Cheerleader develops Dystonia after taking the flu shot

Originally Posted by Da XpLiCiT OnE

This is just bad reporting. Correlation does not imply causation. Nowhere in there does it say the flu shot caused this, it just states that she had a flu shot before to use as shock reporting and IMPLY it caused it. There are a lot of things she's done before that happened, she probably ate breakfast THAT morning! Does that mean eating breakfast causes Dystonia? Of course not. Looking into Dystonia, nothing dealing with a vaccine would cause it. The type of drugs that may cause it are neurological in nature, which makes sense as Dystonia is an imbalance in the brain. Vaccines don't effect that. For this particular case it is the belief of professionals (in neurology, not shock reporting) that it is psychogenic, nothing to do with vaccines.

Also, get vaccinated, it's not just for you, it's to save lives of those of those who can't get vaccinated through Herd Immunity.
here's the thing... you can test and test all you want...but you'll never be able to say 100% fact that something developed will have ZEROside effects for everyone.
"expects" are wrong all the time...when it comes to medicine
this is sad. I feel so sorry for her and her husband. All she did was prevent herself from getting the flu.

Another reason why i WONT be getting the flu vaccine or that H1N1 vaccine that was rushed all of a sudden
Its really sad

I saw the original video on YT and felt bad as hell but

I dunno if it was a combo of it being late or the jokes from the ****** thread but when I saw the remix video... I lost it

Couldn't hold in the laughter. I still genuinely feel bad for her and her lover ones.
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

i can't believe people are laughing at this. what goes around comes guys are pathetic.

them comparison gifs did it :/ ....i was feeling bad till i scrolled and saw that...

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

If the flu shot has similar ingredients to the swine flu shot of 1976 it is possible.

Not laughing at the girl.

I just snuck a jerk joke in. Was it in bad taste, yes. But I think it's a sad story and I wish her the best.

If you go back and look at my earlier posts in this thread, you'll see that I was trying to inform people, but most are so damned convinced that everythingthe news/government/big pharma says is gospel, that they don't wanna hear it.

What I do find funny, is how no one does their own research and will quickly inject poison in their body in attempts to avoid getting a flu that would mostlikely do them no serious harm if they even got it.

I would guess that most who die of the flu are unhealthy or have weak immune systems to begin with, like babies and the elderly.

But no one wants to hear anything that challenges conventional wisdom, so I keep it basic on NT. I come here for entertainment and assume that most people dothe same.
So sad.

What I do find funny, is how no one does their own research and will quickly inject poison in their body in attempts to avoid getting a flu that would most likely do them no serious harm if they even got it.

Seriously. I used to get vaccines every once in a while, until noticed that EVERY year I got a Flu shot, I actually got sick. Every year I skipped, I was fine.Also, in reference to the above quote, Swine Flu isn't all that serious, unless you have surrounding health risks. My little brother had it while I washome last week. The doctor prescribed him something, and said he was to be on 'lock-down' for seven days. My Mom quarantined him downstairs.

Anyways, it wasn't that big of a deal, I was around him, my friend was, other relatives were. We kept our distance, stayed poppin' Airborne, and no oneelse got sick.

Eff that rushed H1N1 vaccine. My grandparents doctors' advised them AGAINST taking it, and said they would not be taking it themselves, or having theirfamilies take it. Unless, you have other debilitating health issues, it's not that critical. My Grandparents are like 70, by the way, and the doctors stillsaid they shouldn't worry about an H1N1 shot...
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

sonunox34 wrote:
Man she used to be hot

it's funny to me she looks exactly the same only she has muscle spasms now.

she still is, like thytkerjobs said its just the spasms
. i hope researchers find a cure soon
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