
Smh bring up so many experiences I had with chicks like that , she did you dirty bro but keep your head up and go out with your boys as much as you can , you probably won't get over her now but it's gonna be process . I can't believe she try you like that but man please tell me you got the money for the tickets back .

HA! I WISH! She broker then a bum. I am not seeing a penny of what I spent on her. I'm just going to charge it to the game, and move on. Guess I can see it is, I paid for a well lesson learned.

I'm honestly over it. It just feels a lot better venting to you guys. I do not know anyone here but it feels like family, I can say whatever and even if you judge, it's good judgement. Appreciate it everyone.
^^ Yup. You seem to have a lot going for yourself homie, it's only right that your partner should be bringing her fair share to the table as well. I think we've all been with a broad that had us completely open & came with nothing but disappointment. Nothing to do but learn from it & get better. Best of luck to you brkfstchamp
Not to judge you and I hope you get better from this situation but you definitely have some growing to do. It's not about being alpha or whatever.

1. You let her consistently disrespect you. Not only did you LET her do this stuff but you rationalized it by thinking you were being the good and nice guy. You can be good/nice and not let people take advantage of you. There's a huge difference. Draw the line of what's absolutely unacceptable and don't let anyone cross it. (cheating consistently is a good line)

2. You kept emphasizing those expensive gifts you bought her. Talking about being a gentlemen. There's nothing gentlemen about buying someone EXPENSIVE stuff. It's just stuff. If anything, that's probably why she kept up the act with you. Vegas tickets, Cabo tickets, etc. Why wouldn't she keep up the act and try to stay with you?

Bruh. After you found out she was cheating, you took her out on dates and bought HER expensive gifts to show that you're worth it. Think about that for a second. First of all, SHE cheated. She should be the one trying to win you back. Instead you're buying her gifts to convince her to not cheat. Second of all, you seem to be directly tying your worth with expensive gifts. That's something you've got to change. Money and gifts are secondary man. They're not who YOU are. If someone doesn't love you without gifts, then guess what? They love the gifts and money... not you. Third, you should never, ever be trying to convince someone not to cheat 6 months into a relationship. You've had 6 months to convince them. At that point, they're either not ready for an exclusive relationship or they're not really in love with you. Either way, it tells you a lot.


My only advice is to not fret on this stuff too much. She wasn't "the one." She may not have even liked you that much. I'm sure you feel dumb and stuff now but there's no reason to mope and have your heartbroken. Take this as a learning experience. Not just as an excuse to not trust women but as a reason to start respecting yourself more. Cutting people off that disrespect and use you. Not using money/gifts as a way to value your self-worth. Being confident enough to not go crawling back to something that clearly isn't working.


The most honest and best advice ever. I was even thinking that to myself, like "Why are you convincing her?! She should have been convincing YOU! Everything you said is so true man. If you were here son, I would give you a hug (pause), and lunch and drinks on me.

But bright news, I'm heading to New Orleans for the first time tomorrow for 4 days with 8 friends. OH BEST BLEED DAT, I will be having so much fun! Rub hands like birdman.
I quit my job mad early because I hated it. My food truck won't be ready for another month. Daytime is boring AF! Everyone is at work. If I was rich and didn't have to work I'd be doing some heavy volunteer work. Sitting around all day is not the business.
After learning things I didn't know about my EX :x  *Someone Post That Pastor Vid*
**** makes me sick. Like this was wifey. Had started setting cash aside for a ring man, a damn ring. (For future purposes)

My friends are really stepping in, even the ones I previously had little Bromance's with.


My pops always said "you don't know a chick till it's over. That's when I personally realized the crazy shhh my ex liked to do. Parties, talking to dudes, hood rat things with her friends. [emoji]128530[/emoji] crazy to think I worked so hard to talk to her too, didn't think she was that type.

Lol but why would she like to do those things while she's in a relationship?
Man I'm back here to let some emotions out .. got no one to go to because this is embarrasing for my boys, family and friends to know about.. so here goes nothing my NT family.

So to continue my previous post, but let me take it back a few months and start from the beginning this time.

So we're dating for a few months and she goes out A LOT, hangs with A LOT of other guys, but you can't trip in a beginning of relationship, you have to be that cool guy that's not jealous. So she have fun and I'm like cool, enjoy yourself and have fun babe. I TRUSTED HER.

So one night a few months back, she tells me about this "homie" she kicks it with, said he's real fun to kick it with and then their good friends. Cool. I meet the cat one time, shake his hand, convo with him, buy him a drink. Respect that. One day me and her supposed to meet at the mall to cop my nephew a birthday gift, I call her, no answer .. hmmm .. she calls back and tells me she just got to the mall, she was with "homie" hanging out with him. Okayyyyy .. so you didn't pick up? Ehh, don't think anything of it bro, just let it go. So she goes out with him and friends that night and doesn't come home. Next morning goes by, no text, no call, her phone goes to voicemail. I show up to her job to bring her lunch, she's NOT there. She didn't show up to work. Now its like 5 PM, the day of my nephew's bday and she text me finally saying, sorry phone been dead, I'll call you in a sec. Hours go by and she still haven't called back. Show's up to my nephew bday like everything is all kosher. I'm drunk and trip, kick her out of my house and the next day I apologize for making a scene and I triped out and let's continue our relationship.

Weeks go by. I'm being a gentleman, taking her out, buying her EXPENSIVE gifts, got us Cabo tickets for August, bought her ACL tickets for October, and I bought her Vegas tickets the day of this event .. so that night she goes out with friends and "homie" - oh forgot to even mention, her sister (that also has a boyfriend) had already slept with "homie" and continues to mess with "homie" when she's drunk. So they all go out and she doesn't come home and slept at "homies" apt with friends because they were drunk. I ignore it, nothing happend right, she just stayed there because she was drunk and that's better then drinking and driving. I BOUGHT HER VEGAS TICKETS THAT MORNING. Days past and she invites me out to meet her at the club, I show up with my boy and she shows up with "homie", they rode together. I shake his hand, give her a hug and she's nowhere to found after a few mins so me and my boy decideds to leave. blah blah blah.

So days go by, she's sleeping at my house, I couldn't sleep and just being a punk, I went through her phone. Went through the text of her and "homie" - it was like starring down a barrel of a gun and watching someone slowly pull the trigger. It was text of her saying, hope she didn't moan so loud that night and hope no one in the house heard (the day that I bought her Vegas tickets), he told her not to wear panties tonight when they meet up for a mutual friends wedding. I wake up and just calmly tell her to leave my house, told her I know she messing with "homie" and it's over. SHE BLOWS UP MY PHONE, tells me she LOVES ME, made a meaningless mistake, it was that one time, their just friends and will do anything to not lose me. They didn't "Do it", it was just messing around. Her bff text me too, apologizing for her and saying she really loves me and to give her a chance.

I go on NT, make a simple post that I caught her cheating and need to move on. Yall tell me to leave her alone. I DON'T LISTEN AND CAVED IN.

Took her back, two weeks go by and we're good, go on dates, in love, I buy her more expensive gifts and show her I'm a good dude and worth it. Mind you, I have females throwing themselves at me but I have them on mute because I want to focus on her. Two weeks, since I caught her with "homie" and then she has the nerves to post a pic on IG of her, 2 other friend and "homie" a BIG pic, "homie" face is plaster on this post. I text her like "YO thats cute, knowing I don't like "homie" you still post a pic of him" She tells me she didn't think anything of it, its an old pic she thought was funny, and she's sorry, she'll take it down. And how do I know since I do not have IG, I told her I saw it on my sister's IG and she said she didn't think I would see it, didn't think any harm would come out of it. I'm like so it's ok since you thought I wouldn't find out, blah blah blah.. She tells me she loves me and why is that not enough and why do I trip about him. I try to tell her its a respect thing, I do not want to be reminded of "homie" ever. She doesn't want to talk about it and goes out that night (this happened Tuesday). Doesn't come home and I'm assuming she slept at "homie" apt again. We were supposed to have lunch yesterday (Wednesday), no morning text, nothing, I'm sitting her litearlly waiting, hungry at work, but just being patient. Noon comes, and She text, "Good morning" - I text "Good morning" back. An hour goes by and she texts me "LOL, sorry I just ate lunch, I'm with friends" .. and nothing else. Knowing we're supposed to have lunch. So I'm like eff it! Don't respond or give her my stress. The day goes by and at night I kick it with my boys and friends. She texted me like - why do we argue so much - I'm like, I only argue cuz you do this stuff to get upset, not like I pick fights with you for no reason or fun. -- I'm with my friends and some reason this "homie" comes up and I'm sitting there quiet listening (they don't know that me and her been dating for like almost 6 months now) and goes "yo "homie" ran thru both of them, her and her sister, and now got them doing things for him lol he got it like that, those sisters want to be in the scene and he working them". I'm sitting there speechless, like WOW!

Anyways she then text me the rest of the night, that I STRESS HER, I MAKE HER UNHAPPY, I TRIP TOO MUCH. I'm like WHOA! WHAT?! YOU STRESS ME OUT! I haven't done anything wrong. We text back and forth, I try to talk to her in person but she doesn't want to meet up in person. So just tells me that I'm immature and to leave her alone, I'm like ok, well guess it's that then.

So now next morning, I'm on NT spilling my guts to yall. Feels better. Man she did ya boy dirty and I have no one to BLAME BUT MY DUMB SELF. All the signs were there and I chose to let her do this to me, I let her stress me, I let her play me, I let her get to my emotions. LOL. I'm the big dummy. Welp that is all fellas. That is my confession. Thank you for tunning in and reading this long post. Have a great day fellas.
Charge it to the game and remember, these how's ain't loyal. But on a man to man tip -- man up. Assuming you're a male, you should act like one. Give to those only deserving. Reward those who deserve to be rewarded. Treat right the ones who have proven that they deserve to be treated that way.

All of that money spent could've been saved or contributed to something else. At least if you bought your mom all of that you wouldn't have to worry about her leaving you Lol.

It happens though. I just don't expect an adult to be as gullible as we were when we were kids and teens. Couldn't have been me.

It is what it is, though. Next time someone gives you advice, listen. I remember my friend and I would always give each other advice and we never listened and we both were always right.

Stop giving your all to **** that give you the minimum. When you find a real girl that'll hold you down you'll know.
I quit my job mad early because I hated it. My food truck won't be ready for another month. Daytime is boring AF! Everyone is at work. If I was rich and didn't have to work I'd be doing some heavy volunteer work. Sitting around all day is not the business.
I quit my job weeks ago. Now I'm sitting at home. Chilling. But I'm working on mad ventures. But if I had money Id be sitting home still, forget all that.
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Mannnn.. Why you buying expensive gifts to a girl you only been with for a couple months?

Should've deaded it after you caught her cheating.
That's the ultimate disrespect.
Man I'm back here to let some emotions out .. got no one to go to because this is embarrasing for my boys, family and friends to know about.. so here goes nothing my NT family.

So to continue my previous post, but let me take it back a few months and start from the beginning this time.

So we're dating for a few months and she goes out A LOT, hangs with A LOT of other guys, but you can't trip in a beginning of relationship, you have to be that cool guy that's not jealous. So she have fun and I'm like cool, enjoy yourself and have fun babe. I TRUSTED HER.

Anyways she then text me the rest of the night, that I STRESS HER, I MAKE HER UNHAPPY, I TRIP TOO MUCH. I'm like WHOA! WHAT?! YOU STRESS ME OUT! I haven't done anything wrong. We text back and forth, I try to talk to her in person but she doesn't want to meet up in person. So just tells me that I'm immature and to leave her alone, I'm like ok, well guess it's that then.

So now next morning, I'm on NT spilling my guts to yall. Feels better. Man she did ya boy dirty and I have no one to BLAME BUT MY DUMB SELF. All the signs were there and I chose to let her do this to me, I let her stress me, I let her play me, I let her get to my emotions. LOL. I'm the big dummy. Welp that is all fellas. That is my confession. Thank you for tunning in and reading this long post. Have a great day fellas.

This is the coolest story I have ever heard of .
Now you know what not to do with the next chick.

Buying stuff like you was her personal shopper
That is not smart

How old are you?
The pinnacle of my anger has been reached...will expound shortly.

Will be a long read, apologies in advance.
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So a week ago, my girl randomly comes up to me and goes "let me go through your phone. This is a random phone check." I give her the stone face and tell her "No, that's not how this relationship works. That's not trusting someone". We get into this huge argument about how she thinks that it's fishy that I let her go through everything of mine but my phone. Says that anyone would be stupid to just sit there and trust blindly that there's nothing on my phone just because I say there isn't. If there's one thing I hate famb, it's when someone tries to walk all over me. I looked at her and said "You are NOT going through my phone." she looked at me and said "YES, I am."

Basically, I can't be with someone who doesn't trust me, or someone who thinks that they're going to walk all over me. I told her I wanted to break it off. I said "If you don't trust me, we can't be together. Do you trust me?" and she said "No, not if you're like this over your phone." and that was that. No matter how much I stressed that it wasn't even my phone that was causing all of this, it was her actions and how she was treating me that caused it, she swears to this day that I did it all for my phone. After a year and a half of giving my everything for this woman, leaving my moms to support her and myself when she got kicked out of her parents house, her trust for me suddenly disappears. Now, we are still both financially dependent on each other and have nowhere else to go if we don't work out. So we'll have no choice but to room together and pay bills together until we're both ready to move out. We just signed for a new car to finance (which only has HER NAME and HER GRANDFATHERS NAME ON IT since he cosigned it for the credit, so if the payments default, it doesn't fall on me), but I agreed to help her pay for it still becaus I said I would when we were together. We still have our stuff at the place we're renting.

Anyways, a few days later, I'm at a friends house chillin and she asks if we are truly done. I pretty much say that we can just be friends and be civil, but I don't think I want to be with her. She FLIPS. "Get out. Get your stuff and get out. YOU RUINED MY LIFE. I BACKED OUT OF THE MARINES TO STAY HERE AND BE WITH YOU. I COULD'VE HAD EVERYTHING. YOU ****** IT ALL UP FOR ME!" and all this ****. Now, she knows that if I leave and get out, I have absolutely nowhere to go. I can't go back to Moms, she pretty much disowned me for leaving to go support this chick. I don't have a car at the moment, so I'll have no way to get to work and no income, yet she's still sitting here trynna rip it all out from under me.

The way I'm programmed, famb.. I'm great with ANYONE. I can love anyone like family and trust them with everything I own if I can tell that they're an honest person. The ONE THING that will forsure ruin that is if someone tries to burn me. That's what she did. That morning, my mind said "Oh, she's burning you.. well, let's take all of your feelings and care about her and just throw it out the window. You're over. Clearly. This is the end. It's gone." and just like that- I no longer have any care to get back with her, or any feelings to be with her. That's how I am with ANYONE who burns me, no matter how close or far they are from me and my heart.

Well, now she's been sitting here BEGGING for me to come back. BEGGING for me to give her another chance to change and get better, and that she's going to give it her all. My mind is over it. But my heart isn't. I still live with her, so I get to see her break down every time I'm home with her, hear her crying, and she always asks me questions like "How could you let this happen?.. how could you just let me walk out and not care?" but she doesn't understand that that's just how I'm programmed. It keeps me from making the same mistake of trusting someone who would burn me. It has kept me from a LOT of pain in my life. When she breaks down and cries, my heart crumbles and breaks, but my brain says "Meh." My emotions are completely torn and are being jerked around in so many directions that I can't even tell what's up and down anymore.

It's been a REAL TOUGH past couple of days / nights, and I have a feeling that it's going to only get worse before it gets better. I'm riding a tsunami that is on a crash course to god knows where, and I can't do anything but sit along for the ride.
So a week ago, my girl randomly comes up to me and goes "let me go through your phone. This is a random phone check." I give her the stone face and tell her "No, that's not how this relationship works. That's not trusting someone". We get into this huge argument about how she thinks that it's fishy that I let her go through everything of mine but my phone. Says that anyone would be stupid to just sit there and trust blindly that there's nothing on my phone just because I say there isn't. If there's one thing I hate famb, it's when someone tries to walk all over me. I looked at her and said "You are NOT going through my phone." she looked at me and said "YES, I am."

Basically, I can't be with someone who doesn't trust me, or someone who thinks that they're going to walk all over me. I told her I wanted to break it off. I said "If you don't trust me, we can't be together. Do you trust me?" and she said "No, not if you're like this over your phone." and that was that. No matter how much I stressed that it wasn't even my phone that was causing all of this, it was her actions and how she was treating me that caused it, she swears to this day that I did it all for my phone. After a year and a half of giving my everything for this woman, leaving my moms to support her and myself when she got kicked out of her parents house, her trust for me suddenly disappears. Now, we are still both financially dependent on each other and have nowhere else to go if we don't work out. So we'll have no choice but to room together and pay bills together until we're both ready to move out. We just signed for a new car to finance (which only has HER NAME and HER GRANDFATHERS NAME ON IT since he cosigned it for the credit, so if the payments default, it doesn't fall on me), but I agreed to help her pay for it still becaus I said I would when we were together. We still have our stuff at the place we're renting.

Anyways, a few days later, I'm at a friends house chillin and she asks if we are truly done. I pretty much say that we can just be friends and be civil, but I don't think I want to be with her. She FLIPS. "Get out. Get your stuff and get out. YOU RUINED MY LIFE. I BACKED OUT OF THE MARINES TO STAY HERE AND BE WITH YOU. I COULD'VE HAD EVERYTHING. YOU ****** IT ALL UP FOR ME!" and all this ****. Now, she knows that if I leave and get out, I have absolutely nowhere to go. I can't go back to Moms, she pretty much disowned me for leaving to go support this chick. I don't have a car at the moment, so I'll have no way to get to work and no income, yet she's still sitting here trynna rip it all out from under me.

The way I'm programmed, famb.. I'm great with ANYONE. I can love anyone like family and trust them with everything I own if I can tell that they're an honest person. The ONE THING that will forsure ruin that is if someone tries to burn me. That's what she did. That morning, my mind said "Oh, she's burning you.. well, let's take all of your feelings and care about her and just throw it out the window. You're over. Clearly. This is the end. It's gone." and just like that- I no longer have any care to get back with her, or any feelings to be with her. That's how I am with ANYONE who burns me, no matter how close or far they are from me and my heart.

Well, now she's been sitting here BEGGING for me to come back. BEGGING for me to give her another chance to change and get better, and that she's going to give it her all. My mind is over it. But my heart isn't. I still live with her, so I get to see her break down every time I'm home with her, hear her crying, and she always asks me questions like "How could you let this happen?.. how could you just let me walk out and not care?" but she doesn't understand that that's just how I'm programmed. It keeps me from making the same mistake of trusting someone who would burn me. It has kept me from a LOT of pain in my life. When she breaks down and cries, my heart crumbles and breaks, but my brain says "Meh." My emotions are completely torn and are being jerked around in so many directions that I can't even tell what's up and down anymore.

It's been a REAL TOUGH past couple of days / nights, and I have a feeling that it's going to only get worse before it gets better. I'm riding a tsunami that is on a crash course to god knows where, and I can't do anything but sit along for the ride.
We'll I've never been through this situation but it looks like from what you've said your carrying this pretty well.
You'll be straight homie just do what you gotta do to make moves outta that situation
So a week ago, my girl randomly comes up to me and goes "let me go through your phone. This is a random phone check." I give her the stone face and tell her "No, that's not how this relationship works. That's not trusting someone". We get into this huge argument about how she thinks that it's fishy that I let her go through everything of mine but my phone. Says that anyone would be stupid to just sit there and trust blindly that there's nothing on my phone just because I say there isn't. If there's one thing I hate famb, it's when someone tries to walk all over me. I looked at her and said "You are NOT going through my phone." she looked at me and said "YES, I am."

Basically, I can't be with someone who doesn't trust me, or someone who thinks that they're going to walk all over me. I told her I wanted to break it off. I said "If you don't trust me, we can't be together. Do you trust me?" and she said "No, not if you're like this over your phone." and that was that. No matter how much I stressed that it wasn't even my phone that was causing all of this, it was her actions and how she was treating me that caused it, she swears to this day that I did it all for my phone. After a year and a half of giving my everything for this woman, leaving my moms to support her and myself when she got kicked out of her parents house, her trust for me suddenly disappears. Now, we are still both financially dependent on each other and have nowhere else to go if we don't work out. So we'll have no choice but to room together and pay bills together until we're both ready to move out. We just signed for a new car to finance (which only has HER NAME and HER GRANDFATHERS NAME ON IT since he cosigned it for the credit, so if the payments default, it doesn't fall on me), but I agreed to help her pay for it still becaus I said I would when we were together. We still have our stuff at the place we're renting.

Anyways, a few days later, I'm at a friends house chillin and she asks if we are truly done. I pretty much say that we can just be friends and be civil, but I don't think I want to be with her. She FLIPS. "Get out. Get your stuff and get out. YOU RUINED MY LIFE. I BACKED OUT OF THE MARINES TO STAY HERE AND BE WITH YOU. I COULD'VE HAD EVERYTHING. YOU ****** IT ALL UP FOR ME!" and all this ****. Now, she knows that if I leave and get out, I have absolutely nowhere to go. I can't go back to Moms, she pretty much disowned me for leaving to go support this chick. I don't have a car at the moment, so I'll have no way to get to work and no income, yet she's still sitting here trynna rip it all out from under me.

The way I'm programmed, famb.. I'm great with ANYONE. I can love anyone like family and trust them with everything I own if I can tell that they're an honest person. The ONE THING that will forsure ruin that is if someone tries to burn me. That's what she did. That morning, my mind said "Oh, she's burning you.. well, let's take all of your feelings and care about her and just throw it out the window. You're over. Clearly. This is the end. It's gone." and just like that- I no longer have any care to get back with her, or any feelings to be with her. That's how I am with ANYONE who burns me, no matter how close or far they are from me and my heart.

Well, now she's been sitting here BEGGING for me to come back. BEGGING for me to give her another chance to change and get better, and that she's going to give it her all. My mind is over it. But my heart isn't. I still live with her, so I get to see her break down every time I'm home with her, hear her crying, and she always asks me questions like "How could you let this happen?.. how could you just let me walk out and not care?" but she doesn't understand that that's just how I'm programmed. It keeps me from making the same mistake of trusting someone who would burn me. It has kept me from a LOT of pain in my life. When she breaks down and cries, my heart crumbles and breaks, but my brain says "Meh." My emotions are completely torn and are being jerked around in so many directions that I can't even tell what's up and down anymore.

It's been a REAL TOUGH past couple of days / nights, and I have a feeling that it's going to only get worse before it gets better. I'm riding a tsunami that is on a crash course to god knows where, and I can't do anything but sit along for the ride.
I didn't read all of this but man sometimes I feel like most NT'ers/guys think too much about a girl going through your phone.

For me, I could've cared less. But in return I would've said, "Ok, but in return I can look through yours."

Idk famb... maybe I dont see my girl (if I had one) going through my phone as a big deal. And trust comes from actions, ya feel?

If you were clean (which im sure you are) and had nothin on your phone and you let her see it, then im pretty sure she'd trust you even more.

idk I guess its different for everyone. 
We'll I've never been through this situation but it looks like from what you've said your carrying this pretty well.
You'll be straight homie just do what you gotta do to make moves outta that situation

But, am I crazy for ending it over this? She's making me feel like I'm crazy and that no one else would do this over these reasons.

My close homies are saying to get back w/ her and try to work things out, but I've tried to explain to them my issue of being burned. She asked me last night "I don't know whether to hug you and kiss you and tell you everything's going to be okay, or to just sit here and face the fact that we're done and that you don't want me. What do you want? What should I do right now?" I said idk. She said idk isn't an answer. I told her "it is when my mind says yes to both.." and thats the best way I can find to describe it. I both want her to hold me and care for me, and i want her to leave. It's crazy. I've never been so confused.
I didn't read all of this but man sometimes I feel like most NT'ers/guys think too much about a girl going through your phone.

For me, I could've cared less. But in return I would've said, "Ok, but in return I can look through yours."

Idk famb... maybe I dont see my girl (if I had one) going through my phone as a big deal. And trust comes from actions, ya feel?

If you were clean (which im sure you are) and had nothin on your phone and you let her see it, then im pretty sure she'd trust you even more.

idk I guess its different for everyone. 

It's not so much the fact of going through my phone. It'd be the same if I found out she was following me to my homies to make sure I was where I was saying I was. It's the fact that it screams "lack of trust" in a relationship where I literally gave her my everything.
It's not so much the fact of going through my phone. It'd be the same if I found out she was following me to my homies to make sure I was where I was saying I was. It's the fact that it screams "lack of trust" in a relationship where I literally gave her my everything.
not judgin you famb i act. read the rest and man you got a long road ahead of you. if you did plenty of other stuff for this girl to get her trust then imo 

you clean. she's in the wrong.
We'll I've never been through this situation but it looks like from what you've said your carrying this pretty well.
You'll be straight homie just do what you gotta do to make moves outta that situation

But, am I crazy for ending it over this? She's making me feel like I'm crazy and that no one else would do this over these reasons.

My close homies are saying to get back w/ her and try to work things out, but I've tried to explain to them my issue of being burned. She asked me last night "I don't know whether to hug you and kiss you and tell you everything's going to be okay, or to just sit here and face the fact that we're done and that you don't want me. What do you want? What should I do right now?" I said idk. She said idk isn't an answer. I told her "it is when my mind says yes to both.." and thats the best way I can find to describe it. I both want her to hold me and care for me, and i want her to leave. It's crazy. I've never been so confused.
Smh damn bruh sounds like she got some issues she needs to deal with then maybe y'all can work something out after

As of now you seem to be in a real ****** position and since your there try your beast to make the best of it , if you can't well when you're financially ready it's time for you I hit the bricks
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not judgin you famb i act. read the rest and man you got a long road ahead of you. if you did plenty of other stuff for this girl to get her trust then imo 
you clean. she's in the wrong.

Never said you were famb. This is confessions thread, I would hope I'm not getting judged. Thanks for the replies
So a week ago, my girl randomly comes up to me and goes "let me go through your phone. This is a random phone check." I give her the stone face and tell her "No, that's not how this relationship works. That's not trusting someone". We get into this huge argument about how she thinks that it's fishy that I let her go through everything of mine but my phone. Says that anyone would be stupid to just sit there and trust blindly that there's nothing on my phone just because I say there isn't. If there's one thing I hate famb, it's when someone tries to walk all over me. I looked at her and said "You are NOT going through my phone." she looked at me and said "YES, I am."

Basically, I can't be with someone who doesn't trust me, or someone who thinks that they're going to walk all over me. I told her I wanted to break it off. I said "If you don't trust me, we can't be together. Do you trust me?" and she said "No, not if you're like this over your phone." and that was that. No matter how much I stressed that it wasn't even my phone that was causing all of this, it was her actions and how she was treating me that caused it, she swears to this day that I did it all for my phone. After a year and a half of giving my everything for this woman, leaving my moms to support her and myself when she got kicked out of her parents house, her trust for me suddenly disappears. Now, we are still both financially dependent on each other and have nowhere else to go if we don't work out. So we'll have no choice but to room together and pay bills together until we're both ready to move out. We just signed for a new car to finance (which only has HER NAME and HER GRANDFATHERS NAME ON IT since he cosigned it for the credit, so if the payments default, it doesn't fall on me), but I agreed to help her pay for it still becaus I said I would when we were together. We still have our stuff at the place we're renting.

Anyways, a few days later, I'm at a friends house chillin and she asks if we are truly done. I pretty much say that we can just be friends and be civil, but I don't think I want to be with her. She FLIPS. "Get out. Get your stuff and get out. YOU RUINED MY LIFE. I BACKED OUT OF THE MARINES TO STAY HERE AND BE WITH YOU. I COULD'VE HAD EVERYTHING. YOU ****** IT ALL UP FOR ME!" and all this ****. Now, she knows that if I leave and get out, I have absolutely nowhere to go. I can't go back to Moms, she pretty much disowned me for leaving to go support this chick. I don't have a car at the moment, so I'll have no way to get to work and no income, yet she's still sitting here trynna rip it all out from under me.

The way I'm programmed, famb.. I'm great with ANYONE. I can love anyone like family and trust them with everything I own if I can tell that they're an honest person. The ONE THING that will forsure ruin that is if someone tries to burn me. That's what she did. That morning, my mind said "Oh, she's burning you.. well, let's take all of your feelings and care about her and just throw it out the window. You're over. Clearly. This is the end. It's gone." and just like that- I no longer have any care to get back with her, or any feelings to be with her. That's how I am with ANYONE who burns me, no matter how close or far they are from me and my heart.

Well, now she's been sitting here BEGGING for me to come back. BEGGING for me to give her another chance to change and get better, and that she's going to give it her all. My mind is over it. But my heart isn't. I still live with her, so I get to see her break down every time I'm home with her, hear her crying, and she always asks me questions like "How could you let this happen?.. how could you just let me walk out and not care?" but she doesn't understand that that's just how I'm programmed. It keeps me from making the same mistake of trusting someone who would burn me. It has kept me from a LOT of pain in my life. When she breaks down and cries, my heart crumbles and breaks, but my brain says "Meh." My emotions are completely torn and are being jerked around in so many directions that I can't even tell what's up and down anymore.

It's been a REAL TOUGH past couple of days / nights, and I have a feeling that it's going to only get worse before it gets better. I'm riding a tsunami that is on a crash course to god knows where, and I can't do anything but sit along for the ride.

I just read all this famb and honestly I know you just need some time to yourself to assess the situation but honestly you should give it another chance. The whole phone thing is immature. I can understand if you were doing dirt (and to that you gotta delete text messages) but it shouldn't have gotten this far. It's clear that you guys have invested a lot in each other and if she's a good girl, you should let her back in, albeit very slowly. And re-establish things that you guys don't like from each other to avoid any other emotional shut outs from each other again. That fab line popped into my head when I was reading what you posted and it's SUPER corny but it's something like it's ok to lose your pride over someone you love but don't lose someone you love over your pride....
She pay your phone bill? If not then she had no reason to get angry if you don't let her check your phone, simple.
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