Bruce Lee Playing Ping Pong with Some Damn Nunchucks

bruce lee would win against modern ufc fighters, tyson , manny pac.

it wouldnt even be a challenge.. his training was far superior and he had crazy knowledge of the arts, weak spots.. pressure points etc.

he could out train all these guys NO PROBLEM

i bet he could punch harder then tyson no problem to.

wing chun is a very deceptive art when it comes to fist forms.

i learned bruce fights without gloves....nno ring, no rules....

he would tear him apart, he would tear brock lesnar apart .. how is he gunna catchem...

i started taken tradition chinese ( wu-dang and shaolin) ,korean and japanese arts since i was 2, when i hit 13 i was naturally big and bulky so i switchedover to muy thai and BJJ, my boy would also teach me boxing, kick boxing and wrestling, my bro has the P90x program and i would even do the kempo with him
there was no more room in weight training so they forced me in yoga..the teacher did tai chi moves so i was aight with it
.... now i am 205pounds.. i wouldnt even try against bruce lol
JaysRcrack explained it the best.

Bruce's style of fighting is way more advanced than boxing.

Who says power/strength wins in a fight? Thats just sheer ignorance imo, many variables come into a fight besides the size of your biceps.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Dead Stokc

but people don't seem to grasp how much a difference 60 lbs of mostly muscle makes. not to mention a huge height and reach advantage. as a boxer, tyson would easily use them to his advantage,

people are so quick to discount boxing. i'd say it's just as practical as kung-fu and other martial arts in "real fighting," if not more so. only muy thai, BJJ, and a few others are without a doubt more useful.

lee would get murdered by tyson, he probably couldn't even get close enough to hit him most of the time.

So u think Tyson could out move bruce?
The fight would be over before he knew it.
By the time Mike threw a punch, Bruce would
be in the locker room askin Don for his money.

all these urban legends about bruce lee make people think the dude was like a cartoon, faster than any human being alive, etc.

get a grip on reality for a second.

Well It's Obvious You Never Studied Or Watched Bruce Lee's Training Regime.. Coming From Me.. An Avid Bruce Lee Fan.. He Would Dismantle Tyson Now, AtHis Prime.. Whenever.. He Knew What Your Next Move Would Be.. His Reaction And Reflex Time Was Incredible And He Would Out Smart You With The Quickness..Don't Get Me Wrong.. Tyson Was Also Quick At His Prime But He Was A Big Fan Of POWER Punching.. By The Time Tyson Threw One Of His Devastating Punches..Bruce Would Have Already Connected On His Target And Moving Around For The Next Move.. So To Anyone Who Says Tyson Would Win.. You're All Wrong
Originally Posted by JaysRcrak

Mike Tyson in his prime vs Bruce Lee in his prime. This is not even a contest. Seriously. Bruce Lee would dominate Mike Tyson.

Lets look at this with some degree of common sense.

I dont think anyone would disagree that Mike tyson is not what we would call an intelligent person. In contrast Bruce Lee was an extremely intelligent individual and insightful philosopher.

Mike Tyson in his prime was a skilled power boxer with tremendous hand speed. He used the fear of his power and hand speed to disrupt fighters mentally and brute strength to defeat them physically.

Bruce Lee in his prime was a master of many different forms of fighting including: Boxing, Wing Chun, Fencing, Savate, Muay Thai, Jun Fan Grappling arts, Filipino Kali, as well as founding Jeet Kune Do( the way of the intercepting fist).

The sport of boxing is a classical form of fighting with fixed stances and positioning. Boxers use a series of punches to attack( jabs, hooks, check hooks, uppercuts, rabbit punch, etc), and bobbing, weaving and blocking to defend.

Jeet Kune Do is a non classical form of fighting which blends many different forms of fighting( Muay Thai, Western Boxing, Western wrestling etc) with an emphasis on efficiency, directness and simpicity.

The theory is to exploit, control and dominate your opponent's centerline.(The centerline refers to an imaginary line running down the center of one's body.)

All attacks, defenses and footwork are designed to preserve your own centerline and open your opponent's. Lee incorporated this theory into JKD from Wing Chun. This notion is closely related to maintaining control of the center squares in the strategic game chess.

Jeet Kune Do also uses techniques such as Simultaneous parrying & punching

When confronting an incoming attack, the attack is parried or deflected and a counter attack is delivered at the same time. Not as advanced as a stop hit but more effective than blocking and counter attacking in sequence. This is also practiced by some Chinese martial arts. Simultaneous parrying & punching utilizes the principle of economy of motion by combining attack and defense into two movements thus minimizing the "time" element and maximizing the "energy" element. Efficiency is gained by utilizing a parry rather than a block. By definition a "block" stops an attack whereas a parry merely re-directs an attack. Redirection has two advantages: It requires less energy to execute. It utilizes the opponents energy against them by creating an imbalance. Efficiency is also gained in that the opponent has less time to react to the nullification of their attack while having to worry about defending an incoming attack.

"To reach me you must move to me. This offers me an opportunity to take my longest weapon,my side kick and hit the nearest target, your kneecap. This can be compared to a left jab butis much more damaging" -Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee was simply smater, quicker and a much more efficient fighter. Weight does not matter when fighting this man because Mike would not even get a chance to land a blow.

Bruce Lee wins

Thank You.. This Man Knows What He's Talking About As Well.. I Like People Who Can Give Explanations Rather Than Just Saying Oh "Bruce Lee Cause HeWas Fast" Or "Tyson Cause He's A Beast"... At The End Of The Day.. Bruce Would Be Superior Over Many
I've seen tyson fight in real life, taking and receiving real shots
I've seen Bruce Lee Act in Movies.... did this guy fight for real outside of his acting... if so
where are the videos?
goons getting all salty. My man Tyson might lay him out if he happens to catch him, but my dood Bruce Lee is too smart for that matter.

Point blank period, Bruce Lee is %*+@@#@ great.

JaysRcrack got it down. A+
Originally Posted by seniosoul

I've seen tyson fight in real life, taking and receiving real shots
I've seen Bruce Lee Act in Movies.... did this guy fight for real outside of his acting... if so
where are the videos?
The Man studied under one of the greatest Wing Chun masters and founded Jeet Kun Do. He's not China's greatest icon just for his films.

There are films of his practice but you can imagine rare they are considering that a lot households didn't have cameras like we do now. Every once and awhile the History channel would run a biography about him, I'll try to find it later.
bruce could take tys
but hed have to stay on his toes, one connection and bruce would be sleeping
I love it when people who have never seen Bruce Lee in a real confrontation talk about how unstoppable he was.
i bet he could punch harder then tyson no problem to.

Have yall lost yall mind

If Tyson connected on one shot to Lee's Chin it would be curtains he would put his @#! to sleep

Yall really overhyping this ENTERTAINER
Yall are really ODing with the Bruce Lee hype. l saw some !!% on here about him spltting a soda can with two fingers or some wild !!% like that. Gimme a breakhere. This aint some cartoon.

Him and Tyson would be VERY interesting to watch but i can bet ya'll aint seen Lee fight outside of flicks.
what in the HELL does any of this have to do with "Bruce Lee Playing Ping Pong with Some Damn Nunchucks"
It seems to me the "buff" guys in here are blindly supporting Tyson, almost as if to tell themselves "yeah, I can rep 300 on the BP, I can takeall these lightweight dudes who know how to throw hands". Personally, I think Bruce Lee would win 9/10 times... the one loss being a successful blow byTyson.
Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

It seems to me the "buff" guys in here are blindly supporting Tyson, almost as if to tell themselves "yeah, I can rep 300 on the BP, I can take all these lightweight dudes who know how to throw hands". Personally, I think Bruce Lee would win 9/10 times... the one loss being a successful blow by Tyson.
No. I'm a little over 200 lbs.....and I'd get my #+# handed to me on a silver platter by Lee, no doubt about it. I'm not talking aboutmyself here, I'm talking about Mike Tyson.

I'll put it this way.

Anderson Silva has proven himself to be the best pound for pound fighter the MMA world has ever seen, IMO. And in the eyes of many as well.

But there's very little chance he would be able to win a fight against, say, Brock Lesnar, a very large, strong guy with pretty rudimentary MMA skills.

You have to understrand how important strength, size, and sheer weight is in a fight. That's the reason any fighting sport, whether it be wrestling,boxing, MMA, etc. is strictly segmented into weight classes.

A lot of you guys see Tyson as this oversized oaf who couldn't put one foot in front of the other and Bruce Lee as this lightning-quick cartoon superhero.Nah. Tyson was an elite combat athlete with incredible power, speed, and footwork. Bruce Lee was in very good shape and was skilled in a variety of martialarts. But he never fought on any professional level, and he sure as hell wasn't an expert in BJJ, muy thai, or any other practical combat martial art.
^i am around 230, started off when i was 2 with traditional chinese kungfu, korean and japanese MA , then got to big (naturally bulky) around 13 and startedmuy thia and BJJ ( plus i was taught other stuff from friends) ..i think bruce would kill tyson no problemo.
Theres a difference between combat sport and street fighting.

In the streets size means nothing.

You can't use small joint manipulation in the UFC but locking elbows and fingers in the street is the great equalizer.

Not to mention an eye poke or groin kick is a game ender.

Kareem Abdul Jabaar was seven feet tall and banged in the paint with the biggest and strongest that the league has to offer every night....a 5' 7"Bruce constantly tossed him around like a rag doll.

Martial Arts is the science of destroying the body. Its is designed for the smaller man to defeat the bigger man.

I have met 5 foot nothing Masters that bring NBA sized trained fighters to their knees in seconds.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

I have met 5 foot nothing Masters that bring NBA sized trained fighters to their knees in seconds.
OK and? I don't see a little dude like Lee getting close to Tyson.

One of the best punchers in the world + a huge reach advantage makes it pretty difficult for Lee to get in and do any real damage

And like you said, this is a street fight. No gloves. I don't know about you, but a couple punches from Tyson with no gloves and I'd be out cold beforeI knew what was happening.

You're making it sound like Lee's knowledge of martial arts locks, pressure points, etc. gives him this enormous advantage. I can't imagine a fightbetween these two ever going to the ground, so I don't find that to be a huge factor. No way he's taking down Tyson.

And like I said earlier, weight is a huge factor. A lighter guy who's an expert in BJJ still can have a hard time on the ground with a guy who's a lotheavier and stronger than him, for example.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Yall are really ODing with the Bruce Lee hype. Gimme a break here. This aint some cartoon.

Like that video someone else posted.

His kicks feel like getting hit by a car? How informative.

I like how they never use numbers of anything to support any of these strength claims. Just exaggerated descriptions.

And his 1 finger pushups and other feats are difficult, sure, but what's the difference between that and a regular one-handed pushup? Answer: a tough indexfinger. Wow, bet that'll come in handy in a fight.

"Extended v-sits?" Gives you no idea how long he does them for or how difficult it really is, but all that indicates is great abdominal stamina. OK,he was in excellent shape. Doesn't mean he was some superhuman fighter.
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