
Trying to remain optimistic about law school. I’ve applied to about 8 or so since February, and have only heard back from two. Both schools put me on their waitlist, so I’m optimistic. One of them is my top choice of schools, so I’m hoping they’ll give me a shot.

Getting more and more used to being single. In past relationships, I’d just cheat and just live with the guilt. Now I’m completely free to do my own thing and it feels good to not have to lie.

Turning 30 in October and I’m beginning to wonder if I’ll ever really settle down. For one, I enjoy the freedom. I live in Atlanta, so there’s always a plethora of women. But the dating pool is filled with either a) self indulged chicks who want the world handed to them because they’re attractive, b) women I find dull and don’t stimulate me beyond the physical act of sex. I’m starting to think I need to hold off on wanting anything serious until I move away from here.
Nice to see this thread be bumped after a while.

Been a good 2018 so far though and I've been pretty happy for a bit now. Outta the four months so far, one moment so far really stands out though. Last month, I found out the week before my birthday that I would be admitted into art school and got a scholarship from the school as well. And it's a nice feeling to see the hard work I've been putting in these last couple years payoff towards my dream.

Kinda odd, but also recently been getting closer with one of my friends from high school (also was one of my ex's best friends) mainly due to the fact we both got cheated on. It's been nice though cause she helped me get over it quicker and I've tried to reciprocate that back.

Overall it's been a good year. Getting more confident in my artwork/photos, stepping out of my creative comfort zone and comfort zone in general, and making some early, healthy life style changes as well so my future self can be better.
Man, I think I suffer from a mental/personality disorder and need professional psychiatric help.
I must confess that confessions part 2 by Usher was an amazing song... I really liked it when it came out but used to play it cool like "nah it's alright" but in reality I would blast it in my car and sing it full blast while thinking about what I would be going through if I got that phone call while I was in college at the time

put that on everything

It’s kinda deep but, long story short, I have all of my parents worst flaws and it causes me to do some really far out **** socially. I see a pattern here. I can’t talk to my parents about it because of said flaws.

Are you danger to self or others?

I don’t think I’m a danger to anyone but I can tell it’s effecting people around me. I don’t want it to turn into hurting me or others.
I'm 100% sure I have anixety. Have a docs appointment for something else coming up. How do I bring it up to him.
I have anxiety and my doc prescribed me stuff in the worst case scenario when i'm overwhelmed.
No shame to bring it up, hell start the convo with that.
"Hey Dr. I've been noticing that I've felt anxious at times..."
I find reading about non-Black/African history easier and more "enjoyable." It's not that I don't love my own kind, or find value in our history. The truth of it is it is just more painful to read. I become swamped with imaginings of what was and what could have been. Whenever I read about what happened to the enslaved brought to the Caribbean, South America, and North America it hurts. So much human capital (pun not intended) lost in transit or wasted by slavery. So many cultural concepts and ideas lost that we don't know. While what is preserved is obviously beautiful, it feels like half a story. The other pages of the book ripped out and lost to time. Often times, I'd rather just not think about it at all.
This thread is :lol::smh::pimp:

Back in 10th grade. Math teacher threatened to fail me, if I didn’t smash. Safe to say....

Also ended up breaking my hip during the football season and she came over to my parents house. She was going on about how I was her favorite student and she wanted to check up on me.
Ended up getting head and bussin in her mouth, while my parents were in their room :lol::lol:
I have anxiety and my doc prescribed me stuff in the worst case scenario when i'm overwhelmed.
No shame to bring it up, hell start the convo with that.
"Hey Dr. I've been noticing that I've felt anxious at times..."
Yeah I had to get over it and finally speak to my Dr about it and she gave me the referral. It's weird, I feel like as the depression I was in started clearing up the anxiety kicked in, like i've woken up to a panic attack.
Yeah I had to get over it and finally speak to my Dr about it and she gave me the referral. It's weird, I feel like as the depression I was in started clearing up the anxiety kicked in, like i've woken up to a panic attack.
You take anything for it or find other ways to deal with it
The Dr hasn't reached out yet, but i'm going to get back into regular exercise, things seemed even then and maybe take L-Theanine again.
Prescriptions is one of the things that keep me from getting professional help. I’m scared they’re gonna medicate me, which means my issues are way deeper than my perspective, and I don’t want to show up at work one day acting different.
Yeah that's one thing that scares me so I'll do all I can on my own first. If there's a legit chemical imbalance then i'll submit. It's like my blood pressure, was managing it on my own until I couldn't anymore.
I lied to my girl over some dumb ish. He say she say type stuff. Smh ‍♀️ feel so stupid man. We broke up. I have high hopes we’ll patch things up eventually but still :((((

Pray for me fellas
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