CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLIDER (04/04/14) - BluRay 09/09/14

That is an ill *** helmet.

They did an excellent job of improving the overall design of CA's look. :smokin It looks a hell of a lot more believable now.
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Yeah even though I am not a fan of the extra padding, it looks a bit more realistic than just trying to make him look bigger physically.
A while ago, Hasbro has released a preview of this movies toyline and each figure comes with a piece of this robot and if you collect all, you can assemble this.
View media item 719730

Now they have denied that this is bot was going to be part of the movie but after this interview by the co-director of the film, can this be how Ultron is eventually made?

“What made '70s thrillers interesting is that it was a very complicated time.We were peeling back the curtain with Watergate and realizing how corrupt the system was,” says co-director Anthony Russo. “Now, again with the proliferation of social media, you can blow the whistle on the NSA and it can be round the world in 30 seconds. And we have the morality of drones. It is right to preemptively use them to kill suspected terrorists prior to any sort of trial? So the times we're living in are even more complex.”
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The bot I posted from Hasbro looks a bit like Mandroid so it is a possibility.

They could go with several routes with it. Have the bot/mandroid be controlled by AI or have the wearer has an AI companion a la JARVIS and either of those could evolve into Ultron. That seems a bit too simplistic though so I'd imagine they'd do something a bit different or as simple as that.
I wish Marvel/Disney had the balls to let Bucky rock the Captain America persona, even if for a few minutes on-screen.
I wish Marvel/Disney had the balls to let Bucky rock the Captain America persona, even if for a few minutes on-screen.
Unless Cap Dies in any upcoming films, the closest we see Bucky as Cap is whenever he picks up the shield.
I wish Marvel/Disney had the balls to let Bucky rock the Captain America persona, even if for a few minutes on-screen.


It'd make for a good story? More costumes/toys? What else can you really do with invincible/boy scout Cap as a character?

With villains becoming more and more evil, I wouldn't mind seeing a more ruthless Cap in a movie and we all know Steve is too soft.
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What else could you do with his character? Plenty. :lol:

You could bring back Red Skull or introduce Baron Zemo.

He has 7 decade history.
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What else could you do with his character? Plenty. :lol:

You could bring back Red Skull or introduce Baron Zemo.

He has 7 decade history.

eh, again, what else can Red Skull do differently than what he did in TFA? I'd be down for Zemo, but again, he'd just be cut & paste Red Skull. I really like the espionage theme they're going with for this movie and that's why my interest is high.

And so what if he has 70 years of history, his best story-arcs he had were coming back from the dead and Winter Soldier. Man out of time and his origins were already covered. Besides Baron Zemo, what interesting story has he ever had?

A-hole Cap from Ultimates was cool but he can't be the same as Evans/Rogers, so if you were allowed to let Bucky rock as Cap, how would that not be awesome?
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What else could you do with his character? Plenty. :lol:

You could bring back Red Skull or introduce Baron Zemo.

He has 7 decade history.

What would Zemo's costume look like in a live action film? :lol:
What else could you do with his character? Plenty. :lol:

You could bring back Red Skull or introduce Baron Zemo.

He has 7 decade history.

eh, again, what else can Red Skull do differently than what he did in TFA? I'd be down for Zemo, but again, he'd just be cut & paste Red Skull. I really like the espionage theme they're going with for this movie and that's why my interest is high.

And so what if he has 70 years of history, his best story-arcs he had were coming back from the dead and Winter Soldier. Man out of time and his origins were already covered. Besides Baron Zemo, what interesting story has he ever had?

A-hole Cap from Ultimates was cool but he can't be the same as Evans/Rogers, so if you were allowed to let Bucky rock as Cap, how would that not be awesome?

Forgot the name of the story but Cap has quit many times, they can that story. Now that Falcon is in the mix, it can easily be a Cap & Falcon movie and there are plenty of books they can cover with that team up. Cap has also "died" several times, Rebirth might be a good place to reintroduce Red Skull.

Ans speaking for Red Skull, you really think they can only come up with one story involving him? I mean really? You think all he could be in the film is trying to get the Tesseract?

Hell they can put both Zeom and Skull in the film together and have a Mexican stand-off.

And the hell is so fascinating about Bucky being Cap? I mean seriously, you want to see him don Caps shield for a minute as you stated and that is it, that accomplishes absolutely nothing. :lol:

At the end of the day you are crazy if you think Cap is as shallow as simply being a man lost out of time type of story. :lol:
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What else could you do with his character? Plenty. :lol:

You could bring back Red Skull or introduce Baron Zemo.

He has 7 decade history.

eh, again, what else can Red Skull do differently than what he did in TFA? I'd be down for Zemo, but again, he'd just be cut & paste Red Skull. I really like the espionage theme they're going with for this movie and that's why my interest is high.

And so what if he has 70 years of history, his best story-arcs he had were coming back from the dead and Winter Soldier. Man out of time and his origins were already covered. Besides Baron Zemo, what interesting story has he ever had?

A-hole Cap from Ultimates was cool but he can't be the same as Evans/Rogers, so if you were allowed to let Bucky rock as Cap, how would that not be awesome?

Forgot the name of the story but Cap has quit many times, they can that story. Now that Falcon is in the mix, it can easily be a Cap & Falcon movie and there are plenty of books they can cover with that team up. Cap has also "died" several times, Rebirth might be a good place to reintroduce Red Skull.

Ans speaking for Red Skull, you really think they can only come up with one story involving him? I mean really? You think all he could be in the film is trying to get the Tesseract?

Hell they can put both Zeom and Skull in the film together and have a Mexican stand-off.

And the hell is so fascinating about Bucky being Cap? I mean seriously, you want to see him don Caps shield for a minute as you stated and that is it, that accomplishes absolutely nothing. :lol:

At the end of the day you are crazy if you think Cap is as shallow as simply being a man lost out of time type of story. :lol:

You just proved my point, if Cap quitting is the only other notable thing he's done in 70 years, there's not gonna be much else to look forward to after Cap 2. And it's not just dressing Bucky as Cap, it's the whole new dynamic/arrogance he'll bring to the character of Captain America that'll make it interesting to watch since Ultimate Cap > 616 Cap. There's nowhere else movie Cap can go since he's already the heroic leader who sticks to what is right, black and white.

And yes, what else can they do with Red Skull besides (insert infinity gem here) to conquer/gain immortality...again? Answer that.
I mean it's kind of says something that Cap's second most famous story out of his 70 year history has occurred in the past decade. When it comes to the source material, there isn't THAT MUCH they can truly do with him. Sure, you can show flashbacks during his times back in the day, and him battling his old villains in the past and maybe in the present, but eventually that'll get old. It'll be best if they stick to what they're doing now, and have him stick close with SHIELD and make the movies more about political things and what not.
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Proved your point? I just provided 4-5 different stories from there. I mean if you are looking for a different story where the hero doesn't need to defeat a villain then you are in a wrong genre. Simply having Zemo try to conquer the world with a different plan isn't good enough for you?

And with Red Skull, so you do not want him to conquer the world? Well we may as well throw Loki out of the whole universe for his mischievous ways because that is all he do.

Might as well get rid of all the villains in the comic book because their goal is the same thing over and over again with that logic.

Red Skull could easily come back to exact revenge on Cap or SHIELD, not to just conquer the world. Red Skull also does not need to simply kill Cap, he has tried to destroy his image before or try to put someone he controls in Caps position. Red Skull has also targetted the political aspects of the US and another feuding countries and Cap will be in the middle of it all.

There was a point where Red Skull became a cosmic being too, that can be a future Avengers film but wait, he is going to try and conquer the world again, just like Thanos will try and likely Ultron (though by controlling the world which he thinks is wrong) so they might as well toss those ideas out the door. No, not another "taking over the world" story.

There's nowhere else movie Cap can go since he's already the heroic leader who sticks to what is right, black and white.

As for this, Cap isn't like Supes, he actually sees the grey areas and you can see it in the previews that he seems to be doubting SHIELD already. I wouldn't be surprised if he leaves SHIELD at the end of this film so no it is not as easy as black and white for him. He isn't always perfect, you can see that in Civil War alone where he flipped flopped and nearly killed Stark(?) but surrendered instead for the better good.
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I mean it's kind of says something that Cap's second most famous story out of his 70 year history has occurred in the past decade. When it comes to the source material, there is THAT MUCH they can truly do with him. Sure, you can show flashbacks, and him battling his old villains in the past and maybe in the present, but eventually that'll get old. It'll be best if they stick to what they're doing now, and have him stick close with SHIELD.

They can't really show flashbacks of him fighting other villains because he was frozen in CA: TFA right after his battle with HYDRA, before he can go into any more adventures.
They can't really show flashbacks of him fighting other villains because he was frozen in CA: TFA right after his battle with HYDRA, before he can go into any more adventures.
Didn't the film have small time jumps tho before he took the plunge to the bottom of the ocean?
They can't really show flashbacks of him fighting other villains because he was frozen in CA: TFA right after his battle with HYDRA, before he can go into any more adventures.
Didn't the film have small time jumps tho before he took the plunge to the bottom of the ocean?

Nah, he was simply eliminating HYDRA bases one by one. There wasn't a significant gap there to insert a major villain.
I think they can bring them back one by one and re-interpret them to the present time. Batroc and Crossbones are suppose to be in this film, likely as small time villains but they will be there.

It's not like there will be a Cap film every year. Bring back Red Skull or have him run Hydra or another villain that has a bigger plot, like destroying SHIELD instead of the world. Make Arnim Zola return and make you think he is in charge being that robot now or whatever. You can make that a 2-parter where you just tease Skull in the end and after that, you do not have to touch him again later on.

Or just go straight to Baron Zemo (could lead to Master of Evil going against Avengers?), they have yet to introduce Madame Hydra too. Jack O'Lantern can be an interesting villain though that isn't really Marvels route at the moment. Serpent Society for a good group battle, Dr. Faustus for a more psychological trhiller (though again not really Marvel/Disney-like?), Herr Kleiser (a chitauri shapeshifter) can be a good addition too, etc...

Though not really a Cap nemesis, I'd like to see Taskmaster in some shape or form and he can be a Cap villain in the film.

There are several stories and villains they can go, they can even touch up on Avengers villains, maybe The Hood? Loki? The Leader?
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