CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLIDER (04/04/14) - BluRay 09/09/14

the SHIELD involvement in IM2 felt forced whereas in CA2 it was well integrated

I can agree with that. It took away from the development of Vanko but it wasn't all the unbearable. Since I didn't really care for Stain in IM1 I was cool.

finally got to watch it last night. fighting scenes were dope but I feel like the first one was way better.

I won't say better but it didn't really surpass it by that much other than action. The story just felt safe and I think the fact that at no point did I believe Fury was dead had something to do with it.
how did it feel "safe" 

I don't understand how destroying SHIELD could be considered safe.
I forgot to mention it the 1st time around but it was great to see Abed (danny Pudi) in this. His little cameo made me laugh. Now I'm hoping Abed acknowledges it on Community.
how did it feel "safe" 

I don't understand how destroying SHIELD could be considered safe.

After the reveal that Hydra basically was Shield (less than 1/3 into the movie) nothing abouy the story was surprising to me (Fury's resurrection included). Bucky did his thing but I felt they could have made him more than a wind up toy. As a villain he had no depth. I was just expecting more. Don't get me wrong it was still a good movie and right behind the Avengers as far as Marvel movies.

I'll just say that I had no immediate desire to see it again. I'll def be copping on BR. I knew I needed to watch the Avengers again like asap when I walked out of the theater....didn't get that here.
the SHIELD involvement in IM2 felt forced whereas in CA2 it was well integrated

I loved the shield integration on CA2.. I mean it made the most since considering CA's roots in the organization..well played by marvel :smokin

After the reveal that Hydra basically was Shield (less than 1/3 into the movie) nothing abouy the story was surprising to me (Fury's resurrection included). Bucky did his thing but I felt they could have made him more than a wind up toy. As a villain he had no depth. I was just expecting more. Don't get me wrong it was still a good movie and right behind the Avengers as far as Marvel movies.

I'll just say that I had no immediate desire to see it again. I'll def be copping on BR. I knew I needed to watch the Avengers again like asap when I walked out of the theater....didn't get that here.

im curious to see how they transition winter solider's story.. the second ending gives some light that bucky is in search of identity previous to brainwashing.. he had some integration within the avengers and CA in several story iterations as well..
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That is the story of the winter solider though.. They would only let him out for missions.. Wiping his memories and putting him back on ice after

In the comics they have more time to develop this and show that he has a struggle as he gradually starts to remember who he is after seeing cap.. Then it's awhile before he actually regains his memories, after each time they thawed him out and let him loose he would go missing for longer periods of time.. And started disobeying orders and stuff like that

He'll there is even a period where the winter soldier program was decommissioned and he was basically forgotten about
After the reveal that Hydra basically was Shield (less than 1/3 into the movie) nothing abouy the story was surprising to me (Fury's resurrection included). Bucky did his thing but I felt they could have made him more than a wind up toy. As a villain he had no depth. I was just expecting more. Don't get me wrong it was still a good movie and right behind the Avengers as far as Marvel movies.

I'll just say that I had no immediate desire to see it again. I'll def be copping on BR. I knew I needed to watch the Avengers again like asap when I walked out of the theater....didn't get that here.

If something is exciting, it's exciting. Whether surprising or not. I'm not sitting in a movie theatre judging each moment on if they surprised me or not. People being upset with the death issue is strange to me as it literally happens all the time in the comics. And that's the winter soldier for you. Like dude said above, he's only brought out for assassinations, so he's not going to have much depth in his first appearance. I'm not trying to sway your opinion on the film or anything, but yeah.
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I understand all of that. I just don't think that translated well for this particular movie. As I stated earlier in the thread for a movie titled the winter soldier it really had nothing to do with him.

If something is exciting, it's exciting. Whether surprising or not. I'm not sitting in a movie theatre judging each moment on if they surprised me or not. People being upset with the death issue is strange to me as it literally happens all the time in the comics. And that's the winter soldier for you. Like dude said above, he's only brought out for assassinations, so he's not going to have much depth in his first appearance. I'm not trying to sway your opinion on the film or anything, but yeah.

You asked how it was safe and I think you answered your own question. I wasn't upset at all at the death scenario I just said it was predictable.

Again I enjoyed the hell out of the film. I just don't think it was as good as it could have been.
Just because you predicted it doesn't mean that it was a safe storyline. You could've used any adjective but safe. Even predictable. For 6 years Shield has been what's connected the marvel cinematic universe and they took it away. I would say it's the opposite of safe. It was risky. If you want to argue that the execution of it was 'predictable' then fine
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Just watched Thor 2 for the second time. I completely forgot Loki fake died. Marvel has to stop with the fake dying thing.. That's three times now.
Not just Loki, but with Coulson and Fury too. They can't keep bringing back everyone who dies.

Briging back everyone who dies? Loki and Fury pretended to die. Coulson died, then they realized they could potentially profit of a spinoff show so they brought him back. That's a huge difference. Both the Loki and Fury fake deaths were the most predictable parts of the movie. Loki made it look like Thor lost an arm ffs. That was pretty much foreshadowing that he was up to his old tricks. And he has 3 more movies in his contract. Fury was no surprise either. Especially since he said "Don't trust anyone" and Pierce said "I wonder if that included him".

There has really only been one death and it was ******** that they brought him back.
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Not just Loki, but with Coulson and Fury too. They can't keep bringing back everyone who dies.
Briging back everyone who dies? Loki and Fury pretended to die. Coulson died, then they realized they could potentially profit of a spinoff show so they brought him back. Both the Loki and Fury fake deaths were the most predictable parts of the movie. Loki made it look like Thor lost an arm ffs. That was pretty much foreshadowing that he was up to his old tricks. And he has 3 more movies in his contract. Fury was no surprise either. Especially since he said "Don't trust anyone" and Pierce said "I wonder if that included him".
loki pretended to die. nick got hit with three shots from the sniper rifle of the best assassin in the world, after already bleeding out from a car chase, thats not pretending to die. thats dying and getting marveled back to live 
loki pretended to die. nick got hit with three shots from the sniper rifle of the best assassin in the world, after already bleeding out from a car chase, thats not pretending to die. thats dying and getting marveled back to live :lol:  

Nope. He was alive when they were doing surgery, then the banner formula kicked in to make it seem like he was dead. Winter Soldier wasnt able to kill BW when he sniped her either. Also WS shot him through a wall. He didnt actually see the body.
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but ultimate peter is dead, and people stay dead in 1610

Also the Gwen that is alive is just a clone of the Gwen that died

True. Miles is cool tho.

Still Gwen tho :D
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True. Miles is cool tho.

Still Gwen tho :D
he aint just cool, he is better than pete by a few leagues
So is Ock. I am done with 616 Spidey now that Pete is back. I don't want none of that.
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