Cheerleader develops Dystonia after taking the flu shot

General Johnson wrote:
Y'all keep on taking those shots that haven't been thoroughly tested...

i�did this and im fine. actually i need�to make an appointment to get my last one done.
Originally Posted by BroboCop

Hate to see things like this. I feel so bad for her.

hopefully they can't do something to make the contractions less severe (if not cure it all together)
stuff like this makes me appreciate my health everyday. She's fortunate to have a husband who loves and cares for her, cuz I know she is enduring some verytough times with this
Originally Posted by General Johnson


Imma b truthful and say I chuckled but thats still sad. She had good things coming her way and all of them were shattered coming from something that is supposeto help you. Even though its 1 in a million, that 1 person can be 1 of us......
damn, didnt even know there was anything like that out there.

the one time i ever got the flu shot in my life...i got the flu.

i will never get the flu shot. i would rather take my chances and WASH MY HANDS.
theres a 'walk it out dystonia remix' vid on youtube eople may wanna search for...=x

sad story tho. personally i think i'd just get in crazy shape and either jog or walk backwards my whole life.
wow man. omg. i'm speechless thats so crazy. so weird how when she runs she talks normal. w.t.f. there HAS to be something that can help this poor girl
Originally Posted by General Johnson

I feel horrible for laughing at this, but Im a Jerk was playing on the radio station here at work right when I saw this response.

Poor girl tho.
very unfortunate, but I hope that family can continue to live their lives to their best
Unfortunately, this alone has convinced me to never get a flu shot. Damn if it's 1 in a million. It's terrible and sad at the same time. I never knewabout this.
This is just bad reporting. Correlation does not imply causation. Nowhere in there does it say the flu shot caused this, it just states that shehad a flu shot before to use as shock reporting and IMPLY it caused it. There are a lot of things she's done before that happened, she probably atebreakfast THAT morning! Does that mean eating breakfast causes Dystonia? Of course not. Looking into Dystonia, nothing dealingwith a vaccine would cause it. The type of drugs that may cause it are neurological in nature, which makes sense as Dystonia is an imbalance in the brain.Vaccines don't effect that. For this particular case it is the belief of professionals (in neurology, not shock reporting) that it is psychogenic, nothingto do with vaccines.

Also, get vaccinated, it's not just for you, it's to save lives of those of those who can't get vaccinated through Herd Immunity.
There has been a lot of talk about Vaccines lately. Wired Magazine has a Cover Story about Autism and vaccines in this months issue. Also something on their website I foundabout the H1N1 Vaccine.

Now about this disorder, It really could have been anything that set this off. Reading up on it from Wiki, there seems to be different causes from it. I trulyfeel bad for the lady that this happened to. It seems like a scape goat to automatically pin this on the flu vaccine though. I've had the flu shot forabout 6 years now, and like the vast majority of people have no side effects, and the side effects listed with this shot, and very minor.

Maybe the area wasn't properly sanitized before the shot was given? Chances of something on her skin that might have caused this is about as slim as heractually getting this terrible disease.

There was also something on the Today show a couple weeks back about this kid who was perfectly healthy, who had developed a staph infection? and"became" autistic for awhile until they found out what was wrong with him. I can't seem to find it right now, but it was back in 2002-3, and kidsin college now. Heis mom wrote a book about it. Sounded interesting.
Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

wow @ the muscle contractions ... the fact that she can talk normally when she runs ...
... one of the saddest things i've prolly ever seen
My thoughts just got me a lil' sad.
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