
Being ahead of the curb sucks right now. I'm 50gs in debt and not even done yet.
I don't even know what I wanna do in life. All I know is I'm gonna end up with a degree and BIO and its blank from there.
That "it will all get better, you have your whole life ahead of you" is bunk but it isnt cool when your doing it when your in your 30s when everyones been doing it since their 20s
u may feel this way, but u shouldnt.........i doubt allen iverson would be the same on the court if he talked ^^this^^ into his life......he is 37 btw......

tht is the answer.....
I feel like I've become less creative over the years, and I need my creativity at a high level if I want to be successful in my career choice.
Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty creative, but I feel that I have become less that I was in the past.
It's really bothering me.

try different things.. travel and meet new friends.
Damn, the thread is kinda depressing

Glad yall can come and be honest though, real talk.

I have a **** ton of things I regret and insecurities to live with everyday, but I guess it's all about looking foward....
-My theripist made me re-hash some old memories about some things that I forgot all about. 
Fammmmmm...same thing happened to me. Was feeling anxious about graduating college a few years ago and decided to go see a therapist. Started talking and next thing you know certain topics come up and boom, the stuff I wanted to forgot is fresh on my mind.

Unfortunately for me, it still is on my mind and it hasn't helped with my relationship with either of my parents and this was years ago. 
Ok, now some of the ones that have been bothering me like crazy, as of late. Feel free to give me some advice guys since I know a lot of you are older and have gone through it already.
First off, I hate my "homies." The dudes I hang out with in school. They claim to be my homies and such, yet during winter break I got not ONE phone call or text from any of them. That low key hurt because I see myself as an amazing friend who's always willing to help a friend out with whatever.
However, when the new jordans come out they all hit me up asking for me to hook up a "friend." I know the obvious thing to do is find a new group of friends, but it's second semester of senior year and it's just be a hassle above work and the gym. I don't even see myself hanging out with them after graduation, let alone take pics at graduation. Although I am grateful for a very small group of friends and family I can consider brothers. Oh btw, incase my friend Santi sees this thread, it ain't about you, you're like a brother to me so don't trip.

You gotta realize that you don't need those dudes in your life or "friends" for that matter so it doesn't matter if it's the last semester of your senior year. You said you have a real friend in Santi who is like a brother so you're good. Focus on school, work, and the gym and you'll be ok bro. Trust me I've felt this same way about some of my so called "friends" in the past.
I want to text her.... must stay strong :frown: :rolleyes

Forgot to add, the night before I posted this I did receive the craziest dome of my life from this girl. I want to drop a Childish Gambino line about how it was so insane it was an enemy of batman, to get my point across :rofl:

But then I posted I wanted to text her... that dome didn't help apparently. :lol:
nothing to worry about, they knock you out- you wake up and feel phuked up. Then they keep you on pain killers, a little discomfort and it feels weird having holes in your mouth for a while until they close up- but its not so bad
you won't feel a thing until the pain meds wear off the next day, even then it's not unbearable. Your jaw will just be stiff as hell and you'll REALLY miss eating solid foods
Thanks guys. Eases my nerves a bit. 
-Growing up with my mom always working, my bro gangbanging/being in jail, I grew up alone.

Think it made me a selfish person. Sometimes I really dont care about anyone, dont like that.

- Always wanted a family growing up,family dinners, all that.

I make up for it now, though I try to spen d alot of time with my younger cousins and try to be their life as much as I can

- Doubt myself too much

- My 1st girl changed my life for the better. I still think about her, I genuinely hopes she finds a good guy

-I scared of wifing up a girl and later finding out shes a ohh
1. Just moved back to my parent's house - I'm 29 years old.
2. I keep buying clothing (and before it was shoes) that I can only wear on weekends. It annoys me because I rarely get to wear them because during the week I have to wear a dress shirt/dress pants/leather shoes to work.
3. I dropped my iPhone in the toilet last Saturday and I did NOT want to fish it out of there...
4. will have more later...
I do everything for my girl..
And I mean I take care of her finances. I schedule her appointments. i get her everything she asks for. i pay for damn near everything. I help her in school. Im always here for her when she needs me.. I mean whatever you can name i do for her.
But i dont feel shes always there for me, she chooses to hang with her lame *** sorority more than me.. i feel like i sacrificed alot of what i could have been to build her up
. I feel like i buy her stuff just so she'll hang out with me. I dont know if she still loves me, but i hope she still does.. I miss how we used to be when we first met.. crazy how a few fights change everything. Idk how to tell her how i feel but i do wanna marry her.

Im slowly losing weight but i could lose way more if i stopped cheating so much.

I dont think im good looking

I feel sorry for myself and its sad cuz i know theres millions of people who have jt worse.

This is me. Word for word. I feel you bro.
every single girl ive been with ive lied to.

every single day. idk what it is but i just do it. i dont even think either. its like lying is a language for me. i tell girls what they wanna hear regardless if i mean it or not and most of the time i dont mean

theres this girl im talking to now, i like her a lot and we get along mad good. im actually gonna try and not lie or anything to her. so far so good

wish me luck :wink:
like...petty lies...or decision changing lies.....if it is the former ...seems confidence related....later = something deeper? 

good luck
like...petty lies...or decision changing lies.....if it is the former ...seems confidence related....later = something deeper? :nerd:

good luck

petty lies like what i was doing or who i was with. big lies like my emotions and feelings based, talking to other girls, lying about being single, pretty much any lie you can think of

i dont think its confidence related cause i say i have great self confidence. its from growing up with a single parent. my pops wasnt around much and he would always flake. taking this and how my first relationship ended, i started lying and not caring about anything
I wept like a little girl this morning when I read that tweet on the Kings getting sold (even though it ain't official yet)
petty lies like what i was doing or who i was with. big lies like my emotions and feelings based, talking to other girls, lying about being single, pretty much any lie you can think of

i dont think its confidence related cause i say i have great self confidence. its from growing up with a single parent. my pops wasnt around much and he would always flake. taking this and how my first relationship ended, i started lying and not caring about anything
my little bro does this....(he is turning 20).....i feel like its a 'stay out of my buisness' technique......u dont have to deal with the confrontation........the questions.......... off am i lol.....?
my little bro does this....(he is turning 20).....i feel like its a 'stay out of my buisness' technique......u dont have to deal with the confrontation........the questions.......... off am i lol.....?

youre right. cause i know if i told the truth i wouldnt hear the end of it. im 21 so yeah same age as your bro
Everyone sleeps on chuckee pizza. That pizza is sooo delicious, I tell everyone that.
glad i'm not the only one

CONFESSION 6: m&ms is my favorite candy but i occasionally go behind their back & eat a snickers
i just read all 22 pages, i have to say my empathy goes out to those of you going through real ****, some of ya'll be thinking and acting like straight douchbags though foreal, i feel my problems are too real for this thread not to say this thread wasnt real, i relate to alot of your problems, i appreciate all your honesty to the posters and i hope the venting has helped lift the burden from your shoulders a little, im just not ready to vent, ill bookmark and check back, remember nothing stays the same for ever, if your going through a tough time dont worry it'll change, if things are going good dont worry it'll change, just try and maintain and stay sane 
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this dude jumpmankb sounds like a real piece of trash.   Most of the posts in here really make me laugh
     a lot of you are just horrible people.
I am not as motivated at my current job as before because I got a new job lined up after graduating college this spring.
Had a few beers, went through my phone and text a random chick I fell out of touch with. I dont know what I expected to come from it but all I know is I love and appreciate my girl even more after that convo. If you got a good woman, hold on to her and forget the rest... Grass aint always greener
I've cheated in every relationship I've been in.

I haven't slept with a dark skinned chick since 04.

I haven't slept with a black chick that wasn't mixed with something else in over a year - and that was only 1.

I'm still attracted to fine black women I see in the media so I don't know what it is.
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