Bulls offseason Thread

I don't know why Bucher gets hated on so much. Maybe it's just an NT thing. He's a good reporter.

I'm not sure, maybe blowback from his guarantee of Kobe leaving the Lakers in '07?

Overall, he's pretty insightful to me. I just can't believe everything he says.
That play was one of the most garbage plays ive ever seen in a NBA game. total horse crap! :x :x :x :x
Stuff like this is what keeps the NBA back.

Why review that and not the earlier one?

How is that different than a tip or alley oop?
How to get textbook screwed out of a game

home court advantage away from the crib

i could go on
i mean i think it was goal tending i think thibbs problem was that they called the basket good so he was saying you cant look at goal tending then
We are forever lunch meat to west coast teams! I'm done watching the Bulls this season. I can't deal
I'm surprised I haven't heard a lot of Rose backlash here considering that just about everyone in town has turned on the guy.
I've been a fan of the kid since he was a frosh at Simeon, I'll be a fan of him regardless of this situation.

Regardless of the fact that I love my city & this team, it has become painfully evident that neither deserve him. :smh:
Because they have this fictional timeline as to when you're "SUPPOSE" to come back based upon what AD did and bc Rubio & Iman came back earlier, regardless of the fact that neither of them are Pooh, have/rely on his level of explosiveness, nor his level of responsibility. Along with the fictional belief that this team can contend with the Heat if he plays, even if he's only 70%.

However AD was the first to say that everyone's body reacts differently, and he credits his family genetics, called all of his aunts and uncle's physical beast. Iman has gone on record wishing he would've took more time to recover, that he wasn't ready, he just wanted to play and didn't listen to his body. Also stated that he fully understand why Derrick isn't back due to the load he has to carry and wanting to be able to do so, that he was doing the right thing trusting his body.

But these "fans" hear a doctor saying that it takes anywhere from 8-12 months to recover and automatically think he should be back in 9-10 months, and they expect him to be the superstar leader he was before hand as well. People can say they'll be fine with him being 70% but the minute he doesn't look like himself they'll be harping on him for bad play and calling for him to be traded, .

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I'll always be a fan of him but he needs to be more direct instead of dragging us along. I swear, we can be in the seventh game of an elimination game in the playoffs down 40, and he'd be quoted at halftime saying, 'I don't know if I'm playing this season yet. It might be tomorrow. It might be next year. Nobody knows but god.' ********. He knows. If you're not going to play just ******g say so.
Cake, I don't mind if he misses the playoffs at this point. I just don't buy that he doesn't know if he's going to return this season or not. At this point, he has to know. It's just ******** lol.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this was the company line he was fed and told to regurgitate. But still all of that would be a non-issue if every single reporter/fan wasn't in his face or on every message board asking the same question everyday.

The moment he said "I'll play when my body tells me I'm ready." that was it, that was all there was to hear. After that it should've been focus on the team at hand. But people are obsessed with this notion that he'll come back and save this team and reporters have this belief that they'll break the story of his return before the brass' reporters do so they ask the same question each and everyday.

If i was him I wouldn't have answered the question again after that first time.
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Honestly, he brings it on himself by saying stuff like 'I mig be able to play tomorrow.' Thibs too.
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The fact that Thibs continues to say the exact same thing as well is what makes me think its they're both regurgitating the company line.

Every since he's spoken to the media he's said "I don't know I don't have a time table, it's when my body feels right." sprinkle in a few "I'm not worried about it, I'm just focusing on rehabbing as hard as possible to get back to my team". While Thibs says "He's progressing as he's supposed to, he's right where he's supposed to be no further head or behind. He just has to keep working and progressing and we'll keep evaluating."

Maybe I'm overly critical of this FO but those sound like statements from up above to me.
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