
You'll never get better unless you practice.

I know it's tough, I used to be really quiet and shy too. I honestly would've never gotten better had I not been thrown into some awkward situations. I was somewhat forced to since I moved around a lot as a kid and so I had to embrace being the new kid. It was either approach people and try and be social or end up with no friends wherever I moved to.

I'm sure there have been certain situations where you were forced out of your comfort zone, but the key is to build on those and to put yourself out there more often. Take it slowly, step by step, and you'll make progress. 
idk what to say after, Hey I'm Sam tho
I've never spit game in real life, how do you do it?
You might say that but I have severe anxiety/social anxiety and a sweating problem that ties into that so when I go into social settings where it's people I don't know, I just freeze up and start sweating a ********
Famb, no flames, spitting at females should be the least of your worries.

Get your Self Esteem & Self Worth game proper.

after that, work on your anxiety.

Then work on holding conversations with strangers.

Then the yambs.
idk what to say after, Hey I'm Sam tho
A lot of it is situational stuff. All you have to do is comment on things and you don't even have to come up the material, you just use whatever happens to comment on to have easy conversation.

If you're at something where everyone is introducing themselves it's a casual "Hey I'm Sam, nice to meet you" or "Hey I'm Sam, what do you think about (whatever it is you're doing/at)?"

Don't think too much about it and just try and let it happen. Having a friend with you always helps in any kind of social situation, but don't rely on them.
Basically declined a football scholarship because my girl thought it would be too far away.. Regretted it at first, but am moving on. It was something I was scared of( her holding me back in some things).. Went to a much more expensive school to be closer to her, but don't really like it too much.. Transferred because I tried to walk on and didn't make, so she influenced me to go to a school that would be closer to her for when she goes off.. Have matured now in some ways.. Leaving the school I transferred to go to a school I want to go to..( it's also cheaper)

She is great girl and has all the qualities I want in my wife. We are still together..( been 2 years and a couple of months)

Just kind of wanted to say that.. I just turned 19 by the way, any advice is welcomed as far girls and making those decisions you want, but also being willing to compromise..
Basically declined a football scholarship because my girl thought it would be too far away.. Regretted it at first, but am moving on. It was something I was scared of( her holding me back in some things).. Went to a much more expensive school to be closer to her, but don't really like it too much.. Transferred because I tried to walk on and didn't make, so she influenced me to go to a school that would be closer to her for when she goes off.. Have matured now in some ways.. Leaving the school I transferred to go to a school I want to go to..( it's also cheaper)

She is great girl and has all the qualities I want in my wife. We are still together..( been 2 years and a couple of months)

Just kind of wanted to say that.. I just turned 19 by the way, any advice is welcomed as far girls and making those decisions you want, but also being willing to compromise..



dont know what to tell you really

not trying to be mean but she sounds selfish af....that seemed like a great opportunity for you, and you didnt go because she thought it was too far... she thought it was too far...

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Its crazy when I see young people invest so much into a person, to the point they turn down opportunities to be with them.
.... you shouldnt put anyone before your initial goals.

This is a part of my biggest fears, Ive seen some real intelligent,realistic, level headed people get into a relationship and just turn naive.
Naive about trust, finances and compromising on stands and goals they always had.

It is a scary thing.

this quote from shoefreak...too true
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To be completely honest

You are a dam fool for doing that and I say that with respect, my girl would of gladly waited let me go in order for me to chase that football dream

Lock this thread up I'm sick
Lock this thread up I'm sick
:lol: kind of true.

to be fair, I and most people have done similar things. and really I think you just have to go through it before you realize how dumb you were.

19 is way too young to be making sacrifices for a girl, or anyone for that matter.
Def a mistake that should only be made once & done when you're younger. I can't say I blame lil homie, been there done that made some dumb decisions when I was young & thought I'd be in love forever only to turn around and dip in some more poon & as life took its course snapped out of it. I will say to the young man, start living for YOU. As others have said you're wayyyyyyy to young to be making sacrifices for a woman, that **** is temporary whether you wanna hear it or not. Do what's best for YOU & make decisions that will help you build a foundation for your future your priority, that other **** is secondary.

If I had a chance to better my position I'm in with a scholarship If short ain't my fiancé she'd have to hit the bricks
Football schooly > GF

I agree with this assessment.

Its hard though man. Hindsight is 20/20. If she was your first "love" its scary how deep they can get in your head and influence important decisions. Especially considering you may spend some years with each other, but you wont end up marrying her(I'm generalizing from what Ive seen of classmates who were athletes).
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Well today's the deadline to submit my deposit for my fall semester at a different school, which I've already done. Unless I have some change of heart in the next few hours I'll be transferring. My orientation is on Tuesday.

The main reason I'm making this decision is because I don't have a very realistic shot of getting into the business school at the school I spent my first two years at. My grades were slightly below what I needed to get in and this upcoming semester would've had me taking hard prerequisites which likely would've lowered my GPA more. What pushed me to make the decision was the C+ I got in one of my business classes, when I needed to get a B. I got Bs on all my tests, an 100% on assignments, and above the class average on the final. Thing is the class average on the final was a 53% and my professor refused to curve it so I got a C+. 

My other option was to pursue a communications major which I took the prerequisites for last semester and was admitted into the major. I couldn't help but feel that it was selling myself short because it somewhat has the reputation of a joke major and because my peers in my communications classes were far below my peers in my business classes academically. Business is huge at the school and some rankings have them in the top 30 in the nation. I had some friends switch into an even easier major just so they could party all of the time and I felt that taking the easy route out wasn't smart long-term and that I needed to get a good degree.

When I talked with friends at other schools, some of them would tell me how easy it was to get into their respective business programs. That started my thinking that I should transfer to a good school (a little less of one than the one I spent my first two years at) where their business program had more lenient requirements for admission into the major. I checked out a local school that is only 15 minutes away from home and one that I was accepted to as a senior back in high school. Their requirements were easier and I am pretty sure I can meet them. I ended up applying there and getting in and now I'm looking to take that next step in transferring.

I can't help but feel that I've failed to a certain extent. While many of my peers were also forced to switch majors, there were several who were admitted into the business program for this upcoming fall semester. Now I'll be transferring to a school that I could have gotten into with even less effort than the very low amount I put forth in high school. Not that it's a bad school by any means, but it's just below the level of the schools that my friends and peers go to who I think I was most comparable to academically. I'll probably be living at home for a semester or two and then will probably look for an apartment with some friends for my senior year. I'm not sure how I feel about living at home during the school year again since my parents and I can get into some bad fights sometimes. On the other hand, I also feel that they will push and motivate me in the same way they did back in high school and while it could be annoying, my main priority right now is to focus on school and to get my grades up so it'll help.

I am also a little excited about the transition. My GPA wasn't bad, but now it's reset and I can start fresh. I also have some friends (none close friends though) who go there so it's not like I won't know anyone. I wasn't exactly happy at the school I spent my first two years at and I'm hoping that I will be more happy here. I am most excited/anxious about trying to prove myself and get admitted into a business program which has been my academic goal all along.
Well today's the deadline to submit my deposit for my fall semester at a different school, which I've already done. Unless I have some change of heart in the next few hours I'll be transferring. My orientation is on Tuesday.

The main reason I'm making this decision is because I don't have a very realistic shot of getting into the business school at the school I spent my first two years at. My grades were slightly below what I needed to get in and this upcoming semester would've had me taking hard prerequisites which likely would've lowered my GPA more. What pushed me to make the decision was the C+ I got in one of my business classes, when I needed to get a B. I got Bs on all my tests, an 100% on assignments, and above the class average on the final. Thing is the class average on the final was a 53% and my professor refused to curve it so I got a C+. :stoneface:

My other option was to pursue a communications major which I took the prerequisites for last semester and was admitted into the major. I couldn't help but feel that it was selling myself short because it somewhat has the reputation of a joke major and because my peers in my communications classes were far below my peers in my business classes academically. Business is huge at the school and some rankings have them in the top 30 in the nation. I had some friends switch into an even easier major just so they could party all of the time and I felt that taking the easy route out wasn't smart long-term and that I needed to get a good degree.

When I talked with friends at other schools, some of them would tell me how easy it was to get into their respective business programs. That started my thinking that I should transfer to a good school (a little less of one than the one I spent my first two years at) where their business program had more lenient requirements for admission into the major. I checked out a local school that is only 15 minutes away from home and one that I was accepted to as a senior back in high school. Their requirements were easier and I am pretty sure I can meet them. I ended up applying there and getting in and now I'm looking to take that next step in transferring.

I can't help but feel that I've failed to a certain extent. While many of my peers were also forced to switch majors, there were several who were admitted into the business program for this upcoming fall semester. Now I'll be transferring to a school that I could have gotten into with even less effort than the very low amount I put forth in high school. Not that it's a bad school by any means, but it's just below the level of the schools that my friends and peers go to who I think I was most comparable to academically. I'll probably be living at home for a semester or two and then will probably look for an apartment with some friends for my senior year. I'm not sure how I feel about living at home during the school year again since my parents and I can get into some bad fights sometimes. On the other hand, I also feel that they will push and motivate me in the same way they did back in high school and while it could be annoying, my main priority right now is to focus on school and to get my grades up so it'll help.

I am also a little excited about the transition. My GPA wasn't bad, but now it's reset and I can start fresh. I also have some friends (none close friends though) who go there so it's not like I won't know anyone. I wasn't exactly happy at the school I spent my first two years at and I'm hoping that I will be more happy here. I am most excited/anxious about trying to prove myself and get admitted into a business program which has been my academic goal all along.
Looks like you it it all figured out man and I wish you the best if luck
Jesus Christ man. Where were your parents when you decided to drop a scholarship for a girl? Gotta be someone to check that young naivete. I'm staying on nt just so I can see your post 5 yrs from now.

Man reach out to that athletic department again ASAP and sell yourself like a mother ******.
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So young letting females make your decisions, chances are she's getting what she wants out of life
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