Bulls offseason Thread

this has definitely been one of my favorite teams post championship era. they had so much heart and on paper werent even supposed to make the playoffs, let alone make it to the second round. if we had Lu, Derrick, and Kirk, i think we definitely could have gone 6 or 7 games.

the best surprise this season has been the emergence of Jimmy and the progression of Joakim. I think Joakim has become one of the best all around centers in the game.

I'm proud of the way Jimmy's game has matured especially his willingness to take shots... Just need him to continue working on that and become much more comfortable off the bounce creating for himself & others. But he looks good. We've all known what Bro was capable of... It was good to see him being able to showcase it and get respect for it (all star selection, all defensive first team) I'm genuinely happy with their progression and look forward to more of it.

i didnt really watch this season but always heard good things about the way nate and marco played for us, can we bring them back next year or no?

they are the two players I would love to have back... but with contracts like Kirks on the books it make it much much harder to manage. No way we should've given him the length/money he got :smh: But we'll see.
good hard fought year guys. obviously severely disappointed it ended but we will be back better than ever next year.

last night Barkley was saying we need another center to win like al Jefferies. thoughts on that?
Kirk plays well on SGs on defense. Nate can't handle SGs on defense. So you could always cross matchups between the two... Better to have that option. Or even for the depth purpose. Also another thing with Nate is he's the definition of a streaky shooter. I'd keep Nate. But having Kirk is a good thing to have.

Also I agree with UncleRukus. Not a Bulls fan, but I want you guys to finally beat the Heat. You won't do it with the Boozer & Noah combo... Not Noah's fault, but those two together causes a problem. And that is regardless of who is healthy.

You beat the Heat in a few ways. Having inside AND outside scoring. And playing defense. You have to have a good amount of everything.

Defense check.

You guys lack the insider scoring, and the outside scoring to out pace the Heat..

Boozer doesn't help you guys do any of that..

I am concerned with Kirk's health relative to how the Org decided to get him. He is breaking down quickly. The guy had 8 different injuries this season..not the same injuries mind you, 8 separate ones. This is why I made the earlier comment of amnestying him instead of Booz.

You're right about Booz and Noah especially against the Heat, but for all of Taj's strengths as a defender I don't think he can contribute offensively yet. I'm not sure who is obtainable that can provide consistent inside scoring with decent defense. Al Jeff is the closest that comes to my mind, but he is Boozer-like on D. However he does provide consistent inside scoring with a decent outside touch.

My hopes for this team in the near future are:

1. Rose to come back with a vengeance
2. Butler to come back with a more varied offensive game; better handle
3. Keep Nate....please
4. Mirotic to come over sooner, rather than later.
5. Thibs to really grasp his minutes management issue and to continue improving on adjustments in-game.
6. The medical staff to get scrutinized with possible changes
7. Jerry to open his pocketbooks
8. GarPax to think outside of the box, outside of the "character guys", washed up vets, and get CREATIVE.
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Whats the chances Rose takes control of the situation and changes his trainer? Yes I know he works out in LA with trainer Rob McClanaghan and that formula worked for a while, but after reading his trainer client list all of his athletes were injured most of this year or last. A change might be needed, its not like he 10 years into his career changing trainers, obvious choice Grover
1.come back full strength
2. resign nate & marco
3. jimmy can & will get better (which is nuts)
4. reddick or korver if we dont bring back marco
5. did i mention resigning nasty nate

full offseason together will do wonders...as long as everything isnt a damn mystery with the FO
1.come back full strength
2. resign nate & marco
3. jimmy can & will get better (which is nuts)
4. reddick or korver if we dont bring back marco
5. did i mention resigning nasty nate

full offseason together will do wonders...as long as everything isnt a damn mystery with the FO

I can dig it
I am concerned with Kirk's health relative to how the Org decided to get him. He is breaking down quickly. The guy had 8 different injuries this season..not the same injuries mind you, 8 separate ones. This is why I made the earlier comment of amnestying him instead of Booz.

You're right about Booz and Noah especially against the Heat, but for all of Taj's strengths as a defender I don't think he can contribute offensively yet. I'm not sure who is obtainable that can provide consistent inside scoring with decent defense. Al Jeff is the closest that comes to my mind, but he is Boozer-like on D. However he does provide consistent inside scoring with a decent outside touch.

My hopes for this team in the near future are:

1. Rose to come back with a vengeance
2. Butler to come back with a more varied offensive game; better handle
3. Keep Nate....please
4. Mirotic to come over sooner, rather than later.
5. Thibs to really grasp his minutes management issue and to continue improving on adjustments in-game.
6. The medical staff to get scrutinized with possible changes
7. Jerry to open his pocketbooks
8. GarPax to think outside of the box, outside of the "character guys", washed up vets, and get CREATIVE.

point # 8 is the most important........these guys settle for status quo and they completely over value their own players. i still can't believe we let asik walk instead of just signing him and either tradiing him or just playing it out
Ey yo...ST

you being too nice to those Miami clowns man....too nice. Respect is cool, but.............

i dunno, guess you dont feel the hate that I do for the team
Great article pretty much sums up what we all been saying
Scoop: Leave this Bulls roster alone
May, 16, 2013
2:51PM CT
By Scoop Jackson | ESPNChicago.com

The Bulls were able to get to the second round of the playoffs despite a depleted roster.
A message to Gar Forman: DO NOT TOUCH.

Please don't touch or do anything that would have any significant impact on this team.

We all know that it's almost by nature that general managers make serious changes or drastically "tweak" their teams in the offseason if they don't win their last game, but just once let this team be the exception to that rule. Gar, you've gotta let this one ride.

All you have to do is revisit this: Down by 18 to up by six at the end of the half. Press replay: Down by 18 to up by six at the end of the half. On the road. In an elimination game. With only two players in the starting lineup who were in the starting line up to begin the season. Against the defending (and possibly repeating) world champs.

That, to me, says it all. That, to me, is all you need to know.

That, to me, is why this team needs to stay intact. Not the team that took the floor in the final game of the season, I'm talking about the roster. At least, 12/14ths of it.

The way this team played throughout the playoffs showed everyone something that no one thought was possible. Hell, just as Jonathan Hood said, them "fighting through the overall loss of interest from the city with Derrick Rose not being there" is enough to garner respect due.

Their final 12-game run proved that if healthy and if given a chance, they can do way more than just compete for an NBA championship.

Gar, they earned the right to not be touched. Give them that for just one more season. Just one. Spend a few dollars to keep Nate and Marco. Maybe try to get someone to back up Noah who can play more minutes during the season than Nazr just so Jo's not worn out by April. Tell "Buckets" the starting two-spot is his. Tell Rip if he can do half of what he did in Game 5 last night coming off the bench for you next season, you'll find an executive position inside the organization for him. Let Taj know you still believe in him, but he's gotta play like he did when his contract was on the line. Add an extra team physician just in case this "bad luck" decides to hang around the team any longer.

In all seriousness, this team has given you -- us! -- a reason to continue this dream disguised as a two-season nightmare. They've earned the right to stay together one more year. They've earned the right to see this whole plan out. Because if/when healthy and all in ... dude!

All I'm saying here -- and I've had this conversation/argument with many people throughout the playoffs who feel you need to take some heed to what Reggie Rose was trying to say -- is that we've only really seen this team fully loaded and at full-strength once in the playoffs. And the same thing happened then that happened now: Miami got them in 5.

But what you have now was a much more difficult team for the Heat to beat than the one that lost in 2011. This squad is so much less one-dimensional.

The Five: Derrick. Jimmy. Noah. Booz. Deng.
The Next: Kirk. Nate. Taj. Rip. Marco.
The Extra: Elena Delle Doone.

The fight, desire, heart, soul, inspiration and pride will not change. It's going nowhere. They may even be hungrier and play harder next year out of some purposely false directed belief that this season was stolen from them; that these playoffs were supposed to be when they shook up the basketball world.

Which they did. But next season, they should have the opportunity to also win more games in that process.

If you know anything about this city (and Gar, I know you do), you know that we covet and love being associated with championships. But more important than that, we love being looked at and associated with teams that represent what we feel as a city represents us, who we are and what we to the core stand for.

What I'm saying is that here, in Chi, we'll take character over championships. All day, every day and twice on Sundays. As Noah said after the loss, "It's always about winning and losing, but I'm really proud of the character of this team." And it has been a long time since we've had a team 1) go out as strong as these Bulls just did and 2) represent who we are so well.

This team gave us all something to remember, hold on to and hope for over the summer. Gar, the least you can do is honor that by letting them stay together.

You said to me at the last game, "If you ever need anything." Well, I'm calling that in. I need you to -- for just one more season -- see what happens. Don't touch this squad, let it be, let it breathe.

I'm asking of you for the moment to not be a GM, just be a fan who witnessed something special and would like the chance to possibly see it again without corporate, medical or physical interruption.

If next year they aren't playing games in June, then tear it up. If another ACL is blown, if another foot gets plantar fasciitis, if another emergency spinal tap is needed, if another calf is severely bruised, if LeBron goes another 120 minutes in a playoff series against you without having a foul called on him, at least you can say that you gave this band of brothers a fair shot at doing something special.

More special than what they just did.

And at the end of the day, as a believer in what we've just seen from them, I think they're entitled to that.
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Whats the chances Rose takes control of the situation and changes his trainer? Yes I know he works out in LA with trainer Rob McClanaghan and that formula worked for a while, but after reading his trainer client list all of his athletes were injured most of this year or last. A change might be needed, its not like he 10 years into his career changing trainers, obvious choice Grover
McClanaghan is one of the best in the bizz, when you have alot of clients your going to have some of them get hurt. Grover trains kobe and wade and its not like they have stayed heathly the last 2 years.
I would like Derrick to train wit Grover but as long as he comes back healthy im cool.

How much do you guys want to sign Nate for? I just dont see it happening with cheap Jerry and being up against the cap. He would still be our third PG next year. He's going to cash in somewhere else IMO, and i cant blame him.

I would want to keep Marco over Nate, not based on player but based on fit.

I still say summer of 14 is when we bring in another big name. Amnesty Booz, Lu comes off the books, maybe Mirotic comes over.
i cant be ok with keeping the roster the same right now. you have to make a move now and beat everyone to the punch that is banking on the 2014 FA class

-move deng, like it or not we should move deng because he will get your something back. he is a vauleable 3rd option for alot of winning teams and he would be a 14 million dollar contract coming off the books, his trade stock would be high as hell.

if deng and others get you back a paul gasol,Kevin Love,Paul Pierce,Boogie cousins,LaMarcus Aldridge,ZBo, KG do you really say no? they all become legit 2nd options next to drose

Mirotic ant coming over for another 2 years, hell throw his rights deng and the bobcats pick and try to get Love,Boogie Or Lamarcus this offseason.

-get boozer out of here now, we have to cut his ***. his defense is horrible and he goes MIA on offense way to many teams. this team was dying but thibs still had to take this *** out because he was tired,in foul trouble or just a target on defense. we signed gibson to that contract to take over boozer spot one day i thought.

-i like nate and the heart he showed, but dont offer him anything more then a 1 year deal because a long term deal ***** up your cap. its not hard to find undersize guards who can score off the bench.

-front office has done a good job of restocking the bench the last 2 years so not worried about that much.

if the team stays the same then Teauge,Gibson and Bulter need to be working hard all summer because we will be counting on them guys heavey next year.
Only thing about trading Lu is you have to worry about taking money back, how much and how long. But im with you if you can move him for an upgrade do it.

I dont see us amnestying Booz because Jerry isnt going to pay him play elsewhere for 2 years. I share your frustrations with him but letting him go this summer isnt the move IMO. Taj's offense took a step back this year, some of it had to do with injuries.

But i do agree, the front office will get some servicable guys to fill the bench role
Ey yo...ST

you being too nice to those Miami clowns man....too nice. Respect is cool, but.............

i dunno, guess you dont feel the hate that I do for the team

trust me, i have a STRONG hatred for the Heat. i hate them more than the Pistons of the 80s and especially the Knicks of the 90s. but for me, id rather just congratulate the opposition and keep it moving than the harbor resentment. we have nothing to hang our heads about this season.

im only being civil to them because our time is coming really soon. i can feel it. cap space, age, and retirements are eventually going to break apart that team. Look where Boston is now. then, we can rub our success in their faces :smokin :smokin :smokin
Cant agree with the Lu trade, i think we getting a lil bold in the people you named that you think we could trade deng for. IMO dont undervalue deng talent on the court and his desire to play through pain and injury. I want fighter on this team straight up thats our identity and thats whats going to lead us
McClanaghan is one of the best in the bizz, when you have alot of clients your going to have some of them get hurt. Grover trains kobe and wade and its not like they have stayed heathly the last 2 years.

I gotta disagree here all of McClanaghan YOUNG star clients had significant injuries the past two years,and being a great basketball trainer and overall trainer is up for debate. Also if were being technicall grover works with even more athletes, wade actually left grover and thats when his health started declining, and kobe cmon that many games played and that age you cant avoid injury forever, until now kobe was the model of taking care of your body in the league..... i just think its something rose should consider
The only change I'd really want to see, is for boozer to either learn how to play d, or turn into a healthy Kevin Love.

you guys can blame your man arstyle27 for talking in the heat thread for this. remember when you had the best bench in the nba? you guys were to deep for miami and were gonna kill em on the glass. how'd that work out for ya?
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-Boozer will be with us for 1 more year ATLEAST unless somehow they find a trade that improves the team and works during this offseason/regular season. Financially this wouldn't be the year to amnesty him, next summer would be.

-We must explore the option of dangling Lu, I love Lu as much of any of y'all but we need a better ball handling 3... Lu is coming off the books next summer and we don't know yet what he'd be looking to command being it'll probably be his last big contract. You have to explore all options at this point, as Chicagoians we value our athletes a lot, some times to much and we rather go with our emotions then our mind, we must get better and get better now, if Trading Lu and Mirotic plus that CHA pick nets u a big piece for the future to pair with Pooh, u must entertain it.

-Would love Nate back and Marco, but I see us keeping only one at this time and it seems like it'll be Marco. :frown: with Pooh coming back and Nate I just don't see Nate getting enough minutes on the floor.

-Buyout Rip

-Jimmy work on off the ball bounce as Cake stated

-Pooh will come back better than ever, b'lee dat.

-Taj needs to get that knee healthy and truly come back and have a good year, for what he's getting paid he has to average double digits in scoring or rebounding, it's imparitave.
Cant agree with the Lu trade, i think we getting a lil bold in the people you named that you think we could trade deng for. IMO dont undervalue deng talent on the court and his desire to play through pain and injury. I want fighter on this team straight up thats our identity and thats whats going to lead us
deng is a very good player, and can be a great 3 option on a elite winning team, but rose needs a 2nd star player next to him and deng and noah are the only 2 players on this team that we can trade to get a 2nd star back, and i know nobody wants to trade noah at all so deng and his 14 million coming off the books become a key assest to get us some help.

deng is key on Defense but if bulter is going to grow and play like he did he can replace deng easy and be cheaper.

and im not sure whats your point about McClanaghan is. he had zero to do with rose coming back from his ACL. and most of his other guys hurt there knees. you really going to blame that on him. thats just nitpicking on a non issue
Sell high on Lu. Can't overvalue talent like they've done in the past, especially now.

THIS. If there is a BIG move to be made that requires him in it you have to do it as long as it doesn't include Bro... You definitely do it if you can move Boozer as well, I love Lu... I really do but if you can get a K.Love & another piece such as Chase for him, Boozer, Mirotic & Cha pick you have to make that move. If only for the fact that you don't know what you're going to get from Mirotic (what if we wait all this time and he's more Bargnani than Dirk) & whether or not Lu is going to price himself out as an option next year. Last thing you want is to let him walk for nothing like we did Omer, you want to get something good back.

We ARE buying out Rip for 1mil this season. So there's that, Good Riddance. :smh:
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