
i smashed one of my best friends girls 5 years ago or so..they broke up that night and we smashed..

prior to this night the girl and i hated each other and she was telling him not to chill with me..him and i didnt chill for almost 5 years
..anyway me and dude dont even kick it anymore and i could care less about how he feels..

i was out shopping yesterday and i saw his new girl...i saw her checking me out..i dont know if she knows im her mans friend, since me and him stopped talking before they got together..

he lives a couple hours away, and is going to school..

i would smash her too, only to teach him a lesson about getting sprung on these chicks that arent worth it...

his parents are rich and these chicks didnt pay him any mind till they found out his fam was loaded..

all of a sudden he started bringing all these lames around that only wanted to kick it with him cuz of the stuff he had..

also i think he didnt like that i could get the girls based on my personality and charm and he didnt have any of that...

dude is so afraid to be himself, its sad..but i got nothin but love for em..

You seriously think she just had a change of heart because of your "personality" after hating you until she fell out with the guy? Seriously?

This girl played both of yall as pawns to get what she wanted. From the sound of it, son is a square and surrounds himself with fake people, you included. She used you to give him the ultimate diss, not because you're a cool guy, bro.

Look at you. "I could care less about how he feels" and in the same post, "I got nothin but love for em"

Says a lot about you as a person and poster on Niketalk. I dont respect you.
-been working at this job/ career since i graduated from HS gonna be 26 this year and i ha vent done nothing with my life but work and pay my credit card off then max it out again then work my *** off to pay it off again, its a never ending cycle that's hard for me to shake off. FML

-since i been working i didn't think about going to school again and actually get in a professional field. my job is based on orders and when it slows down they'll be lay offs FML

-I'm at point in life where i need too switch things up before its too late, as in going back to school and get a degree that i want (BIT) because all i see is old grumpy men talking about how they gotta work 12hrs to pay off their kid tuition n all these bills n such, I'm lookin at myself like "that's gonna be me pretty soon"

-im content about my life in general i dont want to live in this city anymore its like, i see and do the same thing everyday and weekend and just getting boring by the years specially when i dont have a lot of friends only got 2 good homies and they barely have money so i wouldnt mind starting over again. i wanna stack up and get my degree and go off to a different country (Australia, Canada) and start my life all over again.

-met a girl back in august and she live in Calgary and i live in Seattle we've been talking,i been flying up there to hang out with her once a month and i feel like its getting nowhere. she just got out of a 5 year relationship and its been 6 months already, she says she hasn't completely moved on yet. but i been trying to knock down that wall but seems like its not happening(she dates white guys im and were Asian) . she says she like me but then she wants her space and time all this BS when its plain to see i want her and im just emotionally exhausted over this. if anything i would make the big move up there to be close to her. FML

-i need to go a vacation soon before i go crazy!
-This will be my third time taking Statistics.
-Im started to think my boss is a racist.
-I need to pay about 2000 dollars by the end of January, Im starting to sell off things.
-I think my current girlfriend has been the prettiest of them all.
-I hate when she doesn't get dressed up for daddy 

-Im going to have to give up soccer for this DAMN statistics class, and it gets me really really pissed
-I am so desperate to take a vacation already, even if its just for a 3 day weekend
*When i take loud poops, i flush the toilet and cough so no one hears it*
-This will be my third time taking Statistics.
-Im started to think my boss is a racist.
-I need to pay about 2000 dollars by the end of January, Im starting to sell off things.
-I think my current girlfriend has been the prettiest of them all.
-I hate when she doesn't get dressed up for daddy 

-Im going to have to give up soccer for this DAMN statistics class, and it gets me really really pissed
-I am so desperate to take a vacation already, even if its just for a 3 day weekend
*When i take loud poops, i flush the toilet and cough so no one hears it*
Bruh hang in there for stats. I took Calc like 3 or 4 times man.  3 more credits and im done with school.
- I watch Teen laugh at them.

-my gf from high school left me for the army....*****

- i had a crush on stephanie from full house

- if i were president, I would put all the murders and flunkies from school in the front line with a plastic spoon.

- sometimes when im at work i ask myself "what the **#$ am i doing here."

- someone took payments on my car and they missed a payment, the address on the contract is not where they live.

- i actually thought the cowboys had a chance.
- I don't know what I'm doing with my life at the moment.

- I feel like the last few years have just passed by.

- I think Continuum is a classic
- I watch Teen laugh at them.

-my gf from high school left me for the army....*****

- i had a crush on stephanie from full house

- if i were president, I would put all the murders and flunkies from school in the front line with a plastic spoon.

- sometimes when im at work i ask myself "what the **#$ am i doing here."

- someone took payments on my car and they missed a payment, the address on the contract is not where they live.

- i actually thought the cowboys had a chance.
well damn!!!
-i'm Jealous of all my friends. They are out doing things and graduating on time while I'm going to graduate a semester late
-I'm struggling to do my cancer research and Bio Engineering research projects.
- My group has no Idea what we are doing but we have 2 gs of grant money invested into us plus one of us is useless
-22 in a month and I hate the world around me
- I feel like I'm not up to measure of who I should be at my age. I always feel like a loser
-I hate myself for the choices I have made.
-I'm extremely jealous of popular men
-I really want to go into OCS so I can fit in with my military friends. I was in ROTC and I really miss the Army
-i'm Jealous of all my friends. They are out doing things and graduating on time while I'm going to graduate a semester late
-I'm struggling to do my cancer research and Bio Engineering research projects.
- My group has no Idea what we are doing but we have 2 gs of grant money invested into us plus one of us is useless
-22 in a month and I hate the world around me
- I feel like I'm not up to measure of who I should be at my age. I always feel like a loser
-I hate myself for the choices I have made.
-I'm extremely jealous of popular men
-I really want to go into OCS so I can fit in with my military friends. I was in ROTC and I really miss the Army
if ur still in school......ur ahead of the curve ....

who do u want to be.....? dont be afraid to go there.......

a coworker told me today "it will all get better, you have ur whole life ahead of you".....i didnt even say anything to her, just didnt smile as much as i usually do i pass that on....... to
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CONFESSION 4: i really really like chuck e cheese pizza, i find it to be delicious.

CONFESSION 5: i'm still bitter i loss in a one on one in basketball back in september at chuck e cheese.
- once drunk, i kissed my sister........ :x This was 2 weeks ago :smh:

- when i take a #2, i take all my clothes off and sit backwards so i can rest my arms. 8)

- i wear black pants to releases so when i pee no one will know :smh:

- if an old person is working at subway i ask for a different person to make my sandwhich

- the first time i got dome in a car i hit a dog, we stopped to check on it, and as it was dying, we had sex in the car. :smokin

-when i was little i ordered an invisibility cloak off ebay so i could fap in front of the tv.

man im j/p :rofl:

this thread is so depressing tho :wow:

dudes spillin EVERYTHING

:rofl: at NTers smashin other NTers wifeys

Fam, I was laughing so hard. Not going to lie, I will be trying number two.

This is why I love these threads. Dudes discussing real life things and then the funny replies sort of lighten the mood.
I left my last shorty for many reasons... besides her mental suitableness.....

I couldnt stand the idea of her being the next mans ***, i know the past is the past but it killed me inside....
if ur still in school......ur ahead of the curve ....

who do u want to be.....? dont be afraid to go there.......

a coworker told me today "it will all get better, you have ur whole life ahead of you".....i didnt even say anything to her, just didnt smile as much as i usually do i pass that on....... to

Being ahead of the curb sucks right now. I'm 50gs in debt and not even done yet.

I don't even know what I wanna do in life. All I know is I'm gonna end up with a degree and BIO and its blank from there.

That "it will all get better, you have your whole life ahead of you" is bunk but it isnt cool when your doing it when your in your 30s when everyones been doing it since their 20s :smh:
Man, I have needed a thread like this for a while. Here comes a long, much needed post.

My parents have been separated for a little over a year now. I hate it during holidays. We used to be so close and loving. I mean we still are and they're on good terms, but its just not the same.

My sister is a total *****. She constantly talks bad about me and makes it seem like I'm a horrible kid and messing up in life and school, even though I'm trying harder than ever in every facet of life. She was telling my family a bunch of bad stuff about me which was extremely exaggerated and inaccurate. My cousins and aunts and uncles defended me, one of my cousins family and uncle knows how much I've struggled and how I'm trying to do better. Right then and there, I deaded her. I know its not a good thing, but I see it like this, if I don't enjoy being around a random person because they keep putting me down ill keep distance between us, no different with my sister. Although I do wish I had a cool sister I could go to for anything. I honestly don't even want her at my graduation (senior in high school)
-This will be my third time taking Statistics.
-Im started to think my boss is a racist.
-I need to pay about 2000 dollars by the end of January, Im starting to sell off things.
-I think my current girlfriend has been the prettiest of them all.
-I hate when she doesn't get dressed up for daddy 

-Im going to have to give up soccer for this DAMN statistics class, and it gets me really really pissed
-I am so desperate to take a vacation already, even if its just for a 3 day weekend
*When i take loud poops, i flush the toilet and cough so no one hears it*
dude.....isnt this why people keep the water running ?.......sink or bathtub......
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