
After learning things I didn't know about my EX :x  *Someone Post That Pastor Vid*
**** makes me sick. Like this was wifey. Had started setting cash aside for a ring man, a damn ring. (For future purposes)

My friends are really stepping in, even the ones I previously had little Bromance's with.


Well damn. Bruh you know you gotta spill the beans now. What she do :nerd:
Can the "long distance relationship" talk stop? Got me think about my close female friend yo :smh:
After learning things I didn't know about my EX :x  *Someone Post That Pastor Vid*
**** makes me sick. Like this was wifey. Had started setting cash aside for a ring man, a damn ring. (For future purposes)

My friends are really stepping in, even the ones I previously had little Bromance's with.


My pops always said "you don't know a chick till it's over. That's when I personally realized the crazy shhh my ex liked to do. Parties, talking to dudes, hood rat things with her friends. [emoji]128530[/emoji] crazy to think I worked so hard to talk to her too, didn't think she was that type.

thats real. While you're in the relatonship youre blinded somewhat and dont see the person for who they really are.

Once it ends and you are able to reflect on things then you will see all the bullshxt
Well damn. Bruh you know you gotta spill the beans now. What she do
Well she has "friends" I never met including dudes that she says she lost touch with but now there all close again.

We live very close together so I for some reason *GOD* catch her heading out somewhere and hit here with a text like "Yo i just say you" No reply lol.

She parties more than I thought she did.

Bros let me tell you this now, church girls are the ones to watch out for. Seem they taste freedom and go ham. 
thats real. While you're in the relatonship youre blinded somewhat and dont see the person for who they really are.

Once it ends and you are able to reflect on things then you will see all the bullshxt
Yep I see that now. Sad to say it looks like I was the one in the relationship that cared about it more. Which is weird because she seemed like the one who cared more but it was actually me.

Like i stated I was slowly saving up for an engagement ring in the future, now that money is going to SUPREME 
^^^^^[emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] crazy the amount of money you save by switching to single
I feel like I have a lot to say and I don't even know where to start.

I am stressed out from dealing with all the things that I have to deal with.

My mom had a biopsy last week and the results should be coming back this Thursday.I am honestly really scared and worried. Had a bad dream that had to do with me hearing news that my mom's cancer might've come back. This happened several weeks ago before the actual biopsy. I am scared that that may actually come true.

I went out met this cool/fine chick started chopping it up with her. My homie told me she's feeling you get her number. I went for it cuz from the vibe I was gettin I felt like it was a sure thing. She gave me the whole I got a bf line. Honestly idc if she does or doesn't I walked outta there feelin like a boss cuz I havent tried to get at a chick in a while. Had me feeling confident as **** even though I got shot down. Idc.

Sometimes I wonder what would happened if I died. Idk why but it crosses my mind when I am bummed out like maybe it would just be easier just to not have to deal with this bullchit.

I am 24 and still haven't finished college not even my general ed courses. It bugs me when I see other people younger than me already graduated.

One of my biggest fears in life is that I may get stuck working a dead end job in retail.

I have a lot more but I dont want to bring up the other **** right now plus I don't wanna be a whiny *** *****.

Dope thread and realest thread on here.
I feel like I have a lot to say and I don't even know where to start.

I am stressed out from dealing with all the things that I have to deal with.

My mom had a biopsy last week and the results should be coming back this Thursday.I am honestly really scared and worried. Had a bad dream that had to do with me hearing news that my mom's cancer might've come back. This happened several weeks ago before the actual biopsy. I am scared that that may actually come true.

I went out met this cool/fine chick started chopping it up with her. My homie told me she's feeling you get her number. I went for it cuz from the vibe I was gettin I felt like it was a sure thing. She gave me the whole I got a bf line. Honestly idc if she does or doesn't I walked outta there feelin like a boss cuz I havent tried to get at a chick in a while. Had me feeling confident as **** even though I got shot down. Idc.

Sometimes I wonder what would happened if I died. Idk why but it crosses my mind when I am bummed out like maybe it would just be easier just to not have to deal with this bullchit.

I am 24 and still haven't finished college not even my general ed courses. It bugs me when I see other people younger than me already graduated.

One of my biggest fears in life is that I may get stuck working a dead end job in retail.

I have a lot more but I dont want to bring up the other **** right now plus I don't wanna be a whiny *** *****.

Dope thread and realest thread on here.
Maybe collge aint for you? Ever think about a trade?

Stay up man and know that god will be there for your mother and you. So will NT!
Man I'm back here to let some emotions out .. got no one to go to because this is embarrasing for my boys, family and friends to know about.. so here goes nothing my NT family.

So to continue my previous post, but let me take it back a few months and start from the beginning this time.

So we're dating for a few months and she goes out A LOT, hangs with A LOT of other guys, but you can't trip in a beginning of relationship, you have to be that cool guy that's not jealous. So she have fun and I'm like cool, enjoy yourself and have fun babe. I TRUSTED HER.

So one night a few months back, she tells me about this "homie" she kicks it with, said he's real fun to kick it with and then their good friends. Cool. I meet the cat one time, shake his hand, convo with him, buy him a drink. Respect that. One day me and her supposed to meet at the mall to cop my nephew a birthday gift, I call her, no answer .. hmmm .. she calls back and tells me she just got to the mall, she was with "homie" hanging out with him. Okayyyyy .. so you didn't pick up? Ehh, don't think anything of it bro, just let it go. So she goes out with him and friends that night and doesn't come home. Next morning goes by, no text, no call, her phone goes to voicemail. I show up to her job to bring her lunch, she's NOT there. She didn't show up to work. Now its like 5 PM, the day of my nephew's bday and she text me finally saying, sorry phone been dead, I'll call you in a sec. Hours go by and she still haven't called back. Show's up to my nephew bday like everything is all kosher. I'm drunk and trip, kick her out of my house and the next day I apologize for making a scene and I triped out and let's continue our relationship.

Weeks go by. I'm being a gentleman, taking her out, buying her EXPENSIVE gifts, got us Cabo tickets for August, bought her ACL tickets for October, and I bought her Vegas tickets the day of this event .. so that night she goes out with friends and "homie" - oh forgot to even mention, her sister (that also has a boyfriend) had already slept with "homie" and continues to mess with "homie" when she's drunk. So they all go out and she doesn't come home and slept at "homies" apt with friends because they were drunk. I ignore it, nothing happend right, she just stayed there because she was drunk and that's better then drinking and driving. I BOUGHT HER VEGAS TICKETS THAT MORNING. Days past and she invites me out to meet her at the club, I show up with my boy and she shows up with "homie", they rode together. I shake his hand, give her a hug and she's nowhere to found after a few mins so me and my boy decideds to leave. blah blah blah.

So days go by, she's sleeping at my house, I couldn't sleep and just being a punk, I went through her phone. Went through the text of her and "homie" - it was like starring down a barrel of a gun and watching someone slowly pull the trigger. It was text of her saying, hope she didn't moan so loud that night and hope no one in the house heard (the day that I bought her Vegas tickets), he told her not to wear panties tonight when they meet up for a mutual friends wedding. I wake up and just calmly tell her to leave my house, told her I know she messing with "homie" and it's over. SHE BLOWS UP MY PHONE, tells me she LOVES ME, made a meaningless mistake, it was that one time, their just friends and will do anything to not lose me. They didn't "Do it", it was just messing around. Her bff text me too, apologizing for her and saying she really loves me and to give her a chance.

I go on NT, make a simple post that I caught her cheating and need to move on. Yall tell me to leave her alone. I DON'T LISTEN AND CAVED IN.

Took her back, two weeks go by and we're good, go on dates, in love, I buy her more expensive gifts and show her I'm a good dude and worth it. Mind you, I have females throwing themselves at me but I have them on mute because I want to focus on her. Two weeks, since I caught her with "homie" and then she has the nerves to post a pic on IG of her, 2 other friend and "homie" a BIG pic, "homie" face is plaster on this post. I text her like "YO thats cute, knowing I don't like "homie" you still post a pic of him" She tells me she didn't think anything of it, its an old pic she thought was funny, and she's sorry, she'll take it down. And how do I know since I do not have IG, I told her I saw it on my sister's IG and she said she didn't think I would see it, didn't think any harm would come out of it. I'm like so it's ok since you thought I wouldn't find out, blah blah blah.. She tells me she loves me and why is that not enough and why do I trip about him. I try to tell her its a respect thing, I do not want to be reminded of "homie" ever. She doesn't want to talk about it and goes out that night (this happened Tuesday). Doesn't come home and I'm assuming she slept at "homie" apt again. We were supposed to have lunch yesterday (Wednesday), no morning text, nothing, I'm sitting her litearlly waiting, hungry at work, but just being patient. Noon comes, and She text, "Good morning" - I text "Good morning" back. An hour goes by and she texts me "LOL, sorry I just ate lunch, I'm with friends" .. and nothing else. Knowing we're supposed to have lunch. So I'm like eff it! Don't respond or give her my stress. The day goes by and at night I kick it with my boys and friends. She texted me like - why do we argue so much - I'm like, I only argue cuz you do this stuff to get upset, not like I pick fights with you for no reason or fun. -- I'm with my friends and some reason this "homie" comes up and I'm sitting there quiet listening (they don't know that me and her been dating for like almost 6 months now) and goes "yo "homie" ran thru both of them, her and her sister, and now got them doing things for him lol he got it like that, those sisters want to be in the scene and he working them". I'm sitting there speechless, like WOW!

Anyways she then text me the rest of the night, that I STRESS HER, I MAKE HER UNHAPPY, I TRIP TOO MUCH. I'm like WHOA! WHAT?! YOU STRESS ME OUT! I haven't done anything wrong. We text back and forth, I try to talk to her in person but she doesn't want to meet up in person. So just tells me that I'm immature and to leave her alone, I'm like ok, well guess it's that then.

So now next morning, I'm on NT spilling my guts to yall. Feels better. Man she did ya boy dirty and I have no one to BLAME BUT MY DUMB SELF. All the signs were there and I chose to let her do this to me, I let her stress me, I let her play me, I let her get to my emotions. LOL. I'm the big dummy. Welp that is all fellas. That is my confession. Thank you for tunning in and reading this long post. Have a great day fellas.
Man I'm back here to let some emotions out .. got no one to go to because this is embarrasing for my boys, family and friends to know about.. so here goes nothing my NT family.

So to continue my previous post, but let me take it back a few months and start from the beginning this time.

So we're dating for a few months and she goes out A LOT, hangs with A LOT of other guys, but you can't trip in a beginning of relationship, you have to be that cool guy that's not jealous. So she have fun and I'm like cool, enjoy yourself and have fun babe. I TRUSTED HER.

So one night a few months back, she tells me about this "homie" she kicks it with, said he's real fun to kick it with and then their good friends. Cool. I meet the cat one time, shake his hand, convo with him, buy him a drink. Respect that. One day me and her supposed to meet at the mall to cop my nephew a birthday gift, I call her, no answer .. hmmm .. she calls back and tells me she just got to the mall, she was with "homie" hanging out with him. Okayyyyy .. so you didn't pick up? Ehh, don't think anything of it bro, just let it go. So she goes out with him and friends that night and doesn't come home. Next morning goes by, no text, no call, her phone goes to voicemail. I show up to her job to bring her lunch, she's NOT there. She didn't show up to work. Now its like 5 PM, the day of my nephew's bday and she text me finally saying, sorry phone been dead, I'll call you in a sec. Hours go by and she still haven't called back. Show's up to my nephew bday like everything is all kosher. I'm drunk and trip, kick her out of my house and the next day I apologize for making a scene and I triped out and let's continue our relationship.

Weeks go by. I'm being a gentleman, taking her out, buying her EXPENSIVE gifts, got us Cabo tickets for August, bought her ACL tickets for October, and I bought her Vegas tickets the day of this event .. so that night she goes out with friends and "homie" - oh forgot to even mention, her sister (that also has a boyfriend) had already slept with "homie" and continues to mess with "homie" when she's drunk. So they all go out and she doesn't come home and slept at "homies" apt with friends because they were drunk. I ignore it, nothing happend right, she just stayed there because she was drunk and that's better then drinking and driving. I BOUGHT HER VEGAS TICKETS THAT MORNING. Days past and she invites me out to meet her at the club, I show up with my boy and she shows up with "homie", they rode together. I shake his hand, give her a hug and she's nowhere to found after a few mins so me and my boy decideds to leave. blah blah blah.

So days go by, she's sleeping at my house, I couldn't sleep and just being a punk, I went through her phone. Went through the text of her and "homie" - it was like starring down a barrel of a gun and watching someone slowly pull the trigger. It was text of her saying, hope she didn't moan so loud that night and hope no one in the house heard (the day that I bought her Vegas tickets), he told her not to wear panties tonight when they meet up for a mutual friends wedding. I wake up and just calmly tell her to leave my house, told her I know she messing with "homie" and it's over. SHE BLOWS UP MY PHONE, tells me she LOVES ME, made a meaningless mistake, it was that one time, their just friends and will do anything to not lose me. They didn't "Do it", it was just messing around. Her bff text me too, apologizing for her and saying she really loves me and to give her a chance.

I go on NT, make a simple post that I caught her cheating and need to move on. Yall tell me to leave her alone. I DON'T LISTEN AND CAVED IN.

Took her back, two weeks go by and we're good, go on dates, in love, I buy her more expensive gifts and show her I'm a good dude and worth it. Mind you, I have females throwing themselves at me but I have them on mute because I want to focus on her. Two weeks, since I caught her with "homie" and then she has the nerves to post a pic on IG of her, 2 other friend and "homie" a BIG pic, "homie" face is plaster on this post. I text her like "YO thats cute, knowing I don't like "homie" you still post a pic of him" She tells me she didn't think anything of it, its an old pic she thought was funny, and she's sorry, she'll take it down. And how do I know since I do not have IG, I told her I saw it on my sister's IG and she said she didn't think I would see it, didn't think any harm would come out of it. I'm like so it's ok since you thought I wouldn't find out, blah blah blah.. She tells me she loves me and why is that not enough and why do I trip about him. I try to tell her its a respect thing, I do not want to be reminded of "homie" ever. She doesn't want to talk about it and goes out that night (this happened Tuesday). Doesn't come home and I'm assuming she slept at "homie" apt again. We were supposed to have lunch yesterday (Wednesday), no morning text, nothing, I'm sitting her litearlly waiting, hungry at work, but just being patient. Noon comes, and She text, "Good morning" - I text "Good morning" back. An hour goes by and she texts me "LOL, sorry I just ate lunch, I'm with friends" .. and nothing else. Knowing we're supposed to have lunch. So I'm like eff it! Don't respond or give her my stress. The day goes by and at night I kick it with my boys and friends. She texted me like - why do we argue so much - I'm like, I only argue cuz you do this stuff to get upset, not like I pick fights with you for no reason or fun. -- I'm with my friends and some reason this "homie" comes up and I'm sitting there quiet listening (they don't know that me and her been dating for like almost 6 months now) and goes "yo "homie" ran thru both of them, her and her sister, and now got them doing things for him lol he got it like that, those sisters want to be in the scene and he working them". I'm sitting there speechless, like WOW!

Anyways she then text me the rest of the night, that I STRESS HER, I MAKE HER UNHAPPY, I TRIP TOO MUCH. I'm like WHOA! WHAT?! YOU STRESS ME OUT! I haven't done anything wrong. We text back and forth, I try to talk to her in person but she doesn't want to meet up in person. So just tells me that I'm immature and to leave her alone, I'm like ok, well guess it's that then.

So now next morning, I'm on NT spilling my guts to yall. Feels better. Man she did ya boy dirty and I have no one to BLAME BUT MY DUMB SELF. All the signs were there and I chose to let her do this to me, I let her stress me, I let her play me, I let her get to my emotions. LOL. I'm the big dummy. Welp that is all fellas. That is my confession. Thank you for tunning in and reading this long post. Have a great day fellas.
Bro.. You sound like you're way better than this chick. Some females are crazy, don't like this bring you down. Go hit those other women up that you've been shutting down, this one ain't worth it my dude.
Man I'm back here to let some emotions out .. got no one to go to because this is embarrasing for my boys, family and friends to know about.. so here goes nothing my NT family.

So to continue my previous post, but let me take it back a few months and start from the beginning this time.

So we're dating for a few months and she goes out A LOT, hangs with A LOT of other guys, but you can't trip in a beginning of relationship, you have to be that cool guy that's not jealous. So she have fun and I'm like cool, enjoy yourself and have fun babe. I TRUSTED HER.

So one night a few months back, she tells me about this "homie" she kicks it with, said he's real fun to kick it with and then their good friends. Cool. I meet the cat one time, shake his hand, convo with him, buy him a drink. Respect that. One day me and her supposed to meet at the mall to cop my nephew a birthday gift, I call her, no answer .. hmmm .. she calls back and tells me she just got to the mall, she was with "homie" hanging out with him. Okayyyyy .. so you didn't pick up? Ehh, don't think anything of it bro, just let it go. So she goes out with him and friends that night and doesn't come home. Next morning goes by, no text, no call, her phone goes to voicemail. I show up to her job to bring her lunch, she's NOT there. She didn't show up to work. Now its like 5 PM, the day of my nephew's bday and she text me finally saying, sorry phone been dead, I'll call you in a sec. Hours go by and she still haven't called back. Show's up to my nephew bday like everything is all kosher. I'm drunk and trip, kick her out of my house and the next day I apologize for making a scene and I triped out and let's continue our relationship.

Weeks go by. I'm being a gentleman, taking her out, buying her EXPENSIVE gifts, got us Cabo tickets for August, bought her ACL tickets for October, and I bought her Vegas tickets the day of this event .. so that night she goes out with friends and "homie" - oh forgot to even mention, her sister (that also has a boyfriend) had already slept with "homie" and continues to mess with "homie" when she's drunk. So they all go out and she doesn't come home and slept at "homies" apt with friends because they were drunk. I ignore it, nothing happend right, she just stayed there because she was drunk and that's better then drinking and driving. I BOUGHT HER VEGAS TICKETS THAT MORNING. Days past and she invites me out to meet her at the club, I show up with my boy and she shows up with "homie", they rode together. I shake his hand, give her a hug and she's nowhere to found after a few mins so me and my boy decideds to leave. blah blah blah.

So days go by, she's sleeping at my house, I couldn't sleep and just being a punk, I went through her phone. Went through the text of her and "homie" - it was like starring down a barrel of a gun and watching someone slowly pull the trigger. It was text of her saying, hope she didn't moan so loud that night and hope no one in the house heard (the day that I bought her Vegas tickets), he told her not to wear panties tonight when they meet up for a mutual friends wedding. I wake up and just calmly tell her to leave my house, told her I know she messing with "homie" and it's over. SHE BLOWS UP MY PHONE, tells me she LOVES ME, made a meaningless mistake, it was that one time, their just friends and will do anything to not lose me. They didn't "Do it", it was just messing around. Her bff text me too, apologizing for her and saying she really loves me and to give her a chance.

I go on NT, make a simple post that I caught her cheating and need to move on. Yall tell me to leave her alone. I DON'T LISTEN AND CAVED IN.

Took her back, two weeks go by and we're good, go on dates, in love, I buy her more expensive gifts and show her I'm a good dude and worth it. Mind you, I have females throwing themselves at me but I have them on mute because I want to focus on her. Two weeks, since I caught her with "homie" and then she has the nerves to post a pic on IG of her, 2 other friend and "homie" a BIG pic, "homie" face is plaster on this post. I text her like "YO thats cute, knowing I don't like "homie" you still post a pic of him" She tells me she didn't think anything of it, its an old pic she thought was funny, and she's sorry, she'll take it down. And how do I know since I do not have IG, I told her I saw it on my sister's IG and she said she didn't think I would see it, didn't think any harm would come out of it. I'm like so it's ok since you thought I wouldn't find out, blah blah blah.. She tells me she loves me and why is that not enough and why do I trip about him. I try to tell her its a respect thing, I do not want to be reminded of "homie" ever. She doesn't want to talk about it and goes out that night (this happened Tuesday). Doesn't come home and I'm assuming she slept at "homie" apt again. We were supposed to have lunch yesterday (Wednesday), no morning text, nothing, I'm sitting her litearlly waiting, hungry at work, but just being patient. Noon comes, and She text, "Good morning" - I text "Good morning" back. An hour goes by and she texts me "LOL, sorry I just ate lunch, I'm with friends" .. and nothing else. Knowing we're supposed to have lunch. So I'm like eff it! Don't respond or give her my stress. The day goes by and at night I kick it with my boys and friends. She texted me like - why do we argue so much - I'm like, I only argue cuz you do this stuff to get upset, not like I pick fights with you for no reason or fun. -- I'm with my friends and some reason this "homie" comes up and I'm sitting there quiet listening (they don't know that me and her been dating for like almost 6 months now) and goes "yo "homie" ran thru both of them, her and her sister, and now got them doing things for him lol he got it like that, those sisters want to be in the scene and he working them". I'm sitting there speechless, like WOW!

Anyways she then text me the rest of the night, that I STRESS HER, I MAKE HER UNHAPPY, I TRIP TOO MUCH. I'm like WHOA! WHAT?! YOU STRESS ME OUT! I haven't done anything wrong. We text back and forth, I try to talk to her in person but she doesn't want to meet up in person. So just tells me that I'm immature and to leave her alone, I'm like ok, well guess it's that then.

So now next morning, I'm on NT spilling my guts to yall. Feels better. Man she did ya boy dirty and I have no one to BLAME BUT MY DUMB SELF. All the signs were there and I chose to let her do this to me, I let her stress me, I let her play me, I let her get to my emotions. LOL. I'm the big dummy. Welp that is all fellas. That is my confession. Thank you for tunning in and reading this long post. Have a great day fellas.

i HATE hearing stories like this..

these chicks will play with mens egos and spirits when they do that...

its hard to move into another relationship, trust me. not becuase you cant trust a female but because you wont feel like you got closure from shorty...
^ I hate it too, breh. That **** is foul :smh: instantly makes me harken back to when I went thru similar experiences.

brkfstchampions brkfstchampions don't sweat it tho, just a learning experience, as we've all had at some point. Just don't take the red flags as less than what they really are moving forward. 2 strikes && they're out famb.
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Smh bring up so many experiences I had with chicks like that , she did you dirty bro but keep your head up and go out with your boys as much as you can , you probably won't get over her now but it's gonna be process . I can't believe she try you like that but man please tell me you got the money for the tickets back .
I took my first dab hits the night before an open interview session yesterday. It went well, and now they would like a urine sample by Friday. I'm so salty. I know that its nearly virtually impossible to detox in this small window. Really thinking about a substitution sample. Anyone had an successful experiences to share?
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Im sorry bruh but I cant even feel sorry for you,

All the signs were there that she wasn't **** and should have been left alone a long time ago but you blatantly chose to ignore them. She played you yes but you played yourself way harder than she ever did.
Im sorry bruh but I cant even feel sorry for you,

All the signs were there that she wasn't **** and should have been left alone a long time ago but you blatantly chose to ignore them. She played you yes but you played yourself way harder than she ever did.

This. Stopped reading at "no answer, she calls back and says she's hanging with him". Would've deaded it right there, I don't play them homeboy games with these women. You let that woman play you like a fiddle, can't blame anyone but yourself homie.
This. Stopped reading at "no answer, she calls back and says she's hanging with him". Would've deaded it right there, I don't play them homeboy games with these women. You let that woman play you like a fiddle, can't blame anyone but yourself homie.

I 100000% agree with all you guys. I played myself! That's why I even said it, I have no one to blame but me. I DON'T EVEN FEEL SORRY FOR MYSELF. I'm just sitting here thinking to myself, YOU BIG DUMMY! haha I have been in an 8 yr relationship, 2 plus year relationship, dated so many woman, and have never ever had my feelings played with or hurt because simply, I always have everything under control. I wasn't acting like myself for some reason or in the right state of mind. Have no idea what went wrong with me lol but I'm good. Just wanted to vent and bounce back from this.
Bro.. You sound like you're way better than this chick. Some females are crazy, don't like this bring you down. Go hit those other women up that you've been shutting down, this one ain't worth it my dude.

Truthfully I am WAY better. haha I have a college degree, a good career, good taste for material things (I know it doesn't matter, but hey I worked and paid good money for it lol), and not to toot my own horn, but I'm good looking guy. Fit, clean cut, and got my life together. She's has none of the things I just listed. NONE. I took care of this woman for nearly 6 months, trying to show her the finer things and life .. I was Kingpin of SIMP View bro lol
Man I'm back here to let some emotions out .. got no one to go to because this is embarrasing for my boys, family and friends to know about.. so here goes nothing my NT family.

So to continue my previous post, but let me take it back a few months and start from the beginning this time.

So we're dating for a few months and she goes out A LOT, hangs with A LOT of other guys, but you can't trip in a beginning of relationship, you have to be that cool guy that's not jealous. So she have fun and I'm like cool, enjoy yourself and have fun babe. I TRUSTED HER.

So one night a few months back, she tells me about this "homie" she kicks it with, said he's real fun to kick it with and then their good friends. Cool. I meet the cat one time, shake his hand, convo with him, buy him a drink. Respect that. One day me and her supposed to meet at the mall to cop my nephew a birthday gift, I call her, no answer .. hmmm .. she calls back and tells me she just got to the mall, she was with "homie" hanging out with him. Okayyyyy .. so you didn't pick up? Ehh, don't think anything of it bro, just let it go. So she goes out with him and friends that night and doesn't come home. Next morning goes by, no text, no call, her phone goes to voicemail. I show up to her job to bring her lunch, she's NOT there. She didn't show up to work. Now its like 5 PM, the day of my nephew's bday and she text me finally saying, sorry phone been dead, I'll call you in a sec. Hours go by and she still haven't called back. Show's up to my nephew bday like everything is all kosher. I'm drunk and trip, kick her out of my house and the next day I apologize for making a scene and I triped out and let's continue our relationship.

Weeks go by. I'm being a gentleman, taking her out, buying her EXPENSIVE gifts, got us Cabo tickets for August, bought her ACL tickets for October, and I bought her Vegas tickets the day of this event .. so that night she goes out with friends and "homie" - oh forgot to even mention, her sister (that also has a boyfriend) had already slept with "homie" and continues to mess with "homie" when she's drunk. So they all go out and she doesn't come home and slept at "homies" apt with friends because they were drunk. I ignore it, nothing happend right, she just stayed there because she was drunk and that's better then drinking and driving. I BOUGHT HER VEGAS TICKETS THAT MORNING. Days past and she invites me out to meet her at the club, I show up with my boy and she shows up with "homie", they rode together. I shake his hand, give her a hug and she's nowhere to found after a few mins so me and my boy decideds to leave. blah blah blah.

So days go by, she's sleeping at my house, I couldn't sleep and just being a punk, I went through her phone. Went through the text of her and "homie" - it was like starring down a barrel of a gun and watching someone slowly pull the trigger. It was text of her saying, hope she didn't moan so loud that night and hope no one in the house heard (the day that I bought her Vegas tickets), he told her not to wear panties tonight when they meet up for a mutual friends wedding. I wake up and just calmly tell her to leave my house, told her I know she messing with "homie" and it's over. SHE BLOWS UP MY PHONE, tells me she LOVES ME, made a meaningless mistake, it was that one time, their just friends and will do anything to not lose me. They didn't "Do it", it was just messing around. Her bff text me too, apologizing for her and saying she really loves me and to give her a chance.

I go on NT, make a simple post that I caught her cheating and need to move on. Yall tell me to leave her alone. I DON'T LISTEN AND CAVED IN.

Took her back, two weeks go by and we're good, go on dates, in love, I buy her more expensive gifts and show her I'm a good dude and worth it. Mind you, I have females throwing themselves at me but I have them on mute because I want to focus on her. Two weeks, since I caught her with "homie" and then she has the nerves to post a pic on IG of her, 2 other friend and "homie" a BIG pic, "homie" face is plaster on this post. I text her like "YO thats cute, knowing I don't like "homie" you still post a pic of him" She tells me she didn't think anything of it, its an old pic she thought was funny, and she's sorry, she'll take it down. And how do I know since I do not have IG, I told her I saw it on my sister's IG and she said she didn't think I would see it, didn't think any harm would come out of it. I'm like so it's ok since you thought I wouldn't find out, blah blah blah.. She tells me she loves me and why is that not enough and why do I trip about him. I try to tell her its a respect thing, I do not want to be reminded of "homie" ever. She doesn't want to talk about it and goes out that night (this happened Tuesday). Doesn't come home and I'm assuming she slept at "homie" apt again. We were supposed to have lunch yesterday (Wednesday), no morning text, nothing, I'm sitting her litearlly waiting, hungry at work, but just being patient. Noon comes, and She text, "Good morning" - I text "Good morning" back. An hour goes by and she texts me "LOL, sorry I just ate lunch, I'm with friends" .. and nothing else. Knowing we're supposed to have lunch. So I'm like eff it! Don't respond or give her my stress. The day goes by and at night I kick it with my boys and friends. She texted me like - why do we argue so much - I'm like, I only argue cuz you do this stuff to get upset, not like I pick fights with you for no reason or fun. -- I'm with my friends and some reason this "homie" comes up and I'm sitting there quiet listening (they don't know that me and her been dating for like almost 6 months now) and goes "yo "homie" ran thru both of them, her and her sister, and now got them doing things for him lol he got it like that, those sisters want to be in the scene and he working them". I'm sitting there speechless, like WOW!

Anyways she then text me the rest of the night, that I STRESS HER, I MAKE HER UNHAPPY, I TRIP TOO MUCH. I'm like WHOA! WHAT?! YOU STRESS ME OUT! I haven't done anything wrong. We text back and forth, I try to talk to her in person but she doesn't want to meet up in person. So just tells me that I'm immature and to leave her alone, I'm like ok, well guess it's that then.

So now next morning, I'm on NT spilling my guts to yall. Feels better. Man she did ya boy dirty and I have no one to BLAME BUT MY DUMB SELF. All the signs were there and I chose to let her do this to me, I let her stress me, I let her play me, I let her get to my emotions. LOL. I'm the big dummy. Welp that is all fellas. That is my confession. Thank you for tunning in and reading this long post. Have a great day fellas.

Not to judge you and I hope you get better from this situation but you definitely have some growing to do. It's not about being alpha or whatever.

1. You let her consistently disrespect you. Not only did you LET her do this stuff but you rationalized it by thinking you were being the good and nice guy. You can be good/nice and not let people take advantage of you. There's a huge difference. Draw the line of what's absolutely unacceptable and don't let anyone cross it. (cheating consistently is a good line)

2. You kept emphasizing those expensive gifts you bought her. Talking about being a gentlemen. There's nothing gentlemen about buying someone EXPENSIVE stuff. It's just stuff. If anything, that's probably why she kept up the act with you. Vegas tickets, Cabo tickets, etc. Why wouldn't she keep up the act and try to stay with you?

Bruh. After you found out she was cheating, you took her out on dates and bought HER expensive gifts to show that you're worth it. Think about that for a second. First of all, SHE cheated. She should be the one trying to win you back. Instead you're buying her gifts to convince her to not cheat. Second of all, you seem to be directly tying your worth with expensive gifts. That's something you've got to change. Money and gifts are secondary man. They're not who YOU are. If someone doesn't love you without gifts, then guess what? They love the gifts and money... not you. Third, you should never, ever be trying to convince someone not to cheat 6 months into a relationship. You've had 6 months to convince them. At that point, they're either not ready for an exclusive relationship or they're not really in love with you. Either way, it tells you a lot.


My only advice is to not fret on this stuff too much. She wasn't "the one." She may not have even liked you that much. I'm sure you feel dumb and stuff now but there's no reason to mope and have your heartbroken. Take this as a learning experience. Not just as an excuse to not trust women but as a reason to start respecting yourself more. Cutting people off that disrespect and use you. Not using money/gifts as a way to value your self-worth. Being confident enough to not go crawling back to something that clearly isn't working.
Y'all ain't lying when you say all the signs were there. But I can see where brkfstchampions brkfstchampions is coming from. ***** can be blinding at times brethren, stay keen 8)

I simped once and learned a hard lesson. So best thing to do is just take it as that. Embrace that you ****** up yourself, even though that ***** did you dirty.
Its good bro. You F'ed up.

Learn from this L and be more careful on who you Simp with.

Stories like that put my jimmies into rustle overdrive.
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