Cheerleader develops Dystonia after taking the flu shot

I feel even worse for laughing at those gifs.

Nah but for reals, she needs some trees. maybe shell feel a little better.
Originally Posted by bonde111

There has been a lot of talk about Vaccines lately. Wired Magazine has a Cover Story about Autism and vaccines in this months issue. Also something on their website I found about the H1N1 Vaccine.

Now about this disorder, It really could have been anything that set this off. Reading up on it from Wiki, there seems to be different causes from it. I truly feel bad for the lady that this happened to. It seems like a scape goat to automatically pin this on the flu vaccine though. I've had the flu shot for about 6 years now, and like the vast majority of people have no side effects, and the side effects listed with this shot, and very minor.

Maybe the area wasn't properly sanitized before the shot was given? Chances of something on her skin that might have caused this is about as slim as her actually getting this terrible disease.

There was also something on the Today show a couple weeks back about this kid who was perfectly healthy, who had developed a staph infection? and "became" autistic for awhile until they found out what was wrong with him. I can't seem to find it right now, but it was back in 2002-3, and kids in college now. Heis mom wrote a book about it. Sounded interesting.
Well maybe it was some shot that, like earlier said, wasn't sanitized properly. MRSA, methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus, or anystaph for that matter, is pretty common on human skin. And we never get staph infections unless there is an open wound. So maybe that's what happened; itentered the blood stream with the staph, and got to his head or something. Just an hypothesis about it.
dam everytime you guys bump this thread I feel bad, like what if I just woke up tommorow and had muscle movements like that forever?

%%*% is depressing as hell
I used to laugh at !%+$ like this when i was an immature ****** back then..i dont get how can anyone make jokes out of this..ravage bx and general johnson arelames. Two grown %$* men making jokes like its funny. I would hurt the both of you if ya made a joke like that in front of my face
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

I used to laugh at !%+$ like this when i was an immature ****** back then..i dont get how can anyone make jokes out of this..ravage bx and general johnson are lames. Two grown %$* men making jokes like its funny. I would hurt the both of you if ya made a joke like that in front of my face

No you wouldn't.
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

I used to laugh at !%+$ like this when i was an immature ****** back then..i dont get how can anyone make jokes out of this..ravage bx and general johnson are lames. Two grown %$* men making jokes like its funny. I would hurt the both of you if ya made a joke like that in front of my face

Ok mr. internet tough guy.
Originally Posted by Da XpLiCiT OnE

This is just bad reporting. Correlation does not imply causation. Nowhere in there does it say the flu shot caused this, it just states that she had a flu shot before to use as shock reporting and IMPLY it caused it. There are a lot of things she's done before that happened, she probably ate breakfast THAT morning! Does that mean eating breakfast causes Dystonia? Of course not. Looking into Dystonia, nothing dealing with a vaccine would cause it. The type of drugs that may cause it are neurological in nature, which makes sense as Dystonia is an imbalance in the brain. Vaccines don't effect that. For this particular case it is the belief of professionals (in neurology, not shock reporting) that it is psychogenic, nothing to do with vaccines.

Also, get vaccinated, it's not just for you, it's to save lives of those of those who can't get vaccinated through Herd Immunity.
you fail to mention the additives that most vaccines have... adjuvants and other materials like thiomersal (mercury-based preservative), aluminumsalts, and squalene (illicits a greater immune response). there are numerous reported cases of adverse reactions to vaccines.

it's true, it's correlation, not causation, but it's possible.
It's ill (no pun intended), but she's probably in that super-small percentage that suffer drastic side effects from something as potent as say, a fluvaccination shot.
Originally Posted by Da XpLiCiT OnE

This is just bad reporting. Correlation does not imply causation. Nowhere in there does it say the flu shot caused this, it just states that she had a flu shot before to use as shock reporting and IMPLY it caused it. There are a lot of things she's done before that happened, she probably ate breakfast THAT morning! Does that mean eating breakfast causes Dystonia? Of course not. Looking into Dystonia, nothing dealing with a vaccine would cause it. The type of drugs that may cause it are neurological in nature, which makes sense as Dystonia is an imbalance in the brain. Vaccines don't effect that. For this particular case it is the belief of professionals (in neurology, not shock reporting) that it is psychogenic, nothing to do with vaccines.

Also, get vaccinated, it's not just for you, it's to save lives of those of those who can't get vaccinated through Herd Immunity.

If the flu shot has similar ingredients to the swine flu shot of 1976 it is possible.
Wow that was very hard to watch. I can't imagine her dealing with this for the rest of her life. I wish her the best getting all available treatment andsupport.

Ever since the H1N1 has become more prevalent this year, I have learned to wash my hands and maintain a sanitary environment around me.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by Da XpLiCiT OnE

This is just bad reporting. Correlation does not imply causation. Nowhere in there does it say the flu shot caused this, it just states that she had a flu shot before to use as shock reporting and IMPLY it caused it. There are a lot of things she's done before that happened, she probably ate breakfast THAT morning! Does that mean eating breakfast causes Dystonia? Of course not. Looking into Dystonia, nothing dealing with a vaccine would cause it. The type of drugs that may cause it are neurological in nature, which makes sense as Dystonia is an imbalance in the brain. Vaccines don't effect that. For this particular case it is the belief of professionals (in neurology, not shock reporting) that it is psychogenic, nothing to do with vaccines.

Also, get vaccinated, it's not just for you, it's to save lives of those of those who can't get vaccinated through Herd Immunity.

If the flu shot has similar ingredients to the swine flu shot of 1976 it is possible.

My God.
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