Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (November 4, 2014)

Just a reminder to those interested in joining the clan:

Name: NikeTalk
Motto: Tap Tap Pull

Search for it on the call of duty app on your smart phone to join

View media item 1251251

I'll also send invites to people i know are NT that play CoD on my XBL friends list
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so sick of putting a clip into someone and them not dying, i also run out of ammo so quickly since out of habit after i fire my weapon i reload and the bullets just go away they dont save like they used to
so sick of putting a clip into someone and them not dying, i also run out of ammo so quickly since out of habit after i fire my weapon i reload and the bullets just go away they dont save like they used to

Yes they do if you press reload once

They also do what you're describing if you press reload twice

You're either shooting from too far away, missing your shots, or a combination of the two if you're shooting an entire magazine of 30 bullets into someone before they die.
Frag grenades are useless. They look like Christmas ornaments coming at you, nobody takes full damage, a crappy lure at best. And what is this blue beam circling my guy trying to blind me. I know it's giving someone on the other team a advantage.
Not sure how to "follow" on Smartglass but I added whoever posted their GTs. If thats the same thing then lol
Im happy Xbox and PS people are at peace on this thread however no back and forth of who is better.
Game is enjoyable. Their is a small learning curve but once you get adjusted to the movement and you're decent with FPS games you can do work. I can't find myself playing hours upon end like MW2 though. Maybe cause I got older. Idk.

I'd definitely recommend the game to any Cod fans though.
Just a reminder to those interested in joining the clan:

Name: NikeTalk
Motto: Tap Tap Pull

Search for it on the call of duty app on your smart phone to join

I'll also send invites to people i know are NT that play CoD on my XBL friends list

Does this work for PSN people or na?

Try it... im starting to think not really...

I searched a few PSN names and they're not coming up :wow: :frown:
Gon rent it tonight on PS3, hope it's not drastically different than the PS4 version a la 2k
every year it's the same narrative from NT....many complain about the game, call it terrible, say there hasn't been a great COD in forever, YET, you bought it, still play it, but cry cry. Maybe you just need to try and enjoy it. Find friends to play with, just have fun. Kill time and relax

Every year someone also says this. Why do people take it personal if someone doesn't like a game? I give every game a chance and with game share I usually pay half or nothing for some games (share with my bro) so me getting the game is no large task. I' do pretty well on all games so the "you suck" argument is out the window.

Cod aW is small scale Titanfall. I find the AR to be the best in the game and the shotgun to really suck unless point blank. Spawns are hit or miss but that's to be expected now. Perks are harder to get which I actually like. Movement is better but I've found that camping (cod staple) is still the best. Bullets are at an all time low (3-4 kills and you're out). Maps are typical random building cod maps, no one map is really better than the other. I hate the half time breaks. Radar is still the same.

AR's are real good right now, the HBRa and BAL-27 are probably the only guns I use. They'll probably patch this soon tho to bring the SMGs up to speed.

Shotguns suck unless point blank? Isn't that the point .......

Spawns are whack, agreed.

Idk about the perks. What do you mean bout harder to get? I already found 3-4 I really like - low profile, lightweight, peripherals, cold blooded, toughness, scavenger.

Nah, run and gun/movement >. Sure you won't die when camping, but you'll be like 10-1. I'd rather go 25-11.

Half time dom breaks do suck.

Radar is a radar. It works.
Upcoming patch via: https://community.sledgehammergames...d-warfare-launch-week-and-updates-coming-soon

[QUOTE name="Michael Condrey"]

What an incredible first week for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare! It’s been three years in the making, and we’re so excited that our fans have finally had the chance to play as an advanced soldier. There's no greater feeling than being able to celebrate and play online with the community after putting this much care into a game. As the saying goes "The journey is the reward"; thank you so much for being with us on the journey.

Our team has been working hard on improvements to the game. We’ve also had our ears to the ground, listening to your feedback. Our commitment to continuing to support the game and community is as strong as ever, and we have the whole team focused on making the experience the best it can be.

There’s an update in the works that includes a number of polish items, fixes, and community requested changes. Below is a list of some of the improvements you can expect to reflect in-game soon.

Prestige reset issues, including emblems and challenges.
Adjustment to the in-game chat names notifications placement.
Fix for weapon reloads counting as speed reloads in certain circumstances.
Connectivity optimizations.
Fix for stats accumulating towards leaderboards after prestiging.
Adjustment to challenges to unlock Camos for weapons.
Fix for round-based game modes, affecting Win/Loss ratios.
Implemented ability to unlock eSports Rule options in Private Match.

Also, we've been asked several times about the status of dedicated server support. Activision shared this statement earlier this week:

Advanced Warfare employs game servers hosted at data centers globally on all platforms and listen servers as part of our proprietary matchmaking system. Our goal is to ensure the best possible connection and greatest gameplay experience regardless of location and time of day.

We hope you have a great Advanced Warfare launch weekend! We've activated DoubleXP as a thank you for the continued support from fans across the globe.

More news to come over the days, weeks and months ahead. Until then, know that we are listening, excited, and happy to be part of this with you.


Michael Condrey
Studio Head, Co-founder Sledgehammer Games[/QUOTE]
I'm really enjoying this..definitely a step up from wack *** ghost ..I haven't seen dudes camping either which is a plus
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