stuff, your ignoring me, are we not cool, why this that bla bla. Play it cool just say I like you we are still friends. Tell her we can meet up to eat, coffee or whatever but keep the date short like 30 min and tell her well I got things to do nice seeing you. She will be hurt, self esteem shot because she doesn't feel important anymore now this is what you do next for the kill.

invite her to your house cook or order takeout and a movie or whatever. Set the mode, play it smooth tell her before she come after the movie I'm going to bed or I got other stuff to do. Now when she is over She is going to do what she have to do to feel important again or get back in the number one spot. Also when she is over talk to some of your other girl friends in front of her on the phone, when she say something which she will say we are friends remember your cool with a set grin.

She already knows she have to leave soon after movie or whatever else she is going to do what it takes to get back in your starting bench also she will feel important if she ends up stay later then what you told her. She will throw the yambs at you

Now adjust everything I said to your liking but this is the basis

That's why messing with women is called Game. It's one big game and easy for men to conquer if you understand women

Get some psychology books on women thinking from the library, how women think etc. I read a few and I understand women well. It's really easy. Women think with their emotions men think with their Peter and brain...

Everything women does is based off their emotion. A women emotions makes her decision not logical thinking. Tap her emotions you got her.

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It shouldnt be this hard
all he had to do was fall back and approach her humorously w/ the same premise (less words) the next time he saw her

He messed up trying to do it over text message with no context to what he was saying​
Man *****. This clown really has y'all believing this was one of his "methods". Lmao. This was not some deliberate strategy, there was no plan. Dude was flustered as hell and started grasping for straws. Style? What grown man has junior high level text game style? It was pathetic and reeks of inexperience, not style. I wouldn't even care, not everyone's Rico suave, but this dude fronting like he's some don juan smooth talker handing out gems of advice and just completely exposed himself. I know high school children that would have handled that better.

i think that's why everyone is going so hard...

b/c the stuff that he types about and talks about in the forum... folks are like "those texts dont match up w/ that story and that story"

but again... i really just think it was a poorly executed plan to try and get a girl back... and yet...

i've seen dudes do it correctly and flourish.
If he would've JUST said the Michelle Obama line and left it at that....**** woulda been legendary.

In fact, Ima be sure to use that before it expires ... :smokin

you might be on to something

She woulda had no choice but to laugh​
If he would've JUST said the Michelle Obama line and left it at that....**** woulda been legendary.

In fact, Ima be sure to use that before it expires ... :smokin

There was nothing legendary about anything he texted, I would love to see how y'all are communicating with these chicks if any part of them messages seem like a good idea [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
There was nothing legendary about anything he texted, I would love to see how y'all are communicating with these chicks if any part of them messages seem like a good idea [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

They been on his cock throughout the whole tay

I knew that dude was lame when he would constantly post fairytales then show the chicks face he "smashed" on a public message board :smh:

Those text just solidified it
Mostly loved in TAY.

That negro tried way too hard & thought he had all the answers and if somebody questioned him you were in the wrong. Because he knew everything

He was just like... Kanye

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