Bruce Lee Playing Ping Pong with Some Damn Nunchucks

ok the REAL dream matchup would be:


wonder how bruce would fare in the Octagon
A strong index finger is a potentially deadly tool in a fight.

Thats the reason he did those push ups and punched gravel open wasn't for show, it was meant to strengthen his fingers.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

he was like 140 lbs dude. mike tyson was a monster in his prime.

i don't want to derail the thread but come on man.



lol bruce less was like 0% body fat. he was a gifted martial artist and in very good shape, but he's still a skinny little dude at the end of the day. dude's pecs are like nonexistent. arms are twigs. sorry, no way he's beating up one of the best boxers of all time who has 60+ lbs on him.
Mike Tyson wouldn't be able to touch Bruce Lee. He'd be eating kicks all day while he tried to keep that leaned in boxing stance.

If you look at old footage, a normal person can hardly follow his roundhouse kick. A one-inch punch from this man would put a grown ++% man down, a guy whoweighed as much as Tyson, although Tyson could probably shrug one of those off. Just one though. Bruce would wreck Tyson, word to avy
LOL @ Joseph Camel, log off my dood......


See this pic right here? Not only would Bruce weave the punch, he would have kicked him in the knee then follow that up with a side kick to the head beforeMike regains his balance. Real talk.
I don't know @*%$ about Bruce,but is there actual footage of any of his real fights???

Where can i watch???
Originally Posted by morningstar7777

LOL @ Joseph Camel, log off my dood......


See this pic right here? Not only would Bruce weave the punch, he would have kicked him in the knee then follow that up with a side kick to the head before Mike regains his balance. Real talk.
lol yeah cuz all tyson could do is throw huge rights.

tyson is the furthest thing from slow or clumsy. get outta here with that mess about how lee would hit him before he knew what was going on.
I'm upset that many people are undermining Tyson's intelligence in and out of the ring.

He wasn't just a dumb powerhouse in the ring; exhibiting great dodging techniques, as well as being able to conserve and maintain his energy throughout afight so well.

That being said, I don't think anyone has the authority to determine who would win in a fight between Bruce Lee and Mike Tyson.
Obviously all you Bruce Lee worshipers are going to side with him, lets see Bruce Lee in an actual fight, not a 1970s action flick, because we can show youtyson in a fight, so lets see Bruce lee actually fighting. yeah...ill wait
^^ google is your friend... Bruce lee used to train for the craziest scenario's. He used to kick a 400 pound bag because he thought anyone over that weightwould not be able to physically walk around or move well enough to fight.

he had to slow down his movement to be captured on film "fighting".
It has been documented that he once kicked a stunt man/student and the guy flew back had his ribs broken, and yet the two people who caught the guy that flewback had their shoulders dislocated from the force generated when catching him.

No comparison
If Lee was so strong (which i dont doubt) explain how OPs video can be real? a nunchuck can break someone's bones, why wouldnt it bust the ping pong balls
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

lol yeah cuz all tyson could do is throw huge rights.

tyson is the furthest thing from slow or clumsy. get outta here with that mess about how lee would hit him before he knew what was going on.

I never said Mike was slow or clumsy, fact is Mike Tyson was a boxer, a boxer that probably has never experienced a blow from a kick, and wouldnt know how toreact from it. He has been trained his whole life to dodge punches, now I'm not saying he can't dodge a kick, but you're looking at an all aroundattack scenario from Bruce against 2 fists from Mike. Even an experienced great MMA fighter would have a chance against him. Imagine Mike trying to kicksomeone
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by apassionforshoes23

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

he was like 140 lbs dude. mike tyson was a monster in his prime.

i don't want to derail the thread but come on man.



lol bruce less was like 0% body fat. he was a gifted martial artist and in very good shape, but he's still a skinny little dude at the end of the day. dude's pecs are like nonexistent. arms are twigs. sorry, no way he's beating up one of the best boxers of all time who has 60+ lbs on him.

Bruce Lee will win in a REAL fight. Tyson would win in boxing. Boxing does not equip you with the skills to kick domes, grapple, or fight on the ground. Plus, Bruce Lee had a ridiculous understanding of energy... Tyson was just a dumb powerhouse.
lb for lb lee all the way. sure.

but people don't seem to grasp how much a difference 60 lbs of mostly muscle makes. not to mention a huge height and reach advantage. as a boxer, tyson would easily use them to his advantage,

people are so quick to discount boxing. i'd say it's just as practical as kung-fu and other martial arts in "real fighting," if not more so. only muy thai, BJJ, and a few others are without a doubt more useful.

lee would get murdered by tyson, he probably couldn't even get close enough to hit him most of the time.

lol@ tyson being a "dumb powerhouse." he was a great defensive boxer as well, not some idiot who just threw haymakers.

Dude...have you EVER seen a Royce Gracie fight from back in the day, before there was a weight class in UFC? The guy is a stick, yet managed to dismantlefighters twice his size every time. Size and power mean absolutely nothing to guys like Gracie and Bruce Lee...The only chance Tyson would haveagainst Bruce Lee is to get lucky and actually connect a power punch and knock Lee out. But for that to happen Bruce Lee would need to have an extreme mentallapse and decide to just stand directly in front of Tyson and fight. You need to stop, serioulsy, you sound like a dude with a grudge and no common sense.
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by apassionforshoes23

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

he was like 140 lbs dude. mike tyson was a monster in his prime.

i don't want to derail the thread but come on man.



lol bruce less was like 0% body fat. he was a gifted martial artist and in very good shape, but he's still a skinny little dude at the end of the day. dude's pecs are like nonexistent. arms are twigs. sorry, no way he's beating up one of the best boxers of all time who has 60+ lbs on him.

Bruce Lee will win in a REAL fight. Tyson would win in boxing. Boxing does not equip you with the skills to kick domes, grapple, or fight on the ground. Plus, Bruce Lee had a ridiculous understanding of energy... Tyson was just a dumb powerhouse.
lb for lb lee all the way. sure.

but people don't seem to grasp how much a difference 60 lbs of mostly muscle makes. not to mention a huge height and reach advantage. as a boxer, tyson would easily use them to his advantage,

people are so quick to discount boxing. i'd say it's just as practical as kung-fu and other martial arts in "real fighting," if not more so. only muy thai, BJJ, and a few others are without a doubt more useful.

lee would get murdered by tyson, he probably couldn't even get close enough to hit him most of the time.

lol@ tyson being a "dumb powerhouse." he was a great defensive boxer as well, not some idiot who just threw haymakers.

Dude...have you EVER seen a Royce Gracie fight from back in the day, before there was a weight class in UFC? The guy is a stick, yet managed to dismantle fighters twice his size every time. Size and power mean absolutely nothing to guys like Gracie and Bruce Lee...The only chance Tyson would have against Bruce Lee is to get lucky and actually connect a power punch and knock Lee out. But for that to happen Bruce Lee would need to have an extreme mental lapse and decide to just stand directly in front of Tyson and fight. You need to stop, serioulsy, you sound like a dude with a grudge and no common sense.

my dude... roy graciee

he wasent a stick he was 180 pounds lol

size does not matter !

roy gracie VS the sumo champ

180, VS 460 pounds and it goes to the ground.

and for the record, not only have i tried traditional chinese, japanese and korean MA

but when i was 13 i started taken muy thia and BJJ, i would learn other arts from my friends here and there

i am around 220 now, and my boy who's 180 mad me tap , that further disproves that weight is all

i mean in strikes i murder him, cause my back round in kung fu/ traditional MA and my muy thia , i also learned some wing chun, JKD, and here and there otherthings from friends and what not

but in grapples and throws ( he took ji jitsu , judo,aikido, tae kwon do and karate and was on his HS wrestling team/football team ) he has the upper edge, iwouldnt say total upper edge i madem tap a couple of times

the better trained one will win most of the time, not the bigger one

lee and gracie >>> tyson
Originally Posted by AirAsianJordan

Joseph Camel Jr

you usually make quality posts... but not this time SMH
I concur.

I didnt enter this thread bc its old news, just wanted to see what 5 pages of this was about...
Bruce Lee =/= royce gracie

Boxing is not on the same level as Jeet Kune do.

Boxing's advantages especially in Mike Tyson's case involve significantly more power, reach, possibly good ability to parry and move out of the way ofpunches/kicks

Jeet Kune Do's advantages are a wider arsenal of moves to attack with, greater mobility, more focused strikes.

Both Fighters are intelligent in respect to their styles, BUT if you put pure boxing up against pure Jeet Kune Do I have a feeling that Bruce would win if hewas able to dodge all of Mike's attacks while using focused striking on some vital points of the body, and also wearing tyson down from Tyson probablychasing him around. Tyson would win if he got off only a couple power shots to the jaw & ribs, and the reason I say that a punch in the stomachwouldn't have worked is because one of the main focuses of bruce lee's training were his core (abs, obliques, etc.)
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by apassionforshoes23

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

he was like 140 lbs dude. mike tyson was a monster in his prime.

i don't want to derail the thread but come on man.



lol bruce less was like 0% body fat. he was a gifted martial artist and in very good shape, but he's still a skinny little dude at the end of the day. dude's pecs are like nonexistent. arms are twigs. sorry, no way he's beating up one of the best boxers of all time who has 60+ lbs on him.

Bruce Lee will win in a REAL fight. Tyson would win in boxing. Boxing does not equip you with the skills to kick domes, grapple, or fight on the ground. Plus, Bruce Lee had a ridiculous understanding of energy... Tyson was just a dumb powerhouse.
lb for lb lee all the way. sure.

but people don't seem to grasp how much a difference 60 lbs of mostly muscle makes. not to mention a huge height and reach advantage. as a boxer, tyson would easily use them to his advantage,

people are so quick to discount boxing. i'd say it's just as practical as kung-fu and other martial arts in "real fighting," if not more so. only muy thai, BJJ, and a few others are without a doubt more useful.

lee would get murdered by tyson, he probably couldn't even get close enough to hit him most of the time.

lol@ tyson being a "dumb powerhouse." he was a great defensive boxer as well, not some idiot who just threw haymakers.

Dude...have you EVER seen a Royce Gracie fight from back in the day, before there was a weight class in UFC? The guy is a stick, yet managed to dismantle fighters twice his size every time. Size and power mean absolutely nothing to guys like Gracie and Bruce Lee...The only chance Tyson would have against Bruce Lee is to get lucky and actually connect a power punch and knock Lee out. But for that to happen Bruce Lee would need to have an extreme mental lapse and decide to just stand directly in front of Tyson and fight. You need to stop, serioulsy, you sound like a dude with a grudge and no common sense.
Royce Gracie used BJJ to subdue his much larger opponents. BJJ is completely different because it utilizes leverage to overcome strength/sizeadvantages. Bruce Lee was a striker, it's completely different and you would have to be a fool to compare the two. I think you guys are giving Bruce Leeway too much credit. Yes, he's a badass and one of the greatest martial artists, but come on, it's not like Mike is a slow fighter. Dude is lightningquick for his size.
Good thread, keep it going. i love both Tyson and and Lee

OP, I'm pretty sure the video was for a commercial. I just saw a parts of a History channel documentary on him a couple weeks ago.

And Bruce Lee died over 30 years ago, so if its only 20 something years old....
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Bruce Lee =/= royce gracie

yeah not even close bruce lee didn't even train for 1 on 1 fights so much as real-life street fight situations, which often meant fighting off more thanone opponent or being ready to. he was one of the greatest pioneers in the history of martial arts. i don't "have a grudge" against him, i'mjust saying he wouldn't win in a fight against a guy easily 50+ lbs bigger than him and way stronger.
Bruce would smash Tyson. He has enough knowledge to know what it takes to defeat a boxer. some grappling and kicks should do the job. end it with a nice rnc.He had power and speed too, he could take it AND dish it out.
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