CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLIDER (04/04/14) - BluRay 09/09/14

Director talks about the costume change:

"It was about a real world grounding approach to the character, in the spirit of Ed Brubaker's book, which is postmodern and deconstructionist and a grounded thriller," co-director Joe Russo tells SFX. "We wanted to put Cap in a space where he's a special forces operative for SHIELD who goes on missions around the world that are clandestine and sometimes require a certain level of anonymity or stealth. We wanted to use his Super Soldier outfit from the comic books as a way to represent, thematically, his place in the world of SHIELD and the difference between working for SHIELD and being Captain America. That's something that gets explored on a very concrete level in terms of what outfits are used in the film. We didn't feel like we were messing with the icon. People can say that they’re fans of the books if they're only loyal to the '60s and '70s version of the character – well, then you're a fan of that version of the character, but if you've been reading the books till the current runs then this is a journey that the character goes on and it’s a pretty explicit journey. We just felt like we were being faithful to the more recent issues of the books. The movie has a very thematic component in terms of the use of costumes. When you come to see the film I think you'll understand why we made the choice we made…"

Mackie on the Falcon suit and says that it will evolve in the sequels:

“The Air Force had a specialty group,” reveals Mackie. “Like the Navy SEALs. But instead of giving them the ability to quietly go in and manoeuvre through hazardous territories, they gave them the ability to fly…” he smiles. “It’s a lot of me on wires screaming and them saying ‘Action’ and me flying around. …I’m deathly afraid of heights, they always say, ‘Oh, we’re just gonna take you this high.’ Then they take me and swing me.”

“When we were in Cleveland, the Russos called me and said, ‘Alright, we’re gonna put you up on a bridge and we want you to jump down. You see you’re about to hit a car, so we want you to stop before you hit the car.’ I’m like, ‘Well, the cable guy is supposed to stop me, because these aren’t real wings.’ They’re like, ‘No, no, no. Just hit the ground and go to the car.’ So they pull me up and they let me go. In midair I realized, ‘I’ve never flown before. So I have no idea how to stop.’ I see the concrete coming towards me, and I realize the rope is gonna catch and I’m gonna swing head first into this car. So I put my feet down and I roll into this cab, hard, and everybody runs over to me and says, ‘Are you okay?’ I’m like, ‘I think I know how to land. Let’s do it again.’”

“It’s 10 times tougher performing with wings,” admits the actor. “I’m like, ‘Wait, I’m the only dude that’s on strings? Everybody else gets to walk around or drive cars and I gotta fly?’ When we had our first conversation about the movie, my biggest statement to the Russos was, ‘You better not make me look like an idiot.’ That was my greatest fear. Even though I wanted to wear red spandex, I was hugely afraid of looking like a pigeon! As the Falcon aged [in the comics] and grew up, his uniform grew up,” continued Mackie. “The uniform we have now is the uniform of an adult… The Ultimate look gives him a sense of purpose and makes him look like a badass. The wings can look funny at times, so you have to do something to combat that – at no point in time do you want him to show up on film and have people laugh. That’s what we’ve been able to find, between the tactical suit and the Ultimate suit. As the franchise goes on and you see more of me and Captain America, the suit will evolve into the Ultimate look, the hard-leather black look. The suit that he has in this movie is more of a military suit because it’s the first time you see it.”
At least Mackie knows his source material. Wish other actors took the time to know the characters they are playing.
Never cared for the ultimate look other than the guns and shades/goggles. He's basically wearing casual military clothing with some wings on his arms. I would like them to add some red, dark red and his insignia. The colors could be red and black instead of red and white. I'd like to see a compromise between both styles.

What I dislike most about Falcon costume in both the MU and UU is his arms not being covered up. Just seems dumb to me.

I wonder if he'll get his see through the eyes of every bird ability though :nerd:
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I kinda wish they would do away with caps helmet.. And the utility built..

If anything I would rather them have thor throw on his helmet every once and a while.. And cap just never where that thing
@masterzik what's wrong if his arms show though? no vital organs there

I just hope falcons suit has more abilities then just flying.
Never cared for the ultimate look other than the guns and shades/goggles. He's basically wearing casual military clothing with some wings on his arms. I would like them to add some red, dark red and his insignia. The colors could be red and black instead of red and white.

Like what they did with hawkeye in avengers
Man they can't even have him wear the helmet in his moms funeral while everyone else were wearing theirs, I think seeing Thor battle with the helmet on will never happen.
I guess I am the only one who cares for BW here but I wish they would just use her current outfit and give her the gauntlet guns
Oh man I wish the x-men were a Marvel movie property.
Let's not even bring this up cuz I will just go off :lol:

I kinda wish they would do away with caps helmet.. And the utility built..

If anything I would rather them have thor throw on his helmet every once and a while.. And cap just never where that thing

Yah the helmet is ridiculous and there is no reason for them to have it.

I can only imagine the costumes for A2...would love to see Thor battle in his helmet
I think they have done a great job with Thor's outfit so far. Especially the TDW version of it. As for sif I want to see her in a variant of this outfit without the headpiece in the future

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Still waiting for them to put Cap in his costume with scales/chainmail.
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I think you had posted it but the director or somebody was talking about making Cap's and Black Widow's (I dunno why her) costumes more grounded and that Cap 2 was the first change for his costume and that it'd be change even more in A2: AOU.

They may do the scales but I doubt we'll see the chain mail or pirate boots at all (same for those gloves).

@masterzik what's wrong if his arms show though? no vital organs there

I just hope falcons suit has more abilities then just flying.
I dunno on it's face I just don't like it, comes off a bit lame (mostly thinking of his older costumes) but I know if I was writing a comic the first thing I'd do was aim for wherever I saw skin. Falcon's arms would've been broke with what I'd put him up against, so right there that bird's wings are clipped. I also feel some type of way about head gear. I just think you see a guy flying around and the first thing you want to do is snipe him right in the head.

I'd prefer something like the 3rd design but from what I've read Falcon starts off in the air force not SHIELD. 4th the best if long sleeve.


Fully covered just seems more practical to me


Can't find the exact image I came across where his costume was a nice mix of black, red, and some white.
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Still waiting for them to put Cap in his costume with scales/chainmail.
View media item 801100
I think you had posted it but the director or somebody was talking about making Cap's and Black Widow's (I dunno why her) costumes more grounded and that Cap 2 was the first change for his costume and that it'd be change even more in A2: AOU.

They may do the scales but I doubt we'll see the chain mail or pirate boots at all (same for those gloves).

I don't really see how incorporating chain mail would do anything other than to satisfy some people and can't really think of a way it wouldn't look silly in the real world. I think the star spangled costume in TFA was gonna be their only nod to the actual comic look, especially since they're just redesigned his costume recently. I actually do prefer the modern "honeycomb" look to the old chainmail one. If SuperHero Beatdown can make something that look this decent with a small budget, I'm sure Marvel can make it look even better.
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Right now, the costume is really padded and it makes him look huge, a chainmail/scaley pattern can make it more bullet proof (Cap isn't Superman) or knife/shank-proof and make him less bulky. Allow him to be more agile? I mean they can easily make a 2 minute scene where a new costume is made for him and the material used are some sophisticated new age metal that is light and bullet proof.

I've always suggested this but check out the texture of movie Thors chainmail/armor sleeves, use that pattern and exact design and it'll work, maybe make the pattern smaller so it has more of a chainmail/scaley look but I think the pattern and tecture is just perfect. I don't think it'll look silly at all.

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I'll agree with that, if it were something similar to Thor's, perhaps it could work. I forgot which forum I mentioned it, but I mentioned the idea of maybe once Cap starts heading to other worlds, maybe he can get some sort of Asgardian-inspired costume.
That's actually pretty cool. Plus, it helps that it's based on the MK III, still my favorite IM armor so far.
They did a similar storyline in the Avengers cartoon (the one before this new one, the one that was actually done well and written great). IronMan went to Asgard and his armor got destroyed and I think the dwarfs sheeted him a new armor using the same or similar star/metal that was used on Mjolnir. I forget how it went exactly but it was something like that. Could be a cool Avengers movie concept.

Such a shame that cartoon ended or revamped to match the movie members. The arcs were very well told, I loved how they executed the Asgardian/Loki deception storyline and the long drawn out Kree invasion was amazing since it wasn't rushed at all. There were layers upon layers of storylines developing. Marvel has finally done something right on the animation front and they ruined it.
^ you mean: avengers earth's mightiest heroes?

i think that was the "a day unlike any other" episode: 
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