Bulls offseason Thread

Damn must have been a fun game to be at... great photos from both you guys. Love that rose ate Felton on that last bucket.
my picture from last night game
Damn great seats bro i know that was fun!!!!!!!!
 i wouldnt blame him for bouncing like Lebron if the front office doesnt get him some help asap. Ill still be a D.Rose fan till the end.
I agree we need to stay away from him. is anyone else worried D.Rose will leave the bulls if the front office doesnt bring in another scorer to help him?

The only problem i have with it is he has said he doesnt want to recruit anyone else. Hes a big enough name where if he calls you 95% of the league listens. He needs to help bring guys in.

He still has three years on his contract. If he doesnt start helping to bring guys in and the front office doesnt bring anybody in by then, then we get what we deserve if he leaves.
I know rose priority is winning, but you can also see the Love he has for that city, I cant truly see him leaving.

I know we need scoring, will never deny that, but can we let the season really get going before we focus so much attention on needing this second scoring option. I personally think if Boozer can keep up even 75% of how he started, jimmy gives us 15-18ppg, and the rest stay consistent we will be more than fine.

If anything my biggest worry is that bench scoring, holding my comments on Dunleavy till he has more games under his belt but i was never for this signing
I know rose priority is winning, but you can also see the Love he has for that city, I cant truly see him leaving.

I know we need scoring, will never deny that, but can we let the season really get going before we focus so much attention on needing this second scoring option. I personally think if Boozer can keep up even 75% of how he started, jimmy gives us 15-18ppg, and the rest stay consistent we will be more than fine.

If anything my biggest worry is that bench scoring, holding my comments on Dunleavy till he has more games under his belt but i was never for this signing
The big question mark is not only Boozer but Butler's 15-18ppg. If he can average 18ppg that would help alot but imo we need a knockdown shooter in the starting lineup if not then were going to continue see Rose take on a whole team in the paint. We have no floor spacing. This looks alot like the 2011 team where Rose is going to have to be Superman. He cant do it by himself for a whole season without breaking down. what you think bro?
I don't see Rose leaving. However, I do see Chicago trading him if he doesn't meet their expectations (winning championships with the inadequate amount of help they've provided him with) cause at the end of the day this is still a business. I know I may get flack for saying its not enough, but I feel that we still need an offensive weapon. If Boozers contract expires and we pay him, hopefully we can retain his services and hopefully both he and Deng accept cheaper wages. De Rozan would be a pick up.
The big question mark is not only Boozer but Butler's 15-18ppg. If he can average 18ppg that would help alot but imo we need a knockdown shooter in the starting lineup if not then were going to continue see Rose take on a whole team in the paint. We have no floor spacing. This looks alot like the 2011 team where Rose is going to have to be Superman. He cant do it by himself for a whole season without breaking down. what you think bro?

I honestly dont want to throw anything out there after two games we honestly havent even scratched the surface of the offense were only 2 games in with a starting lineup who have no rhythm, and a new offense. I think jimmy can knock down those open shots, and maybe boozer has finally earned some more touches.

My issue as before is this bench, I dont hate dunleavy I hate the role and value that management has put into him. Dunleavy is more of a player you add to your already decent bench not a player you sign to be the focal point of your bench (other than taj of course). You keep nate or Belli then add dunleavy then you have something formidable on the shooting and scoring end. (IF this was truly our big year as management claims then why not go all in)
I honestly dont want to throw anything out there after two games we honestly havent even scratched the surface of the offense were only 2 games in with a starting lineup who have no rhythm, and a new offense. I think jimmy can knock down those open shots, and maybe boozer has finally earned some more touches.

My issue as before is this bench, I dont hate dunleavy I hate the role and value that management has put into him. Dunleavy is more of a player you add to your already decent bench not a player you sign to be the focal point of your bench (other than taj of course). You keep nate or Belli then add dunleavy then you have something formidable on the shooting and scoring end. (IF this was truly our big year as management claims then why not go all in)
Yea i was hurt Bellinelli left. Nate Rob had no choice but i wish we could have kept both. Our bench is not as strong by any means compared to previous years. however i do like Kirk and Taj in that second unit. dunleavy(jury still out)had a good shooting year on a bad team(bucks)i agree front office might have overpaid him he looks uncomfortable right now but like you said its only 2 games no need to hit the panic button just yet lol
We need knockdown shooters.

Pooh will get back on track but his game will come back to him much easier if guys start hitting these open shots. Jimmy is capable of 15ppg I believe but he needs to really prove it.

Looking forward to tonight's game just cause MCW has been quite a surprise to me so far and I feel this is Derricks breakout game. The shots will fall.
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