Bulls offseason Thread

Despite the horrible ending, and horrible start....it was fun. Another season in the books. My 25th as a die- hard Bulls' fan. I love my team i love my city. Lets do it again in October.
yes indeed I'm out here in Tacoma missing the city
I love the Bulls but this team BLOWS. that last 2 minutes of the game were pathetic. They got clowned on offensive rebounds.

This team needs to make some serious moves in the offseason. I'm so glad that i wont have to look at Boozer in a Bulls uniform anymore.
I love the Bulls but this team BLOWS. that last 2 minutes of the game were pathetic. They got clowned on offensive rebounds.

This team needs to make some serious moves in the offseason. I'm so glad that i wont have to look at Boozer in a Bulls uniform anymore.

Be ready for DJ not getting an offer and Kirk getting a 2 year deal..lmao
Good season y'all!!

Time to start transitioning into baseball mode till football season starts.
Time for Gar/Pax to start making them moves.

See y'all in the fall.
I got respect for you bulls fans, because of what yall been through this season. Especially with rose and deng. You guys have nothing to be ashamed about. Good series yall.
^DJ should be Derrick's backup.

I am also fine with Kirk walking.

Under the circumstances it was a good season.
Good season guys.
The very fist game this season Heat Vs Bulls is one of the highlights of 2014.

Hope you guys have a good of season, and gear up and try to get melo.
Good season Bulls. Didn't expect you guys to make it this far. Almost wish they wouldn't have made the playoffs. Better luck next year
I make jokes in some threads, but on the real I PRAY that D Rose can actually play next season.

and if you guys get Melo :x

Got the Central on lock.
Y'all already know the drill, smh. DJ shined most if not all of the season and will prob not be on the roster next season.

Wouldn't be surprised if jimmy is gone too and Booz stays.

We have a long way to go.
Boozer is absolutely infuriating to watch. I was getting pissed at him and he's obviously not on my squad, so I can only imagine how you Bulls fans must curse him out on the daily.

Well, I can't say that I'm mad at the outcome...but I would love to see a rematch next year with a healthy Rose at point.

Bulls have NOTHING to be ashamed of this season. Your team played with ton of heart all year.
This is the team that I expect to make the most noise during the offseason, but I'm wondering what would you guys like to see happen:

-Amnesty Boozer. This is probably a unanimous decision amongst the fanbase, Its happening.

-Bring players back. Hinrich? Is he coming back after this? I think Jimmer should come back and actually get a chance to play. I woudl say DJ is a given but you can never be too sure nowadays.

-In regards to this Melo trade, I've seen so many scenarios on it, that I can not even begin to decide what I think would be the most favourable option.
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This is the team that I expect to make the most noise during the offseason, but I'm wondering what would you guys like to see happen:

-Amnesty Boozer. This is probably a unanimous decision amongst the fanbase, Its happening.

-Bring players back. Hinrich? Is he coming back after this? I think Jimmer should come back and actually get a chance to play. I woudl say DJ is a given but you can never be too sure nowadays.

-In regards to this Melo trade, I've seen so many scenarios on it, that I can not even begin to decide what I think would be the most favourable option.

I'll take a stab because I had a meeting cancelled :

-Amnesty Boozer. This is probably a unanimous decision amongst the fanbase, Its happening.

I think he's gone..most fans have wanted him gone after his first season and a half as a Bull. He stopped talking to the media mid-season, and he publicly complained about minutes too so the writing's on the wall. Knowing the money holder, is he willing to pay Boozer not to play? Technically this has been going on all season :lol: Will he not be amnestied but brought off the bench instead? That seems like a remote possibility but you never know with this org.

-Bring players back. Hinrich? Is he coming back after this? I think Jimmer should come back and actually get a chance to play. I woudl say DJ is a given but you can never be too sure nowadays.

I prefer they bring back DJ and Jimmer for scoring off the bench. Defensively they're food but I really do not want Hinrich back. DJ had a terrible post-season so that may be a blessing in disguise in terms of teams looking to add him. I think that may drive his price down to Reinsdorf-levels.

-In regards to this Melo trade, I've seen so many scenarios on it, that I can not even begin to decide what I think would be the most favourable option

The Melo angle is tricky because as some of the familiar faces on this thread pointed out, it's a choice between Melo or Mirotic. Even with the $5 mil bump in the cap next season, I don't think we can afford both.

Without doing much salary analysis, I think we can bring Melo in only through a S&T. The most we can offer him as a FA is about $12mil, and I don't think he'll bite. Of course with the S&T, it's a question of which Bulls players will be part of the package and will the Knicks agree. I've been praying that Phil is secretly a Boozer fan.

This offseason is extremely critical. For the past 3 seasons they've been using band aids to try and address the lack of a 2nd go-to guy. I am actually glad the series was short because the band aids were ripped off and the flaws are clearly exposed. Thibs has been dealt some terrible cards and I'm not putting the entire blame on him, but I really hope he learns to be more flexible with lineups especially during the regular season.

We don't know how Rose will be next season, plus Noah and Taj are going to be 30 soon so the window for that core to contend will start to close soon.
And lets not start a seperate off- season thread. Keep stuff here. Ill be MIA for awhile, though. Need a break from all this.

i wont...just swap the title name

the last 2 mins were hard to watch ...when butler blew that lay up i died a little inside & slowly fell to the ground :lol:

**** was turrible

boozy OUT however it needs to happen
taj/jimmy/noah/rose all come back heatlhy(no parting with jimmy or taj for Melo...we need melo but CANNOT PART WITH THOSE PIECES)
resign dj & NOT kirk (even tho the exact reverse will happen)
get noah a backup
And lets not start a seperate off- season thread. Keep stuff here. Ill be MIA for awhile, though. Need a break from all this.

i wont...just swap the title name

the last 2 mins were hard to watch ...when butler blew that lay up i died a little inside & slowly fell to the ground :lol:

**** was turrible

boozy OUT however it needs to happen
taj/jimmy/noah/rose all come back heatlhy(no parting with jimmy or taj for Melo...we need melo but CANNOT PART WITH THOSE PIECES)
resign dj & NOT kirk (even tho the exact reverse will happen)
get noah a backup

Bruh. If ya'll get Melo and a healthy Rose with Jimmy coming off the bench and Taj/Noah in the front court :x

Nasty. Real talk I wouldn't mind seeing Chicago getting another title after that. It would just be too nasty of a squad.
What was the point of making the playoffs if you gonna go out like this? Pretty pointless to me!
What was the point of making the playoffs if you gonna go out like this? Pretty pointless to me!

c'mon son dont be that guy

you would rather they were the #10 seed not make the off's & watch the cats & hawks get in while they look from home?


the only reason were not talking about the ecf right now is scoring & there was NONE

was has the easiest costing to the ecf ever...especially if the hawks take down indy
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