Bulls offseason Thread

Jimmy lookin good out there. I like him in that role if he continues to produce like he is. Like the ball movement against Washington, great team ball even w/o Rose and Noah. This team can be a finals contender w/ one or two more key pieces and the confidence that they can win it all. They're the only team to actually go at Miami the way they do
They say its just precautionaru, no need to be anything but ultra conservative. .

K.C. Johnson ‏@KCJHoop

DRose: "I'm good. I could've played, but the front office made the decision to sit me out. I can't complain about that."

It was amusing to read the flip flop Bulls "fans" and "hockey" fans start tweeting nonsense to KC. :rolleyes
Jimmy lookin good out there. I like him in that role if he continues to produce like he is. Like the ball movement against Washington, great team ball even w/o Rose and Noah. This team can be a finals contender w/ one or two more key pieces and the confidence that they can win it all. They're the only team to actually go at Miami the way they do

Oh really? Lol most teams can be contenders with two more key pieces. I see what you're saying though.....but we're gonna compete for the championship right now.
So far the biggest jump in there game looks like Taj.... im optimistic this will continue in the regular season, he looks very confident in everything he is doing out there not a moment of hesitation
The Lawry's is real

As negative as I have been I'm glad the Bulls sat Rose.

I really think it was more of a middle finger to the league for sending them to another country for an exhibition game that was probably heavily attended by American Tourists.

You know the brazilians were looking at the wizards dancers like..."fat lazy americans. That's not dancing or booty!"
yeh that was a slap in the face of stern to sit them both but the team has to what is best for the team, not the league.

IMO, there is no need to continue the tradition of the global games, especially in season games. League pass is available worldwide and folks from other countries do travel to the US. They can pick up some tickets and check a game out. No need to wear our players out taking those long *** flights
Good Read....No one wants to admit it but couldnt agree more

Bulls will miss Nate when it really counts
October, 15, 2013
OCT 15
By Scoop Jackson | ESPNChicago.com

Bovada Sportsbook has the Chicago Bulls tied with the Oklahoma City Thunder at 8-1 odds of winning the NBA championship. Belmont Sportsbook has the Bulls at 10-1 odds, fourth overall behind OKC and the Los Angeles Clippers. That's all good. Encouraging. For now.

Back in May, I wrote a piece asking (begging) general manager Gar Forman and Bulls management to keep as much of the current team intact as possible. At the time, I didn't have the preseason or the regular season in mind. All I was thinking about was the defending champion Miami Heat and what it was going to take for the Bulls to (finally) defeat them.

Now that the season is about to begin, here's the on-paper reality: The Bulls will not beat the Heat (in a playoff series) with the team as is.

The reason: No Nate Robinson. And his absence probably will come back to haunt them.

Let's be real. As offseason signings go, re-signing Robinson should not have been that "b****" deal. With Derrick Rose coming back and Kirk Hinrich healthy and playing as his backup, there was no need for Forman & Co. to overpay Robinson to be a "one-dimensional, third-string" point guard averaging fewer than 10 minutes a game during the regular season.

Robinson, who signed a two-year deal for $4 million with the Denver Nuggets, wasn't going to average the 13 points and four assists that he did last season. And he wasn't going to have the opportunity or responsibility to rescue and resurrect the Bulls the way he did in last year's playoffs, where he led (read that word again) the Bulls to the Eastern Conference semis.

Robinson's job requirements would have changed and been totally reconstructed had the Bulls brought him back. And what the Bulls would have had to pay him for two years to watch him not do a repeat of last year's deliverance may have been too hard for management and fans to watch. Or accept.

Except for when the Bulls go up against the Heat in the playoffs.

It's a little thing that is more than likely going to happen in May, something the Bulls haven't been able to overcome twice in the last three years. The Heat have a plan when it comes to the Bulls that is more effective than the "rules" the old Pistons had in place for Michael Jordan.

And in 2011, they executed that plan to perfection. Putting LeBron James on Rose for 94 feet and 48 minutes. Turning the Bulls into a one-dimensional squad. Exposing them for being a team that relies on one player to control the entire offense. Proving that only one player on the team was capable of creating his own shot. Showing what a monolithic, elite NBA team looks like when the chicken's head is cut off.

The beauty and curse in this is that no other team in the NBA can do this to the Bulls. But the one team that can, will. Again.

Robinson, was kyrptonite to that. He was the one player on the Bulls roster last season who was the possible mythos/cure/solution not on the roster in 2011, when the last true playoff assessment can be made of how these teams really stack up against each other in a series in which everyone is healthy.

It's not about the stats or the algorithmic quantifications some overthinking fantasy GM will conclude or the $4 million the Bulls couldn't find to give Robinson as much as it is about threat and possibility. The threat of what he could do once on the court in those situations, and the possibility of those things happening.

There's a difference in this league in players who are not afraid of the moment and players who just don't give a rip. None of the Bulls are afraid of the Heat, that's clear. But when an entire nine-month season comes down to a 10-day series, every team needs more than one player that fear itself is afraid of.

So when the Bulls play Miami and LeBron takes it upon himself to make Rose's offensive life miserable -- which is something we've all seen before even when Rose was better than LeBron -- what matchup puts fear into the Heat? What player on the Bulls roster in that scenario has the ability to force the defending champs to call a timeout to rethink their whole strategy?

If that moment were to ever come and Robinson was still on the squad, I'd take the matchup of him and Mario Chalmers all day and three times on Saturday night.

I also know that with Robinson's ability to score and create on his own, he -- for at least seven games -- had the ability to remove the Bulls from the one-dimensional offensive stereotype that in the recent past they've proved to be their truth.

"I want a team to want me to be there. Not because somebody's injured. Not because somebody's down or 'We don't have this, we don't have that, so let's go get Nate Robinson,'" Robinson said in an NBA TV interview before he ended up signing with the Nuggets. "No, I don't want that. I want something that's real. Like I said, I want a commitment and that's something that I'm going to do. I'm committed to do my job and that's to show up every day, be professional, never late, work hard and perform at a high level, and I think I've done that throughout my whole career. ... God will put me on that team that will deserve me and that's how I'm looking at it."

The Heat will be the first organization to tell you that during the regular season last season, Ray Allen was probably worth the investment but not what they signed him for. They knew different. That one shot he dropped in Game 6 of the NBA Finals against the San Antonio Spurs, the one with 5.2 seconds left, the one that sent the game into overtime and gave them a second life -- the one that actually won them the championship before they actually won the championship -- was what the entire three-year, $12 million contract was all about. They spent for that, and that is how "chips" get stacked.

Allen was their one-man counterattack. Their "break glass in case of emergency." Where is that player on this Bulls roster? I'm not comparing Allen the player to Robinson the player. That would be insanity. I'm comparing principle. For Miami, he proved to be what every team trying to realistically win a championship needs at some point if it is serious about winning everything. That "other" dimension. The Bulls had that dude. Had him! Now that dude is going to waste away in Denver wishing he were back here while we'll be here mad that he's not.

Sometimes even the smartest people in sports tend to overthink, overanalyze, over-rationalize. Look at the big picture instead of every now and then looking into the impact a small detail can play in the overall scheme of things. For the Bulls, this might prove to be one of those times.

Players aren't perfect, but for some, the situation they are in is. Nate Robinson was not the perfect player for the Bulls, far from it. Flaws everywhere. But for what they need and whom these Bulls have to defeat in order to win it all, Nate was beyond being worth the risk and money.

I was told once that "teams should never let business get in the way of winning a championship." If the Bulls lose to Miami again in the playoffs, this time the Bulls can't say that they didn't have a solution.

They did. They just decided a solution wasn't really what they needed.
yeh but he's not saying anything new that none of us said in the summer. It was foolish and miserly to not bring back Nate and/or Marco. **** a luxury tax. The winners often are those that pay the money and take the risks. As immature as Beasley can be, that was a solid risk to sign him. Same with Oden. That team overachieved and stole a game from the champs. To not even give Rose and Nate a chance was silly. I hope it won't end the way he predicts. I believe my Bulls will find a way to win this being the third time(Charm right?). But if I'm wrong, sure I will blame it on not keeping Nate and/or Marco.

IMO Pax was given that job when it actually had been BJ that was groomed for it. FIRST MISTAKE. Gar I never even heard of before he was made the head puppet.

All I can do is hope that the main unit gets the job done. I want them to go through Miami. Don't want it easy with some other team knocking the champs off.
I would have loved to keep Marco. Play him in the second unit with Kirk and have him spare Jimmy some minutes.

We all know the Reinsdorfs are cheap as hell and its sad.
jr been caking off bulls for years then has fits the minute he needs to pay up...but why are we surprised, this is the same **** that dismantled a dynasty
jr been caking off bulls for years then has fits the minute he needs to pay up...but why are we surprised, this is the same **** that dismantled a dynasty

we have the 2nd highest payroll in the nba... you guys need to understand it wasn't possible to sign both. Nate wanted a multiyear multimillion dollar deal, he got 2/4 out of Denver when all we could offer was the minimum and the mini mle which we gave dunleavy. Marco could've been had for the mini mle but i feel he is not as good as Dunleavy.

This notion that the Bulls are cheap is a fallacy and it is getting old.
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Lol those stats are damn near identical last year so not sure about the he really outplayed him part... And not sure if you peeped how much better Marco got on this team as the year progressed. I'm taking the 26 year old who came up big for us plenty and can actually create over the 32 shooter
Lol those stats are damn near identical last year so not sure about the he really outplayed him part... And not sure if you peeped how much better Marco got on this team as the year progressed. I'm taking the 26 year old who came up big for us plenty and can actually create over the 32 shooter

60 points higher ts%, 100 points higher efg%, better rebounder, equal defensive numbers on a team without thibs coaching.... they werent close at all really. You also don't need a ball handler with Rose and Butler now....

Its right in front of you.... how can you not see he was better?
Idk I'm watching the game you seem to be focused on stats.... You made that clear with a statement like we got rose and jimmy we don't need players who can create Goodnight
we have the 2nd highest payroll in the nba... you guys need to understand it wasn't possible to sign both. Nate wanted a multiyear multimillion dollar deal, he got 2/4 out of Denver when all we could offer was the minimum and the mini mle which we gave dunleavy. Marco could've been had for the mini mle but i feel he is not as good as Dunleavy.

This notion that the Bulls are cheap is a fallacy and it is getting old.

Wrong, it's not a fallacy. Last year was the first time they dipped into the luxury, which was hilarious since they tried to be cheap but still failed and ended up in the luxury anyways(signing Kirk aka Hurt outright..lol). Why even go into the luxury when you've basically said it's a lost season without Derrick and signing all of those 1-year deals? Just so you can say, hey fans we do spend money!

You can't sign both, fine. But if you're going to dip into the tax anyways and you're in "win now" mode, why don't you try to re-sign one of those guys? Dunleavy's decent but would have preferred to have either Nate or Marco too because of their ability to create off the dribble. Not to mention either Beli or Nate were already familiar with Thibs' defensive system. Hell, even KC Johnson wondered the same thing.

Let's see if Michael Reinsdorf can buck this trend as it seems he's more passionate about the Bulls than his dad.
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