Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (November 4, 2014)

Okay, the flying around **** is kind of annoying now that I've played for awhile.

And I hate how every map is designed with vertical gameplay in mind.
so let me get this straight, folks just fly around on this game?
Really depends on how you play.. Most people just fly to the top and camp/ pick people off. But once you learn the maps and how to jump/dodge/shoot with the jet pack you good.
Just played online for the first time and I'm rusty but not bad enough to be at the bottom. I have a habit of jumping around lol. It's hard to shoot jumpers. The good players know how to flank and shoot behind me.
Im running the clan. Whats your GT.. I can invite you.

Or you can search for it on thr cod app.. its called NikeTalk [NTLK]
I did clan wars last year and im down this year.

U know its hard to get the NT partied up at times tho


The clans combine systems right? Like the clan can have people from PSN and XBox? I don't remember, its been a while since I dealt with the clan stuff.

Either way, PSN: LuokyBaby
Ugh....tonite online is awful.  Lag.  Freezing.  And why the hell does it take so long to patch into a game?  Like I'll be sitting there watching dudes play for a minute before I get patched in.  And I know it isn't my ISP.  
Ugh....tonite online is awful.  Lag.  Freezing.  And why the hell does it take so long to patch into a game?  Like I'll be sitting there watching dudes play for a minute before I get patched in.  And I know it isn't my ISP.  :smh:

Sounds like you have chinese internet breh
Ugh....tonite online is awful.  Lag.  Freezing.  And why the hell does it take so long to patch into a game?  Like I'll be sitting there watching dudes play for a minute before I get patched in.  And I know it isn't my ISP.  
whos your internet provider? might be the internet rather than the game.
Been like 12 hours and I can't get past the "Fetching Online Profile" :smh:

The only workaround I've found is if I accept a friends invite and the game starts before the error message comes up.
Sounds like this is a big improvement over ghosts, which is the worst game I've ever purchased.

Don't like the idea of jetpack and invisibility

How extensive is the Classic playlist? anyone still on 360?
invisibility is whatever. you can still see the guy pretty well

and am i the only one that rarely uses the exo abilities? it seems like i just forget about it :lol:
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Im running the clan. Whats your GT.. I can invite you.

Or you can search for it on thr cod app.. its called NikeTalk [NTLK]
I did clan wars last year and im down this year.

U know its hard to get the NT partied up at times tho


Yo could not find the clan
Yeah, game is buns at best. Titanfall with more guns and smaller map. Cod hasn't had a good game since 2009
every year it's the same narrative from NT....many complain about the game, call it terrible, say there hasn't been a great COD in forever, YET, you bought it, still play it, but cry cry. Maybe you just need to try and enjoy it. Find friends to play with, just have fun. Kill time and relax
The game is actually good. I like the jetpack it gets me to the action quicker. My kd has gone up significantly since I put a suppressor on my gun. Everyone reacts to gunfire on the mini-map and someone runs up right after a kill. Still haven't found a smg worth using. Shotgun kill reactions are funny especially when you catch someone that's never been hit by that shockwave before.
every year it's the same narrative from NT....many complain about the game, call it terrible, say there hasn't been a great COD in forever, YET, you bought it, still play it, but cry cry. Maybe you just need to try and enjoy it. Find friends to play with, just have fun. Kill time and relax

Every year someone also says this. Why do people take it personal if someone doesn't like a game? I give every game a chance and with game share I usually pay half or nothing for some games (share with my bro) so me getting the game is no large task. I' do pretty well on all games so the "you suck" argument is out the window.

Cod aW is small scale Titanfall. I find the AR to be the best in the game and the shotgun to really suck unless point blank. Spawns are hit or miss but that's to be expected now. Perks are harder to get which I actually like. Movement is better but I've found that camping (cod staple) is still the best. Bullets are at an all time low (3-4 kills and you're out). Maps are typical random building cod maps, no one map is really better than the other. I hate the half time breaks. Radar is still the same.

Way better than destiny but that's not saying much
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There are more elements to the games. Some people can't comprehend that and want a straight up run and gun game.

As of now i don't care for the game because the weapons feel like ****... However i haven't giving it a fair assessment.
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