CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLIDER (04/04/14) - BluRay 09/09/14

It'll be a continuation of Caps search for Bucky for sure.
Yeah, but I know they'll throw in another storyline because they can't continue the fish out of water issue forever. The directors dropped a small hint about what to expect, but I'm not familiar with Cap so I don't know exactly what they meant.
Probably some conflict with Baron Heinrich/Zemo/Von Strucker. Crossbones probably show up. More Agent 13. I doubt we see Widow in it as much this time around. I wouldn't guess the exact plot unless Rogers is transitioning out. Given how good and Cap2 went I'd say they'll probably lift a Brubaker story from his Cap run.

Hopefully there's some globe trotting this time around.
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Man.. Just got back from the theater.. Loved it..

There's a ton the can do with the sequel.. And I assume crossbones gets juiced up and really becomes crossbones

Von strucker won't play a significant role in avengers 2, so I assume he could be a big bad guy for cap 3.. Or as mentioned above Zola could actually create his suit that was teased in the first cap:

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Wait Zola was a real character in the comics. Damn. From what has been said so far Baron Von strucker only has a few minutes of on screen time in Avengers 2. Can't remember if they said he'd be a cap 3 villain. I think so.
Batroc the leaper (guy at the beginning).. Crossbones (guy fighting falcon).. Zola.. And baron Von strucker are all Cap foes

They could also go heavier with AIM and introduce modok
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I am familiar with A lot of the Barons, Batroc, and Crossbones. Can't remember what from tho.

Organizations can always be reorganized. Doubt they really ended AIM. Just one branch. Like Hydra.
Saw it last night. Movie is dope and all but it's NOT better than Thor 2 like some people say in here. They are about the same. SMH at me for falling on NT hype

Fighting scenes are straight filthy tho.
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People on NT in general don't like Thor 2 but love the original. Opposite for me.

Thor 2, Cap 2, IM and Avengers can all be argued to be the best film imo.
Wasn't ever really into Cap, but The Winter Soldier was great. Actually did enjoy it more than Avengers.

I was about to be legit mad when I thought they kill Samuel L. off. Undertaker losing levels shocked. I mean dude has been killed off so unceremoniously in Deep Blue Sea, Jurassic Park, etc. :lol:
Agreed,it really didn't do much for me. Marvel's gone 1/3 so far in phase 3 imo. Hoping GOTG can get them back at .500
just caught in last night in 3D, it was pretty worth it.
Fight scenes were def on point, I was seriously blown away by the first 20 mins!
Cap's my fave avenger so I gotta go with this over thor 2, Thor for me is the least interesting to me out of all of them. Thor 2 is a good film though.
In the comics Thor is my fave and IM is my least fave. I just hate him so much
In the movies so far IM is my fave and Hawkeye is my least fave.
Jeremy Renner's Hawkeye is just so bland. But apparently that is going to change in Avengers 2. Feige is quoted as saying both the Hulk and Hawkeye are going to have "big roles"
Jeremy Renner's Hawkeye is just so bland. But apparently that is going to change in Avengers 2. Feige is quoted as saying both the Hulk and Hawkeye are going to have "big roles"

You can't really blame him when he's only been in 2 films, one of which was a small cameo and the other he was mind controlled for most of the film.

I have high hopes for Renner in A2. His sequences in the final battle of A1 were great.
Jeremy Renner's Hawkeye is just so bland. But apparently that is going to change in Avengers 2. Feige is quoted as saying both the Hulk and Hawkeye are going to have "big roles"
I think they setting up for hulks solo :nerd:
Planet hulk :nerd:
Then world war hulk :nerd:
:pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
Agreed,it really didn't do much for me. Marvel's gone 1/3 so far in phase 3 imo. Hoping GOTG can get them back at .500
Same. I basically gave up on any CBM ever being really good again...until Cap 2.

Jeremy Renner's Hawkeye is just so bland. But apparently that is going to change in Avengers 2. Feige is quoted as saying both the Hulk and Hawkeye are going to have "big roles"
Jeremy just doesn't fit with the cast IMO.
Yeah...I mean his intro in Thor made me roll my eyes so damn hard. And when you just see him in's not his powers, it's not his role, it's not his lines. It's just him...he plays a really good bad guy, but I can't see him as any superhero. I mean look...he was perfect as Loki's soldier.

I remember hearing rumors it was gonna be that Supernatural dude. He woulda been better imo.
Whedon made him too weak as well in Avengers.. BW fight, Loki's soldier,etc.. it just didn't help his character

So basically they are returning the favor in Avengers 2 :smh:
People need to accept the fact that every comic book movie isn't going to be Dark Knight or Avenger level. If you read comics, you should know that because not every run is great. You will get some storylines that are just eh, but eventually you'll get something great. That for me was Thor II. I wasn't mad or will call it a failure, it was just okay. IM3 was a bit different. For me, it was the most enjoyable Iron Man film out of them all, however they butchered the Extremis storyline, Downey did a not so great acting job when trying to convey those panic attacks, and trying to make Pepper a badass just didn't work. However, it was still just okay for me overall. The only bad Marvel film for me was IM2, and I can forgive them for that because they were still experimenting.
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