Bulls offseason Thread



I love it....... no idea what happens tomorrow but I hope to see the the real bulls the hungry ones in ya face ready for war they been mia. Nazr coming in there to get a flagrant lol

Srs question

Was it Annie version or Jay's?

And yes this series is over.
Been avoiding This thread due to the lingering hangover and disappointment after yesterday's loss.
Still I'm very proud of this team and shocked to see we even made It this far after all the players we lost this season.

None of us thought we'd get this far, and more importantly I know most of us wanted the Nets in the first round. If you followed basketball you would've known the matchup problems and the advantage that Wiz had in the backcourt....but I never would've expected to see our front court get dominated like this.

And over or not I like to see my team act like the team I come accustom to seeing. Highly unlikely but 8 teams have done it why not us. Clown if ya want

I'm with you! I ain't ready to wave the white flag just yet, and I certainly ain't trying To hear it from anyone here....is it improbable? Yes, bu it's not impossible.

P.S. if any of my Chi-town fam need F&F coupons for the outlets hit me up I got a few to spare.
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It could be worse, we could be the Pacers :lol:

Who knows what the offseason will bring but I just want to see Derrick fully recovered and hopefully put his bad injury luck behind him for good.
It could be worse, we could be the Pacers

Who knows what the offseason will bring but I just want to see Derrick fully recovered and hopefully put his bad injury luck behind him for good.
hes damaged bro. he's 3-4 years older. 3-4 years hurt n away from the game with no evolution to his style of play
I really really REALLY can't wait to see what this off season holds for us.... It's going to be a long one along with the Derrick watch
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We got that one pride win in but it's curtains for the post season.

We will need at least two great superstars to join our team along with most of the type of guys we hv now to make up the role players to get us another ring.

Cold part *pun intended* is trying to convince two superstars to come here versus other locations.
Washington has had chance after chance to blow us out, we've stayed close but our offense struggles so damn much. In a league of runs....we cant...we won't. ...season over.
I remember going to the opener, Derricks return, and it was so much fun. Great energy. Such high hopes.
And lets not start a seperate off- season thread. Keep stuff here. Ill be MIA for awhile, though. Need a break from all this.
Despite the horrible ending, and horrible start....it was fun. Another season in the books. My 25th as a die- hard Bulls' fan. I love my team i love my city. Lets do it again in October.
Gave us all the opportunities to pull this win out and we couldnt grab a damn rebound or put in an easy layup. So damn frustrated.
Wow blown layup looseball foul no call better team won simply said. BYE boozer its been real won't miss you. Get well Taj get well Rose Henrich its been real. Looking forward to the Bears season! !!!! See yall next season its been real :smokin
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