Bulls offseason Thread

We want Love more than Melo. He's a younger player that has a lot more years left in his career, he can be plugged in quite well into our offense and our team defense can balance out his weaknesses on D. Assuming Rose comes back right then we can afford to lose a few key players in hopes of Love taking our team to the next level.

Melo would completely change the entire dynamic of our team and probably for the worst. He wouldn't be able to play with Rose effectively either
I dont think K.Love takes us up a notch
At all. Imo

Can you imagine him in an ecf against miami? I don't see any good outcomes

Now imagine Melo surrounded by great players and a great coach one step away from the finals..aw man sounds too good to be true..

we need this one bad guys.

I rather keep Taj n Jimmy than roll the dice on Love..
the word superstar means nothing to me

So a player who spaces the floor well, is one of the best rebounders in the league, is only 25 and is not in his prime, and is a perfect compliment to Rose won't take us up a notch, whereas Taj and Jimmy have likely peaked? Taj and Jimmy are great compliments to STAR players...they aren't going to get significantly better on offense and that's what we need to make it out of the East.

A Love/Noah frontcourt is way better than what Miami can trot out. That would easily be a matchup in our favor. No one's getting a rebound against those guys.

I'm not saying I don't want Melo. But if either is available, Melo or Love, you take who you can get. Both have the Bulls on their short lists. For all the *****ing and moaning I hear about the FO not being able to secure help for Rose, and when two stars reportedly want to play for the Bulls, you guys don't want to trade complimentary players for them? You don't build around complimentary players, you build around stars. Role players like Jimmy and Taj are easier to replace than to grab a guy like Love or Melo, period. If you wanna pay to play, you have to give something in return in order to get something.
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You don't build around complimentary players, you build around stars. Role players like Jimmy and Taj are easier to replace than to grab a guy like Love or Melo, period. If you wanna pay to play, you have to give something in return in order to get something.


Can you imagine him in an ecf against miami? I don't see any good outcomes
How about Miami not getting boards?

How about Miami becoming undersized?

How about Miami having to deal with an outside threat from a big?

How about LeBron not being able to hide on defense?

How about Rose having room to be creative with the offense with 3 shooters on the floor?

It can work EXTREMELY well as long as we find another shooter/athlete at the wing.

As I've said before though with Melo, he changes the entire dynamic of the team, and I don't think that's a good thing. So I'm big on Love right now
A i don't post much in here but yall high off that white if you wouldn't give up taj and jimmy for love. Just thinking about the pick and roll game with rosé and love made me not even care about the picks which won't play they rookie year much anyways.

If love say hey ill resign with the bulls throw the house.
Despite how great thibs is on the defense guess what our great defense is anchored by great defenders. Yall want to get rid of two guys who basically can shut down most not all of the league on the wing

Taj as a starter is going to feast on the league, he feasted splitting minutes. F it, at this point I could easily make a case for him being the best or 2nd best PF in the east next year as a starter. Btw Jimmy has almost doubled his points each year in the league. We are definitely not over valuing in this case, we haven't even got to see the best of yet. Please no one bring up deng to make a case because in the playoffs ( you know the games that count) his scoring and elite defense was obviously missed 4-1 all i gotta say smh. You can play the future card cool thats respectable and had to be done, but dont think we actually got better once he was traded.

Finally to sum it all up dudes hear that name kevin Love and get excited wonder how many of you really look into those stats. Kevin love is a talented player no doubt but against almost all top level defenses with the occasional outburst he reduced to looking average out there. In the end these moves are based on winning a title right... right? doesn't matter how great Love can be against other teams how good can he be against the teams you gotta go through to get a ring. You gotta make trades, understood this aint the one
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You don't build around complimentary players, you build around stars. Role players like Jimmy and Taj are easier to replace than to grab a guy like Love or Melo, period. If you wanna pay to play, you have to give something in return in order to get something.


I have been on this site forever and every year some of you same bulls fans don't want to trade Role players for a star to get better. you guys get to loyal to players on this team, I wish we could win it all with this roster and a Healthy Drose but the year we lost to Miami in the East Finals showed yall rose still needs a legit number 2 star next to him when he plays at a elite level

I really don't understand how some of you expect melo to become a different type of player with the bulls and don't want kevin love on this team for whatever reason. if we sign for melo your getting the same melo that can score at an elite level but cant guard anyone/lacks effort when things don't go his way and mental checks himself out of games
Ehh Love is a versatile scorer, can stretch the defense, and he rebounds, but I'm still not a fan. Slow laterally on defense, not a rim protector. His rebounding is nice but the Bulls are already pretty good at rebounding.

We trade our two best defenders for Love and we'll just be trading our offensive shortcomings for defensive ones.

More moves would need to be made afterwards if the trade happens.
Ive already said that Melo is priority #1 and the Bulls wont do anything until he makes his decision. Doesnt mean Bulls arent looking into other scenarios.

I have been on this site forever and every year some of you same bulls fans don't want to trade Role players for a star to get better. you guys get to loyal to players on this team, I wish we could win it all with this roster and a Healthy Drose but the year we lost to Miami in the East Finals showed yall rose still needs a legit number 2 star next to him when he plays at a elite level

I really don't understand how some of you expect melo to become a different type of player with the bulls and don't want kevin love on this team for whatever reason. if we sign for melo your getting the same melo that can score at an elite level but cant guard anyone/lacks effort when things don't go his way and mental checks himself out of games

??? Melo checks himself out of games mentally, he's usually the only one still going hard out there at the end of the games. and while Melo isn't an elite defender he's sure as hell not a guy who can't guard anyone, because i have seen him on numerous occasions guard Lebron James very well or any other superstar player at his position.

Melo on this team even w/o Rose makes this team the second best team in the East, Love - Taj & Butler makes this squad very questionable.
Not a bulls fan but those saying get rid of Butler and Taj, don't forget you lose your best player off the bench and your best on ball defender, You'd be trotting out a line-up(atm) of Rose/Snell/Dunleavy/Love/Noah. As great of a coach Thibs is there's only so much he can do with that line up on D.
I'd be lying if I said I saw us landing anything major/relevant this off season, and each report that comes out furthers that belief.
Not a bulls fan but those saying get rid of Butler and Taj, don't forget you lose your best player off the bench and your best on ball defender, You'd be trotting out a line-up(atm) of Rose/Snell/Dunleavy/Love/Noah. As great of a coach Thibs is there's only so much he can do with that line up on D.

I've been saying that for weeks, but certain Bulls fans think we're overvaluing Jimmy/Taj since Love is such a great player.

I'd be lying if I said I saw us landing anything major/relevant this off season, and each report that comes out furthers that belief.

Agreed, at best we'll bring the foreigner over :smh:
I'd be lying if I said I saw us landing anything major/relevant this off season, and each report that comes out furthers that belief.

Have to agree with Cake here... Not keeping my expectations high for a star player.

We need to realize that the decision is not ours to make, it is Anthony's or Love's. All we can do is make the best pitch we can to either guys and hope for the best.
I've been saying that for weeks, but certain Bulls fans think we're overvaluing Jimmy/Taj since Love is such a great player.
Agreed, at best we'll bring the foreigner over :smh:

I wouldn't peg Snell and Dunleavy as starters if that deal goes down... I'm pretty sure we wouldn't be done adding players. That'd be the tip of the iceberg.
Thoughts on Gary Harris a lot of ppl say thats the bulls target. Me and my boy been arguing about it, Harris is cool but personally I see a good spot up shooter, with great defense who would fit right in, however no real athleticism , cant really create his own shot that much, and slow foot work.

This draft is not as deep as they are claiming but they do this every year. Id rather take the project in Zach Lavine
so reggie rose told reporters rose is playing 5 on 5 and is 100% healthy..... and Mirotic was in town watching White Sox game with bulls owner. Hopefully we have a lot to look forward to
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