CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLIDER (04/04/14) - BluRay 09/09/14

probably more set up for the other movies coming out next year.

people are hoping to get some Heroes for hire or anything else
MrONegative I usually agree with you but damn not with Thor 2. Amazing film imo. Thor 1 was complete trash. Utter filth. I would rank it in between IM2 and 3. Better than 2, not as "good" as 3.

Mr.ONegative You really think Thor 1 was the best story told???

Ironman 1 and Cap 1 are tied for me. and that's only because they introduced how both came to their powers very well and efficiently. I prefer cap because I think the fight scenes were better.

someone one mentioned how cap 1 should of showed more accuracy of WW1 and stuff. I dont think so. it wasn't a story about that it was a story about cap.

I fully agree. That was just a lame excuse to hate that film. Like they should do all the **** that they did and make it an alternate history film.

the action in WINTER SOLIDER is :pimp: wished Thor had memorable fight scenes, they all been weak.

WINTER SOLIDER is a beast :x

I agree but Thor is always flailing his hammer around, summoning lightning and such. He should keep the hammer in his hand in the movies. Would make for better fight scenes
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Thor1 was funny and was a decent movie as marvel movies go. I liked it a lot but it was far from best acted marvel movie and best marvel plot.
Thor was actually my favorite Phase 1 movie. I thought it captured the "fish out of water" story of Thor quite well and I was never really a Thor fan.

On that note, I'm not trying to hype myself too crazily, but I can't imagine how TWS won't be my favorite Marvel movie after I watch it. Every preview/clip I've seen, makes me trust that this movie will deliver.
I have a feeling Captain America 2 is going to be almost on the Avengers level as far as execution and it'll be wildly successful by Captain America 1 box office standards. Something tells me it's box office success is going to be comparable to IM3
TWS already made 75 million overseas last week. TFA made 193 mill overseas total. I'm pretty sure it will surpass TFA by 50-75 mill worldwide when it is all said and done.
someone one mentioned how cap 1 should of showed more accuracy of WW1 and stuff. I dont think so. it wasn't a story about that it was a story about cap.
Nah, ppl didn't say anything about accuracy in WW1. We wanted more Cap in WW2 not a montage. They hand waved the whole experience of at least the 3 years Cap was suppose to be active there. That's why I'm not surprised at these reviews for TWS that they got it right as a modern spy action flick.

Had plenty other flaws anyway. For a movie where the enemy is suppose to be a nazi villain there was no suspense or anything sinister about the bad guys. It is WW2. Movie felt closer to some watered down Indiana Jones/pulp comic movie.
Captain America 1 was basically for the kiddies. So yea, if it felt watered down, it makes sense.

Everything I'm hearing so far about Captain America 2 is that it's more for the older audience.
It's crazy how they can make Cap interesting, but they can't make Thor interesting, when Thor has richer material.
the action in WINTER SOLIDER is
wished Thor had memorable fight scenes, they all been weak.
You guys keep forgetting that captain americas powers aren't on the Hulk/Thor type of levels. His powers are more based in reality, which makes fight scenes way easier to choreograph + shoot. When a character is already human, it makes it easier.

Captain America 1 was basically for the kiddies.
Wrong. It was for fans, because of how true it was to the origin story. That being said, Caps origin story isn't as visually exciting as other stories are so that's why it was pretty dragging from a movies perspective.
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You guys have to remember Thor 1 and Cap 1 were experiments for MCU. They didn't know how casual movie goers would respond to these films but they were going head first into it after the success of IM and IM2 and the promise that was the "avengers initiative". In hindsight the movies may seem lackluster (even though I think Thor 1 and cap 1 were awesome) but they established those characters and the payoff was huge.
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Saw it. Effin aweson. Too much to talk about.

This was Marvel's Dark Knight. Not in terms tone, but based on improvement from the origin.

Better than the Avengers plotwise and visually. I don't know if I can say if it was more enjoyable than the Avengers though, but it was definitely better imo.

5 / 5
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Mr.ONegative You really think Thor 1 was the best story told???
No, I thought Thor had the best, most potent story of any of the MCU films. The letdown of Thor 1 was that somehow...(and I don't understand how)...they spent $150M ... as much as a LOTR or Harry get Power Rangers: The Movie special effects. The frostgiants look like Ivan Ooze. The cgi looks like Reboot. The action and effects would've looked fresh in 2002. But it came out in 2011.

I will never understand that.

I mean I used to really dislike Thor 1, until I saw it again on TV and sucks in an X1 kinda way. Cuz when the first X-Men came out, it had funky effects, corny lines and some cringeworthy moments too, but at it's heart there was so much there and so much to look forward to. Tom Hiddleston and Anthony Hopkins did everything for Thor, that Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen did for X1. Hemsworth was every bit as on point and iconic in the role as Hugh Jackman was.

Every side character got a little moment. There was an energy to every scene, and every scene leaned forward. It all mattered and it was all memorable in a comic booky way, and it built the world around it, so well. There's some real inspiration here, and it sets such a great tone for what could come later. But that measure Natalie Portman is Anna Paquin mixed with that Toad line. :smh:

Iron Man 1 is the best solo Avengers movie. It's the best made, and it's so pitch perfect beginning to end. But the story is just a character study on Tony Stark and what he himself really. It's the RDJ show. And Cap 1 is so bland. It's an origin story that's over itself before it even really gets going. There's almost no story to it. Skinny guy from the 40s gets super serum and then he takes an icebath. That's the whole story. And any part that might be interesting is montaged. There's not really a bad guy, just someone who grumbles and goes away.

Thor 1 built an entire world. Not only had the greatest villain, but had the best incorporation of the threats into the story and lives of the characters. And it had the best acting. RDJ is a beast, but up against Hemsworth talking down the destroyer, Hopkins in the banishment scene, and pick your Hiddleston moment... There's more there is all.

OT, but that's also why I got little respect for Thor 2. There's no good reason why Thor 2 shouldn't have been on X2's level and the best MCU solo flick. I get the hype for it, cuz suddenly the effects weren't X1 bad and Natalie Portman could act again and Kat Dennings wasn't so annoying and they gave the side people more to do. But there is absolutely nothing to the story at all. Nothing matters. Even the death that happens doesn't matter. All the destruction, bad guys...w/e. Yes the action was badass, but that's all Thor: Dark World was was a remake of the 1st movie with slightly different results.
Thor: TDW was to me... like a side story in the MCU. A story before the big crossover event that barely had anything to do with the crossover minus that one thing
Thor: TDW was to me... like a side story in the MCU. A story before the big crossover event that barely had anything to do with the crossover minus that one thing

I thought the same and I'm totally fine with that. For as big as the MCU is, you need some side stories, and if there's pieces that can connect to the overall greater arc, that's a plus.

I'm liking the Thor franchise for what it is so far and the potential of whatever Loki's planning makes it even more intriguing. You never really got any of that in the Iron Man trilogy as each one worked as a complete stand-alone far.
Well do you expect the avengers to hold hands throughout their entire adventure? or.....?

Some of my favorite recent comics are the ones that just go nuts in their own corner of the universe. Like Uncanny X-Force and Uncanny Avengers.
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Thor: TDW was to me... like a side story in the MCU. A story before the big crossover event that barely had anything to do with the crossover minus that one thing
What does that mean? Thor has so much on Asgard, it doesn't need anyone or anything from any of the other movies to tell a great story.
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