
I only have a little over three weeks left before I head back to college and I'm really not looking forward to it. Maybe I just had a rough first year that I didn't enjoy very much. It felt like it was a lot tougher to mesh with people there like I was able to do back in high school. Not that I didn't make friends, but I wasn't as close with them as my friends from high school. I bet some of it is mental, thinking things like "_______ isn't the same combo _______ from back home and I are." Either way, people I'm surrounded by in college straight up seem to be less likeable than who I was surrounded by in high school. I'm also someone who likes to have some quiet time by myself on occasion and it was rarely possible living in a crowded dorm and some of my hallmates just grew to be annoying after a while.

I know you guys will probably ask, so yes I actually have moved several times before college. I knew it was going to be different obviously, but the differences just aren't who I am. I saw people put alcohol before everything, dudes were blowing all their money every other weekend on it and even their friends came second to it. It was always a priority. You're watching a basketball or football game on TV? Why not watch it drunk? Have a boring class tomorrow? Better go completely hammered. On the weekends girls/guys just wanted to hook up with randoms and even went as far as to use some Tinder app just to find new hookups. Some people consider college the time to start actually dating, not high school, but from my perspective the girls I went to high school with were much easier to get along with and most had morals which I value, whereas in college it's the opposite. The cops were in my dorm often and a few people I knew were on the verge of being kicked out of school. I'm not trying to come off as condescending at all when I say this and I'm probably in the minority for thinking this, but I felt like I was the only one who could see how stupid it really was.

I'm hoping this year will be better now that I have a year of experience under my belt and now that some of my friends a year younger than me will be there also. In another few weeks I'll be missing the majority of my friends that aren't at school with me like I did my first year. I've never been someone who was excited about the upcoming school year as I'm sure most aren't, but now that I'm a college student I feel like I'm becoming the minority in saying that. Since summer's started I've seen Tweets/Facebook posts from the friends I've made at school about how much they miss it and can't wait to go back and now that it's only a few weeks away they're almost becoming daily. This probably sounds stupid, but I'm starting to feel like college (more so growing up as a whole) just isn't for me. The farther away I get from my childhood, the more I miss it. 
the outcome of your life story will be different, no matter the sort of people you come in contact with before, during, and after college. years from now you won't really care too much about how this year went, only how your current one is going. so maybe focus on making your college days mean everything to you and not for anyone else in your dorm, college or in your social networks. your childhood and high school days are already over, why not make your college days mean something important for yourself?
Yeah I'm really going to crack down and work hard to get my grades up this year. I should have clarified but I'm not trying to make my college days mean anything to anyone but myself. I just feel a little out of place among my peers at times and so far my college experience hasn't lived up to what I thought it'd be. I agree 100% with your last point and it's solid advice, it's just hard to let them go since those were the best days of my life.
Am I wrong for feeling kinda disrespected here? A really trivial thing but I did not appreciate it 
Yeah it was really trivial 
. I'm someone who really hates when someone won't admit they were wrong and in this case she was about the song. What I usually do and would've done in your position is said something along the lines of:

Her:"Wow I can't believe you admitted you were wrong."

You: "Coming from the person who wouldn't admit they got the song wrong." 

That way you make the point you want to make, but saying it in a joking manner is key so that the situation doesn't escalate and jimmies aren't rustled.
I dunno if this is the appropriate thread, but somebody tell me if I'm wrong on this.

Friend had a bunch of us over for dinner. While dinner was in the oven we were talking about the new Robin Thicke album. My friend said she hadn't heard it but liked one of his older songs, and said it was the one that goes "I just wanna love ya baaabaaay" :lol: and sang almost the exact tune to "Like I Love You" (the Justin Timberlake song from Justified). I told her that was a JT song, she said no it was Robin Thicke, proceeded to sing a completely different Robin Thicke song I didn't recognize (Lost Without You). I was like oh ok, I've never heard that, lemme pull up this JT song so you can hear what I thought you were talking about, it sounds exactly the same.

Fast forward to the ride home, my roommate and his GF (who's also a friend of mine) are trying to figure out the fastest way to get home. She offers a different route than what we're used to, and we think it will take longer. Her way was a lot faster so I was like Me: "Yea you were right this was much quicker."
Her: "Wow I can't believe you admitted that you were wrong."
Me: "Haha why do you say that?"
Her+My Roommate: "Well you were wrong earlier about the Justin Timberlake song and you wouldn't admit it or let it go" (Neither of them had ever heard either song)
Me: "Um no I was not; she sang the exact same lyrics and was only slightly off on two of the notes, she accidentally sang the tune to "Like I Love You" at first. I played the song for you guys. And after she sang other lyrics I admited I'd never heard that song but you can see why I thought otherwise."
My Roommate: "Who cares, this is a stupid conversation just shut up"

I feel like that is MAD disrespectful to come at me sideways like that when:

A) Both of them were completely ignorant about the songs and had no real idea whether I was right or not, and I was right in the first place.
B) I plainly stated she was right about getting home faster and wasn't argumentative about it or anything. Just like "Wow you were right, we were way wrong this is much faster." Both of them turned that into a personal comment on me not being able to accept when I'm wrong and brought up the earlier convo about the song, not me.
C) It's not his place to tell me what I can and can't talk about. If the conversation's not interesting to you, then don't take part. I feel like he was trying to defend his GF for no reason and had no place to tell me to shut up whatsoever.

Am I wrong for feeling kinda disrespected here? A really trivial thing but I did not appreciate it :lol:

I read that entire thing, waiting to hear something "mad disrespectful" but was sorely disappointed :lol:
There was this cute girl that sat in front of me everyday in one of my summer classes and I didn't even talk to her

It was an 8:00am class so everyday I was either hungover, sleepy, studying for the next class, or just straight up felt like sh**. She would always look back at me but I didn't pay too much attention to it since I was always tired af. In hindsight, I should of made a move. Regret is one of the worst feelings
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There was this cute girl that sat in front of me everyday in one of my summer classes and I didn't even talk to her :smh:

It was an 8:00am class so everyday I was either hungover, sleepy, studying for the next class, or just straight up felt like sh**. She would always look back at me but I didn't pay too much attention to it since I was always tired af. In hindsight, I should of made a move. Regret is one of the worst feelings :smh:

Oh god how in know this feeling. I can't stop thinking girl named iris in my ethics class. She was so damn cute. And quiet. She had such a nice butt. If literally go to class sometimes jus to look forward to seeing her. She was just that amazing to me. I never said anything . she really made me nervous. I would do the whole awkward follow her and about to say hi the whole time then walk then opposite way when she turned around. Every once in a while my mouse hovers over the message button on her Facebook. Just so I can get it off my chest. I just wanna say hey man. I know this is Crepy. But you had my attention through the entire ethics class and you made me so nervous I never said hi. I hate regretting things .

So hi.

One day I'll do it. Its been 4 months and I can't get her out of my head x_X
Oh god how in know this feeling. I can't stop thinking girl named iris in my ethics class. She was so damn cute. And quiet. She had such a nice butt. If literally go to class sometimes jus to look forward to seeing her. She was just that amazing to me. I never said anything . she really made me nervous. I would do the whole awkward follow her and about to say hi the whole time then walk then opposite way when she turned around. Every once in a while my mouse hovers over the message button on her Facebook. Just so I can get it off my chest. I just wanna say hey man. I know this is Crepy. But you had my attention through the entire ethics class and you made me so nervous I never said hi. I hate regretting things .

So hi.

One day I'll do it. Its been 4 months and I can't get her out of my head x_X
Just do it bro.
Anyways what I came in her to post and sort of connected with the above.

I kinda have a thing with a girl and its on the verge of being serious , and she's amazing. A wifey in every sense. So much in fact, that I want to buy her this $800 necklace for helping me during my 3 months if unemployment. But I can't stop talking to other girls.

At this point I know myself. Its not even the girls I want. Don't get me wrong what man doesn't love women in all shapes and sizes. C cups d cups. Petite , curvy.

What I'm in love with is the possibility. I can't get over the possibility or the what if of something else. With someone else. The "other' girls I do talk to I sort of hang out with and go places with them. Not a date in a sense because I usually don't pay everything. But I do go out, just never take it above hanging out or take it to the "next level".

It kind if makes me feel guilty . here I have this girl willing to do anything and everything for me (wake up at 4am and drive me home drunk as ****. Helped me pay my credit card bills when I didn't have a job, in talking real wifey **** bro )

But. I just love the possability man.....

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I only have a little over three weeks left before I head back to college and I'm really not looking forward to it. Maybe I just had a rough first year that I didn't enjoy very much. It felt like it was a lot tougher to mesh with people there like I was able to do back in high school. Not that I didn't make friends, but I wasn't as close with them as my friends from high school. I bet some of it is mental, thinking things like "_______ isn't the same combo _______ from back home and I are." Either way, people I'm surrounded by in college straight up seem to be less likeable than who I was surrounded by in high school. I'm also someone who likes to have some quiet time by myself on occasion and it was rarely possible living in a crowded dorm and some of my hallmates just grew to be annoying after a while.

I know you guys will probably ask, so yes I actually have moved several times before college. I knew it was going to be different obviously, but the differences just aren't who I am. I saw people put alcohol before everything, dudes were blowing all their money every other weekend on it and even their friends came second to it. It was always a priority. You're watching a basketball or football game on TV? Why not watch it drunk? Have a boring class tomorrow? Better go completely hammered. On the weekends girls/guys just wanted to hook up with randoms and even went as far as to use some Tinder app just to find new hookups. Some people consider college the time to start actually dating, not high school, but from my perspective the girls I went to high school with were much easier to get along with and most had morals which I value, whereas in college it's the opposite. The cops were in my dorm often and a few people I knew were on the verge of being kicked out of school. I'm not trying to come off as condescending at all when I say this and I'm probably in the minority for thinking this, but I felt like I was the only one who could see how stupid it really was.

I'm hoping this year will be better now that I have a year of experience under my belt and now that some of my friends a year younger than me will be there also. In another few weeks I'll be missing the majority of my friends that aren't at school with me like I did my first year. I've never been someone who was excited about the upcoming school year as I'm sure most aren't, but now that I'm a college student I feel like I'm becoming the minority in saying that. Since summer's started I've seen Tweets/Facebook posts from the friends I've made at school about how much they miss it and can't wait to go back and now that it's only a few weeks away they're almost becoming daily. This probably sounds stupid, but I'm starting to feel like college (more so growing up as a whole) just isn't for me. The farther away I get from my childhood, the more I miss it. 

Sounds like you just matured faster than your peers.
I dunno if this is the appropriate thread, but somebody tell me if I'm wrong on this.

Friend had a bunch of us over for dinner. While dinner was in the oven we were talking about the new Robin Thicke album. My friend said she hadn't heard it but liked one of his older songs, and said it was the one that goes "I just wanna love ya baaabaaay" :lol: and sang almost the exact tune to "Like I Love You" (the Justin Timberlake song from Justified). I told her that was a JT song, she said no it was Robin Thicke, proceeded to sing a completely different Robin Thicke song I didn't recognize (Lost Without You). I was like oh ok, I've never heard that, lemme pull up this JT song so you can hear what I thought you were talking about, it sounds exactly the same.

Fast forward to the ride home, my roommate and his GF (who's also a friend of mine) are trying to figure out the fastest way to get home. She offers a different route than what we're used to, and we think it will take longer. Her way was a lot faster so I was like Me: "Yea you were right this was much quicker."
Her: "Wow I can't believe you admitted that you were wrong."
Me: "Haha why do you say that?"
Her+My Roommate: "Well you were wrong earlier about the Justin Timberlake song and you wouldn't admit it or let it go" (Neither of them had ever heard either song)
Me: "Um no I was not; she sang the exact same lyrics and was only slightly off on two of the notes, she accidentally sang the tune to "Like I Love You" at first. I played the song for you guys. And after she sang other lyrics I admited I'd never heard that song but you can see why I thought otherwise."
My Roommate: "Who cares, this is a stupid conversation just shut up"

I feel like that is MAD disrespectful to come at me sideways like that when:

A) Both of them were completely ignorant about the songs and had no real idea whether I was right or not, and I was right in the first place.
B) I plainly stated she was right about getting home faster and wasn't argumentative about it or anything. Just like "Wow you were right, we were way wrong this is much faster." Both of them turned that into a personal comment on me not being able to accept when I'm wrong and brought up the earlier convo about the song, not me.
C) It's not his place to tell me what I can and can't talk about. If the conversation's not interesting to you, then don't take part. I feel like he was trying to defend his GF for no reason and had no place to tell me to shut up whatsoever.

Am I wrong for feeling kinda disrespected here? A really trivial thing but I did not appreciate it :lol:

Son... I HATE people like this.
Sounds like you just matured faster than your peers.

Or he's taking things too seriously and/or associating with the wrong people. Going to class hammered? Drinking for every event? No morals? Yes people are like that but in college you normally find a pretty good mix. A LOT of people are responsible, don't party, don't drink.

You're grouping everyone together and blaming them. Join different clubs, find a group of people you like. Just cause the party crowd is a giant presence or loud doesn't mean they're the only people on campus.
Sounds like you just matured faster than your peers.
That's probably true. Thing that gets me though is that the things I enjoy doing are basically exactly what I did when I was a kid. I'd admit I'm a little stuck in the past for various reasons, but wouldn't a mature person be different? It's like it doesn't add up.


Originally Posted by mgrand15  

Sounds like you just matured faster than your peers.
Or he's taking things too seriously and/or associating with the wrong people. Going to class hammered? Drinking for every event? No morals? Yes people are like that but in college you normally find a pretty good mix. A LOT of people are responsible, don't party, don't drink.

You're grouping everyone together and blaming them. Join different clubs, find a group of people you like. Just cause the party crowd is a giant presence or loud doesn't mean they're the only people on campus.

You're right I might be taking things a little too seriously, I'm not as happy go lucky as I used to be. While the majority of people I'm around do act reckless, I usually distance myself from their behavior. Just a side note, I'm around these people because of location (dorm and hallmates) and they're the first people I got to know and went through the first weeks with so it'd only make sense for me to be around them, it's not like I chose a bad group of people. Not saying they were all like that though. Like I said, it was just my first year so maybe the people I was surrounded by location (my dorm and hallmates) weren't representative of the entire whole, but they did represent the majority. While there are others, I guess I just haven't met them yet. I was on several intramural sports teams throughout the year and I'll look into joining some clubs this year. 
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Being with one girl for 5 years from age 15 to 20 has ruined me completely. I lack self confidence by a great deal now and when I try to talk to girls now I feel like a simp
Been feeling weird as of late, questioning my past.. really deep thinking if I was (ever) in love? I hope I was though..

I don't know what the hell is wrong with me :lol:
I got 2 cases in 2 cities on the same day. I'm not ready to sit down for this ****. All over a $$$$$$$ :smh:
I'd like to confess that.....
I think beatboxing is lame. :stoneface:

Don't get me wrong it requires some level of skill but to me, it's just people making random noises with their mouths.
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