
As I start to approach 40 in a couple of years, I'm half way through my life expectancy. Time just passed so quickly and yet I still feel I haven't fulfill everything it was destined for me.

Although I don't regret anything in my life, I do feel the burden of my spirit for partaking in the event of taking another life. Not one day I don't think about it.

I say this to say, as much as you try to move on from can live on but you will never truly be able to forget it.

Smarten up...Life is truly quick. Make it count.
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As I start to approach 40 in a couple of years, I'm half way through my life expectancy. Time just passed so quickly and yet I still feel I haven't fulfill everything it was destined for me.

Although I don't regret anything in my life, I do feel the burden of my spirit for partaking in the event of taking another life. Not one day I don't think about it.

I say this to say, as much as you try to move on from can't live on but you will never truly be able to forget it.

Smarten up...Life is truly quick. Make it count.
Preach. I'm 27 and regret terrifies me daily. To top it off, I'm still not sure what the **** I love and want to do in life. Stable career etc but it's not something I get out of bed excited for
Although I don't regret anything in my life, I do feel the burden of my spirit for partaking in the event of taking another life. Not one day I don't think about it.

I say this to say, as much as you try to move on from can live on but you will never truly be able to forget it.


You killed somebody?
I havent spoken to my brother in 2 and half years over an argument, I want to bury the hatchet but my pride wont let me do it. He has made various attempts to apologize and I refuse to accept it. I should holla at him

Call your brother today!
Make that call! It's not worth the hurt and guilt you'll feel if something happens to him. **** I wish I had a brother.

Definitely bury the hatchet and put that **** behind you.

Call your brother today!
Update, we just had a 3 hour conversation and the hatchet was buried within the first 45 minutes. The last 2 hours was jokes and ********, we plan on hanging out this Friday for his birthday. Feels damn good
Came up on some pain killers. Part of me wants to throw them away, and part of me doesn't. Most likely I'll finish the bottle. I'm pretty good at hiding when I'm under.
I smashed this stripper. This is back in the days. She gets smashed a lot by people but she had a soft spot for me. So she’d let me smash anytime I said I wanna smash (free) yes. So I smashed the afternoon I seen her we smashed more at my hotel then by morning I wanted to smash but my shaft must’ve been sore because too much smashing I went in raw anyways but my shaft was hitting the walls of her inside vagina. Imagine nice warm vagina that must be sore too and me being sore in the morning the Pain and Pleasure of love making. Lol
This same lady down the line would know exactly where I was at. I lost touch of her and she drove up besides me one day and we began to talk again. She had a fiancé now. I was like oh cool. I’d call her and we’d chill in her apt or we’ll meet up at a momo because her fiancé was planned to show up to see her later. I didn’t really care I’m like ok. Eventually I end being welcomed to her apt and I tell her if your fiancé comes by I’m your hairstylist or some type of bs. She suggests to say i know her son. I’m like wth no !her sons like 12 how can I be that ****** friend. Crazy stripper. I always wanted her sister tho. I had a chance one day. But I was sleepy so I took a nap at her apt while she was stripping. Her sister was in her room. Get this fellas ... one of my visits the sisters is preparing chorizo and potato tacos and burritos with rice and beans. The children are in the living room watching tv so I suggest to the “stripper” we have sex. She’s like ok we go into her room lock the door and **** in the restroom unknowing to me the shower window is right next to the kitchen. Her sister musta been hearing moanings groanings and shaking. We used the toilet as our platform. Use your imagination :wink:. *I enjoyed that dang food.
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I feel like Charlie Murphy. When he knows you won’t believe him about those stories except these stories are of me. I have more. I got haters who prep work before I hit these strip clubs. Being chingon or don’t hate the player hate the game doesn’t work at least for me. *it feels offensive like when backpage ads say no blacks.
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I stopped talking to this one cause she was preggos by fiancé this was her baby #3 she’s actually the first person I seen smoke out of a lightbulb before. I wasn’t tempted.
I'm in love with a beautiful woman who works at the Wells Fargo I bank at. I want to make shorty my wife, I know she is the one from the moment I laid eyes on her. I'm gonna make her mine.
Do it man ! Do it for yourself but do it for your nt fam. We are here. Don’t be like me only missing my opportunity and not even bounties (Money)will bring her to me. only difference is I got my beast on with her. So I could move on. But i still like her.
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I hit a relative in the head with a gun for being a smartbutt. Had a big knot similar to cardi b with a lil blood gushing down the face. Nt these situations are all connected to where I live,relatives and stuff I just got the closest person I could to send the message. It’ll keep happening
Do it man ! Do it for yourself but do it for your nt fam. We are here. Don’t be like me only missing my opportunity and not even bounties (Money)will bring her to me. only difference is I got my beast on with her. So I could move on. But i still like her.

Oh I'm most definitely going to. I'm just calculating on making my move on her. I have to use my tact and finesse to pull her. I'm not going to just rush in, I have to be thoughtful about her.
I only go where I know. I lost my virginity to those type of chicks. You can’t blame me. My mom raised me my dad was around but he wasn’t a real role model my role models were musicians people in movies athletes those guys I seen all the time and I felt these guys are awesome. I see them as examples but I see there falls. My uncle was a big part of my life. When he died I figured life was too too short. I thought he was cool he drank he gets angry and does whatever he wants. Before coming here he went to Mexico and had a lil life down there how rugged and cool must that have been ? When he died I felt sad I didn’t know every lil detail of him but to know he worked at bars in Mexico it was like he was probably living kick ***. I find out later people making him look like a dip****. For instance he took his oldest son to a white chicks home in Hollywood left him in the living room who knows what my uncle was doing. But he was with a white chick how cool must that be ? Lol
When I needed advice or help nobody was there. So when I do my things I don’t **** with people I kinda avoid being near questionable people because when I needed help nobody was there. It gets to the point where it’s known I smash strippers but there’s these weird folks out there that want something and just for being secretive they think they can say who I am. Because legally they just think I sit there with strippers. I’m smashing them. It’s illegal and they can’t get me in trouble it angers them. But in regular life I can be labeled what they want. Strange people. They all want a piece of me.
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