
sleazyy man its too late. I don't even remember posting that.. Nice surprise this morning :smh:

Ima be alright but yall let me tell you... Stay away from drugs that can get you stuck esp painkillers. Never thought I'd touch tar. No one grows up thinking, I'm gonna mess with dope when I get older...

I know that **** is hard but it's only too late if you let it be too late. how long you been back at it?

hope you can get through this fam :smh:
I do want to go to college but I'm not sure how I'll get my Bachelor's...

I don't want to join the military just to pay for my education. However, between my rent, car note, and car's hard. Idk if I'll ever be a full time student because of that yet I don't want to take out a student loan.
 be patient.   theres no time table for how long you have to graduate by.   Start off just by taking 1 or 2 classes at a time.  You can even take a class or 2 then take the next semster off.  take your time.  I plan on going back and im 26.

Definitely agree with's never too late to go back to school and get a degree...Diplomas dont say 2012-20xx, all it shows is that you put in the work and have the degree to show for it...age is irrelevant at the end of the day...starting and making the effort to take 1-2 classes is 10000X better than not trying at all and second guessing, who knows maybe you'll discover something you wanna make into a career in those coupele classes then you''ll have extra motivation.

Even if worst case you find college isn't for you, I have a cousin who didn't go to a 4 yr school and went to trade school, he's an electrician now is making GREAT money and doesn't have the loans so many people, including myself will have, you'll be good fam :smokin
You should never feel obligated to go to school or get diploma. Just as important as it is to go to college, is knowing that you don't want to go to college and that it isn't for you. There are many ways to make it out in the world, you just have to choose your lane and what you want to do and go from there. Mindlessly wandering through a four year university with casual effort is how folks end up in debt with no degree.
You should never feel obligated to go to school or get diploma. Just as important as it is to go to college, is knowing that you don't want to go to college and that it isn't for you. There are many ways to make it out in the world, you just have to choose your lane and what you want to do and go from there. Mindlessly wandering through a four year university with casual effort is how folks end up in debt with no degree.
I know that **** is hard but it's only too late if you let it be too late. how long you been back at it?
hope you can get through this fam
Been a few months. And good looks, man. It's been a long run

Another one

- I wanna go back to school but I'm 25 and I'm scared the younger people are gonna embarrass me because I'm dumber than an 18 year old.
I know that **** is hard but it's only too late if you let it be too late. how long you been back at it?

hope you can get through this fam :smh:

Been a few months. And good looks, man. It's been a long run

Another one

- I wanna go back to school but I'm 25 and I'm scared the younger people are gonna embarrass me because I'm dumber than an 18 year old.

Bro, don't go into it with that attitude....I've had plenty of people in my college classes who are older tha the "traditional" college age, hell even some 40-50 yrs olds in a few math courses...age doesn't matter, maybe try some gen-ed's or more broad courses if you're not sure of what you want to study....and you're not "dumber than an 18 yr old" quit that talk, I wonder how a majority of the kids in my classes even got into school in the first place; if thats whats holding you back just go for it the people who would try and embarass someone else are the dumb ones, don't sell yourself short
FWIW I go to a larger state school and there are PLENTY of 25+ adults getting their education. Dont be afraid man!

My confessions..

-I know Ill never be satisfied with just about anything. Even when I say, "yeah its ok." Im really thinking "is that it?"
-Girl around the way tries hooking up with me on the regular but I blow her off. I have a gf, and ive been down that road before. Aint worth it.
-Ive been secretely searching for jobs nationally. When I graduate I am thinking about starting everything over. GF in above confession too....
Update from my confession a couple days ago...
Took my ex-gf's best friend to dinner last night "for being hospitable on weekends and showing me around DC because I'm new to the city." Had a hefty glass of Hennessy and a beer before and a we split a bottle of wine during dinner. Sat outside on the water front. Food was amazing, wine was amazing, conversation was great. Go back to her place after and we both acknowledge were kinda drunk (I asked if I could sleep on couch the day before so I didn't have to commute to work and could get in 2 hours early today to leave 2 hours early tomorrow because my ex-gf is visiting and got us a hotel room). Girl gives me another drink and things start to get blurry from here out. I tell her that it's too bad she's my ex's best friend and that I've been wanting to take her on a date and justification for taking her was all ********. Put my hands on her hips and go to make a move but she says we can't. I'm insistent and we're standing up I'm giving her the look and she's not pushing away but won't let me advance, just tolerating but if I go in for the kiss would gently stop me and say "we can't". I end up giving her a few seconds of neck action and she pulls away. I don't even remember the conversation during this or after I was so drunk :smh: I called my ex before bed and don't remember ANY of the convo.
I woke up this morning like :x :smh: I texted her a little bit after I left her house and said, "I know I shouldn't have done that last night. No excuse. Sorry" (wasn't sorry at all) She texts back, "Its ok. Nothing happened anyways. Dinner was amazing though :smile:"
My ex arrives TOMORROW and after I kick it with her for a while ALL of us are going out together.

Go to one of the rooftop lounges/bars in the city....Donovan House, The W hotel...hit up Hamiltons or Old Ebbit Grill afterwards.

But as far as your problem, less is more...I wouldn't make it an issue unless someone smacks you right in the face with it. You are a single man who doesn't owe anyone anything. Nothing wrong with being selfish sometimes, if you are always busy thinking about other people and trying to coddle their feelings, who thinking about you?
Been a few months. And good looks, man. It's been a long run

Another one

- I wanna go back to school but I'm 25 and I'm scared the younger people are gonna embarrass me because I'm dumber than an 18 year old.
 Times have changed, with troops coming home, parents having free time the average student goes back to college between 30-33. 

If you're going for your associates study for the CLEP you can test out up to 30 courses and shave a year and half off the time it takes to earn one.

Put it like this, do you wanna hide from embarrassment for the next ten years, then when you're 35 have nothing and BE NOTHING? Or be 35 with a MA or higher?

More than half the kids in your class don't know WHY they're there and wont make it 2 semesters anyway ( I promise) 
I think I'm afraid of commitment. Most of the marriages I've seen growing up didnt last. Most people that stayed married, don't look happy. Makes me feel like its not possible to be happily married.

As a result I feel relationships really aren't worth it.

Me too, and I'm in a relationship now :smh:


I have "issues", I guess. I don't know what kind but I feel like a lot of the time, it's me against the world.

When people try to get close to me, I feel uncomfortable and just push em away.

I don't fear death but I fear living the rest of my life alone...


I always wondered if my commitment issues were deep rooted from my parents divorce. My mom just remarried (I'm 25 parents were divorced when i was 6). Dad was not in the picture. But I have no clue what a "healthy" relationship is. I've never seen one to know like "oh so that's happiness" "so that's true love". I thought i had one but my girl of 6 years cheated on me 2 months ago and is already dating the other dude.

But keep your head up NT fam if this thread proves anything its that we all go through it
i try not to judge people cuz u never know what somebody id going thru, even if its a beautiful woman, she may look haooy but most have issues with them selves, males too and you never know that what you say might push them over the edge :smh:
Can you recommend a good restaurant to take my ex to tomorrow? I took the girl to Sequoia last night. It's gotta be comparable or my ex gonna be wondering why I took her best friend to such a nice place and not her. Staying in the Dupont Circle Hotel so somewhere close to that would be good. Thanks in advance bro.

Sequoia is nice down there on the waterfront in Georgetown.

Here are some other suggestions close by:

Filomena Ristorante in Georgetown

Fogo De Chao Brazilian Steakhouse on Pennslyvania Ave is a good place that impresses out of towners

The Palm in NW has great food

If you really want to wow your Ex, you can catch a water taxi in Georgetown to Old Town Alexandria or to the National Harbor. You can eat at the Chart House in Old Town Alexandria and the views there are on point.
i try not to judge people cuz u never know what somebody id going thru, even if its a beautiful woman, she may look haooy but most have issues with them selves, males too and you never know that what you say might push them over the edge :smh:

This is so true. This past Spring my best friend let me know he was going trough severe depression while he was away from school the past couple yrs, I was one of the only people that knew but man, would've never guessed it any time we kicked it back home...thankfully he's doing a lot better but he was telling me some scary stuff. That saying "never judge a man til you walk a mile in his shoes" is so real.
i try not to judge people cuz u never know what somebody id going thru, even if its a beautiful woman, she may look haooy but most have issues with them selves, males too and you never know that what you say might push them over the edge :smh:

I say this to myself daily.
i try not to judge people cuz u never know what somebody id going thru, even if its a beautiful woman, she may look haooy but most have issues with them selves, males too and you never know that what you say might push them over the edge :smh:

Yeah man, the same people you pass on the way to the pass them on the way back down to the bottom, so be mindful how you treat people when you are climbing up that mountain.

It is always easy to sit behind a CPU or anywhere and pass judgement and look down upon takes a real mature/real individual to be able to empathize with someone and understand where they were coming from.
i try not to judge people cuz u never know what somebody id going thru, even if its a beautiful woman, she may look haooy but most have issues with them selves, males too and you never know that what you say might push them over the edge :smh:

This is so true. This past Spring my best friend let me know he was going trough severe depression while he was away from school the past couple yrs, I was one of the only people that knew but man, would've never guessed it any time we kicked it back home...thankfully he's doing a lot better but he was telling me some scary stuff. That saying "never judge a man til you walk a mile in his shoes" is so real.
yeah man you wouldnt guess from how i look but i be feelin depressed alot, i never tell anybody tho :smh:

i try not to judge people cuz u never know what somebody id going thru, even i f its a beautiful woman, she may look haooy but most have issues with them selves, males too and you never know that what you say might push them over the edge :smh:

I say this to myself daily.
its true bro,like i dont see how ppl can judge somebody like how they do

i try not to judge people cuz u never know what somebody id going thru, even if its a beautiful woman, she may look haooy but most have issues with them selves, males too and you never know that what you say might push them over the edge :smh:

Yeah man, the same people you pass on the way to the pass them on the way back down to the bottom, so be mindful how you treat people when you are climbing up that mountain.

It is always easy to sit behind a CPU or anywhere and pass judgement and look down upon takes a real mature/real individual to be able to empathize with someone and understand where they were coming from.
church :smokin
I try and say hello, good morning, how are you to anybody I encounter in passing at school or here at my internship....the other day the elderly cleaning woman was taken aback that someone actually said something to her when I simply said " Hi how's it going....have a good night" on my way out....pops always said never burn bridges, b/c you'll never know when you'll have to walk bak across them
Update from my confession a couple days ago...
Took my ex-gf's best friend to dinner last night "for being hospitable on weekends and showing me around DC because I'm new to the city." Had a hefty glass of Hennessy and a beer before and a we split a bottle of wine during dinner. Sat outside on the water front. Food was amazing, wine was amazing, conversation was great. Go back to her place after and we both acknowledge were kinda drunk (I asked if I could sleep on couch the day before so I didn't have to commute to work and could get in 2 hours early today to leave 2 hours early tomorrow because my ex-gf is visiting and got us a hotel room). Girl gives me another drink and things start to get blurry from here out. I tell her that it's too bad she's my ex's best friend and that I've been wanting to take her on a date and justification for taking her was all ********. Put my hands on her hips and go to make a move but she says we can't. I'm insistent and we're standing up I'm giving her the look and she's not pushing away but won't let me advance, just tolerating but if I go in for the kiss would gently stop me and say "we can't". I end up giving her a few seconds of neck action and she pulls away. I don't even remember the conversation during this or after I was so drunk :smh: I called my ex before bed and don't remember ANY of the convo.
I woke up this morning like :x :smh: I texted her a little bit after I left her house and said, "I know I shouldn't have done that last night. No excuse. Sorry" (wasn't sorry at all) She texts back, "Its ok. Nothing happened anyways. Dinner was amazing though :smile:"
My ex arrives TOMORROW and after I kick it with her for a while ALL of us are going out together.

Stop thinking so much. Relax and have a good time famb :pimp:
I try and say hello, good morning, how are you to anybody I encounter in passing at school or here at my internship....the other day the elderly cleaning woman was taken aback that someone actually said something to her when I simply said " Hi how's it going....have a good night" on my way out....pops always said never burn bridges, b/c you'll never know when you'll have to walk bak across them

Im trying to get into the habit of this. Makes a person more approachable.
I try and say hello, good morning, how are you to anybody I encounter in passing at school or here at my internship....the other day the elderly cleaning woman was taken aback that someone actually said something to her when I simply said " Hi how's it going....have a good night" on my way out....pops always said never burn bridges, b/c you'll never know when you'll have to walk bak across them
you would be surpirsed how much this means to some people
Bro... Fogo De Chao Brazilian Steakhouse looks amazing! I'm salivating looking at their website right now. My ex is a real picky eater though especially with meat, :frown: This is a huge turnoff to me.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm gonna do Filomena.

I see it's a lot of ppl in the this thread from DC I can confirm all the places he named are great restaraunts your ex will enjoy. Take my advice leave the friend alone you know the saying don't **** where you eat. DC got more than enough for you to choose from
i wouldnt worry about what any kid thinks.  Just do you.  Theres a lot of older people going back to school since our economy is so bad.
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