
I've never done drugs and it makes me feel that I am better than everyone else.

I grew up in a church all my life and I practically don't believe in God anymore.
CONFESSION 2:when i was between 16 and 19 all my girlfriends were girls i snatched off relationships. they left their significant other to go out with me. i kinda enjoyed it
 one of my ex's was bi and had a gf of three years and she left her gf for me and another girl broke off her engagement to be with me. my recent ex (mentioned below in confession 3) is a jehova's witness and her mom was crazy and we couldn't be together bc i wasn't religious and her mom didn't like me for some reason even though we never talked or met, so i feel god and her mom snatched her away from me, we were together for a year but it was something special and things got serious and lovey quick. anyways, now i know the feel the guys felt when something came between love.

CONFESSION 3:i was convinced my ex was "THE ONE" but when she dumped me in april i was bummed the **** out for 7 months but come december, i couldn't care less about her, it was like a switch went off and my feelings and everything i had for her just vanished overnight. i wouldn't care if sportscenter got interrupted with breaking news about her getting hit by a bus, raped by a zoo full of animals and given a disease that turned her into a hybrid monster of every animal that took her to pound town.
reported cc stolen so I won't be charged $10 fee for cancelling an order online

hope it works

I'm going to be 25 in a few months. All my friends and fam are pressuring me to find a girlfriend and have a meaningful relationship but I don't want to. I love these h***
CONFESSION 2:when i was between 16 and 19 all my girlfriends were girls i snatched off relationships. they left their significant other to go out with me. i kinda enjoyed it
 one of my ex's was bi and had a gf of three years and she left her gf for me and another girl broke off her engagement to be with me. my recent ex (mentioned below in confession 3) is a jehova's witness and her mom was crazy and we couldn't be together bc i wasn't religious and her mom didn't like me for some reason even though we never talked or met, so i feel god and her mom snatched her away from me, we were together for a year but it was something special and things got serious and lovey quick. anyways, now i know the feel the guys felt when something came between love.

CONFESSION 3:i was convinced my ex was "THE ONE" but when she dumped me in april i was bummed the **** out for 7 months but come december, i couldn't care less about her, it was like a switch went off and my feelings and everything i had for her just vanished overnight. i wouldn't care if sportscenter got interrupted with breaking news about her getting hit by a bus, raped by a zoo full of animals and given a disease that turned her into a hybrid monster of every animal that took her to pound town.
dude....sry to break the news to u.....but ur not over her.....sounds like u hate her.......

if u really didnt care about her, you wouldnt wish those calamities on her....good news tho....its part of the healing process so.....ur on ur way there......
- I yielded at the stop sign last night
- I took a drunk girl home last night. the business
- Ive been hanging with this girl for awhile. And been lying to my longtime girlfriend. Everytime I was in LA I was with my new lady friend, every time she called I told her baby I'm working. I was out doing my dirt wasnt thinking out her getting hurt. I was hand & hand at the Beverly Center nt giving 2 dambs who saw me. So gone, so wrong. Acting like I didnt have her sitting at, thinking bout me being the good girl that she was, she prolly believed she had a good man. A man that would never do the things I told her Ive done. I told her brace herself it aint good, but it would be the worst if she heard this from somebody else...

-never did a drug in my whole life.  I wanna try shrooms and peyote just to see what the experiance is like. And go to burining man.

-I dwell on to many little things. I try to let go of stuff, but I wind up still dwelling on it.

-My theripist made me re-hash some old memories about some things that I forgot all about.  Well it was about the time my dad punched my mom in the face and blood was everywhere. I was little when it happened but it led to me always worrying about was going to happen.  It also put me in a messed up situation between my parents.  It was just scary.  I don't wish that on anybody.

-To this day I still talk to my dad.  But it isn't that fatherly type situation.  Him doing that kind of messed me up about what being a man is.  Don't get me wrong i'm not gonna blame my life for the way it is because of that, because life goes on, its just that, that is why I am such a worrier.

-I'm in what they call a gray area about my ex.  Been broken up for about a year and a half now, and I still think about her.   Its like one minute I want to be with her, then I talk to her and i'm like "why do I want to be with you".  It's wierd and i'm trying to move on from her.  And its hard because so much hot tail is at my job (an airport), and i'll be checking it out, then my ex pops up in my mind.  I'm so trying to get over it.

-People think i'm the greatest guy in the world and they just don't know i'm just really angry inside.  I look like uncle phil and sound like carlton and people think I don't have problems or I don't get mad.  People take my kindness for weakness way too much.  I hate it.

-I'm too close to my mom and sister.  I'm not saying that like its a bad thing.  Its just we've been together though good times, horrible times, great times, ect. I would do anything for them.  I just found out something about my sister that I wish I didn't and I kind of hurts me. I still love her but what she does just ain't right.

-I live my sister and her family and I need to move into my own place.  But i'm just scared. Like as soon as I move into my own spot I won't have enough money for groceries, or my car will have major problems and I have to choose between rent or fixing my car, then i'm kicked out of my place.  I know I gotta go but just getting myself together.

-Tried online dating last year and it was a catfish type situation.  Got one pic, turned out to be something else, not good.  Not gonna lie, thats the first time I had a shallow feeling about a person and it made me think I was messed up for that, but we're human and we like what me like.

-I have such a fear of rejection that it takes over me and I obsess about it.  Thats why I don't talk to women that much.  I don't have this game they're talking about. Plus have body issues as well. I'm in my head way too much.

-I realize that i'm a play it safe kind of guy and I never take a chance.  I do that because, i'm just scared.  I'm scared to see whats on the other side.  I like to know whats on the other side so i'd know what i'm doing.

-My friend is such douche and I don't know why I talk to him.  We stopped talking like 5 years ago.  He met a broad, got sprung on her, and started to get really full of himself. Cool.  He came into some money (a back accident $30,000) spent it up till it went dry.  Then won a scratch off ($30,000) and spent that up.  Now he's broke.  Not with his broad who he has a kid with now.  Running from child support. He just got a world of problems.  So I harbor no feelings about it and start talking to him again.  We go out to eat, I pay and when I depart ways with him he asks me for money so he can get himself a nickel bag.  And he asks for it like I owe it to him " can you give to my fund,ha ha ha", like that was cute. I gotta cut son off.

-Seen my first girlfriend awhile ago.  She dropped a bomb on me about her being prego with my kid way back when.  But never told me because I was too good of a guy and she didn't want to get me caught in a situation like that.  I realized that if she would've had that kid, it would be 18.  It really blows me a little.
I just did a quintiple post so I edited all my stuff and then all of it was gone.

Anywho my issue now is no girls and no yams. I passed on some recent yams though.

Even hit up the online dating. I'm wondering If im setting the bar too high now.. :smh:

I just need the right settings to meet the right person I guess


Oh and drugs are stupid, dont 'do them. Whoever posted up there. Something I noticed you never "try" anything just once. I tried alcohol once after never drinking... now i drink.

I tried smoking once, I am far from a smoker and I never ask for it or look for it but if its around me I'm not as resistant as I use to be.

I tried 'woo im sweatin' before and this is the thing I am definitely stopping. If you are set on experimenting I'd start there. I don't regret trying it and I would be more upset if I never did it in my life but still. I'm planning to do it in maye 3-4 months at 1 or 2 shows and I promised myself never again after that before I die or something stupid happens to me.
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dude....sry to break the news to u.....but ur not over her.....sounds like u hate her.......

if u really didnt care about her, you wouldnt wish those calamities on her....good news tho....its part of the healing process so.....ur on ur way there......
you know nothing!!! n o t h i n g
nah, but seriously, i am over her, i don't wish any harm on her or hate her
I only watch "G-G" or "solo" online videos. I like knowing that if I ever get caught or someone finds my history they might think I'm a tad classier on some level. Shallow and stupid? Yes.

I'm no where near an In-N-Out and I can't stand it, it burns my insides. I used to have 3 within a mile from me but since moving I probably haven't had it in 1.5 years. I know it sounds silly, but I'm a horrible cook and it sort of means a lot knowing there's a convenient, inexpensive, well-crafted hot meal always at your disposal.  

I urinate in the sink. I also take these vitamins that make your urine bright neon yellow, and the second I see it hit porcelain the song "Electric Feel" by MGMT starts playing in my head.

When I'm by myself I like doing impersonations of characters from the Wire. 
I am not very photogenic. I have gained something like 30 pounds since I started college (from 180 to 210 as a senior). It has made me pretty self conscious about taking photos or wearing tight clothing
Homeboy at work has been bribing certain people so he can rort the system and operate unethically to profit for himself and screw clients.

I just blew the whistle on him. He'll probably be fired by the weeks end.
I have this married chick who gives me head while her husband posting on the kobe thread
Her husband is a filipino deadbeat
I have been wit her for almost 8months now
Sad to say one time she talk to him on the phone(hes in the philippines)while on her knees smh
- once drunk, i kissed my sister........ :x This was 2 weeks ago :smh:

- when i take a #2, i take all my clothes off and sit backwards so i can rest my arms. 8)

- i wear black pants to releases so when i pee no one will know :smh:

- if an old person is working at subway i ask for a different person to make my sandwhich

- the first time i got dome in a car i hit a dog, we stopped to check on it, and as it was dying, we had sex in the car. :smokin

-when i was little i ordered an invisibility cloak off ebay so i could fap in front of the tv.

man im j/p :rofl:

this thread is so depressing tho :wow:

dudes spillin EVERYTHING

:rofl: at NTers smashin other NTers wifeys
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I have this married chick who gives me head while her husband posting on the kobe thread
Her husband is a filipino deadbeat
I have been wit her for almost 8months now
Sad to say one time she talk to him on the phone(hes in the philippines)while on her knees smh


Buddy is a NT'er?
Buddy is a NT'er?
yea his wife told me all about him how he care about more for his basketball shoes than his kids.this guy act like
Hes the man in the philippines while his kids starving over here smh..bottom line hes not providing for his kids ...hes worried about the next realeses of jordans/kobes before his kids, this guy got no shame ..
I've never done drugs and it makes me feel that I am better than everyone else.
I grew up in a church all my life and I practically don't believe in God anymore.

I hate people like you. Foreal, get your head out of your ***.
I have this married chick who gives me head while her husband posting on the kobe thread
Her husband is a filipino deadbeat
I have been wit her for almost 8months now
Sad to say one time she talk to him on the phone(hes in the philippines)while on her knees smh**** is not cool........thats my *** sig.
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