Bruce Lee Playing Ping Pong with Some Damn Nunchucks

I love Tyson to death!!

But Mike in his prime wouldn't even have knocked out Ali, Foreman, Louis, Frazier...
^ what are you crazy? Tryson was faster and stronger than the all of them he would have killed Ali no way Ali could have taken punches like he did back them ifiron mike was throwing them
NT yall crazy...
are all stupid tryson would kill Bruce Lee in his prime
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by D723

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

he was like 140 lbs dude. mike tyson was a monster in his prime.

i don't want to derail the thread but come on man.

dude's pecs are like nonexistent. arms are twigs.
This is absolutely wrong.
do you not see the pic? do you not realize he was under 150 lbs? come on dude.

he was in incredible physical shape and had an insanely low bf%.

doesn't change the fact that he was quite a small dude.

Bruce Lee was 170 at his max if I remember correctly
30 pounds is alot
I dont see the point in dissing the both of these men to make a point
they're both great athletes
I wouldn't be able to pick a winner myself
From someone I know who has fought professionally:

"Tyson would have to deal with:

A) Bruce fighting out of a right lead. Orthodox boxers have to adjust for southpaw fighters, so this isn't a huge deal, however, when you combine itwith...

B) Bruce's refinements of the straight lead & his strategy based around interception would further disrupt Tyson's strategy.

C) Tyson would be completely unprepared for leg kicks. By utilizing footwork to maintain distance, Bruce would be able to jam Tyson's attacks with lead legside kicks (jeet tek), thus preventing Tyson from getting close enough to land blows.

D) Tyson, like all boxers, utilizes a stance that makes him extremely vulnerable to takedowns. Bruce trained with Gene Lebell, a Judoka & wrestler who eventoday is considered one of the best grappling coaches. Bruce's grapplin may not be modern UFC standard, but it would be lightyears beyond what Tyson wasprepared for."

There you have it.
Originally Posted by YDBoUnCe

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by D723

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

he was like 140 lbs dude. mike tyson was a monster in his prime.

i don't want to derail the thread but come on man.

dude's pecs are like nonexistent. arms are twigs.
This is absolutely wrong.
do you not see the pic? do you not realize he was under 150 lbs? come on dude.

he was in incredible physical shape and had an insanely low bf%.

doesn't change the fact that he was quite a small dude.

Bruce Lee was 170 at his max if I remember correctly
30 pounds is alot
I dont see the point in dissing the both of these men to make a point
they're both great athletes
I wouldn't be able to pick a winner myself
ive heard his weight anywhere from 130 to high 160s. in his "prime" though i'd say it was between those two, and i've seen the150 number thrown around a lot so i'm going ith that.

i'm not insulting him, i have a lot of respect for him and all the crazy stuff the guy could do. but i think it's crazy how someone who never fought inany elite professional sport of any kind could be thought to beat a prime mike tyson in a fight.

dudes are acting like tyson would be fighting with boxing gloves on. only throwing punches. nah. sure he's not gonna be able to grapple with lee, but whosays the fight ever goes to the ground? and weight is a huge advantage on the ground, regardless of your expertise.
Originally Posted by lilpro4u

I love Tyson to death!!

But Mike in his prime wouldn't even have knocked out Ali, Foreman, Louis, Frazier...

Ali would have beaten him, but Foreman would be to slow for Tyson and I see a 3 round war with Tyson being the victor.
Louis is one, if not the best combination punching heavyweight fighter I've ever seen, but he liked to wait and stalk his
opposition. Tyson is probably the fastest starter in the heavyweight division, and would KO him probably in two rounds.
Frazier...... very slow starter vs very fast starter..... If Frazier can withstand the early onslaught then he can win...
if not... Tyson KO.

As for the thread... I agree with Joseph. Mike Tyson was a beast and one punch from him, even if it grazed Lee, would
hurt him.
Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So you are saying he has some Chuck Norris in his blood?

no cant be i heard that Chuck Norris blood is so afraid of him it wont come out of his body he doesn't bleed

true story

This is a fact.
Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

^ what are you crazy? Tryson was faster and stronger than the all of them he would have killed Ali no way Ali could have taken punches like he did back them if iron mike was throwing them
NT yall crazy...
are all stupid tryson would kill Bruce Lee in his prime
Ali would have beat the piss out of Tyson. Tyson couldn't handle Buster Douglas.
Originally Posted by apassionforshoes23

Originally Posted by YDBoUnCe

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by D723

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

he was like 140 lbs dude. mike tyson was a monster in his prime.

i don't want to derail the thread but come on man.

dude's pecs are like nonexistent. arms are twigs.
This is absolutely wrong.
do you not see the pic? do you not realize he was under 150 lbs? come on dude.

he was in incredible physical shape and had an insanely low bf%.

doesn't change the fact that he was quite a small dude.

Bruce Lee was 170 at his max if I remember correctly
30 pounds is alot
I dont see the point in dissing the both of these men to make a point
they're both great athletes
I wouldn't be able to pick a winner myself

Lemme hop on the FF squad, hmm... Lesnar vs. Lee? Lesnar. LOL. That would be a muscular pancake.
Go Ahead
Some ppl have already picked their characters in the Dissidia thread I made
and only a few have participated
Spread the word if u can
I would make an official thread but all the Team threads were shutdown so thats a no go
Mike Tyson ate Bruce Lee's remains 13 years ago.
that crazy sob is still walking the means streets of ( where ever the %%%# he is)
Originally Posted by apassionforshoes23

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

he was like 140 lbs dude. mike tyson was a monster in his prime.

i don't want to derail the thread but come on man.

lol bruce less was like 0% body fat. he was a gifted martial artist and in very good shape, but he's still a skinny little dude at the end of the day. dude's pecs are like nonexistent. arms are twigs. sorry, no way he's beating up one of the best boxers of all time who has 60+ lbs on him.

Bruce Lee will win in a REAL fight. Tyson would win in boxing. Boxing does not equip you with the skills to kick domes, grapple, or fight on the ground. Plus, Bruce Lee had a ridiculous understanding of energy... Tyson was just a dumb powerhouse.
The world may never know. IMHO I think Bruce would win fights both in and out of the ring.
Mike Tyson in his prime vs Bruce Lee in his prime. This is not even a contest. Seriously. Bruce Lee would dominate Mike Tyson.

Lets look at this with some degree of common sense.

I dont think anyone would disagree that Mike tyson is not what we would call an intelligent person. In contrast Bruce Lee was an extremely intelligentindividual and insightful philosopher.

Mike Tyson in his prime was a skilled power boxer with tremendous hand speed. He used the fear of his power and hand speed to disrupt fighters mentally andbrute strength to defeat them physically.

Bruce Lee in his prime was a master of many different forms of fighting including: Boxing, Wing Chun, Fencing, Savate, Muay Thai, Jun Fan Grappling arts,Filipino Kali, as well as founding Jeet Kune Do( the way of the intercepting fist).

The sport of boxing is a classical form of fighting with fixed stances and positioning. Boxers use a series of punches to attack( jabs, hooks, check hooks,uppercuts, rabbit punch, etc), and bobbing, weaving and blocking to defend.

Jeet Kune Do is a non classical form of fighting which blends many different forms of fighting( Muay Thai, Western Boxing, Western wrestling etc) with anemphasis on efficiency, directness and simpicity.

The theory is to exploit, control and dominate your opponent's centerline.(The centerline refers to an imaginary line running down the center of one'sbody.)

All attacks, defenses and footwork are designed to preserve your own centerline and open your opponent's. Lee incorporated this theory into JKD from WingChun. This notion is closely related to maintaining control of the center squares in the strategic game chess.

Jeet Kune Do also uses techniques such as Simultaneous parrying & punching

When confronting an incoming attack, the attack is parried or deflected and a counter attack is delivered at the same time. Not as advanced as a stop hit butmore effective than blocking and counter attacking in sequence. This is also practiced by some Chinese martial arts. Simultaneous parrying & punchingutilizes the principle of economy of motion by combining attack and defense into two movements thus minimizing the "time" element and maximizing the"energy" element. Efficiency is gained by utilizing a parry rather than a block. By definition a "block" stops an attack whereas a parrymerely re-directs an attack. Redirection has two advantages: It requires less energy to execute. It utilizes the opponents energy against them by creating animbalance. Efficiency is also gained in that the opponent has less time to react to the nullification of their attack while having to worry about defending anincoming attack.

"To reach me you must move to me. This offers me an opportunity to take my longest weapon,my side kick and hit the nearest target, your kneecap. This canbe compared to a left jab butis much more damaging" -Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee was simply smater, quicker and a much more efficient fighter. Weight does not matter when fighting this man because Mike would not even get a chanceto land a blow.

Bruce Lee wins
if you think its real
if you think that's really Bruce.

As for Bruce vs. Mike, Bruce wins hands down, Mike couldn't even beat Buster Douglas
how is he gonna beat Bruce Lee.
The truth is that we will never, ever know.

Playing along, Bruce Lee could kick harder than Mike Tyson could punch. With his speed and power, he would have Tyson to the ground in no time. Sure, Lee was"tiny", but he was in the 100th percentile of strength for his size. Combine that with his incredible speed, and I don't see how Tyson stands achance. But again, this is purely speculation.
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