Bulls offseason Thread

Rose played terrible down the stretch of the Philly game, it was one of the worst quarters ive seen him play in a while. Hes forcing things these first three games. Some are good shots that arent falling, others are shots that shouldnt be taken. I believe he will come back to form eventually. Its just the proccess of him getting back, gotta work thru it and take the good with the bad until he gets back.

Anyone else hear the report about the front office controlling the rotations more?

I'm fine with this and the hiring of Jennifer Swanson. Though I'm sure Thibs is not fine with it.

It's kinda buried, but here's the blurb link to the original article:

- Tom Thibodeau is one of the NBA’s top coaches, but when it comes to managing minutes of his top players, he is going to get some help. Even if he doesn’t want it. The Bulls’ front office has been taking an active role in telling Thibodeau how he’ll dispense minutes to Joakim Noah, among others. And these are two parties that have had their differences in the past. …

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/b...w-lebron-door-article-1.1504869#ixzz2jiUOQwXx

For the sheer comedic factor, I'd like to see Pax come after Thibs and try to choke him out like he did Vinny.
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At this point I'd rather Deng shoot the rock over Rose and Jimmy. Everytime Jimmy goes over for a jumper I honestly think the worse.

I actually want Jimmy to keep shooting and shoot more. He's been pump-faking into a crowd the last few games.

Gotta remember too that the starting lineup played exactly 0 minutes together until game 1. It's all a work in progress.

If the team's 3pt shooting is still an issue, then the FO really has to look into making some moves during the trade deadline.
Rose just needs to get use to the game and his teammates need to get use to his style of play again. I noticed in all 3 games so far, Rose was making some good passes that his teammates weren't reacting to as fast. Within time the team will be back to normal.
Pooh lost the game v Philly...

Prefer Luol shooting to Pooh...

Very interesting points of view.

I said "at this point" never said I prefer Lou shooting in general. Rose was big part of that reason for that loss. Go ahead and defend, it's cool, but the proof is is in the numbers so far. IMO, he won't be ready again till before AS break.

Did Pooh play badly? Yes... Is he the sole reason we lost? HELL NO.

How many times did we not finish plays with rebounds?

How many gimmies were missed?

How many poor defensive rotations did we have?

We preach push the player baseline to cut off a side of the court, do not let them drive middle, how many times did that happen for someone not to step up?

Our Defense is PISS ******G POOR right now. That's why we're losing games, we lost a 20 point lead. TWENTY POINTS.

But the reason we lost is because of Pooh's poor play and forcing things looking for bailout calls.... Which is an entirely different conversation in itself considering that he's actually getting fouled and has never been one to actually cry for calls, but I digress.

You want to blame him for shooting poorly? Go ahead. But also blame Luol & Jimmy for allowing Evan Turner to repeatedly beat them on backdoor cuts and score 20. Blame Boozer for not even attempting to rotate defensively on drives to the basket or on pick and rolls. Blame Jo for not securing rebounds. Blame Thibs for poorly managing the bleeding.

Point is while Derrick has been playing poorly and deserves criticism, there is a lot of blame to go around to everyone.

Again NOBODY said Rose was the SOLE reason for the loss. Defense is bad sure, but it doesn't help when they go on these inevitable scoring droughts where nobody can throw a shot in the ocean. We can wash this convo up to both bad o and bad d and if they don't pick it up a bad situation will get worse.
Again NOBODY said Rose was the SOLE reason for the loss. Defense is bad sure, but it doesn't help when they go on these inevitable scoring droughts where nobody can throw a shot in the ocean. We can wash this convo up to both bad o and bad d and if they don't pick it up a bad situation will get worse.

No, no one said it's solely his fault but even to say it's mostly his fault is choosing to ignore glaring issues with this team. It's only 3 games in but as it stands we are not the same defensive unit that we once were, we don't run players off the 3 line, we haven't been rotating to help, and we are not finishing plays, not to mention that we still STRUGGLE to score. Part of that is the bench being drastically less efficient on both sides of the ball with our losses, no one speaks on the fact that moving Jimmy into the starting line up actually hurt the bulls bench as well, and part of it is the starting unit being in a rut.

All in all **** what people are saying about this being the best group we've had in a long time, Thibs has a lot of work to do with this team.
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Again NOBODY said Rose was the SOLE reason for the loss. Defense is bad sure, but it doesn't help when they go on these inevitable scoring droughts where nobody can throw a shot in the ocean. We can wash this convo up to both bad o and bad d and if they don't pick it up a bad situation will get worse.

No, no one said it's solely his fault but even to say it's mostly his fault is choosing to ignore glaring issues with this team. It's only 3 games in but as it stands we are not the same defensive unit that we once were, we don't run players off the 3 line, we haven't been rotating to help, and we are not finishing plays, not to mention that we still STRUGGLE to score. Part of that is the bench being drastically less efficient on both sides of the ball with our losses, no one speaks on the fact that moving Jimmy into the starting line up actually hurt the bulls bench as well, and part of it is the starting unit being in a rut.

All in all **** what people are saying about this being the best group we've had in a long time, Thibs has a lot of work to do with this team.

I said this Sat night and people thought I was nuts. Buddy is NOT a starter in the league, not even sure if the potential is there for him to really be one. He's nice on the defensive end, but hard to watch on the other end most times. Bulls NEED another cat who can dribble and get his shot anytime he wants. Until that happens the Bulls won't do much outside of the regular season.
Lost in the praise of his early shooting streak from 3, Steph Curry is ahead of Rose in TOs per game. I actually thought Derrick was the clear leader
Saw this comment in the preview, and was attempting to respond to it before I got sidetracked at work. 

Steph Curry is a tremendous talent, but he is incredibly careless with the ball.  After our last two games (11 turnovers against the Clippers and 7 turnovers against the Kings), I fully expect Steph to lead the NBA in turnovers.  I think Rose turns the ball over entirely too much also, but I dont think he will be at the top come seasons end. 

Regardless, both need to drastically cut down the turnovers.
I agree that taking Jimmy off the bench thins the bench but to say he isn't a starter in this league is going too far. He's been without a doubt the second best player for the Bulls this season, the first being Boozer. (I never thought I'd say that)
Dope pic from Yahoo


... that i see is CA's new avy :pimp:

& da r entertainment da r entertainment u sure about Jimmy not being a starter in this league... he would start for damn near every other squad in the league over thier current starter without question IMO
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Dope pic from Yahoo


... that i see is CA's new avy :pimp:

& da r entertainment da r entertainment u sure about Jimmy not being a starter in this league... he would start for damn near every other squad in the league over thier current starter without question IMO

That's a reach. He would do well on a squad where his scoring wouldn't necessarily be essential such as a team built like the Heat or even the Nets.
Dope pic from Yahoo


... that i see is CA's new avy :pimp:

& da r entertainment da r entertainment u sure about Jimmy not being a starter in this league... he would start for damn near every other squad in the league over thier current starter without question IMO

That's a reach. He would do well on a squad where his scoring wouldn't necessarily be essential such as a team built like the Heat or even the Nets.

we can run down all 29 left bro

im 98% sure id have more teams once were done as far as jimmy > insert starter here

he's the goods & thats said outside of all my homerism bro .... any of our enemies would jump at the chance to replace thier starter with mr buckets
ahh man I just seen this report that thibbs and the front office is still beefin this is not good man anyways this Bears game about to start everything on deck I'm hoping for a decent game and not a blowout hopefully we don't get embarrassed on national TV
Wasn't coming in here expecting all this ... Yes we have issues to be worked out but 3 games in let's calm down let the team actually get going.

That jimmy not a starter comment c'mon really
Saw this comment in the preview, and was attempting to respond to it before I got sidetracked at work.  :lol:

Steph Curry is a tremendous talent, but he is incredibly careless with the ball.  After our last two games (11 turnovers against the Clippers and 7 turnovers against the Kings), I fully expect Steph to lead the NBA in turnovers.  I think Rose turns the ball over entirely too much also, but I dont think he will be at the top come seasons end. 

Regardless, both need to drastically cut down the turnovers.

Yup, agreed. I was skeptical that he'd make the transition to PG from college and I was wrong. I saw that Steph only had 2 to's last night so that's a positive trend. I enjoy watching the Ws play because they're so stylistically different from Thibs-ball, plus I've watched em through the years starting with the Run TMC teams.

With Rose, I attribute most of it to rust/forcing the issue, the team trying to implement newer nuances to the offense, and a general lack of court time with each other. I'm confident he'll cut down on the to's when all is said and done.
Rose is definitely just rusty, IMO.

And he looks like he did during his rookie year on defense. And that's not pretty.
Rose is definitely just rusty, IMO.

And he looks like he did during his rookie year on defense. And that's not pretty.
i actually think besides the 6ers game his defense has been pretty good. i agree with other bulls fans this lineup has never played together. they will get it together eventually as longs as the Front Office stop f****** with Thibbs
Its tough to believe Reisendorf would allow another gm/co-gm to chase away another damn good coach. Don't let Gar ******g forman be the one to chase thibs away.
Its tough to believe Reisendorf would allow another gm/co-gm to chase away another damn good coach. Don't let Gar ******g forman be the one to chase thibs away.

I'm all for canning GarPax. Teague doesn't look like he's going to be anything, and Snell, while it's too early to tell, he's really really raw.

I also don't know if this management team has the guts to pull off a huge trade were one possible.
Derrick can't have 4 bad games in a row..... Right?

..... Right?


i wouldnt think so

@KCJHoop : DRose said NBA told him he has to stop wearing tape on his neck


cause they cant sell it

cause they cant sell it

Yup... they can't market it to impressionable youth so it cannot be visible :smh:

@KCJHoop: NBA spokesman said after talking to union rep Jerry Stackhouse players can wear kinesio tape on a "experimental basis." So DRose can wear now :lol:
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