CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLIDER (04/04/14) - BluRay 09/09/14

She was doing nothing for me, nothing like the 3 I mentioned has. She also has that blank look on her face, I don't know, again I guess it's just me. :lol:
I already see a few people complaining about the utilization of TWS in other places like I thought they would. Saying he didn't get enough lines and all that. For me, he was used perfect. He's not really the schemer, just the muscle, but over time that'll change.

He was definitely great and was utilized well for his purpose and I could see him being Cap (and I was debating this with Jaypesoz before and I was against it and my mind has changed for sure though not anytime soon) but he isn't as great of a villain as people are clamoring him to be based on one film alone. I'd probably put Obadiah Stane ahead of him as an overall villain.
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He was definitely great and was utilized well for his purpose and I could see him being Cap (and I was debating this with Jaypesoz before and I was against it and my mind has changed for sure though not anytime soon) but he isn't as great of a villain as people are clamoring him to be based on one film alone. I'd probably put Obadiah Stane ahead of him as an overall villain.

I didn't like IM1 like most people so I'd disagree. He wasn't memorable at all to me. TWS was menacing, and sometimes that's all you need from a villain. No motives, nothing. Just like Cap had his mission, he had his.
Eh, I prefer my villains with more dimension. Again in the mains scheme of things, he wasn't even the main villain in the film. He was a great henchman with great action scenes. Nothing against him, his scenes were amazing and likely go down as one of the best fighting sequences in all of comicbook films but I just can't put him over Ledgers Joker and Hiddlestons Loki or even over Ra's or even Bane.

I felt Stane was very underrated as a villain, he was great. People just didn't like him because he was more of a corporate badguy and didn't get as much action scenes but if dude didn't die, he could have expanded to great lengths and be one of the most memorable villains to date.
BTW, wife and I both noticed, when Black Widow was in the helicopter with Fury, her zipper was down around her knees for some reason.

Not a complaint, just an observation, that I enjoyed.

No idea why my wife noticed it too....... :lol:
:lol: Yah I noticed that, when they were saving Falcon, right? I thought it was going to pop out there for a second.
I don't think anyone will say he's better than Loki or the Joker. He doesn't have to be. No two villains should be compared anyway. They have different traits and motives, and TWS's fit this film perfectly.
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Well there's definitely talk that he is better than Loki, just look a page back.

And of course we can compare and rank villains, just like we can compare and rank heroes.

It's not just about the traits and motives, it's also how it was delivered in the film and WS delivered for what he was. If Ledger didn't act the way he did, he wouldn't be considered a great Joker today. If Hiddleston wasn't cast as Loki, he wouldn't be as famous of a villain as he is today, I am not sure many could deliver what he did.

I never said WS doesn't fit in the film either, I've said it many times that dude was utilized well and to a tee but he isn't one of the greatest based on this film alone. In a year or so, people's opinion on him will change, just watch. it's still fresh right now and people going nuts for the action scenes but once it dies down a bit, people will start to point and dissect him.

Winter Soldier is going to be this Halloweens go to costume for sure, that mask and goggles and just his overall costume design is great. His bionic arm is how I hoped Colossus would look when he transforms, like a panel of metal like he is drawn in the animated series.
My review

Man, blown away.

First off, Winter Soldier was everything I could ask for. Menacing as ****, sick with the danger, and an absolute bad ***. My lone, small complaint, was lack of dialogue. He was more Boba Fett than Vader, so to speak. Where Joker and Bane lived off their actions AND dialogue, TWS didn’t have that. He had the look, he had the action, but he didn’t deliver the powerful lines that take a movie from greatness, to iconic.

Evans as Cap tho, really blossomed. He fits, and he did his job perfectly in this one. At his core, he keeps the Cap “values” in focus. Truth, freedom, protect the innocent, right-wrong, etc. Any movie of this nature is going to hinge on the bad guy being a real enough threat but Evans managed to hold his own and balance what we as viewers really want, the good guy to pull it off in the end, etc.

Black Widow is doin work. :pimp: I did not expect Scarlett’s role to expand this much, but I am glad it did. She is doing a great job, and I absolutely support a Black Widow stand alone. She fits, she really does. The scene with the drive missing from the vending machine and she walks up chewing bubble gum had me cackling for a good while. :lol: The humor overall was much more subtle than Thor 2 was, and much more clever, imo. That scene, and her constantly mentioning dates was a great balance.

Nick Fury gettin loose was a nice touch as well. Being the 9th film is giving them the chance to start exploring these roles, and Samuel was certainly up for this one.

The foreshadow with Winter Soldier holding the shield. :wow: :pimp:

Agent Cobie and agent 13, perfect blending and balance to all the testosterone.

Crossbones was pretty bad *** as well, and looked like a good fit in the universe. Look forward to him comin back soon. Zola was sort of a cool way to bring back the old Hydra stuff, I was really intrigued by that. Speaking of, really enjoyed the go back to the pre Cap days with Bucky and skinny Evans. I liked that blend quite well. Seeing the anguish Cap had when he realized who Winter Soldier was was a nice touch, and of course having Soldier get Cap out of the river was an excellent way to show Bucky is still in there. I liked that he drug him out, but then left him there. Perfect. Doc Ock always bothered me how he went from meaning well scientist, to out of control monster, to let me save the day Ock all in 2 hours. Let Soldier do a solid, but not just cave all the way in and become some nice guy all of a sudden. He paid the respect for Cap not crushing him when he was pinned, but he didn’t just swing back right away. I loved that give and take between the two. Cap was willing to die to show his “friend” he wouldn’t fight, and the bad guy had the respect to save someone that didn’t just kill him when he was at his weakest.

Robert Redford was solid, and I agree 100 million percent with RFX, if he would have ripped his face off to reveal Red Skull, I would have passed the hell out. :lol: :lol:

The action in this film upped everything outside of Avengers. Thor 2 upped the ante, and Cap has now called and raised. Loved Black Falcon flying around, the helicarriers, the gun/knife fight in the streets, the Fury car chase, the elevator, the opening ship sequence, all of it. So well done, and the perfect follow up after the 1945 era style they went for. Really really hit home.

Loved the photos of Tommy Lee Jones, and the cast from Cap 1, solid way to blend the two together.

The Twins scene after credits. :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: So, so, so ready.

I need a little time, but I expect to slot this as thee best Marvel film after maybe the Avengers. I still appreciate the effort of having the whole group on screen, and the epicness of that film to leave at 1 for now, but Winter Soldier is more than likely the better film overall. After some time, and another viewing, I might just bump it to the top of the list. It’s certainly up there. This film does not have a lot of holes.

*(one small complaint, one call to the Hulk, and those helicarriers never get in the air, I think that’s kind of worth a mention, but again, standalones are standalones for a reason :lol: )
man i swear i thought red skull was gonna pull of his mask :lol:
and reveal he was old dude
and i swear the ONLY thing this movie was missing is hulk smashing stuff
i cant get enough of seeing hulk smash stuff :lol:

also i swear i wanted to hand anthony mackie some carmex through the tv screen and lotion
ol boy was ashy :lol:
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Well I guess. I enjoyed him more than Maleith and Killian. He gave a lot of life to a villain who had to rely on delivering facial expressions and emotion with limited dialogue, and I didn't expect more. My opinion definitely won't change.
Well Malekith and Killian were just bad villains overall. Malekith got owned by Thors mom for gods sake. :lol: And Killian was killed by Potts. :rofl:

I know they are more than that but not much more depth there and those just stood out. I'd put them right there with Kingpin (who won't reveal who DD is because he might get embarrassed) and Venom (Topher Grace, that's all that needs to be said).
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Movie made $10m from midnight showing and projected to make $90m over it's first weekend, about $5m more than Thor2.
I think if this released a few months from now, when it's actually summer, it could make $110m easily but I think $90m is an impressive number for a spring release. Close to $100m isn't out of reach though.
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Why marvel been having these whack release dates?

Thor in November and Cap in April?

Those two should def be summer movies.
I think if this released a few months from now, when it's actually summer, it could make $110m easily but I think $90m is an impressive number for a spring release. Close to $100m isn't out of reach though.
naw summer is toooooo crowded this year
it released at the perfect time imo
hope it does more than that trash im3 :smh:
at first i thought it was dope till i started reflecting and had all those questions :lol:
especially the house party thing
coulda did that during the first minute of the film
or u know when the house was getting blown up
im3 still irritates me
and i saw it free on hbo
He is still very one-dimensional in the film. They barely even touched up on his struggle to fight Cap, he got a lot more interesting in the end credit when he finally finds out that Cap was actually his friend. If you really look at him, he is a bad m'fer henchman that just happens to be Caps brainwashed friend and that had great scenes but not much else. Bane was a bad m'fer that actually got things done and was actually smart to accomplish them but many still just see him as a thug in the end (I disagree) and WS did a lot less than Bane.

To me, it isn't about the danger all the time, it's the mind and process of being that villain. Seems like you only liked him because of the destruction because if that is the case, you should have loved Zod and be your number 1. And Zod had an actual purpose, he had something believe in and is actually fighting for something. WS is just ordered to do something and had very little resistance on his end.

Loki is just as complex, actually arguably more dimensional too, than Thor himself. Dude has shown more emotional range than Thor so far actually. Yeah danger of death isn't always there but that is because he is the prince of mischief but you still damn well know he is capable. You also somewhat sympathize for him at times, you kind of root for him and want to make him an anti-hero even though you know it will never happen. That's a making of a great villain to me, capable of great destruction but isn't always the thing that gets him going.

I think WS gets a leg up because this film felt less kiddish than the other films, dude were tossing people into the planes turbine engines w/o giving a damn. Plus it's more like a spy/political thriller with plenty of actions so WS looks more bad*ss but if you really looked at him, there isn't much dimension there. At least not yet. Give him one more movie where it is more focused on him being mind'f'd and he'll get his place up there but not yet. He was pretty much Crossbone but brainwashed and had a history with Cap and had cooler fighting scenes.

Well said and I do love Zod. Problem being I find superman boring.

Your def of a villan and mine differ but I do respect your input.
Why marvel been having these whack release dates?

Thor in November and Cap in April?

Those two should def be summer movies.
i think they tryna maximize profits
buy putting ur movie out when no other contenders out in the field
ur film can get that max money
cause theres nothing else to see
plus it gives the film they put out a long movie theater run
they put out like 2-3 a year they want each one to get as much money as possible without canablizing each others profits
He is still very one-dimensional in the film. They barely even touched up on his struggle to fight Cap, he got a lot more interesting in the end credit when he finally finds out that Cap was actually his friend. If you really look at him, he is a bad m'fer henchman that just happens to be Caps brainwashed friend and that had great scenes but not much else. Bane was a bad m'fer that actually got things done and was actually smart to accomplish them but many still just see him as a thug in the end (I disagree) and WS did a lot less than Bane.

To me, it isn't about the danger all the time, it's the mind and process of being that villain. Seems like you only liked him because of the destruction because if that is the case, you should have loved Zod and be your number 1. And Zod had an actual purpose, he had something believe in and is actually fighting for something. WS is just ordered to do something and had very little resistance on his end.

Loki is just as complex, actually arguably more dimensional too, than Thor himself. Dude has shown more emotional range than Thor so far actually. Yeah danger of death isn't always there but that is because he is the prince of mischief but you still damn well know he is capable. You also somewhat sympathize for him at times, you kind of root for him and want to make him an anti-hero even though you know it will never happen. That's a making of a great villain to me, capable of great destruction but isn't always the thing that gets him going.

I think WS gets a leg up because this film felt less kiddish than the other films, dude were tossing people into the planes turbine engines w/o giving a damn. Plus it's more like a spy/political thriller with plenty of actions so WS looks more bad*ss but if you really looked at him, there isn't much dimension there. At least not yet. Give him one more movie where it is more focused on him being mind'f'd and he'll get his place up there but not yet. He was pretty much Crossbone but brainwashed and had a history with Cap and had cooler fighting scenes.

Well said and I do love Zod. Problem being I find superman boring.

Your def of a villan and mine differ but I do respect your input.
i actually like that female that was laying the smack down more than zod
I think if this released a few months from now, when it's actually summer, it could make $110m easily but I think $90m is an impressive number for a spring release. Close to $100m isn't out of reach though.
naw summer is toooooo crowded this year
it released at the perfect time imo
hope it does more than that trash im3 :smh:
at first i thought it was dope till i started reflecting and had all those questions :lol:
especially the house party thing
coulda did that during the first minute of the film
or u know when the house was getting blown up
im3 still irritates me
and i saw it free on hbo

At this point though, Marvel shouldn't be afraid of anyone. Plus they have these dates planned for years and years, look at them with dates up to 2017 now. If they positioned themselves in May or June 3-4 years ago, then other studios would have backed off eventually to avoid competing with them. Maybe they still aren't confident outside of Avengers and IM to make loads of money and push others away? So far, none has really come close to a Billion other than those two.

I know it's not all up to Marvel and Disney has to chime in when to release them and all but when they set the date for this film, I don't think there were many threats just because they can compete with anyone and just bully others around.

Either way, this date is very good because the next big film doesn't come out til ASM2 in a month. Transcendence comes out in 2 weeks but I don't think that's a threat so they have a month long of #1 coming their way so it is a good date especially if their goal is the overall blockbuster total. I still think it would have pushed other films out and made more money as true summer blockbuster film though.

May is actually a tough date, AMS2 on the 2nd then Godzilla on the 16th and DofP on the 23rd. There's also Maleficent on the 30th, might be a surprise hit and will surely take some dollars away from those other films.
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I think if this released a few months from now, when it's actually summer, it could make $110m easily but I think $90m is an impressive number for a spring release. Close to $100m isn't out of reach though.
naw summer is toooooo crowded this year
it released at the perfect time imo
hope it does more than that trash im3 :smh:
at first i thought it was dope till i started reflecting and had all those questions :lol:
especially the house party thing
coulda did that during the first minute of the film
or u know when the house was getting blown up
im3 still irritates me
and i saw it free on hbo

At this point though, Marvel shouldn't be afraid of anyone. Plus they have these dates planned for years and years, look at them with dates up to 2017 now. If they positioned themselves in May or June 3-4 years ago, then other studios would have backed off eventually to avoid competing with them. Maybe they still aren't confident outside of Avengers and IM to make loads of money and push others away? So far, none has really come close to a Billion other than those two.

I know it's not all up to Marvel and Disney has to chime in when to release them and all but when they set the date for this film, I don't think there were many threats just because they can compete with anyone and just bully others around.

Either way, this date is very good because the next big film doesn't come out til ASM2 in a month. Transcendence comes out in 2 weeks but I don't think that's a threat so they have a month long of #1 coming their way so it is a good date especially if their goal is the overall blockbuster total. I still think it would have pushed other films out and made more money as true summer blockbuster film though.

May is actually a tough date, AMS2 on the 2nd then Godzilla on the 16th and DofP on the 23rd. There's also Maleficent on the 30th, might be a surprise hit and will surely take some dollars away from those other films.
yeah and that maleficent is a disney film they dont wanna cannabalize other films that they make
remember disney be about they paper
and damn that malifent preview before tws made it look ok
still will wait to netflix it
but man brad pitt be knocking down them walls with a vengence :smh:
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