
I been very down lately and im really starting to question am I really the good guy I think I am. Im human and I make errors as we all do but its a bad feeling to really start thinking im not a good person. Sometimes I think I even embrace being the bad guy because being nice will get you killed out here
I been very down lately and im really starting to question am I really the good guy I think I am. Im human and I make errors as we all do but its a bad feeling to really start thinking im not a good person. Sometimes I think I even embrace being the bad guy because being nice will get you killed out here
I'm in the same boat brotha smh
- I'm 28 with a job(not a career) not complaining, but i fear i'll be here working for the rest of my life
- I've lost alot of weight(about 70 lbs) and my confidence is still low as if i didn't lose a pound, still afraid of rejection
- get alot of looks, and women like me but i don't know how to capitalize on it(see above)
- with me lifting weights, it's really hard to fap these days
-I only date co workers(SMH) i know, but they are the only ones i feel comfortable talking to(because we have I.M at work)
-I also regret taking school for a joke(why i'm at a dead end job)
-I am a real life Rex Ryan, I have a severe foot fetish man...
-I get annoyed very easily
-Don't express my feelings to anyone so everything builds up
-I thank Lil B for me being alot more positive these days, and trying to see everything in a positive way
-My entertainment is NTwitter
-I don't have too many standards(except nice feet)
-I regret not playing sports in highschool
-I have trust issues, because one of my ex's lied about being pregnant once before
-I'm a loner
-If it wasn't for music i would a stone cold killer

I'm sure there's more, but that's it for now
I don't hate every single person in the world... but "I don't see much in people worth liking."

I feel like i always get the short end of the stick when i mess with my so-called N's or dudes in my hood or even my family. 

I can't tell my own mom I love her.

I think I have a grudge against women I only see them as sexual objects.

I feel stressed but I think I've been stressed so long that I don't even care anymore, when bad things happen I just smile or laugh nowadays. 
My boys think I'm good at getting at girls.... I'm not, I'm terrible at it. I'm just lucky that every now and then I have a girl that has her sights set on me 
 feels good, but on the DL I know I don't deserve the praise.

Speaking of which, the last girl who I hooked up with..... I think I'm catching feelings but I don't know what to do, we already established the parameters of our 'relationship' 

I'm really freezing up when trying to get at this girl at my tanning salon...... I think I'ma just ask for her number later today when I go in.

I think I'm addicted to tanning and sticking sharp objects in me and inject myself.......

I'm nervous as hell living in a 1 bedroom apartment by myself. I feel like I'm gonna be mad lonely.

I'm kinda of a jerk to everyone 
I'm half black half white but white people don't mess wit me, I grew up with the black side of my family so I see my self as black but then some black people don't like me cause I'm light skin it's like wat u want from me bruh :lol: :smh:
White guys that come off trying to act "hood" or a total bad***** when I know they are not make me very uncomfortable lol
The way people portray themselves like they are really about that life and they are not is fascinating
Everytime I meet someone that sells drugs and they i know damn well they shouldn't be my inner Cleveland says rob them lol
Im not a tough guy myself but certain ppl just shouldn't do it

School starts in a week..senior year can honestly say I don't have a true close friend at college but its all good
I've recently developed this mindframe that I'm never letting anyone break my is true you choose to happy or not
I don't know how to save money
I love my Jeep but i would rather be driving a pickup,range,or a porsche truck
Ivee decided I'm going all in with accounting I will have my CPA by 26
Im by myself out here in this world and I feel good NT..
Don't let anyone or anything ruin your happiness we only have a certain amount of days on this earth might as well be happy during them
I like young looking girls... Don't get me wrong, I'm 20 and I would only mess with them if theyre 1-3 yrs apart but they look like they can be 16...
This girl I'm interested in types like this xD, :smile: and many other emoticons in every text... I would like to say we have stuff in common but we have two different personalities.
I regret not capitalizing on my chance of bagging her. I was 20 and she was 17 when we met and I purposely didn't make a move because it didn't feel right but now I lost my opportunity and will probably stay in the friend zone.
I got a D in Trigonometry for summer school. I kind of knew that was coming but did nothing to stop it cause that class was seriously accelerated and teacher couldn't teach for ****. Plus I was working 20-30 hrs a week and that only made things worse.
I only need 4 more classes to transfer... These are all hard classes like Calc, English, stats and managerial accounting. It would be academic suicide if I take all these classes at once and have a job... I think it would be wise to split these up for two semesters...
I actually feel better confessing this to you guys. Normally I would confess but when I can't put my thoughts into words, I just delete everything and move on.
Idgaf about shoes anymore except TB 3s.
Trying to socialize more and I think I know how to attract girls but still don't have the confidence and the fear of rejection.
I may be a lazy person when it comes to academics and work but I am passionate about fitness. I would workout 7 days if my body would let me and if I have the time. I would feel guilty for not working out more than 2 days. Dieting is a different story.
Idc if my confessions are lame and none of you guys can relate. Just needed to vent cause nobody else would want to hear about my first world problems.
Sometimes I'd rather listen to music than interact with people. I was a virgin until very recently and I honestly think that if I never lost it I would be perfectly fine as long as I had my music to keep me happy.
after being in a relationship..... I wish I can just be single and not have to keep worrying

about 1 girl. It's honestly been nothing but stress being with someone you can't even trust.

It's sad too cause I dd really like her but she changed so much because of one of her friend.

But its hard to let go because i just wish to see the girl i fell for... and even if I do let go i know i'll still worry.
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- ephebophile
- "sociopathic tendencies"
- elaborate murder plots replaced my suicidal thoughts
- very difficult to feel empathy
- fein many of my emotions depending on the situation
- know way too many personal details about most of my friends, intentionally keep my life and past as secretive as possible and I don't know why
- rarely mean it when I say I'm sorry, usually say it just to remedy the situation

don't eem care.
- ephebophile
- "sociopathic tendencies"
- elaborate murder plots replaced my suicidal thoughts
- very difficult to feel empathy
- fein many of my emotions depending on the situation
- know way too many personal details about most of my friends, intentionally keep my life and past as secretive as possible and I don't know why
- rarely mean it when I say I'm sorry, usually say it just to remedy the situation

don't eem care.
Say what?

Last edited:
- ephebophile
- "sociopathic tendencies"
- elaborate murder plots replaced my suicidal thoughts
- very difficult to feel empathy
- fein many of my emotions depending on the situation
- know way too many personal details about most of my friends, intentionally keep my life and past as secretive as possible and I don't know why
- rarely mean it when I say I'm sorry, usually say it just to remedy the situation

don't eem care.
Last edited:
- ephebophile
- "sociopathic tendencies"
- elaborate murder plots replaced my suicidal thoughts
- very difficult to feel empathy
- fein many of my emotions depending on the situation
- know way too many personal details about most of my friends, intentionally keep my life and past as secretive as possible and I don't know why
- rarely mean it when I say I'm sorry, usually say it just to remedy the situation

don't eem care.

Describes me :wow:
- ephebophile
- "sociopathic tendencies"
- elaborate murder plots replaced my suicidal thoughts
- very difficult to feel empathy
- fein many of my emotions depending on the situation
- know way too many personal details about most of my friends, intentionally keep my life and past as secretive as possible and I don't know why
- rarely mean it when I say I'm sorry, usually say it just to remedy the situation

don't eem care.

*places fist on screen* :smokin

DISCLAIMER: I have no intention to kill anyone nor do I do anything about my ephebophilia. my girlfriend is 20 and we're doing fairly well. she knows all this stuff too and accepts it. she's brave :lol:

it's wild seeing other people here identifying with this though. I blame the internet *shrug*
Sometimes I'd rather listen to music than interact with people. I was a virgin until very recently and I honestly think that if I never lost it I would be perfectly fine as long as I had my music to keep me happy.

Besides the losing my virginity recently part (I've been lost it), this is exactly how I feel sometimes too smh
As far as my confessions go...

I hated my high school and I hope NOBODY (unless I was cool with them) succeeds in life
I feel emotionless at times
I am somewhat of a manipulative person
I fear I'mma be stuck at my job for longer than I expected and I will get fired before I am able to quit for a new job due to certain people not liking me and my brutal honesty & outspoken attitude
A life of crime seems rather intriguing without the thought of consequences
I am too afraid to take risks when it comes to certain things
I fear I will be an under achiever
I dont wanna go to college due to how much I hate school like environments and I also feel like its not worth the money unless I am basically GUARANTEED a solid career
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