CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLIDER (04/04/14) - BluRay 09/09/14

I enjoyed the movie. Better than IM3 and Thor 2. They seem to be going in the right direction with the series. The mention of Stephen Strange got me excited, lol. Black Widow series coming?
Chris Evans better shut his dumbass up, Cap is going down in movie history, this whole Marvel Universe is going down in movie history, he's a part of something huge, most actors will never get that chance.
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Where does Thanos come in to play? Avengers 2 is suppose to focus on Ultron right? Is there going to be an Avengers 3?
Thanos is that dude
I don't know if you guys already knew this, but the list Steve Rogers has on things he needs to catch up on, is different based on region. I watched it in South Korea so the list said (in English): 2002 World Cup, Park Ji-Sung, and Oldboy 
Seriously though this movie really does have ripple effect on other MCU movies past and future with that plot.

Like when the Senator from IM2 showed up and was all "Heil Hydra" I was like

View media item 899571Hydra been trying to kill them Starks like they from Westros out here.

And to the guy who was talking about Loki in the avengers...

I think Loki was pulling a long con to get home. Cause if you look at it... it all plays out to his advantage ESPECIALLY after Thor 2.
I'm curious how do the end tie up to xmen , aren't they supposed to be in that aswell?
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The more I think about TWS, The more I'm mad that IM3 and Thor2 wasn't on this level. There's no reason why any phase 2 movie could've been any less than superb.

If this movie was released memorial day weekend, it'd have an 100 plus opening weekend for sure
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They're supposed to be in Age of Ultron and Days of Future Past. Different set of actors playing both.
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The more I think about TWS, The more I'm mad that IM3 and Thor2 wasn't on this level. There's no reason why any phase 2 movie could've been any less than superb.

If this movie was released memorial day weekend, it'd have an 100 plus opening weekend for sure
CA2 totally surprised me. I thought it would just be a filler movie to lead onto Avengers 2 but it totally blew Thor2 out of the water. Thor's always been not very interesting, and their enemy was boring as hell. Iron Man three was decent but it suffered from the "super hero loses his powers" plot in a way, and again the enemy sucks (I'm not sure however if Xtremis is part of the comic though).

You'd think based on the character that Captain America would be the most boring, but so far in my books it's been 2 for 2
It's really hard to make Thor interesting. It's the same problem with making The Hulk and Superman interesting in the movies. They're all way too powerful.
Just saw it.

Best thing I can say is that it felt like an actual super hero film, which is something I couldn't say about the first film. I hated the first one, just like I hated Thor. They didn't make me feel anything.

This film had great action scenes, the fight scenes were great. Evans, who last week said he doesn't see himself acting after his Marvel contract is up in 2017 ( was really good in the role. Liked him much better in this film then the last.

In terms of the plot, and this is coming from someone who has 0 clue about the comics, I thought it was decent even though not enticing enough. The addition of Mackie as Falcon was one I was on board with from the jump, he is such a talented actor even though in a film like this he doesn't need to show that.

It was an entertaining film and leaps and bounds better then it's predecessor. Fun with more action, which is what I wanted. Captain America, while not having any "real super powers" felt like a real butt-kicker. The shield use, the combat, it was great.

I think the biggest downfall with a lot of the Marvel films is the script. It's weak and the dry humor jokes, even if they are funny, are relatively the same. The formula is clear in these films. I also wasn't a fan of the camera work at times during the action scenes, it was too chaotic.

Overall a solid action film that was in the right hands.
Loved the movie, hated the score. Marvel still hasn't really been able to make a film with a memorable score.
They had a really good platform to bring Red Skull back or at least acknowledge his existence with the rebirth of hydra, especially with the Alexander Pierce stuff. He should've been takin orders from Red Skull
No. Leave that "everyone dies and comes back to life 2 weeks later" ******** in the comics
That's in increase from the original prediction of $85 mill. Not to mention the $95 mill they already made abroad ($75 Mill of which was openening weeked). Things are looking good for Cap.

I want to see the movie again just for the post credit scenes. By far the best post credit scenes of all the Avengers flicks (or any movie ever). I can't wait to see Scarlet in action! Someone needs to leak those damn scenes
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