CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLIDER (04/04/14) - BluRay 09/09/14

Avengers 3, which everyone is already signed on to do.

Damnit...damnit damnit. Marvel done changed the game. I'm upset and excited at the same time.

Marvel has created a universe, just as they did with comic books. Their next biggest challenge will come when they have to change actors for main heroes. Will it be a pass the powers on (green lantern)? an heir( silk spectre)? A complete revamp (blue beetle)? I know those are Dc(I'm a huge Dc fan am mad they'll never get superman right, even though Henri Cavell is killing it, he's acceptable. We will see.
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I'm in that same thought pattern.

Avengers has my top spot, just because it was everyone, so unreal it really came together.
TWS and IM1 slot somewhere here.
Thor 2
Thor and Cap 1's

Few things I forgot to mention, Cap was somethin else with that shield. They used it wonderfully, even better than Thor's hammer I think.

When that old broad started waxin in the office I was sittin there like what the **** until I realized from one of the moves that has to be BW in disguise.

Still, gave me kind of a Russo kicking *** and taking names in Thor 2 vibe.
They literally couldn't have Cap utilize his shield any better.

Did he get it back when he plunged in the water at the end tho?
I think they'll just refer to them as the twins. Von strucker referenced experimenting on people and the twins were the only survivors. Seems like they'll go some route where they were guinea pigs for a recreation of the super soldier serum that didn't quite go right. That way they can avoid the mutant questions in the MCU
Did he get it back when he plunged in the water at the end tho?

Don't think they ever showed it on screen, but I doubt it will be anything in terms of him losing it. If they were going to go that route, they would have made a reference to it at the end in some way.
Also forgot to comment on the use of Cap's shield. FLAWLESS. So glad they got rid of that motion blur effect from the first film and "legitimized" his shield use. They really did a good job making it seem like a guy who is slightly stronger, faster, and bigger than an olympian athlete could fight alongside Thor and IM
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I wonder what they used to turn Bucky into the Winter Soldier. I figure that's what we'll get in Cap 3.
Did he get it back when he plunged in the water at the end tho?

I think Cap has a few new shields now, he had at least 2 in this film, the stealth and the original red/blue. He probably has a few spares, when he arrived in his apartment he had one just leaning on the wall like it was nothing. :lol: That just means one thing though, Wakanda!

I wonder what they used to turn Bucky into the Winter Soldier. I figure that's what we'll get in Cap 3.

I thought it was that machine that Pierce ordered him to put through?
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The use of the shield was incredible! This film really gave you a feel that cap wasn't just some soldier who's kinda strong. Dude is a freak of nature! I mean jumping out of windows, taking down quinnjets by himself and he was punking the winter soldier in the final fight. Put him to sleep and ran off like a boss :smokin
Did he get it back when he plunged in the water at the end tho?
I think Cap has a few new shields now, he had at least 2 in this film, the stealth and the original red/blue. He probably has a few spares, when he arrived in his apartment he had one just leaning on the wall like it was nothing. :lol: That just means one thing though, Wakanda!

Didn't Stark say that was all the vibranium they had when he first gave him that shield? Unless it's further explained later, I'm still under the impression that that's the case and it being in his house was just because he didn't bother bringing it to see Peggy/Falcon that day.

Also, if Stark was able to find the tesseract in the ocean, I'm sure they can find his shield in a small lake in NJ :lol:
I think Cap has a few new shields now, he had at least 2 in this film, the stealth and the original red/blue. He probably has a few spares, when he arrived in his apartment he had one just leaning on the wall like it was nothing.
That just means one thing though, Wakanda!
I thought it was that machine that Pierce ordered him to put through?
I think the machine was just used to like make him submissive and what not.
That was during the WWII though, it's been 70+ years since? They didn't explain but then again Wakanda was an easter egg in IM2 so I am sure they could acquire more now.

I think the shield in his house is just his old one because it's completely different color from the one he used in the ship.
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I think Cap has a few new shields now, he had at least 2 in this film, the stealth and the original red/blue. He probably has a few spares, when he arrived in his apartment he had one just leaning on the wall like it was nothing. :lol: That just means one thing though, Wakanda!

I thought it was that machine that Pierce ordered him to put through?
I think the machine was just used to like make him submissive and what not.

It seemed like he forgot Steve again though, at least that is what I got when they met up in the carrier. Need to see it again but I just remember thinking that he wasn't even hesitating anymore like he did when he started to get flashbacks of knowing him. You've seen it more than me so you'll have a better handle on it but that was how I perceived it last night. Got to pay more attention to what the doc told Pierce about him being unfroze the past 50-70 years or something.
It seemed like he forgot Steve again though, at least that is what I got when they met up in the carrier. Need to see it again but I just remember thinking that he wasn't even hesitating anymore like he did when he started to get flashbacks of knowing him. You've seen it more than me so you'll have a better handle on it but that was how I perceived it last night. Got to pay more attention to what the doc told Pierce about him being unfroze the past 50-70 years or something.
Yeah, his memories are fragmented, and I believe they were using that machine to make him more submissive and scramble his head a bit. I was more wondering what gave him the enhanced strength and what not because he seemed stronger than cap. I'm guessing Zola improved on the formula he gave to the Red Skull
Movie was awesome and Captain America went from being my least favorite Avenger, to my favorite.

My favorite Marvel film so far.
amazing movie

gsp's kicking 

cap running through people and doors like its nothing 

papa doc flying around dodging bullets 

would have been better if this movie came out before iron man 3, would have made the story fit together better

1. avengers happens, tony stark tells them how to make better engines for the carriers 

2. they start to build the carriers

3. cap 2 happens, tony stark is not there to help because he's locked up in his basement building his 12312 suits

4. cap beats hydra/shield, global military is gone

5. because there is no more shield watching over the world, iron man 3 terrorist story arc

6. cap doesnt help out in iron man 3 because hes off doing his own thing and there is no shield to tell him about whats going on

but im also glad they got iron man 3 out of the way, worst movie of the series.

its also great that ironman and cap have no problem shooting and killing people in their way, its mad annoying when watching batman/superman/arrow when they go out of their way not to kill anyone
It seemed like he forgot Steve again though, at least that is what I got when they met up in the carrier. Need to see it again but I just remember thinking that he wasn't even hesitating anymore like he did when he started to get flashbacks of knowing him. You've seen it more than me so you'll have a better handle on it but that was how I perceived it last night. Got to pay more attention to what the doc told Pierce about him being unfroze the past 50-70 years or something.
Yeah, his memories are fragmented, and I believe they were using that machine to make him more submissive and scramble his head a bit. I was more wondering what gave him the enhanced strength and what not because he seemed stronger than cap. I'm guessing Zola improved on the formula he gave to the Red Skull

He seemed just as strong, my guess is his bionic arm was stronger and what gave him the edge? I don't know, I though Zola couldn't perfect the serum? Maybe it got lost when Cap invaded the base where Bucky was rescued because RS blew it up? I do think they'll have to touch up on it in Cap3 with BW giving Cap WS' profile.

It's good that they signed the same directors so the film will look consistent with each other.
so does the serum slow aging? i thought cap was only the same age because he was in ice for all those years, did they have bucky on ice too and only unDSed him when they needed him to kill someone?
It seemed like he forgot Steve again though, at least that is what I got when they met up in the carrier. Need to see it again but I just remember thinking that he wasn't even hesitating anymore like he did when he started to get flashbacks of knowing him. You've seen it more than me so you'll have a better handle on it but that was how I perceived it last night. Got to pay more attention to what the doc told Pierce about him being unfroze the past 50-70 years or something.
Yeah, his memories are fragmented, and I believe they were using that machine to make him more submissive and scramble his head a bit. I was more wondering what gave him the enhanced strength and what not because he seemed stronger than cap. I'm guessing Zola improved on the formula he gave to the Red Skull
Sounds like Marvel still managed to have a better depiction of Wolverine in a movie than FOX :lol:
so does the serum slow aging? i thought cap was only the same age because he was in ice for all those years, did they have bucky on ice too and only unDSed him when they needed him to kill someone?
That's exactly it.

That timeline that was posted above sounds about right and covers the main problems with why did shield help tony
so does the serum slow aging? i thought cap was only the same age because he was in ice for all those years, did they have bucky on ice too and only unDSed him when they needed him to kill someone?

Yeah it slows aging.
Is there a pic or vid yet of the scene where the carries were targeting what they considered a "threat"? I know I saw Starks/Avengers Tower but I am curious to see what other names and locations that were targeted. It went by too fast for me to see any easter eggs in that scene.
I doubt it, but I was wondering the same thing when I saw it. There has to be a couple easter eggs in there tho.
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