CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLIDER (04/04/14) - BluRay 09/09/14

Ironman 2 suffered from the same problem Spider-Man 3 did, the director had a different vision for where the film was suppose to go and the studios got involved

Ironman 3 was a straight up joke
The only thing Marvel could do is make a straight villain movie, like one where the villain wins. They can do that at this point and it would be the coolest thing in movie history.

Sony is already working on a villain movie from the Marvel universe. Venom.
Ironman 2 and 3 are the only marvel films that I think were outright bad..

And both movies had elements and actors that could have made them great.. Actually watch bits of ironman 2 on FX the last couple of days.. They should have just went with crimson dynamo and not some mix of whiplash and crimson dynamo

Also think they should have just left favreau alone

Man...after seeing Cap 2, I realized...the Iron Man trilogy is probably the biggest casualty of the whole MCU gang thing. Cuz there's no good reason IM2 happened at all. They already had Tony where they needed him. They just needed a Cap and Thor movie, then Avengers. But that woulda meant there was no MCU movie in '09 or '10. I guess Thor or Cap weren't ready, so they basically told Favreau, spin wheels for 2 hrs, end up exactly where you started, set up Fury and Black Widow.

It's not a movie. If the whole MCU didn't happen, I promise Mandarin would've been in the 2nd one. Only reason you don't bring him, is cuz he's too big a deal, not to change Tony too much before Avengers. IM3 was the real IM2. Only problem was they fired the guy who nailed Iron Man, and brought in someone who didn't know the difference between a comic book movie and a fun action sci-fi flick. And he tried to be too cute and didn't really get how a remote control Iron Man makes it not matter. And they weren't allowed to kill Tony, or do anything so big and wide that SHIELD would have to show up, or have the bad guy last more than 1 movie without turning into an 'only kinda bad' guy.

And that's all cuz of the MCU. Because a guy in a robosuit ain't that big a deal compared to a god or a giant monster or even a superdude with a shield. Not when his best friend can just jump in a suit and do everything he does too. And you can only make it worse with a remote controlled army of em. It's like, what's the point, he's not a superhero. And they weren't allowed to change Tony himself, for Avengers 2. Cuz if IM was it's own thing, Mandarin would be 2nd movie and end with everything being ******. And extremis would be the 3rd movie and make him a real superhero.

But nah, MCU happened and ****** the whole trilogy.
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The order of the villains had nothing to do with the deteriorating quality of the trilogy.
I didn't say it did. I said, the sequels feeling like they didn't mean anything, didn't really matter and missed the point, all in one way or another were cuz of Avengers and the MCU. My point was, they never got to just go out there and make the best movie they could've.

The whole hurry up, you only got a year to make an Iron Man that won't change things for Avengers, but sets up characters he doesn't need, ruined it all.
You might have a point with IM2. IM3 was just bad because it was bad.

From Stark having ptsd to breaking into the villain's lair without the suit and calling the suit after he gets captured to him needing 20 million suits to fight off the villains. All that bs can't be blamed on the marvel cinematic universe.
I think they could have easily set up there own trilogies for each of the characters..

Ironman, we all know the ultimate bad guy is supposed to be the mandarin.. And they refer to the 10 rings in the first film.. The 2nd film should have been setting that up, have the mandarin lingering (like what they're going do with thanos).. Hell have them secreting financing hammer to go at stark and then he hit hers vanko, who can then be crimson dynamo.. And 3rd film you go all with the mandarin

In thor 3 they can go with surtur.. But they should have introduced the enchantress and the executioner in the 2nd film.. But Loki will screw up and Asgard will be in serious trouble and tada thor has to come back
So it a second time with my brothers and sisters. After reflecting on it I am not sure which is my fave between this and IM tbt. My brothers and sisters said that BW should get her own movie after seeing that. I told them she has been campaigning for one for a long time.

I notice this time that ScarJo had her zipper down in the helicopter scene. It must have just gotten so hot she said **** it. I didnt notice on his tomb there was a Pulp Fiction easter egg the first time. Like I said before Olsen looks fantastic as Scarlet. Cannot wait for Marvel's next two movies.

I am glad their first choice for SW passed on the part


Lol, the marvel cinematic universe is supposedly plotted out through 2028. Warner Bros probably doesn't even know what they're doing in 2017 lol.

Warner Bros didnt want to go up against Avengers 2 in the same summer so they moved to the same date as Cap 3. After seeing this movie they should realize they don't want it with Marvel Studios.

They can make any excuse they want about pushing the movie back but marvel is keeping its Avengers and Cap 3 date despite ScarJo's pregnancy.
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for guys that watch AoS, where was collson in this movie? isnt he still a major guy in shield? 
Reading about the post-credits scene > Seeing the post-credits scene.

And yes, I agree with Iron Man being the biggest casualty of the MCU. Iron Man 2 wasn't even a true sequel. It was a movie that introduced SHIELD and Black Widow. The lack of development for Ivan Vanko further hindered the film from what it could have been. Iron Man is the only film that I acknowledge in the trilogy. The last two blew chunks.
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Reading about the post-credits scene > Seeing the post-credits scene


Also what is the cartoon in your avy. I tried to explain this cartoon to some friends but couldn't remember the name. I guess in europe they showed the looney toons and 80s/early 90s cartoons for a lot longer than in the states cuz IDK why people my age have never heard of that cartoon.
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Also what is the cartoon in your avy. I tried to explain this cartoon to some friends but couldn't remember the name. I guess in europe they showed the looney toons and 80s/early 90s cartoons for a lot longer than in the states cuz IDK why people my age have never heard of that cartoon.
Swat Kats
TWS be poppin up outta no where like Nemesis and Pyramid Head lol

Jasper didnt Sitwell on that highway :wow:

i REALLY hope they have Cap fighting like this in A2

speaking of A2 that movie gotta be like 3 hours long..... or 2.5 hours before credits

seems they gotta lot of material to cover with ultron,twins,shield, iron mans suits/lack thereof,lokis scepter,cap lookin for bucky(does he pause for a sec to help out) any more stones?, GOA stuff too,

plus having enough time just to focus on all the action and carnage seems a bit much to fit in 2hours somebody gonna shafted lol

i feel like they dodged this in A1 by using already established stuff. not so much in A2
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It has already made more overseas($207.1 Mill) than TFA did in it's entire run($193.9 Mill). The movie will more than likely make more globally by next weekend than TFA (370.6)
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Watched it a couple of hours ago. TWS is a bawse. Managed to stay away from spoilers except when I was browsing general yesterday and a comment about redford's character was shown under the title of this thread. SMH.
Now that was a comic book movie. That's how you do Cap right. It had all of the cool corny comic lore right from his comics. Discovering Zola in them 1960s computers, Hydra has been in SHIELD since the beginning (which is more of a Secret Warriors plot), Nick Fury being such a douche spy bugging Cap's apt, Agent 13 as a plant, Rumlow, etc. Didn't mind Sam just showing up and becoming close friends who happens to be in military and happens to have a high tech flying harness.

One thing I like that's different from Cap which I don't know is cuz of Evans inability as an actor or ability is that he gives Cap attitude. He's a bit sarcastic and snarky in what he's talking about. In a way you see a lot more Chris Evans and Steve Rogers at times or a bit of his Johnnhy Storm. If the Cap from the comics was like that and had something more than a generic personality I'd read more of Cap's comics.

Great action as expected. They really made Falcon flying around look cool. BW did her thing despite being farther removed from her comic counterpart. Most importantly the story didn't slack at all. Remained a mystery and suspenseful.

I got no doubt Fury is rebuilding SHIELD by the time we see Avengers 2, might get a sneak peak of how in Guardians.

TWS was dope but maybe it's cuz I got it in my mind that he'll end up being a good guy that his impact as a menacing villain didn't wow me as much. He was mostly there for the action and did that superbly.

Definitely gonna watch again later this week.
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