Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

Don't know if anyone else asked this, but i was listening to some podcast and they asked whether or not opening Season 5 with the flash forward at the Diner was a good idea or not. In particular the m60 in the trunk shot.

Maybe it kinda spoiled the ending slightly because by the time Ozymandias ended, we all sort of knew who the machine gun was for and maybe even the ricin.

What do y'all think?
Walt semi-won

Achieved the goal to get enough money to his fam for when he passed but tore up the family in the process.. hank died, his fam hates his gut, etc
Gilligan let Jesse live because he and the co-writers personally liked Jesse as a character

I already read that quote, and it has nothing to do with Jesse living in Alaska or living a peaceful life for the rest of his years. Obviously, the writers like the character. "Jesse" went from being killed off in an early season to being the "sole survivor" of the finale. That, however, was never the topic of discussion.

Again, taking the loose ends that were left into consideration:

The DEA will find the bodies, thanks to Walt. I'm pretty sure Marie has already blabbed about Jesse being at the house until every DEA agent in earshot has wanted to rip their ears off. I just don't see that situation just dying because "Jesse deserved to live." Look at the situation logically and stop injecting so much emotion into it and you'll likely agree. Jesse made it out and found peace. Keeping that peace will be the challenge.

In my mind:

Jesse already had a single car accident while celebrating. He's still waiting to be found.

Marie will actually end up falling back into her kleptomaniacal ways, get caught, and end up on Season 2 of "Orange is the New Black." Red starves her... bad.

Skylar reaches out to Ted and agrees that it's time to tell Walt Jr that he's Ted's son.

Walt Jr. rejects Ted once the legend of Heisenberg takes hold, he gets his money and develops the perfect breakfast cereal. All goes well, until he finds his formula being sold on the streets...

 at jessie in alaska

he has no money for gas, no place to live, no passport and is a wanted criminal with no criminal friends to help him out

how the hell will he drive to alaska?

Bryan Cranston was wearing that mask at comic con. Before he took it off I couldn't even tell it was fake.

Hank's arrogance got him killed.
if he didn't waste time calling Marie
& taunting Walt by waving at him he would've gotten away.
not to mention BS'ing with Gomez
about the Miranda Rights.
they should've given him a close up death scene
Instead of it being in the distance.
Gomez was a causulty of war.
following Hank despite him being insubordinate got him popped.

I don't think he would have been considered insubordinate. He already told Hank to take his guys off of the Jesse stakeout. Add to the fact nobody knew about the investigation Gomie didn't have to follow Hank.

1. It's left to your imagination. Considering how he overstepped with Gus at times and how he couldn't work well with Mike, we've seen Walt be a difficult employee. We've seen him take great pride in his work and his capabilities, so it's reasonable to assume he would butt heads with superiors or co-workers at other jobs. We can also assume he got some unfair breaks in life, he doesn't get a promotion or the job he was trying for, politics of the work, etc., all could be things working against Walt.

I never subscribed to the "Walt pity party" that his entire life until his 50th birthday the universe was intentionally making him suffer. There's no depth to that idea, so I prefer to think it was a normal combination of both. Walt had his own faults at the time, and he had some bad breaks as well, then at some point, you stop fighting against the current and just let it take you.

2. Gilligan said the writers settled on Walt poisoning Brock in his juice, since he was a teacher he could have easy access to a school to make a swap. It's as official as we're going to get. As for the ricin, considering Walt just built a device to fire that M60, I'm sure he could figure out how to reseal a package of Stevia. There was only one Stevia packet left, thus assuring she had to use that ricin poisoned one.

3. I'd assume the sound of a machine gun going off alerted somebody. The hideout was probably isolated, but not out of the range of neighbor's ears.

I can see Walt butting heads with people especially after what happened with GM. But it just seems like he settled over the course of time. Like he gave up or something. Even when they had that intervention with the pillow, he was saying how he doesn't make any decisions for himself.

As for the Brock poisoning, yes it was said that he did it at Brock's school. A fan also posted screen shots of the secretary at Saul's office shredding paper with the name of an elementary school and class schedule.
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:lol:  at jessie in alaska

he has no money for gas, no place to live, no passport and is a wanted criminal with no criminal friends to help him out

how the hell will he drive to alaska?

Not to mention Alaska might not be the best spot for a for a "former" meth head to settle down. :lol: The way the character was written, Jesse needs to be around a lot of positive people, all the time, in order to actually make something of himself.
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Don't know if anyone else asked this, but i was listening to some podcast and they asked whether or not opening Season 5 with the flash forward at the Diner was a good idea or not. In particular the m60 in the trunk shot.

Maybe it kinda spoiled the ending slightly because by the time Ozymandias ended, we all sort of knew who the machine gun was for and maybe even the ricin.

What do y'all think?

Somewhat. If they had given the M60 the Pulp Fiction treatment there would have been much more suspense. It would've been cool to force viewers to connect the dots between the dealer who sold him the first revolver and what was in the mystery package Walt gave him. It's nitpicking in the end though in all honesty.

What I do wish but won't happen is that in the DVD set there's a full interactive feature on backgrounds and the casts' opinion on each. Interviewing Giancarlo on Gus' Chile past, Dean on why Hank didn't have kids, how Skyler & Walt ended up together, etc.
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did anybody else think jesse was going to take off in that plane he saw when he was first brought into the aryans lab? 
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 at jessie in alaska

he has no money for gas, no place to live, no passport and is a wanted criminal with no criminal friends to help him out

how the hell will he drive to alaska?

Todds cut of the 70 mil was in the El Camino

JESSE WON can throw the all meth parties he wants and finally settle down with the gold digger he's dreamed of.
can you stop quoting him, making the block feature useless for me
I can't believe people didn't like the song choice at the end. It fits so perfect, almost like the song was made 40 something years ago for this ending. You have to listen to the lyrics.
These two lines really stand out:
-"All these days became so long." = The long days and nights that he spent perfecting his blue.
-"Did you really think, I'd do you wrong?" = He's not going to allow someone to continue profiting off his blue, especially at a lower quality. It deserves to be the best.
And then the final line is pretty self explanatory, "I would show, that special love I had for you, my baby blue."

Perfect. Kudos, Vince.
If you aint like the song sucks for you. great send off.

The song and the moment it starts reminds me a little bit of the Hurricane song by Bob Dylan as it comes on at the end of the movie.

Terrific all around.

Also yall should've known there'd be a select few complaining and moaning about the ending no matter what happened.
why would he back down? the DEA is his life and he is supposed to drop it because of a threat from his brother in law? i get that this is NT and people hate cops but come on now...
If the DEA is his life (which I agree with) then he should've died. He aint want to tread lightly so he was gonna die.
At this point, and with **** show, how could one not listen closely to the lyrics of every song used?

By the end, I was listening to every sound in the background, looking at every nobody in the distance, checking clothes, shoes, plates, car colors, **** got me paranoid as **** I would miss something. :lol:

It helped me anticipate things. Like Elliot and what's her name on the tv, I heard their voice immediately, even as he was changin channels, I knew who it was.

Gilligan trained us all well. :pimp:
loved the finale but anyone else dissapointed by that last scene with Lydia??

I thought she was GORGEOUS the entire series, when I seen that last scene of her sick and bed ridden it killed all attraction for me. :rofl:

Nah, she still looked good to me.
:lol:  at jessie in alaska

he has no money for gas, no place to live, no passport and is a wanted criminal with no criminal friends to help him out

how the hell will he drive to alaska?

Todds cut of the 70 mil was in the El Camino

JESSE WON can throw the all meth parties he wants and finally settle down with the gold digger he's dreamed of.

can you stop quoting him, making the block feature useless for me


Ive been blocked ? :lol:

I had no idea you cared so much...


If you aint like the song sucks for you. great send off.

The song and the moment it starts reminds me a little bit of the Hurricane song by Bob Dylan as it comes on at the end of the movie.

Terrific all around.

Also yall should've known there'd be a select few complaining and moaning about the ending no matter what happened.
why would he back down? the DEA is his life and he is supposed to drop it because of a threat from his brother in law? i get that this is NT and people hate cops but come on now...
If the DEA is his life (which I agree with) then he should've died. He aint want to tread lightly so he was gonna die.
well yeah, but you cant say that he thought that he was going to die. not even walt wanted him to die, but i do think that he would rather die than to let walt go
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