CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLIDER (04/04/14) - BluRay 09/09/14

Don't know why. Iron Man just looked good from the previews, I already expected the story to be trash.
I had the same thought about IM3.
Didn't we all 
 I'm hoping TWS will be better than the first film. I also hope it's a little more serious, since this film sets up Avengers 2. 
IM3 had so much great things going on in the previews and teasers.

An army of suits, Mandarin (played by Kingsley) and Extremis. Those 3 could have made the film simply amazing but all were utterly under-utilized and simply wasted in the film.
Ben Kingsley as Mandarin alone made the film seem like it would be a great start for Phase 2. 
Said it before and I'll say it again. Marvel knew damn well what they did with im3. It was just a parody of what everyone thought it would be
I didn't see IM3 until recently, and although it wasn't as good as I expected, it wasn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Definitely better than number 2.
whats with all the hate for Iron man 2? I actually enjoyed it, Iron Man 3 on the other hand... I walked out
whats with all the hate for Iron man 2? I actually enjoyed it, Iron Man 3 on the other hand... I walked out

Word. The only thing I didn't like about IM2 was the one hit kill to Ivan. Other than that, I actually really liked the movie.
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IM3 had so much great things going on in the previews and teasers.

An army of suits, Mandarin (played by Kingsley) and Extremis. Those 3 could have made the film simply amazing but all were utterly under-utilized and simply wasted in the film.

Not an army of suits? Visual gimmicks like that don't impress me much and the Mandarin is an overrated villain.
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Captain America is my least favorite Avenger and the first movie was the one I liked the least of all the Phase one films. Maybe I'll re watch it and give it another chance, but really not that excited for this.
Cap is the man. Loved first avenger and will def be in the midnight showing.

I don't acknowledge IM 3 or IM 2 for that matter. They're just cash cow's. IM 1 is the only canon story to me for the MCU
At the end, yes it became a visual gimmick but there were so many potential with the suit, had he actually used it. Hell one of those suits was supposed to be a space suit that could have tied in with the GotG.

I wasn't wide eyed with bewilderment because I saw a dozen shiny suits, I was excited because I thought he would actually use it in different situations and showing different abilities, providing plethora of great actions. Instead we get Stark being Macgyver and using a crappy, malfunctioning suit when he has more than a dozen working ones at his keepsake.

As for IM2, where to start? The main villain isn't fleshed out, you didn't care for him and he died as quick as you lost interest in him. Hell even Rourke was disgusted with his portrayal and he was specifically told there was no room for his character to develop. Action was lackluster, I only remember the F1 scene (and that was given to us in a trailer) and the ending, which again killed off the main villain in an instant. Movie spent too much time advertising the Avengers, used up too much screen time with Fury and Black Widow. Too many storylines: he was in trouble for his suits, a feud with Rockwell, then Rourkes revenge, then Stark being poisoned, then Fury trying his Avengers recruiting, a love drama with Potts, drama with Rhodes, Rhodes hiring Rockwell, Starks daddy issues, etc.... It was all over the place. It's a clusterf---!

And not to mention that RDJ himself, along with Rourke and Favreu (the director) wasn't a fan of the film.

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Outside of the origin, IM1 was overrated to me, but definitely better than the first.

Iron Man 2 had nothing memorable about it except the race track sequence.

Iron man 3 had likeable things about it but they screwed the extremis storyline, which was disappointing.
IM3 had so much great things going on in the previews and teasers.

An army of suits, Mandarin (played by Kingsley) and Extremis. Those 3 could have made the film simply amazing but all were utterly under-utilized and simply wasted in the film.

If you it that way. Now I realized how they completely ****** it up :lol:

Those 3 things sort of defines Ironman and they didn't even get at least one right :smh:
I want to see what this whole marvel one shot with Ben Kingsley is about. It might rectify some things with the whole mandarin thing in IM 3
They should have done something at the end with Kingsley pulling a "the greatest trick the devil ever pulled.." Type deal and he really was the mandarin all along
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